And Then She Was Gone

By CerrahQuack

110K 5.8K 647

A perfectly planned and coordinated cross country trip sends a young woman's world spiraling out of control w... More

The Departure
Goodbye Alex
Heading West
Small Town Vibes
Coffee For Two
So Awkward
So What's The Game Plan?
Forward Down The Path!
Adapt and Overcome
Into The Wolves Den
Old Friends
Your Color Lacks Conviction
Tell Me More...
One Condition
On Our Terms
Happily Ever After
Sharing Spaces
The Guest Of Honor
Did He...?
Check Mate
A Challenge
Alpha Mathias
A Tense Exchange
Let Me Explain
Ground Rules
Candelit Dinner
Night Night
An Exercise
Cleanse Yourself
Time For A Lesson
The Mess Hall
A Change of Pace
A Fresh Start
Barbie Girl
Missing Pieces
Ying and Yang
A Compromise
The Beast
A Storms Coming
An Irregularity
Gentle Hands
Can We Go Already?
Home Sweet Home
More Chocolate Please
You're Beautiful
What Happened?
So Now You Need Me?
Baby Steps
Carried Off To Sea
Testing The Formula
What's the problem?
You Wont
Wounded Pride
A New Assignment
You Called Her?
A Fresh Start
Building The Foundation
Some Time Apart
Ill Be Waiting
A Long Day
Don't Make Me Change My Mind
It Takes Two To Tango
Gal Pals
Mathias: The Beginning
Pay Attention To Me
A Hard Lesson
It's all bullshit, right?
Little Wolf
The Alphas Kryptonite
Pick One
Disappointed Expectations
Routine Followup
She Took The Stairs
Thoroughly Spent
The Alphas Best Friend
Time To Change
House Warming
A New Routine
A Surprise
A Blonde, A Brunette and a Red Head Walked Into a Bar...
We Meet Again
Eat Your Words
You're So Annoying
Girl Time
The Domino Effect
The Betas Dilemma
New Developments
Measured Steps
I Got You
Whats Happening?
Alpha Mathias: July 1763- Trouble
You Need To Wake Up
The Past Meets The Present
Running Theories
The Rumor Mill
The Mad Queen
Set In Motion
Phone Date
Package Received
Elena: July 1763
An Error Of Dissociation
A Slight Delay On Pay Day
Internal Struggle
A Heavy Burden
A Perfect Night
First Watch
You're Not Forgiven
A Firsthand Account
Baby Sitting Detail
The Perfect Storm
It's Over
Battle Ready
Green With Envy
An Alternative Perspective
Growing Pains
Show Me
Boys are from Mars, Girls are from Venus
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Tangled Webs
Divided Interests
The Lazy Luna
Party Crasher
The Lunas Guard
The Missing Piece
Thank You
It Puts The Lotion On The Skin
The Love Of A Mate

Mr. Sensitive

647 36 0
By CerrahQuack

They were once again in the back of the limo, but this time it was a very different scenario between the couple, that had seemed to almost exclusively unfold for Marks entertainment as he sat across from them. Jason leaned in to try to slip kisses on her neck, she would lean away and turn her head. He tried to slide his hand gently into the skirt of the dress so he could delicately caress the skin of her thighs, she crossed her legs tightly. He gripped her chin to plant a kiss on her lips and she kept them tightly closed to not allow further progress.

Mark found their back and forth very amusing, never seeing his friend struggle so much to entice a woman. She seemed to have a steel reserve when she wanted to hold out, and clearly that's what she was doing now.

All the while moving her body in an alluring manner of ultimate femininity at the most basic of actions. The way she stretched her arms up and her chest popped out as her head tilted accentuating her neck with closed eyelids, or the way she sat in boredom with an elbow propped on her crossed legs with fingernails gently caressing at her plump red stained lower lip. Jason was thoroughly annoyed and she looked rather aloof, as if she was unaware of how she was frustrating him.

He ended up abruptly ripping her from the spot next to him and depositing her across his lap, his jaw still tense as he looked out the window in annoyance. One arm wrapped snuggly around her hips and the other running circular motions on the material of her dress right above her knee, these being necessary actions to quell his annoyance. She didn't struggle, there was no point. However, she was determined that he wouldn't be getting any further than that, which became evident as his fingers began to tease at the hem of her skirt trying to slowly make their way underneath the material, being quick halted and pushed away. 

