The Phases of Loving You

By Taejin4eva

15.2K 1.5K 881

The Light Fairies and Dark Faes have been at war with one another for over five hundred years. After being wa... More

Mood Board
Chapter 1: Enemies Becoming One Pt 1
Chapter 2: Enemies Becoming One Pt II
Chapter 3: Kigia Kingdom Pt I
Chapter 4: Kigia Kingdom Pt II
Chapter 5: Deep Within the Heart Pt I
Chapter 6: Deep Within the Heart Pt II
Chapter 8: Truth Pt II
Chapter 9: Golden Era Pt I
Chapter 10: Golden Era Pt II

Chapter 7: Truth Pt I

1.2K 130 62
By Taejin4eva

Seokjin balled his fists. "And you supported that?" The fairy visibly trembling. Taehyung held his hand to calm the fairy.

"It was like the elders just said. Many of us didn't want to believe that our ruler, our protector would make us slaughter innocent beings for no reason." Byungho said

"So why was the dark elf king captured and killed?" Taehyung asked.

"Because he was planning to get revenge on us, so we killed him, hoping it would stop the dark elves." Eun-Sang said.

"Don't you understand, what's happening?!" Seokjin shouted. "Because of your mistakes, you're making our generation kill one another! First it was us fighting and killing each other and now we have to lose more lives because we have to fight the elves when they have every right to be angry and hurt. When will the violence stop?!"

"When we win the war against the elves." The fae elder said.

"That won't stop anything!" Taehyung said. "There will be those who will want revenge! The cycle won't stop unless we kill them all. Do we have to massacre the dark elves too?" His voice quivered, he looked at Seokjin who placed a comforting hand on his back. Taehyung sighed deeply trying to keep the tears from falling. "I will just say that the elf I met was a good person. Knowing all that my people have done to his people. He could have let me die and he wouldn't have been in the wrong. I saved him because it was the right thing to do, but I also didn't know the severity of the situation. Maybe we are the ones who should die out instead." With that the fae left.

Seokjin looked at them. "I will not fight this war. I will continue to try to reason with the elf king and hopefully one day he will listen."

"Son, you and Taehyung have good hearts. Your hearts are way more purer than ours could ever be. But don't let that be your weakness. The damage is already done and nothing you can say will change his mind. That elf king wants blood and he will get it. We have to fight."

The fairy king shook his head and walked out of the conference room.

"Your highness."

Seokjin turned around and saw Namjoon and Yoongi walking towards him. "Hi Namjoon. Hi Yoongi. What's up." He smiled.

They bowed to him and the fae spoke. "I think there was a dark fae recessive male before the 2nd king."


The fae nodded. "I briefly remember my parents mentioning something about a mint haired recessive male but I don't remember much. I was younger and they have long passed."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Seokjin said, the fae bowed his head. The fairy king folded his arms. "The elders seem to not have known about this."

Namjoon looked at the conference door before looking at the fairy king who nodded.

"Come with me."

They walked onto a balcony.

"Go ahead."

"I'm not saying I don't trust the elders but I am weary. Those who care more about a kingdom than its people will sometimes go to great lengths. I don't want to cause any trouble either. All I'm just asking is, may I have access to the royal files. You have files from both kingdoms and if I can search them I may be able to find something."

"And I was offering to assist him." Yoongi said.

Seokjin nodded. "I will grant that to you guys but..."


"Let me show you."

They flew towards the royal wing and Seokjin stopped in front of a door before opening it. He turned on the lights. "This is where all the files were stashed. This is centuries and centuries worth of stuff."

Namjoon's eyes grew huge when he saw the massive amount of paper, some already filled with dust and others starting to collect dust.

Yoongi sighed. "Crap. This will take a while to get through it all."

Namjoon nodded. "It will but if we're both doing it then it should cut time in half."


Seokjin looked between them. "Taehyung's hair turned mint this morning."

They looked at him, Namjoon's mouth dropping.

"It did?"

Seokjin nodded. "The elders said it meant his body was getting ready for childbirth. But I just want to make sure. Do you guys think something is up?"

"I don't know," Namjoon began. "but I do find it strange that the recessive trait is less likely in dark faes. There has to be some type of explanation and I really don't believe that King Taehyung is the first. He may be the first in our generation but I really don't think he's the first ever."

Seokjin nodded, turning the fae. "I do remember Taehyung telling me, you're popular for your smarts. And although I know you're not researching this for me, I still thank you for doing this."

Namjoon bowed his head. "My alliance has and will always be with King Taehyung but I've been observing how you treat him and I thank you for being good to him."

The fairy smiled. "I think I fell in love with him at first sight."

"Think?" Yoongi scoffed. "I was scared he would devour the king right then and there."

They all laughed.

Namjoon smiled. "I believe that. I know the fae king is hot headed and reckless but he has a heart of gold so please continue to protect him."

"I will. Oh, there's one more thing I want to ask you both to research while in here."

"What's that?" Yoongi asked.

"Can you try to find any written documents on an event that happened a long time ago? It may be listed as a war between the fairies and the elves but in reality it was fairies massacring the elves."

