The Mate I didn't want

By ClarkeHopper

114K 3.3K 116

Iris and her friends ran away from there abusive pack. They have been running from there pack for years now b... More

Back To The Beginning
The Beginning
Characters Part 2
Welcome to the Pack
Sleeping Arrangements
The Memory of Pain
Her Story
The Hunters
Training Time/Characters 3
The Plan
Escape into the Night
Where Is She?/ The Arrival
Her Powers
Back to Pain
A New Strength
The Truth
My Powers
The Monster is Back
The Pain of a Daughter
A New Plan
The Final Battle
The Clean Up
Finally Becoming One
Our Life (Epilogue)
New Story

The Meeting

6.3K 211 7
By ClarkeHopper

Raina's POV

I was sleeping peacefully in between my two favorite people in the world when suddenly I heard screaming from down stairs. Then someone burst into to my room and I jump. "Alpha! The scouts spotted 3 unknown wolves at the edge of the town!" said the person who had just entered my room. When I finally got up I realized this person was my Beta otherwise known as Jake and my very bestfriend.



Name: Jacob (Jake) Lawson

Mate: Unknown

Age: 19


Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Likes: Raina (Bestfriend), cars, sports, and skateboarding

Dislikes: VEGETABLES!!!, people who hurt people he loves, and snakes

Wolf Name: Luka

Wolf Type: Beta

Wolf Personality: Calm, and Protective

Fur Color: Light Brown and White

Eye Color: Yellow


"Ok, Jake calm down and then wake the pack up and will all go together." "Got it!" Jake ran out of the room to go wake the pack up. I quickly get up and then go to wake up my to mates. "Skylar, Abby you gotta wake up." "What's Up" said both. "We got 3 rogues on the outskirts of town, we all have to go over and check it out." "Ok!" said both and we all got up and dressed quickly.


Iris's POV

"Iris can we please stop here I'm so tired" said Leo "Fine but we start moving again in five" The boys both ran over to a tree to sit and rest. I was walking over to go sit with them when the smell of many wolves instantly rushes into my nose. "Boys! We have to go now!" instantly I shifted into my wolf form but it was too late they were all there in seconds surrounding us.


Abby's POV

The Pack is running towards the rogues when I smelled a smell I was all to familiar with. This specific smell I had only smelled twice. The smell of my mate, in that moment I ran faster and faster. Behind me I heard my two mates quicken there pace as well, at the point I knew they could smell our new mate as well. We ran an ran faster and faster with the pack following quickly behind us until we stopped and surrounded the 3 rogues. One of the rogues had already shifted into they're wolf while the other were still in human former. I first looked at the two unshifted boys and then I looked at the shifted wolf. When I looked in the wolves eyes I knew this was our mate and I could tell that "she" at least I think its a girl knew this as well.


Iris's POV

When the wolves were upon us I could smell the smell I had always dreaded. The smell of my mates not just one but 3. I looked into one of my mates eyes and I instantly regretted it, I could tell she knew we were mates. At this point I was starting to freak out the boys had finally shifted and I knew that I had to get out of there. So I mind linked with the boys and only one word came out "RUN!" And I took off running with the boys following quickly behind me.


Raina's POV

We were surrounding the wolves when they all of a sudden got up and ran. When I smelt my new mate I instantly started running with the pack running behind me. My mates were right beside me as we ran to go get our new mate. As we were running I realized she was about to run out of pack territory so I picked up speed and pounced on top of our mate.


Iris's POV

I'm running as fast as I can I don't know where I'm going only that I need to run. I can here howls in the distance. Two of them sound like the wolf of my brother Leo and my bestfriend Caleb. The other three I don't recognize. I can only assume that these are the people I currently hate most in the world even more than my own pack, or should I say ex pack. I keep running faster and faster trying to get a way from those three horrid people, or as they call themselves my mates. Then suddenly I am hit by something big and when I look up I realize its one of my so called mates. I quickly shift back as does she and quickly push her off me. "Why were you running from me?" she said. "Because I don't want a mate, now get away so me and my friend can leave" As I tried to walk away she stepped in front of me. "What are you doing? Just let me leave." "No, now just come back to our pack house, calm down and we can talk about this later." "Fine but I'm going with my friends not with you." So I quickly walked away and over to my newly shifted friends and we followed the pack back to there house.

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