"Please, stop being this way." He whispered into her ear very quietly in the softest voice, as his arm tensed around her hips and he smelled at her hair deeply. "I'm allowed to be proud of you, and want to show you off." His words flowing out to her, ever so gently in a pleading tone before he began to nuzzle his nose against her neck affectionately, he effectively disarming her as she sighed and leaned the side of her body against his chest as he planted kisses against her neck. Jason's hand now slipping only slightly up the gap of the skirt to rest his hand on the middle of inner thigh. A smirk erupting on his face signaling he had won, not going unnoticed by Mark who smirked himself at how well the two played each other. The beta beginning to think the whole mate thing might not be too bad after all the kinks were worked out.


Jason led Elizabeth into the restaurant by hand as Mark followed in tow. He spoke at the podium signaling their arrival to the maitre-d who promptly led them through the lavish restaurant with soft chatter, low lighting and an obvious air of aristocracy. They were led into a private room where six gentlemen and an older woman were already sat.

Everyone stood to greet the three, firm nods and handshakes were given to both Jason and Mark, and affectionate remarks on her beauty with softer handshakes were delivered to Elizabeth. Each mans eyes lingered for a moment on hers and they all at one pointed scoured her form while she was otherwise distracted by another. The older woman gave the gentlest handshake and the warmest smile to all three of them.

As Jason was pulling out the chair next to him to deposit Elizabeth beside him, he was paused by the older woman who went by Norma.

"Mr. Stone, might I tempt your beautiful fiancé to sit by me." Her hand gesturing to an unoccupied chair next to her own placement. "The three of us," she gestured to her grandson Alex, and her nephew Bryan who were similar in age to Elizabeth maybe a few years older, "have no real affiliation to this meeting and she may more enjoy her time spent with us."

"I'd like that." Elizabeth answered quickly with a nod before Jason could respond, a hidden annoyance brewing as he was about to decline the request. He gave a slow nod in acceptance before pressing a kiss to her forehead and gesturing a hand for her to go to the other end of the table before turning his attention to men who would be handling the meeting.

"Here let me get that for you Elizabeth." Alex said pulling out her chair and pushing it in as she took her seat.

"Thank you, you're too kind." She said with a gentle smile.

"Not at all. It's not often one sees such an fiercely impressive female." He said with a nod and a charming smile that showed a twinkle of warmth in his green eyes. "Mr. Stone is a very lucky man." He said taking his own seat now across from her.

"I think he may disagree, I tend to cause him some grief from time to time." She said, being very careful with her words and ensuring she maintained an appropriate conversational tone and verbiage for the atmosphere.

"Well, no good woman comes without a challenge." Norma said with a nod. "Men have to earn the right to be with us fair creatures."

"That is correct. I'm sure all the challenges he faces are greatly outweighed by the reward." Bryan added with another nod. "So, how did you two meet and fall in love, much to the dismay of the rest of the male populous?"

"Well, if you must know..." she leaned in to the table with a mischievous glint in her eyes as if she was about to tell a secret in a hushed tone. "He kidnapped me." Mark choked on his drink at her words as he tried to hold back an abrupt laugh showing he heard her. This meaning, so did Jason, who seemed to be intently focusing on the older men, as the two men surrounding Elizabeth laughed in unison with Norma. "It's true." She raised her eyebrows with a coy smile on her face showing she was speaking in jest.

"So if I wanted a beauty like you, all I would have to do is kidnap her?" Alex said with another laugh.

"Well... some heavy duty drugs helps the cause." She said with a light shrug causing them all to laugh again. Mark giving her a side eye glance of disbelief as she had them all laughing at her jokes.

"Noted. Kidnapping and drugs. I think I'll try that on my next date." Bryan said with a nod and a chuckle.

"It's the perfect mix for a well developed case of Stockholm syndrome." She said with a nod and a grin as the waiter walked around pouring them all a glass of the red blend for the table.

"You're very charming, I must say, Elizabeth. Usually someone of your standards has an stuffy air about them, of which I cannot detect from you." Alex said with a small smile as he began to take in more of her face, finding her entirely attractive.

"Yes, very charming, indeed. Do you have a career or
does the brute keep you locked in an ivory tower?" Bryan said with a smirk, playing along with her fun illusion.

"He used to. I still have flashbacks when I hear the jingling of keys." She said giving a laugh to which they all followed in suite with how quick witted she seemed to be.

"Oh, you poor thing." Alex played along in mock sympathy.

"Oh, don't be sorry for me. I'm now allowed five minutes of fresh air and sunlight per day. The situation has much improved." She said with a playful hand wave as if it was all a thing of the past.

"So that's how you keep a fair complexion. I like his method." Alex said with a nod and a smirk as he began to drink some of the wine placed in front of him.

