Heaven Sent

By Katherin3Coitier

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Angels... They come to help us. Guide us. Encourage us. Some people cannot see. Some are there but you don't... More

1. Just The Beginning
2. She Wakes
3. Second Save
4. A Normal Conversation
5. A Horse of a Problem
6. Her Greatest Fear
7. The Morning After
8. She Speaks
9. The Hurting Village
10. Healing The Land
11. A Miracle
12. An Attack
13. Voice
14. Bathing Time
15. Tainted Dress

16. Watching A Blessing

1.8K 73 19
By Katherin3Coitier

Chapter Sixteen

    Anrielle recovered and convinced his majesty that she was fine now. He was starting to see danger everywhere around her. He didn’t want to lose her. Over a week she managed to temper his suspicion ever so slightly. Just enough to convince him that they should go see other drought stricken towns.

    He had planned with her to visit three other towns who were hurting. They would stay for a week each place. He even convinced her to show him what she had done before.

    He glanced back at the very large pot of water that three guards were carrying. “So how does this work?”

    She giggled beside him. “All this place needs is faith and beauty.” She placed a hand over her heart. “I will bring both back.”

    He smiled down at her and graced her cheek. Her hand wrapped around his arm with a shaw drape over her shoulders. “Just being here you have brought both back to this town. Have you seen the joy the people have at us coming here.”

    She blushed as her mind replayed their arrival yesterday. The people shouted and cheered. Many begged her to bring another miracle. That they needed it. That their children her hungry. She had been saddened to hear that. Then they were calling her their future queen. She had blushed scarlet at hearing that. That they wanted her to be their queen.

    They came to a vast and dirty covered field. There wasn’t even a dried up piece of a crop that had once grown proudly in these fields. The sight was doleful. A terrible sight that tugged at her heart. Anrielle wanted now more than before to help heal this land of its sorrowful existence.

    She smiled at his majesty as she slipped her hand from his arm. She directed the guards to to set the pot on the ground. His majesty stayed where he was as he watched her move so gracefully. The guards standing next to him to watch.

    Her hands filled with the water as she voice started to fill the air around them all. His majesty felt as if the words of her language made him light. He closed his eyes and turned his face to the sky. He felt his soul feel with faith. The faith that what she’s doing will heal the land. Bring hope back to his wary land.

    He opened his eyes as the last of her voice faded away into the light. He smiled as she tipped over the pot and spilled the remaining water on the ground. His guards already walking over to the pot to lift it up. His highness himself smiled as he walked over to his lady.

    He took her hands and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I’m so very blessed you let me experience this you do. What do you call what you just did?” He asked curiously.

    She smiled up at him. “A blessing. I sing with my soul to lift the energy around me. To ask that the land to be healed by the grace of heaven.” As she said the last bit, her hand went to her mouth and she yawned.

    His majesty frowned. “You are tired. You’ve done enough for the evening.” He bent a little and lifted her up into his arms. He saw her eyes slowly drooping. “Rest now my lady. I will carry you back.” He started out as her head rested on his shoulder.

    At the mayor of the town’s house, he took her straight up to their room. He was delighted that they had decided to have their night clothes on underneath their over clothes. This made it easy for him to help her get comfortable. All she had on was her over dress on top of her night gown.

    The night was quiet as he slipped in to their bed and pulled her close. He closed his eyes just to have them snap open with a strange sound. Like nails scratching glass. A shrill of a sound that sent shivers down his spine.

    He held Anrielle tightly in his arms. A dark chuckle raised goosebumps along his arm. “Oh how cute. A lovely couple.” The voice was twisted sounding and ominous.

    Anrielle shifted and his majesty stroked her hair. He looked down and her forehead was creased in confusion, but she was still asleep. “Shh love. Just go back to sleep. You’re safe in my arms.”

    The chuckle came again. “That’s right mortal. Tell her what she could never be. Safe. How could she be safe from me or my brothers?”

    His majesty felt something’s hand crawling, creeping along the covers of their bed. He could see it moving by an invisible force. The air was becoming colder the closer it got. He was starting to see his breathe. Anrielle was shivering and squirming in his hold. Even in her dreams she knew something was wrong. His highness held her the best he could.