Namjoon's eyes widened. "How do you know this?"

"When Taehyung was out a year ago. He ran into an elf who was attacked by a troll. They beat him and when they talked the elf told Taehyung what happened."

"Wait, they beat a troll?" Yoongi asked.

Seokjin nodded.

"Did they just beat him or did they kill him?"

"Taehyung told me, he was killed.

"Oh boy that's not good. That's not good at all!" The shorter fairy paled.

"What do you mean Yoongi?" Seokjin asked.

The fairy sighed. "They are blood thirsty and always had a taste for elf or fairy. If they find out that troll is dead they will make an army just to hunt us down."

"Are you serious?" Namjoon swallowed hard.

"I wish I wasn't but I'm telling the truth. An army of trolls is bad news. They are hard to kill. The only way to kill them is by piercing them in the nape of their neck or slicing their heads off. In order to slice their heads off, you need a special type of sword. It's just a headache. If they didn't find the body we would be lucky. Trolls don't usually live together like we do, so it could be less likely."

Seokjin folded his arms. "I'll ask Taehyung if they did something with the body. Hopefully they hid it."

"That would be ideal if they did." Yoongi said.

Seokjin nodded. "You two can start whenever you like."

"Thank you." They bowed as Seokjin walked away.

Yoongi and Namjoon walked into the room looking around.

"Either someone is extremely unorganized or they don't want us to find something." The fairy said.

"I think it's a good mixture of both. We may have to recruit Hoseokie to help."

Yoongi laughed, moving files from the chair to the table. "You know what will happen after a while."

The fae sighed trying to hide his amused look. "You two are so wild, is this a fairy thing?"

Yoongi smirked. "We're taught not to hide our feelings and desires. Which is why we went after you the first chance we got."

Namjoon laughed, dusting off some files. "Can't complain about that. It was the best decision I've ever made."

The fairy winked. "We told you so." He got up and flew over to the fae kissing his lips. "No matter the outcome, I really think we should call Hoseok too, this is going to take some time."

Namjoon nodded. "Months even."

"Agreed. What should we start with first?"

"Let's try to organize them, putting them in piles of helpful, non helpful and maybe. So that way we can put all the non helpful files to the side for now."

Yoongi nodded, rolling up his sleeve.


Taehyung sat in the tub trying to relax but his shoulders and neck were so stiff. He couldn't concentrate on anything today, only his hair. He even tried washing his hair at least three times but nothing. It remained mint. What did this mean? It was killing him that he didn't know. Overall he felt fine. No physical pains or anything. Was it the marriage or the sex that turned his hair this color? Or was it going to turn regardless? The fae sighed deeply running his hands through his hair.

"Hey are you ok?"

He heard his husband entering the bathroom.

"No, I wanna rip my hair out."

The fairy nodded. "Understandable. I know you're upset about your hair but I have to does suit you."

"Does it? Everyone has been saying that. You guys aren't just saying that to me are you?" He gave the fairy a skeptical look.

"Of course not!" He assured, stroking the back of the fae's head. "It really looks good on you! In fact it looks sexy on you." He said, planting a kiss on his husband's lips.

Taehyung's cheeks heated up as the fairy joined him in the bathtub.

"Do I need to continue?" The fairy whispered in his ear. "It's alluring, captivating and it makes me want to gobble you up right now."

The fae's face heated up and his body tingled with each other word that left his husband's lips. He felt the blood rushing to his cock and he moved his hands over it but the fairy pushed past his hands, grabbing his length.

"Did my words make you happy?"

Taehyung gave a shy nod making Seokjin chuckle. He kissed the fae's ear.

"I have your permission to gobble you up then?"

The fae turned around facing his husband, his arms wrapped around his neck as he straddled the fairy. Their eyes met.

"Only if I can gobble up too."

"With pleasure." He kissed the fae's soft lips.

This was their official second time being intimate but he noticed the fae wasn't trembling as much as he did the first night. He still was tense which was to be expected. To be honest, he was nervous himself if he could please the fae enough and not disappoint him. But he learned to follow his instinct and just let his body move. He wanted to teach the fae the same. To let go and just let their bodies talk.

His hand slid down to the fae's lower back as his tongue caressed Taehyung's lips. The fae parted his lips and their tongues met. Kissing the fae always left the fairy on cloud nine. His lips were an aphrodisiac he couldn't get enough of. The more he kissed him the more he never wanted to part their lips.

His hips rolled feeling his husband's cock pressed against his, he pulled the fae up a bit before sliding his cock in his mouth. His ears were in blissed hearing the fae's cries. His fingers moved towards the fae's firm ass, squeezing and grasping his cheeks making him moan louder. Taehyung placed his leg on the edge of the tub giving the fairy access to his tight entrance that was leaking slick.

Seokjin glanced at his husband who cried and shivered when his finger slid into him. His skin flushed red and his hips bucked. The fairy opened his mouth wider letting the fae thrust deeply into his mouth. He slid another finger into the fae making him flinch. By the time he added a third finger, the fae was panting heavily, his hips was moving and his eyes glazed over with pleasure. Just seeing this sight was enough to make to the fairy cum himself.