"So what is the impressive Mr. Stone really like? I've always wondered about him, so hard faced and quiet." Alex leaned in closer to the table his volume lowering, Norma and Bryan leaning in as well in a playful manner enjoying the banter.

"He's an animal." She leaning in as well. "Half man, half beast." Her coy smile only causing them to laugh again.

"Like a centaur?" Bryan said as he thought of her illusion.

"No, no, no. Much too docile. Jason is very much an alpha male." She said with a hand flat on her chest as she swelled it up with air to simulate his broad chest.

"Alpha.. alpha.. alpha. Like a guerrilla?" Alex questioned feeding more into her fun repertoire.

"No.. afraid that's not the right pick either." She said as if pondering on what word would best describe him.

"Oh I got it!" Norma chimed in. "A wolf!" She said in excitement to which Elizabeth emphatically nodded her head with a point showing she had landed the mark.

"Yes! What a perfect description! A wolf, why didnt I think of that?" She said almost in a ditzy manner.

"And if he is a wolf, what does that make you then?" Alex said even more playfully drifting into friendly flirtation.

"Well, I guess that would make me his prey." She whispered back causing them to all laugh again.

"No, no, no." Alex said now stepping into full flirtation. "You're much too fierce to behold. I would say you're a lioness." He said with a firm nod.

"A lioness? Hm. I like it." She said with a nod and a smile of satisfaction.

"What do you do for fun Elizabeth?" Bryan asked changing the topic. "Us three know each other very well, you're the newcomer who has very much piqued our interest."

"Well aside from plotting my escape meticulously in a journal..." she said causing them to once again laugh. "I like to read, travel, do new things. I guess I'm a cookie cutter person." She said with a shrug.

"No. You're not at all cookie cutter. Quite the opposite." Alex said with a shake of his head, very much appreciating the pretty blondes conversation. "Have you ever been skiing?"

"No, can't say that I have. I'm quite accident prone." She said with a nod as she spoke honestly.

"I'm sure you'd be a natural. Our family has a cabin in Vermont that's quite expansive. You should come see it sometime, and I can take you on the bunny hill and show you how it's done. I'm sure you'd pick it up quickly." Alex said with a nod. "Your fiancé of course could come too, if he must." He said with a chuckle. "Wolves like the cold, do they not?"

"I'll keep it in mind." She said with nod and a smile. "Thank you for the offer." She grabbing her own glass of wine, feeling Jason's eyes now on her and deciding to take a sip and also not to return his look. 

"Oh, let's take a look at the menu before the waiter returns for our orders and we all look like babbling buffoons." Norma said diverting all four of their attentions to the menu, Elizabeth doing it for show as she knew Jason had already picked her option for her.

"Elizabeth, you should try the veal, it's fantastic here." Bryan said over to her before looking back at the menu.

"I'm sure Jason has already picked out the perfect dish for me, he seems to know me better than I know myself when it comes to food selection." She said with a nod, searching the menu to see if she could guess what he would choose for her,  before placing it down being sure she wouldn't be able to guess but knowing she would inevitably like it all the same. "Excuse me for a moment." She said quietly with a soft smile as she slid back her chair and began to stand up, the two men rising in unison with her following proper etiquette.

"Are you going somewhere?" Bryan asked in mild curiosity.

"The ladies room." She said a blush erupting on her cheeks at having to explain it to the two men.

"Making a break for it?" Alex said playfully.

"I'll never stop trying." She said in jest as she stepped away from the table and away from the private room, heading down the hall back the way she came. Hearing Jason excuse himself for a minute from the table as soon as she left the room, obviously in pursuit of her, her steps quickening a bit knowing he was most likely not happy with her jokes.

Finally, making it into the female bathroom door she saw first  the waiting area with lounge chairs, which she quickly bypassed and immediately went around the corner to delve behind one of the white wooden stall doors and latching it quietly into the locked position. Peering through the slits in the door to see if he had followed her in. She stood there for a few minutes and decided that she was just being paranoid as she heard nothing and saw nothing from her skewed view.

She shook her head feeling silly for the panic she felt, as she ran into the reprieve of the bathroom. Shimmying up her dress and down her panties so she could relieve herself. When finished and everything was back in order she walked over to the sinks and washed her hands, drying them on the soft cloth hand towel meant for individual use, which she promptly discarded into the provided basket. Now taking the time to smooth her hair and clean up her makeup, both seeming to be in still near perfect condition. Deciding she was done and ready to return to the table she walked around the corner and froze, seeing him standing idly against the entrance door with the door latched in a locked position and a foot propped up against the wood, his eyes closed and his head was leaned back as if he was giving them a few moments of rest.

