A Fighting Chance

By foreverlovingnemi

85.1K 2.4K 573

The MMA world is very competitive and not only in the cage. A guy and girl, from two rival families, fall for... More

Get Ready
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
From us to you...

Chapter 3

3.9K 141 26
By foreverlovingnemi


Waking up in the hospital after I was jumped was a little scary. I hate hospitals & I was afraid of the damage that had been done to me. I was afraid that I'd never fight again. I was afraid that maybe I'd have to forfeit my fight in Vegas. I looked down at my legs, my prized possession in the cage & was relieved neither were in casts. My left leg did have a pretty sturdy, metal, brace on it. My right arm was in a sling, but I could move it. I felt a pain in my chest, though, when I moved it, so I stopped doing that.

I saw my phone on the rolling tray beside my bed, so I grabbed it. I saw it was the next day, after I was jumped in the alley. I remembered some of the details from that night, probably because my head was hurting reminding me that I had been kicked in the head. I reached up & felt the wound. It felt like there were stitches, but I wasn't positive. I'd have to check in the mirror when I got a chance. I scrolled through my phone, then realized my screen was cracked. Sons of bitches. Fuck. These bastards are fucking lucky I had insurance on my phone.

The door to my room opened & I saw Jay stroll in, carrying a bag from In-N-Out Burger. I smiled, then winced from the pain that caused. I felt my mouth & one of my lips was swollen & there was a scab. Fucking assholes. I remembered hitting the ground with my face.

"You're awake. Now you can eat the burger I got you." Jay said coming to stand beside the bed next to the tray. He started pulling food out, grinning. "How you feeling?"

"Like someone jumped me." I muttered, grabbing the burger he was handing me.

"Sorry." Jay shrugged & then got a serious look on his face.

"What kind of injuries do I have?"

"Couple cracked ribs. Fractured patella. Concussion & your face looks like you hit a wall." Jay sat in the chair & put his feet up on the tray.

"What about my the event in September? Can I still fight?" I asked, worry in my voice.

"The doctor said you would have to stay off your leg for six to eight weeks & he knows you're a fighter, so he wants you to start therapy as early as next week, so you can stay on top of your training. You'll just have to work on everything else until you can work on the leg. The brace on your knee is acting as a splint, keeping your leg as straight as possible so it can heal." Jay spoke with his mouth full, but I understood him. He never cared that he had food in his mouth, so I was used to it. "As long as you keep doing your therapy the doc said you should be able to still fight in four months. But he does want to keep an eye on ya & he'll keep close contact with your therapist. I'm pretty confident you'll be fine by then."

"Did they catch the fuckers who did this?"

Jay's face, once again, clouded with a seriousness as he sat up & laid his burger on the tray. "Not yet. But I have a theory." Jay stood up & put his hands on his hips. "I think it was a personal attack. They went straight for your legs, man. I think they were trying to take you out."

"So you think someone deliberately attacked me for what? To keep me from fighting?"

"Yea. I do." Jay replied. "I have no solid proof, but I'm not gonna give up on finding these pieces of shit."

"I haven't heard much about my opponent. I don't even know his name yet. They usually keep it quiet until we get closer to the event, when they officially announce the card. To avoid shit like this probably." I waved my good arm over my injured legs. "So how did he find out about me?" I smirked, not sure I believed his theory. I thought it could just be random. They didn't steal anything so that didn't help my theory any.

"I have no fucking clue, but I intend on finding out little brother & when I find out who did this to you or who had it done to you, I will be kicking someone's ass." Jay's eyes were wide, almost looking crazy. Almost I said. Jay's eyes were usually wide when he was serious & then when they got crazy wide, they'd dart back & forth & he'd start fidgeting. When he started doing that, I knew to tread lightly. "People talk, so I'm sure he heard someone talk after you won."

I nodded, wanting to change the subject since I could feel myself getting angry. "Is Dad coming?"

"He was here, but he had to get back to the gym. Mom is here, too. She just went to make a few phone calls." Jay grabbed his sandwich again & started eating it.

I picked at my sandwich, since I wasn't exactly hungry. It also hurt to open my mouth & hurt even more to chew, since my jaw was probably sore from hitting the ground. My mom came a little later & fussed over me, of course. I let her, because sometimes, it just felt nice to have a female pay attention to me, even if it is my mom. Most of the time I was a man & acted like one, but once in a while, I wanted to be comforted by my mom. She was good at it, being the affectionate woman that she was. She hugged everyone she met, even if it was the first time meeting them. She was always touching me or my brother when she was around us, sometimes enough to annoy us.

