Core Memory (Lolix)

By CareNoOneGives

608 89 1

(Characters belong to RvB, owned by Roosterteeth. This is also a first attempt at writing and sticking to wri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Eighteen

27 3 0
By CareNoOneGives

Today was just one of those slow days among the two of them. Felix bored out of his mind had half-stripped out of his armor. Locus and he had just finished getting off of another planet, looking for more work to do to fix the wrongs of the past. He had removed his gloves, and chest piece, as well as his helmet, but other than that the rest of his gear remained on his body.

Locus had busied himself up at the front, picking their next destination. So, Felix took this time to watch some more video logs from his helmet cam, grabbing his phone and wire to plug into it. He glanced through the different files, trying to find where he had left off. Over the past year, he managed to get close to finishing up the visual logs. The audio ones he still had quite a bit to go. Finally, he had found the one he would be watching for the day and pressed play.

"So anyway, she comes up to me and has the audacity to tell me that I'm out of her league!" Felix huffed, recounting a story from two weeks back to the nearest person he could find, which just so happened to be one of the rebel medics. "I mean, what if I am too good looking? I mean i-it's possible- it's scientific-"

He was then cut off by the sound of yelling coming up behind him. He let out a sigh of amusement as he activated his hard-light shield, followed by a cough and groan of pain of his 'attacker'.

"No...fair...." The other had groaned from behind him while on the ground.

He couldn't help but laugh as the view then pans down to the teal colored armored male on the floor. He felt bad of course, but how well had he expected the attack to go when he screamed so far from behind him? It was bound to fail anyway. He decided he would watch the next video since he still had time.

" the stupid camera working?" He mumbled to himself, "God I swear if this shit is broken I'm going to be fucking pissed..."

"Hey Felix! Catch!"

Felix turned towards where the voice had come from, and it was once again the teal-colored soldier, who from earlier videos, learned his name to be Tucker. He had tossed a grenade at him, but when it was within reach, he caught it like it had been just another day at baseball.

"One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi-"

"Oh no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooo!!"

"Four Mississippi!" He wound back his arm as far as he could, launching the grenade back towards Tucker, watching as it exploded once it reached the male. He clenched his fist and did a small cheer as the video ended.

Despite how horrible of a person he was, he had to admit, his humor was pretty great when it came to some of these videos and audio logs, it was probably one of the few things he could give his past self when it came to any sort of praise.

He shook his head gently as he unplugged his phone from the helmet, tossing it aside with the rest of his discarded gear.

Once he was back to reality, he heard speaking from the other end of the ship, which had confused him as he and Locus were the only ones on board, unless Locus was on comms or talking to himself.

"Que esta pasando? Quién está ahí? "

He heard from a new, robotic voice. Slowly, he got off of the bed, peeking his head out of the room to try and see what was going on. There, he saw a brown helmet on the floor of the ship, but Locus nowhere in sight. Well, at least until he decloaked from behind said helmet, who seemed to recognize him.



Felix huffed as he was told to stay in the bedroom after seemingly scaring the robotic head after he had made himself known. He was quite pissed too, so pissed in fact that if Locus wanted to talk to him, they'd be talking armor to armor, no soft shit between faces till Locus gave him a good explanation as to why he wouldn't be allowed to come along. Hell, Locus even took the fucking robot head with him before even considering letting Felix tag along.

Then, the doors of the A'rynasea opened and he perked up, listening for Locus's familiar, faint footsteps, however, a much louder and careless set had clambered on behind the ones he knew well. A fourth person on the damned ship?

He heard quick rambling follow after for what had felt like an hour, only bits and pieces of what was being said was clear enough for him to make out as words.

"-Do you ever miss Felix? Hey! I'm orange, just like your last partner!"

He rolled his eyes at the statement, he could probably guess who this newcomer was just by past visual logs, though, he sounded more off than he had in the videos and audios.

Locus already sounded regretful of his decision to let the male on board.


"So. How do you feel about Cloud Atlas?"

A loud sigh had followed before the loud footsteps returned. The passenger resorted to walking around now that Locus wasn't paying any mind to him anymore.

"So, how lonely do you get on this ship? It's pretty small I can't imagine a big guy like you having much fun here, or any space really. Like seriously, your bed must be tiny. Speaking of beds, what color are your sheets? Mine used to be orange but then Donut took them to do something along the lines of fashion, and somehow they turned out fucking pink. I wanted to strangle him! I really did!" He neared the bedroom door, looking at it curiously.

"Grif, do not go in there," Locus warned, eyeing him from the front.

"Why not? Embarrassed that I'll see your bed? C'mon, we're adults here, we can handle shit like that. I told you about my bed, so there's nothing to worry about, and if there's some embarrassing shit in there, I won't tell anyone. Well, maybe Simmons, but besides that, no one, not a single thing." Grif rambled on, hand already on the handle of the door, turning it, and eventually pushing it open.


"Geez Locus, I already told you not to worry shit."

Felix equally stared at the orange-armored male at the door as he did him, the only difference was the purpose behind the stares.

"Uh..." Felix trailed, rather awkwardly, "I'm not here to kill you if that's what you're worried about?"

"For fuck's sakes you're supposed to be dead!"

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