Pernico - Survivor

By tianne789

424K 15K 12K

Pernico! Nico is going through a hard time, as is percy. Will the two succumb to the sadness, or will they be... More

Pernico - Survivor
Ch.2 I spotted a Foot
Ch.3 Science Make-out session
Ch.4 Let me help you
Ch.5 Unexpected Guest
Ch.6 The Offer
Ch.7 Crumbling
Ch.8 Wanna Spar?
Ch.9 Thank You
Ch.10 Biceps
Ch.11 A Good Day
Ch.12 Just Attack Already
Ch.13 Nemo
Ch.14 Body Heat
Ch.15 Have you been crying?
Ch.16 Persassy
Ch.17 I just had to jinx it
Ch.18 Do you have a thing for Nico?
Ch.19 Dear Journal
Ch.20 Quite so Alone
Ch.21 What time is it?
Ch.22 Everything is better with friends
Ch.23 A few minutes of normal
Ch.24 Everything is so beautiful
Ch.25 Free
Ch.26 Making faces
Ch.27 Too much dressing
Ch.28 Perfect in every single way
Ch.29 Sure thing, Ghosty
Ch.30 you're really something
Ch.31 What would my mom think
Ch.32 Its divergent, not divergence
Ch.33 Carry on my wayward son
Ch.34 We've delayed it for too long
Ch.35 forever greatful
Ch.36 Want to play checkers?
Ch.38 Yeah, what he said
Ch.39 Now, who wants muffins?
Ch.40 I'm proud to be a survivor
Thank you

Ch.37 Focus on moving forwards

5.4K 224 195
By tianne789

Percy's P.O.V

The complete and utter shock hidden in Nico's voice made me freeze in my tracks. I quickly racked my brain, trying to think of anything in my room that would cause this kind of reaction but came up with nothing.

I slowly turned around, but I wasn't prepared to see Nico holding a small black book. "Uh..."

"How'd you get this? I thought I lost it when I was in the underworld." Nico gently flipped the book open.

"It was in your bathroom, I came across it when I was trying to find you a towel." I explained.

Nico replied with a slight nod of his head, but I could tell he wasn't focusing on what I had said. I watched his eyes drink up the thoughts of his former self, his nose scrunching up at certain parts.

"Nico?" I asked, walking over to him. "I just want you to know, you don't have to think that way anymore. If you ever feel yourself slipping back down that dark path of sadness, let me know and I'll be there for you. I think that everyone was born for a reason, and although we may not know right now what the reason is, it's there. You just have to smile and keep your head up high. Things might not always go the way you planned, but as long as you keep moving forward, it will all work out in the end."

Nico looked up at me through watery eyes. "How did I ever get such a supportive boyfriend?"

"The real question is: how did I get such a beautiful boyfriend?"

Nico smiled as a few tears broke free, only to be immediately dragged down by gravity. "Such a sap."

"But I'm your sap." I replied.

"With the amount of cheesy lines you're sprouting, we could bake a pizza." Nico wiped his eyes.

"Oh gods, now I want Pizza!" I pouted as I took the black book from Nico's hands and put it back on my dresser. "What do you want to do with it?"

Nico's gaze shifted off me towards the book. "I'm not sure..."

"It's ultimately up to you, but it's not good to dwell on the past."

"Alright." Nico picked up the book. "I know what I want to do with it, but we're going to have to take a little trip."

I raised my eyebrow as Nico slipped on one of my hoodies. "Where are we going?"

"Outside, so put on something warm." Nico replied.

I shrugged on a jacket before walking towards the door. "After you." I gestured to the outside, like the chivalrous boyfriend I am.

"Why thank you kind sir!" Nico played along, practically floating out the door. The second I closed the door behind me, my hand was being grabbed. I smiled as Nico's slender fingers intertwined with mine as we made our way to wherever Nico planned on taking us.

"Perce?" Nico asked after a few minutes of silence. "I just wanted to say thank you. You go around like this big ball of happiness all the time, but I don't think you realize the effect you have on people. For you, saying hello is just being polite, but to people like me, that little hello can really make that person's day. Before I really got to know you, I saw you as this hero figure; someone so perfect they seem more like a mythical creature than a human. But then I got to know you, and all those little gestures that you did meant that much more. I guess what I'm trying to say is: thank you for being you."

