Whatever It Takes - JacksGap

By youtuber

181K 3.9K 1.4K

Jack and Finn. Finn and Jack. These two boys are the reason I'm here, telling my story. I'm not your normal g... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Five

12.2K 313 78
By youtuber

xx Chapter Five ~ Memories xx

My eyes widened in shock I felt the glass walls of my heart come crashing down and shattering into billion little, tiny pieces. It felt as if the world froze in place for me to stare at them and wonder how perfect they looked together; like a prince and a princess, bonded to be together. My body started to vibrate with anger. How could she? I inhaled sharply and regretted it immediately because Finn's glaze turned from Angelina to me.

Finn snapped back into reality and pushed Angelina back with a look of absolute disgust on his face. She whimpered, collapsed onto the floor and began to weep with her head buried in her hands. Finn began approaching me, his glance never left me. I backed away, trying to escape the harsh reality.

"Alex," he murmured softly, his emerald eyes bored into mine. God it was impossible to look into them and not get lost in them. My glanced wavered as I refused to look at him in the eyes.

"Alex, look at me," he pleaded as he reached for me but I backed away just in time for his fingertips to brush my arm. "I can explain"

"There's nothing to explain! Why would you even want to explain?" I tried to protest loudly but my voice sounded weak.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying until Finn cupped my head gently and with both of his thumbs, wiped my tears away.

"Don't cry, Alexandra," he cooed. The fact that he called me by my full name suddenly caught me off guard. "Are you free right now?"

I nodded, and he smiled.

"Fancy a cup of coffee or tea with me at Starbucks?" He offered kindly. I shook my head, I just couldn't face him right now. Finn frowned slightly then tilted my head upwards so I was looking directly into his eyes.

"Please, Alex. I really want to talk to you," more tears came tumbling down my cheeks. I didn't want to hear anything from him. I just wanted to go back to my deserted penthouse and cry alone. I had always tried to believe that I could somehow be with them, it was what kept me persevering but now, everything seemed impossible. No matter how hard I try, it would never be possible. For the first time in my life, I wanted to give up.

Then, he pulled me into his chest where I felt small and fragile. I took in the comforting scent of his aftershave with a mix of mint that surrounded me like his muscular arms. I wanted to push him away for kissing his ex but I couldn't move. He hugged me tight, forming me a barrier from the reality. He rested his chin on my head and we stayed liked that. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, it was comforting. It felt as if there were electric currents running through my body. As soon as my tears stopped, I expected him to pull away immediately but he continued to stay there. I thought I almost heard his heart race but convinced myself I was just hearing things. I felt as if I was the luckiest girl in the world. At that moment, nothing mattered; there were only us in the entire world. I felt all the waiting I've done was worth it. I loved them despite everything, including the distance, and I continued to love them for what felt like forever. My heart ached for more.

"Are you better now?" He whispered into my ears, still hugging me. I nodded slightly, and he pulled away slowly as if I'll collapse in any second. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He took my hand in his, entwining our fingers. "Follow me."

~ ~ ~

I was in an almost deserted Starbucks with Finn after we grabbed our things. He ordered a cup of tea as I ordered a cup of coffee with two cream and one bag of sugar, like usual. Finn insisted to pay for me and when he handed me my coffee, our skins brushed against each other and the electric currents sparked again. I wasn't surprised that he was having this effect on me. Then we found a comfy spot on the couch and sat facing each other.

"I don't how to start, it's all very complicated," Finn began and took a sip of tea.

"Jack and I knew Angelina for a very long time. In fact, we were friend since we were kids. She lived next door and went to the same school as us. Jack and I both had a crush on her but we never talked about her with each other so we didn't know that we were both in love with her. When I turned sixteen, I asked her to be my girlfriend." He smiled at the sweet memory.

"We dated, held hands, hugged, kissed, and I loved her very much. But one day, I was seventeen, and I came home from school and wanted to borrow Jack's camera so I walked to his room. When I opened the door, I found them kissing on his bed. They jumped in surprise, and I demanded for a explanation from her. She was frightened and guilty and looked as if she wanted to jump into a hole. I didn't even pity her, actually, I felt nothing for her at that moment. Later on, Jack and I found out that she cheated on both of us at the same time. Jack asked her to be his girlfriend shortly after I did. We both knew that we both had a girlfriend but we didn't know it was the same person. We were both very attached to her and even though it was us who broke up with her, our heart were broken. After that incident, she moved to Cheshire and we didn't see her afterwards until today." He informed me.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked puzzled. Finn shrugged and drank his tea gracefully.

