Beautiful Joy

By ChapterT

291 17 2

Fifteen year old Joy just went through the worst months of her life after the unexpected death of her mother... More



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By ChapterT

Sean's POV

Sleep didn't come easy last night, I don't think I've slept well since dad told us we have a sister. At first I thought it was due to being angry and disappointed in dad, but once the anger faded I still couldn't sleep. Anticipation took its place, I blamed my restless nights on having a sister out there I'd never met. I was certain once she was living with us I would finally get a good nights sleep.

Not! Now I lay awake in worry.  She seemed so small and sad earlier tonight, I just want to protect her and make her happy. I imagine it's what a new parent feels like.

Looking at the clock turn to yet another hour, I decide if I'm going to be awake I better at least get some work done. Powering on my laptop I answer some emails and review my current assignment. Realizing before I can accomplish anything more, I'm going to need caffeine.

Its not even 6am, I'm usually the first awake in the morning so I'm not surprised when the house is quiet and dark. Going to start the coffee I realize it's already on, which is odd but I'm so tired I wouldn't be surprised if I had made it and forgot. Not giving it another thought, I pour myself a cup and turn to go back downstairs when I hear a muffled laugh from outside. Walking towards the back door, I see Joy sitting on the pools edge, feet dipped into the water. She's still in her pajamas, with wild bed head and she's talking animatedly on her phone. Curiosity drives me to sneak out back and eavesdrop.

"Use the detangler spray first."

I hear a man voice but can't make out what he is saying.

"Don't give her a choice. Tell her if she don't let you brush her hair she has to get it cut......If threatening don't work bribe her with a sucker".
The man says something and they both laugh.

"Yeah ok, I'll call the girls tonight. Love you too dad".
She says and the light on her phone goes off. An awkward amount of time has passed since my snooping began and the sun is starting to rise.

"Morning" I say.

She jumps placing her hand on her chest. "Oh goodness you scared me, I didn't hear you come out".

Feeling guilty for spying I try to fess up, "Ya sorry I didn't want to interrupt since you were on the phone." I say smiling a guilty smile.

She doesn't say anything to that but stands up grabbing her mug to head in. "Thanks" she makes a gesture to the door "I'm gonna get another cup".

I follow her in to top off my own cup "Thanks for making coffee, I usually have to make it. Dad and Dave  get coffee at work and the others don't really like coffee." She fills both our cups and takes a sip before smiling.

"No problem, I'm usually up early and needing my coffee fix ASAP."

I nod and gesture for her to sit at the table, she looks nervous but does. "I wanted to apologize, I know this has to be a lot and it's crap we didn't know it was your birthday yesterday".

She shakes her head "Seriously it's fine, I already spoke with David. I wasn't expecting....."

I interrupt "Im calling a redo" she looks at me questionably. "We can celebrate today! Plus it will give us time to get to know each other. What would you like to do?"

At first she looks like she is gonna turn me down but than throws me a tentative smile. "Id like that! But I'm not sure on what to do, got any ideas?"

Really starting to look forward to the day I jump up from my seat washing our cups. This was a totally spur of the moment idea. I lie "Yeah I got some fun ideas! You go get ready, give me about an hour to finish a work thing up. Sound good?"

"Yep" she says still before turning to run upstairs.

Instead of working I start looking for an awesome place to celebrate her birthday. After finding the perfect place I take a quick shower before going back to the kitchen. Paul was up and waiting with Joy, he was talking and she was sipping on another mug of coffee.

"3 cups?" I said catching both of their attentions.

She smiled nervously gripping her cup close, "I might have a problem" she answers quietly.

I laugh but direct my attention to Paul  "Your up early".

"Woke up to take a lea..." he stops and smiles at Joy before continuing "ahh I mean to use the bathroom. Ran into my baby sis here and she said y'all were going out. I want to come too! Joy said she was cool with it, that ok?"

"Sounds good, let's head out."

We leave for the car, Paul running ahead of us yelling shotgun. Joy slides in the back staying quiet most of the ride, only talking the few times Paul ask her a question.

After a 30 minute drive we arrive at chuck-e-cheese. I was a little unsure if she would think it was childish, but who can go wrong with games and pizza.

"It's perfect" Joys says. She has the sweetest smile aimed at me.

We spend the morning and most of the afternoon playing games and eating cheesy pizza. Paul and Joy started to become really competitive; bickering about who had the most tickets and accusing the other of cheating.

In a moment of concentration she quickly tied her long wavy hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. With her hair away from her face you can really see or the freckles that are sprinkled across he cheeks and nose. Though she shares the same blue/grey eyes as me and my brothers they look so much brighter and captivating on her. Today she is dressed in a casual grey T-shirt dress, a flannel shirt tied around her waist and plain white shoes. I'm positive she doesn't realize how gorgeous she is, making me want to protect her that much more.

The more time we spend together the more she relaxes and the more I can tell how genuinely sweet and kind she is. It has me worried that she is oblivious to how the boys around respond to her. She has kept her focus on Paul and I. Though I have younger brothers I've never felt as protective Of them as I am of Joy right now. Knowing next week she will be spending a majority of her day around high school boys is a terrible thought but at least she has two brother in school to scare them off.

After playing every games a few times we counted our tickets. Paul had lost and was now pouting as we walked to the car.

"Shot gun" Joy said excitedly shocking both of us.
I couldn't help but laugh at Paul's surprised face before he answered, "kicking a man when he's down, I'm hurt".

Joy tried to look ashamed, looking down to her feet before handing Paul a sucker she had traded for her tickets and getting into the front seat.

"Thanks Sean that was a fun day" Joy said.

"What, you think that's all?" I challenge

Her eye brows raise up making her eyes seem large and bright. She doesn't respond waiting for me to answer. Instead I crank up the radio and pull into traffic, not yet ready for this day to end.

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