I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital, even if I had to stay off my leg, using crutches. I would manage, but hell, I'd be bored as fuck. I didn't have a job, because training for my fights was a full time job. Sometimes, I'd pick up extra cash by making appearances at local events. My dad paid me & my brother, too, for doing jobs around the gym. My brother & I lived modestly, to say the least. Jay had a job, under the table, working as a bouncer at KO. Jay & I depended on the money I got for winning fights. The last fight I won, paid pretty well, since it drew in a huge crowd. After they took out my money for my insurance, I was paid a few thousand bucks. It was enough to help out me & Jay with our living expenses.

For the five days, I was in the hospital, I had to stay in a wheelchair, then I could do crutches, but the doctor ordered me to stay off my crutches for as much as possible. Only when I was going to appointments or to the bathroom was he okay with me being on my crutches. So that meant I needed full time supervision. Jay took it upon himself to call my mom since he couldn't be with me all the time.

The day before I was being discharged, my mom came to visit. "So, I talked to Harley & between her & I, we will make sure you have someone with you to help you. I can come in the evening when she has to leave because she has to go to work at the bar." I smiled when my mom mentioned Harley working in the bar, because I knew the truth & it always amazed me that my mom & Harley's dad were so oblivious for so long. Mom touched my cheek with her hands then ran her fingers over my bruises that were on the side of my face. "I hope they catch the animals that did this to my baby." She almost whispered.

"Mom." I whined & she put her hands on either side of my face so she could kiss my head.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just hate seeing you in pain. Why do you think I avoid your fights?" She crossed her arms & I sighed.

"Please don't start about the fighting."

"Well, maybe this is a good time to figure out another career path."

"Mom. I don't want another career. This is the only thing I am good at. It's what I love & grew up with." I laid my head back on my pillow.

"Trust me, I know. And not a day goes by that I don't blame myself or regret that I let your dad groom you & Jay to be fighters." Mom sighed, loudly, sounding like she might cry. I gave her a look that told her I was done talking about it, then I closed my eyes & she didn't say anything else.

The next day, I was discharged, thankfully. I was ready to go home, even if I had to stay off my leg as much as possible. The orderly pushed my wheelchair down the hall & tried to make small talk. "Did ya get in a fight or something?" He asked.

"You should see the other guy." I quipped. The guy laughed, but didn't say much else. Jay was outside with my dad, waiting for me. They helped me into the car, then my dad folded up my wheelchair & put it in the back of his truck.

"You shouldn't be in the wheelchair for too long." Dad said, talking in a joyful tone, as if he was trying to cheer me up. I wasn't in the mood. I was in pain. I was in limbo, wondering if I'd ever fight again. I was feeling sorry for myself. For several months, I wasn't going to be able to fight. I wasn't sure what the hell I was going to do with myself. If I was alone, I'd probably be crying, but I wasn't going to do that around my dad & brother. I just wanted to go home & play video games & not think about my future. I didn't want to think that I had no future in MMA.

Over the next few days, I stayed in the wheelchair, inside the house & went stir crazy a little. I wanted to get out of the house so bad. I finally convinced my mom to take me out, in my wheelchair, around my neighborhood. It felt so good to feel the sun on my face. It felt good to breathe in some fresh air that wasn't coming at me through a dirty window.

I was playing a video game about a week after I got home from the hospital, when my phone rang. I picked it up & held it with my chin & shoulder so I could still play my game. "Hello?"

"May I speak with Nick Jonas, please?" A female said. Her voice resonated with me. I liked it. It was deep & a little raspy, but very appealing to me. I found it very sexy & I smiled to myself, thinking she was probably a much older woman. She sounded sophisticated, so I pictured her as a mother type or maybe a prude who was career driven & had no time for fun. I must have let my mind drift off longer than I thought, because I heard her sigh, "Hello?"

"Sorry. This is him."

"Hi, Mr. Jonas. I'm Demi Lovato, a physical therapist at NovaCare & I was given your file so I'm calling you so we can get your physical therapy started. I would like it if you could come in for a consult in the next few days. How's Wednesday work for you?"

I paused my game. "Wednesday is fine. What time?"

"I have a ten o'clock open. Does that work?" She asked.

"Yea, that works."

"Okay. Is this a cell phone?"


"Can I text you the address of the facility?" I heard her shuffling papers, so I imagined she was looking over my file.

"That's fine."

"Okay. I will text that to ya & I will see you Wednesday morning, Mr. Jonas." She sounded like she was smiling & I imagined she had been a therapist for a long time & really enjoyed her job.

"Okay." I replied into the phone, pressed 'end,' then tossed my phone onto the couch beside me. I was looking forward to going to this appointment, so badly. I wanted a reason to get out of the house. I had no idea what kind of things I'd be doing with my PT, but it had to be better than sitting on my ass. It was also a way to get me closer to a full recovery.

Wednesday came & Harley was the one who picked me up to take me to the appointment. I took my wheelchair & my crutches because I had no idea which I'd be able to use. I should have known that since it was a physical therapist, I'd be able to use the wheelchair. They probably get chair bound people in there all day long.