"I don't know. After that incident, Jack and I stayed single, and we started to be more careful around girls but we still enjoyed their company of course. For some reason, you give me a feeling that makes me want to trust you completely and pour my heart out to you. It feels good to finally tell someone this," he admitted with a dazzling smile, his eyes clearing of the grey and only the green remained. I blushed at the fact that he thought I was special and trustworthy.

"Aren't you mad that I was eavesdropping?" I questioned shyly, unable to meet his eyes, knowing that mine were full with guilt. Finn chuckled, his eyes soft.

"No, I don't mind because it was you." He answered with a smile. I flushed.

"I think we should inform Jack about the fact that you know. I don't want him to be upset," Finn pointed out, and I nodded in agreement.

"Want a visit to my house?" He asked.

"Really?" I gasped, I was going to the Harries house! He chuckled again and nodded. He led the way out.

~ ~ ~

Finn and I were in his car, driving to the Harries house. Finn played some classical music, and we found out that our taste in music was very similar.

"You're very easy to talk to," Finn complimented. I blushed bright red to the ears as I muttered my thanks.

"Can I ask you something?" I said in a small voice.

"You just did," he teased with a grin. I rolled my eyes playfully. Cheeky, I thought.

"I've always thought you liked Kimmi," I said, blushing further. I hope I don't regret asking this.

"Where did you get that from?" Finn gave me a quizzical look.

"You did say she was cute in one of your broadcasts with Jack and Kimmi." I said quietly, not wanting to continue the conversation anymore.

"She is." He replied simply.

Silence surrounded us, and I wanted to slap myself for asking.

"She's very pretty." I said, trying to break the silence. Finn smiled at me. I adored his smile, his teeth was straight, white, and flawless.

"You are too," he caught me off guard. Finn Harries thinks I'm pretty!

I shook my head genuinely, and he frowned at me.

"Alexandra, you're beautiful. Don't deny it and don't let others tell you otherwise." I blushed furiously. He was so sweet and hearing that from him gave me goosebumps.

"Thank you," I never had anyone tell me that. Hot, cute, yes. But never beautiful.

"For some reason, I feel attracted to you. I've never felt this way since Angelina." He claimed as he blushed slightly and ran a hand through his hair at the stop light. Finn Harries feels attracted to me? What? Am I dreaming?

I pinch myself and a stabbing pain confirmed that I was defiantly not dreaming. Finn noticed what I was doing and laughed.

"Why would you be attracted to me?" I knew my eyes were huge with surprise.

"I don't know, really. It's the same as asking why you love someone." He shrugged casually while his eyes grew unbelievably green. "I think I'm attracted to your courage, how you're willing to give up everything for your dreams and love. I admire that. Also, there's an aura about you that beckons me."

Oh my... This is not happening.

Finn turned into the path that led to his garage outside of his house and parked his car. I stepped out, my mind spinning. My knees felt weak when I tried to walk on them.

Finn started to lead me to the front door. Suddenly, my left foot tripped on something in the dark that I couldn't make out and because my legs were wobbly, I couldn't steady myself. Finn immediately stepped towards me as I was falling backwards and caught me by my elbow, then swiftly pulled me up and towards him.

I was in his arms the second time today. His other hand supported me by wrapping itself around my waist. He sighed with relief and looked at me. The electric current started to flow all over my body again. None of us said a word. I took the time to take in his straight nose, high cheekbones, flawless jawline, and his emerald orbs that never stopped to bore into mine for a second. He was absolutely the most gorgeous person ever. He took my breath away.

"What is it about you that make me feel this way?" He murmured softly. I couldn't say anything, I was completely frozen. It should have been me saying that.

"Screw this. We can tell Jack later," he whispered quietly into my ear. Then, he leaned so close that I could smell his addictive scent again. " I am paralyzed by you."

"Close your eyes," he cooed, and I obeyed, not knowing what was going on.

He gently touched his lips on mine then started to kiss me passionately. I gasped in surprised but didn't object. Our lips danced slowly, and I could taste the delicious flavour of the tea he drank. It was slow, romantic, sweet, and passionate. I couldn't think clearly. His hand that was on my elbow joined the other hand that was on my waist to support me. My hands found their way to his neck. I curled my fingers in his hair. Nothing mattered then. There was only Finn.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note: Awww first romantic scene! It's my first time writing a scene like this, I hope it's not too fake :/ For those who wants to see more between Alex and Jack, don't worry, it'll come soon. Please vote if you enjoyed it :) Comment your thoughts on it! I love reading your comments, they're so nice, and they make my day :3 Fanning me would let you know when I post the next chapter. Thank you guys so much for the support! Love ya all xx ~Amelia

P.S. What do guys think of my new cover? I worked really hard on it (: Hope you guys like it! FYI It's Finny not Jack if you can't tell them apart when they're wearing shades :P

~ ~ ~

Pic of Finn on the sidebars :)

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