I blinked a few times, trying to process everything. "You know, you always make it seem like I was the amazing one, but take a look at yourself. You went from barely leaving your cabin, to barely being in your cabin. You completely turned your life around and yet you make me the hero. If anyone's a hero here, it's you."

Nico blushed, as my feet hit the sand. "Alright, enough fluff! It's time to leave the past behind."

"What's the plan?" I asked as we approached the lake. "You're gonna toss the book in?"

Nico shook his head. "No, I want you to do it."

"Me? Are you sure?" I asked, my eyes larger than the pepperoni's on my favourite pizza.

"Yes, you're the one who helped me turn how I was feeling when I wrote that journal into the past, so you should be the one to help me start my future." Nico handed the worn book to me. I flipped to the last page, seeing a little doodle of a trident on the bottom corner. It was as if our futures had been twisted together by the Fates.

"Ready?" I asked as I held up the black journal.

Nico placed a small kiss on my cheek before replying. "Now I am."

"Here's to a happy future!" I yelled as I tossed the book towards the water. When the book was a few feet above the water, the waves shot up, turning as they reached for its newest prize. The waves curled around the book, forming a bubble around it before the bubble was violently crushed. By the time the waves returned to the water's surface, the book had vanished.

"With your past finally behind you, are you willing to try for a brighter future?" A deep voice said from behind us. We both spun on our heels only to relax when the familiar figure filled my line of vision. Well, I relaxed, Nico tensed up at the sight of my father.

"Poseidon!" Nico's knees hit the sand faster than Grover when enchiladas were being served.
A deep chuckle escaped my father's lips. "No need for that, I just came to tell you that the book has been destroyed. Now you just need to focus on moving forwards."

Then, Nico did something totally unexpected: he ran towards my father before wrapping his arms around him. "Thank you so much."

"I just want Percy to be happy, and he's happy when you're happy." Poseidon engulfed Nico into a tight embrace and I knew that after not receiving much affection from his father, Nico was enjoying this. It felt nice to know that my father cared that much about my happiness, but it was even nicer to see the smile on Nico's face when he pulled away.

"Now, how about that game of checkers?" I asked, as I took his hand.

"There's nothing I'd rather do."


NOT THE END! There should be two more chapters and then possibly an epilogue... Haven't completely made up my mind yet.


Anyways, I'm thinking of posting a different kind of story after this one's over, but I thought I'd run you by my ideas. I'm thinking of doing either:

-a fanfic where each chapter is one of the entries in Nico's old journal

-A fanfic of letters from nico to Bianca

-Or, a fanfic where the demigods just vent about demigod problems
Any ideas?

Other news, I posted a lashton fanfic that I told you guys about last chapter, it's called Tunnels and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out. :)

My one shot book has run out of suggestions, so if you've ever wanted someone to write you a one shot filled with anything you like, now's the time to leave a comment on my latest one-shot.

If you like Solangelo, I have a fanfic called Eclipse, and it would make my smile bigger than the Cheshire cat's if you went and took a look at it. :D

So, I literally am kept up at night thinking about the ending of this book. It's been a long journey, but everything must come to an end. I literally feel like I've gotten to genuinely know some of you, and once this is completed, I'm going to miss talking to you, so don't ever hesitate to either message me on here, or DM me on Instagram at: .

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I recently got a kik, so if you want to talk, you can message me there too! My username is the same as my wattpad: tianne789. :]


Question: which of my ideas would you rather read? (See above if you're confused.)

Bonus question: I always tell you guys these strange facts about my past, so now it's your turn. What's five facts about you? (They can be anything from your favourite colour to your sexuality, don't think you have to tell me anything super personal if you're not comfortable.)

If you're having a bad day, I just want to tell you that I care about you. You guys have always been such a huge support system for me, and if you're ever struggling with anything, I'd be happy to talk to you about it. Or talk to you in general, if you just need a little cheering up, I will send you bundles of fluff until your heart's so full of it, it won't have the space to be sad. But seriously, everyone has a reason for living, and even if you haven't figured yours out yet, I guarantee you that it's there.

Remember to smile! (You never know how much a simple smile can change someone's day!) -Tianne :D

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