"Having fun, Elizabeth?" He asked his voice low clearly indicating he was not happy in the moment.

"I was." She said with a nod, sidestepping from the smaller room with the stalls and giving herself more space to run in the lounge area should she need to.

"And now?" He asked in the same tone making no move to leave his current position.

"Why don't you tell me?" She said unsurely as she moved a little further into the room sticking close to
the far off wall.

"I thought you were planning on running." He said making it appoint he heard her jokes alluding to that.

"Well, obviously, I wouldn't  be able to do that at the moment." She trying to sound lighthearted with a nervous laugh as she gestured to him blocking the door, unseen by his still closed eyes.

His foot dropped from the door and he opened his eyes adjusting his head to stare at her with the black orbs. "You think he's cute? Handsome? Funny?" He said moving towards her direction. "Does he remind you of the other one? " his body following her side steps as he progressed forward.

"Jason, it was just conversation to pass the time." She said taking another side step which he followed in suit, the distance closing in-between them.

"By all means, Elizabeth, go to Vermont. Suck his dick to your hearts content." His words showing he had listened to every little thing said by her end of the table. "Lioness." His tone dripping with extreme possessive jealousy.

"You're being ridiculous right now." She said shaking her head.

"He wants to fuck you, you know." He said now being only two more steps away from her. "So does the other one. Want them to tag team you?" She took another side step which he quickly followed, he very much a predator and she absolutely being his prey.

"I hate it when you're like this." She said bitterly. "You literally brought me here just to inflate your ego and now you're pissed off someone finds me attractive. You can't have it both ways, Jason."

"Am I triggering your PTSD?" He said in mock concern, his eyes roaming her body as he stepped closer. "Should only strengthen your case of Stockholm syndrome, no?" He now being in arms distance of her.

"What do you want, Jason?" She sighed out in exasperation.

"I want you." He said sharply stepping forward and she stepping backwards until she hit the wall. His nose running against her neck and ending in her hair  where he continued to breath in her scent deeply. His arms straightening out so his hands could firmly plant on the side of her shoulders, and he took longer breaths in. "I want you to love me. I can't stand it when you ignore me. Giving your attention to other men." His hot breath lingering on her neck as he pressed more firmly against her, feeling the need to be in close contact. His line of thought showing his perception was far different from her reality.

"You already have me, you jerk. I do love you and I wasn't ignoring you." She said as if it should have been obvious but now realizing that instead of him getting annoyed at her jokes, he actually got upset and hurt by her words, leading to this moment of jealousy as he imagined their relationship weaker than what he thought it was. Piecing all his questions and callous statements together in this moment in complete clarity. "I told you I'm not going anywhere."

His hands snapped down to the skirt of her dress ripping it up and completely tearing her panties away before he hoisted her against the wall and began to unfasten his belt in rapid fashion before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He, in this moment, needed confirmation from her through her body, which he was immediately given with his first thrust into her already wet walls her throat erupting a loud moan before he stifled it with a firm hand pressed against her lips.

"You're mine." He said harshly into her neck as he continued to thrust in and out of her with possessively guided hip motions against her, the arm supporting her against the wall allowing his fingers to tightly grip at her flesh. His in and out movement corresponding in strength and intensity the louder her muffled moans broke through his hand. "Oh fuck." He said biting harshly at her neck, internally wanting to give her another fresh mark showing his ownership, not drawing blood but ensuring she would have a deep purplish bruise  before she returned, Elizabeth firmly ripping him off her neck by his hair and he releasing his hand
from her mouth to smash his lips against hers as he used both sets of strong arms and hands to pull her against each of his thrusts hitting her harder and deeper with each one. His tongue now aggressively battling hers as he claimed dominance over everything available to him in the moment. He pulled away from her lips continuing his onslaught, rattling the picture frames on the wall. "Tell me you love me" his voice throaty and harsh.

"I love you, Jason. I love you. Oh fuck, Alpha." She said hitting her end at the same time as he hit his own. Leaving them both panting and leaning into one another, as his hips slowed to a stop and he stagnated a little longer in her depths.

"I'm sorry." He said burying his head into her chest as he tried to collect his breath.

"Don't be. I should be used to your strange sensitivity by now." She said with a breathless laugh at how bizarrely he showed it as she kissed the back of his head. Appreciative that he was easier to deescalate now that they understood each other more clearly. His shoulders tensing for a moment at the word sensitive before she gave them an affectionate pat. "Come on, we have to fix ourselves and get back out there before they think I really did run away." She earning a small laugh from him into her chest before he nodded in agreement.

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