    Slowly Anrielle opened her eyes and turned. The king quickly covered her mouth to keep her from screaming out. This demon was worst than the last. His body more twisted. His mouth longer and teeth more pointed and fang like. Its tongue snaked out every so often and it was like a forked tongue of a snake.

    “Oh my. What do we have here? So Mardin wasn’t lying. A mortal angel. How delightful. This will be so much fun.” It went to touch her, but once he placed a single finger on her, his skin hissed. He shrieked as he jumped to the other side of the room. He held his hand as it started to shift from its grotesque malformed state to something more normal. Then it shifted back to what it was.

    The demon growled. “That too is true. We cannot touch her with her mortal man around. Somehow he makes her too pure and...yuck...good. I really wanted to have some very wicked fun tonight. I will have to bide my time for an opportunity.”

    Anrielle buried her head in his majesty’s shoulder after the demon slinked away into the darkness. She trembled as she feared another attack. His majesty stroked her head and tried to sooth her. He couldn’t hear what that creature, whatever it was, had said. He just could feel it was dark and evil.

    “You’re safe in my arms.” His majesty said again as he held her. He felt her relax slowly and felt her yawn. “I won’t leave your side. You’ll stay safe.” He promised as he felt her slowly fall asleep.

    He closed his eyes and let sleep take him too. The day was slowly creeping upon them. The people’s reaction to her blessing will be wonderful to help her forget what just had happened to her.

    For the rest of the night, he held her tight to him. His arms around her waist. Her head stayed nestled in the croak of his neck. His nose buried lightly in her hair. They were so very comfortable.

    The morning came and their dreams were disturbed with a gentle knock on their door. His majesty stirred and groggily told them a minute. Anrielle yawned delicately as she too woke. His majesty gave her the briefest of kisses before he helped them out of their bed.

    Robed, his highness looked to the door with his hand on her waist. “Enter.”

    The mayor came in and his face was flushed. “Good morning my liege. Forgive me for waking you, but I have some most glorious news. One of my farmer’s fields is flourishing. We too have a miracle.” The mayor put his hands together and looked to the sky when he said miracle. “We’ve been blessed this day.” Then he bowed before them and he took her hand. “Thank you my lady. I believe you are an angel sent to his majesty in our most needed hour.” He kissed her hand as she blushed.

    His majesty smiled as he kissed her cheek causing her blush to deepen. “She is a miracle.”

    The mayor rose smiling. “Will you both come and see? It is more than beautiful.”

    She glanced up and smiled at his majesty. He smiled back. “Of course. We shall be dressed shortly and wished to have something to eat before we set out.”

    The mayor nodded excitedly. “I will have something made immediately.” He bowed deeply and then rushed from the room.

    His majesty rose and gently tugged her up with him. He held her in his arms staring lovingly down at her. He caressed her cheek. “Your blessing worked. I still don’t understand how, but at the moment I’m so grateful to you.”

    She blushed. “I only follow my heart. I wish to help you and your people.” She looked into his eyes. “I’d do anything to help you.”

    He sighed happily and kissed her. The kiss only lasting till her stomach made its presence known. They pulled away giggling. They still giggled as they dressed. He even helped with her laces which he was very happy to do.

    Breakfast was more than they had thought or expected. All the servants bowed to them. Some fell to their knees and took Anrielle’s hand kissing it. She was becoming a little overwhelmed. He had to demand that they give Anrielle breathing room for all this was becoming too much for her.

    Out in the field, Anrielle smiled at the plants. Everyone had stepped away to give her some space. There was a large gathering of many people awing their little miracle. Hope was spreading even more quickly through everyone’s heart. All of it was touching for Anrielle.

    When they returned to the manor, Anrielle and his highness found gifts awaiting them. So many that they were both shocked. She confessed to his majesty that this was a little too much for her. That she need not be rewarded for her blessing. He smiled and promised that when they are at the next town, he will ask for them not to give them any gifts.

    She sighed as she looked around at all the gifts they already had. “They really had lost some of their hope.”

    His majesty smiled as he turned her to him and cupped her cheek. “And you have brought it back to them, my angel.” He leaned down and kissed her. Feeling his heart and soul pour into the kiss. Also wishing to make her his queen more than ever.

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