Taehyung cried out and his cum spilled into the fairy's mouth. Tasting his husband was at the top of his dessert list. He immediately stood up replacing his fingers with his cock and pounded into the fae. His cries and the sound of skin slapping bounced off the walls in the bathroom surrounding them in sounds of pleasure.

Getting off from the sounds, he dove deeper inside his husband, his arm securely around the fae's waist to help support him when he felt his legs shaking.

"Jin." The fae cried out.

"Say my name again." The fairy said breathlessly.

"Jin." He whined again.

They slid back in the water with Taehyung on top, riding the fairy. He gripped his mate's mint colored hair and kissed him deeply.

The pleasure that was bubbling in the pit of his stomach, suddenly hit his cock, making it swell and throb. He did his best to hold himself from releasing but as soon as the fae tightened around him and sucked him in, he thrust up harder and faster until they both cried out from the orgasms rushing through their bodies.

Taehyung fell into the fairy's chest. He could feel the fae's heart beating through his back even his own heart was ready to leap from his chest.

"That was amazing." Taehyung looked at the fairy who nodded.

"I agree."

"I want more."


Taehyung kissed his lips. He felt the fae's skin was hot as his cock rose again. His mate stroked him until he became hard again and they ended up on their bed still drenched with the fae on top.

Seokjin moaned, gripping his hips. The fae was more aggressive and his body responded to every move the fairy made. He tweaked the fae's nipples that became erect and swollen. The fae was so ethereal, he was stunned by just how beautiful he was. His beauty was something the fairy had always been aware of but this was different. He couldn't put it into words but it made his heart swell. He truly loved Taehyung and never wanted to be without him. The fae had to be his soulmate. There was no other explanation. Taehyung was his soulmate and no matter what they would be together forever.


A few months had gone by as the two kings settled in the kingdom and their new responsibilities. Most of the time Seokjin was busy training with the soldiers and creating battle strategies. The fairy did his best to reason with the elf king but each time he got rejected as expected. He was frustrated, he wondered if he should tell him about the trolls and the potential threat but he had no solid proof and the elf king probably wouldn't believe him anyway. He sighed. They were going to have to go to war. There really was no other way around it and it was time he came to terms.

Taehyung on the other hand became focused on his magic. With each passing day he felt his powers becoming stronger and stronger. He also began studying herbs and collecting different plants near the castle. He never knew herbs had so many benefits that could help them. In a way he was happy that he became a recessive male. It taught him so many things and made him look at the world differently. He took the time to enjoy the small things, picking fruits, drinking fresh coconut milk and enjoying the view of his husband's smile. It just made him sad that eventually blood would be shattered. He wondered how Jimin was doing. If only they could talk again.

He glanced at himself in the mirror and saw his hair was a shade lighter than before. The fae king just shrugged it off. It was probably because his body was getting adjusted. He just knew his hair was going to return to normal sooner or later. 


The elders gathered together and sat at a round table.

"Are the documents secure?" A fairy elder asked.

A fae elder nodded. "I had seen three of the royal guards searching through the documents in the documents room. I snuck in and removed them. I don't know what they're looking for but it's best to be safe than sorry. I moved the documents to my chambers, they will be safe there."

"Make sure to destroy them as soon as possible. The less evidence, the better."

"I agree. They mustn't know until we get an heir."

"Yes. Only one winged person was born of light and dark and they were very powerful. If we can get another one, we shall rise to the golden years and no one can invade our kingdom."

"It's a sacrifice but a sacrifice that won't go in vain."

They all nodded.

"What should we do about Seokjin-ah sending countless of letters to the elf king?"

"Nothing. The elf king won't budge. He's been hooked on revenge since he was little. Nothing will change his mind. This war will happen and we will win."

"Yes, and then we can take over their kingdom as well and expand our land just like before."

"Everything will fall into place."

They got up and left.

Yoongi stepped out of the shadows.

"Those bastards. Namjoon was right, not to trust them."

He flew from the room and went into the documents room where Namjoon and Hoseok were still searching.

"You were right." Yoongi said, getting their attention.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked.

"I heard the elders calling themselves into a meeting so I snuck in. There's some documents that they snuck in and took from here. I don't know what they are but if it was enough for them to move, it must be something they want to hide."

"What?" Namjoon sprang to his feet.

"From what I've gathered. There's something they don't want us to know until King Taehyung gives birth. Their goal is to get an heir that possesses the power of both light and dark. They also said something about a sacrifice not going in vain. They also want this war to go no matter what because they want to invade the elf's territory...again."

Namjoon gripped his fists.

"Should we tell King Seokjin?" Hoseok asked.

"Not yet. First we need to get those documents, they stole."

"We have to do it soon. They want to destroy the evidence." Yoongi said.

Namjoon nodded. "Let's move two nights from now. They may be on guard since they just had this meeting. In the meantime let's prepare. Yoongi, you watch their every move and learn their routine. And Hoseok I need you to get a layout of their chambers from the maids. Whatever they're planning, let's assume it's really bad and not let it happen."

They nodded.

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