I checked in at the front desk, then a young woman pushed me through a hallway, while Harley stayed out in the waiting room. I was pushed into an office. "Demi is just finishing up with another patient, so she should be in shortly." The woman said before she left, closing the door behind her.

I looked around the office, taking in the decor, trying to get a feel for this physical therapist that I'd be spending so much time with over the next few months. I wanted to know this person who was going to get me back to fighting again. The office was decorated in a subtle way. There were framed medical degrees on the walls, like one should expect. I saw a purse sitting on the counter behind the desk & it looked expensive. I knew because of Harley, actually. She was a stripper & not a bartender like her dad & my mom thought. Harley was my stepdad's daughter, so technically she was my stepsister. We didn't really act like siblings, though. In fact, we mostly just acted like friends. I wasn't close to her like I was with Jay. But, anyway, Harley was a stripper & she had a lot of nice things that clients had bought her. Among those things, were nice purses. The purse didn't give me any indication, however, if my theories about this woman were right. It could have belonged to an older woman or a younger one. A conservative one or a carefree one.

My gaze drifted to the desk in front of me & I noticed how nice & neat everything was. This person was organized. I saw a few framed photos, but when I went to turn one so I could see it, the door opened & a woman walked in. I stared at her, my mouth probably hanging open a little, because she was not what I imagined at all. First of all she was young, younger than I thought she'd be. She looked like she was close to my age, actually. Second of all, this woman was stunning. I saw her profile & it was flawless, her milky skin had not one blemish. Then she turned her head to look at me & I felt my heart skip a beat. Her big brown eyes were looking me over & I suddenly felt uncomfortable. When she smiled, I felt something in my stomach, like I was on a roller coaster. Her smile could make any bad day become amazing. Her smile was what guys wrote sappy love songs about. Her lips were like sweet perfection & her teeth were brilliantly white.

"Hi. I'm Demi." She reached to shake my hand & when our skin touched, I felt an even bigger rush come over me. It felt like I was going really fast down a steep hill on my bicycle. "You must be Mr. Jonas." She kept smiling as she went to sit in her chair, behind the desk.

"Um... yea." I stammered & I felt like a complete idiot. I could feel sweat forming on different parts of my body & I shook my good leg, nervously. "Nick. Call me Nick." I said in a shaky voice. I hope she didn't notice how nervous I was all of the sudden.

"Okay, Nick. Now, let's get started." She opened the folder & laid it on her desk. "You got pretty messed up." She was muttering, almost to herself. She looked up at me. "I see the notes from your doctor that you need to get started right away on working the good limbs because you're a fighter." Demi leaned her chin on the palm of her hand. "Ever thought about switching careers?" She pushed her lips out in an amusing way. I could see a slight sparkle in her eye & knew she had a sense of humor. I love a girl with a sense of humor.

I chuckled, "You sound like my mom. Did my mom tell you to say that?"

"No. But I mean.... " She waved her hand in my direction. "When this kind of damage happens, I wouldn't blame her."

"I didn't get injured in the cage." I stated. "In a fight." I added since most people didn't understand the term cage in regards to fighting.

Demi looked a little surprised. "You didn't? Then what happened to you?"

"I got jumped in an alley between the gym I work out at & the bar my brother works at."

Demi sat up straight. "Oh. I'm sorry that happened to you." She looked down at the folder, then I saw her write something with a pencil. I was watching her face, as the crease between her eyebrows made her look extremely tense. She looked up at me & folded her hands in front of her. She went to speak, then stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry. Is there something wrong? You have this weird look on your face." She looked somewhat annoyed, like I was keeping her from doing something.

"I'm sorry. I just... I mean... I gotta be honest. You weren't what I was expecting."

She wrinkled her entire forehead, scowling at me. "What were you expecting?"

I shrugged, looking down. "Someone older. I also wasn't expecting you to be so hot." I blurted it out then clamped my lips together & glanced at the ceiling. I can't believe I just said that. How inappropriate.

I heard her chuckle so I looked at her, smiling, sheepishly. "Um... thanks? Let's keep this professional, okay?" She said, warning me with her tone.

I nodded, licking my lips, realizing how thirsty I was. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate, but I'm not sorry I said it because you are hot. Women should be told that once in a while."

Demi smirked then rolled her eyes, slightly, as she looked down at my folder again. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but she seemed flustered. I know she was blushing because I could see a tiny pink hue on the round part of her cheeks. She was either blushing from embarrassment or from flattery, but in any case, I thought it was cute. Suddenly, my spirit was being lifted & I was hopeful about my recovery & my future. I had a feeling Demi would get me back to my full potential & I also had a weird feeling that her & I could have something together. I didn't know what, exactly, but I knew it would be something. I could feel it deep within me. I felt myself being drawn to her & I'd only known her for fifteen minutes. There must be a reason. There had to be a reason I felt this way. I didn't know what the reason was, but I did know I never felt this way before.

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