Pretentious (Short Story)

By TobiJaurello

6.4K 267 204

College is somewhat a tiny step of freedom, a subtle preparation for adulthood, or at least that's what Fresh... More


V - Final

1.2K 52 25
By TobiJaurello

"How many more days?" Camila pouted.

"Three more Walz then she'll be home." Dinah laughed.

"Too long." Camila whined, looking at the clock of the library.

"I just don't understand why they have to leave for two weeks, with no cellphones or whatsoever!" Camila exclaimed. She was indeed frustrated.

"We had like 3 days as a real couple before she left."

"Walz at least you had 3 days. By the way, Mendes is still not over you."Dinah informed her.

"What do you mean? It's been weeks Chee, he should be." Camila sighed.

"Walz, you haven't noticed?" Dinah asked surprised.

"Noticed what?" Camila asked worried. Dinah's eyes widened as she remembered what Normani told her.

"Shit." Dinah whispered.

"I mean, he's still probably not over you right?" Dinah chuckled nervously.

"You're acting weird." Camila stated.

"I know when you're hiding something from me Dinah Jane." Camila didn't have to threaten the Polynesian twice for her to give in.

"You what?!"

"I'm sorry boo! But she's my best friend. She has to know!" Dinah apologized towards her raging girlfriend.

"And Lauren is my best friend! She's gonna kill me!" Normani exclaimed, pacing back and forth.

"I just don't understand why we have to hide it from her. I mean she has to know right?" Dinah whispered.

"D! Have you forgotten why we're trying to hide those kind of things from her? Did you forget what happened the day before Lauren left?" Normani sighed.

"She's fine, just stressed out." The doctor said, looking at a sleeping Camila.

"What are the triggers of her stress?" Lauren asked.

"It seems to me that she's worried about something, perhaps and examination? Something that's been bothering her for a while. Camila might have been thinking about it hard, which caused her vagus nerve to drop blood levels hence, resulting in her fainting." The Doctor informed her.

"Vasovagal Syncope right?" Lauren asked, the Doctor smiled proudly at her and nodded.

"I'm surprised you know it." He chuckled.

"My Mom's a Doctor." Lauren replied politely.

"Alright, I'll get back later to check on her then you can go." He said before walking away.

"I should not go.." Lauren whispered.

"No, you need to go there Laur. It's required." Normani sighed.

"But Camila? She-"

"She'll be fine. Dinah and I will take care of her."

"Definitely." Dinah smiled, looking at Lauren.

"Count us too." Vero said as she high fived Keana.

"So, what was the condition she has?" Normani asked.

"Vasovagal Syncope is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure, it is often triggered by the mind. Once the blood pressure drops, the heart to slows down for a short time. Because of this, the brain might not he able to get sufficienr oxygen, which is why she passed out." Lauren stated.

"It's not that much of a serious health condition, but if she continues to over-think and such, it could re-occur."

"He's been slowly following you for weeks, kind of like a shadow." The words continued to repeat inside the brunette's mind while she continued to walk towards their condominium unit.

"Why on earth would he do that?" Camila sighed in frustration as she entered the unit. She noticed a figure from her peripheral view, panicking, the brunette fumbled with the door knob.

"Good afternoon Ma'am!" The clerk cheerfully greeted her.

"Good afternoon." Camila sighed in relief. Ever since Dinah told her, she's been anxious and scared.

"I miss you, you idiot." Camila whispered, looking at the picture of Lauren by their bedside.

She never really expected that she'd miss the raven so much, that she spent some nights crying and counting the days before she could finally see her again.

One day done, two more to go. The brunette thought to herself. Camila lazily dropped her bag on their bed, patting the space beside her. Her heart racing when she heard knocks on her door.

"Shit. Dinah was right." Camila muttered in horror, before grabbing Lauren's softball bat. One wrong move and she'll swing, just like Lauren taught her to.

"Camz, you have to have a tight grip." The raven chuckled.

"I do have a tight grip." Camila responded proudly.

"If so, then hit this ball alright?" Lauren instructed, the brown-eyed girl nodded in agreement her eyes focusing on the ball. Lauren slowly nodded at Keana, and the woman held the ball with a string and placed it in front of Camila.

"Try swaying it Keana." Lauren instructed, while the woman nodded.

"Now baby, I want you to focus. When the ball's near, hit." Camila nodded again, focused on the ball.

"3, 2, 1.." Lauren counted.

"No-Fuck!" The raven yelped in pain, when she bat suddenly flew towards her stomach. Causing her to stumble back and sit on the grass.

"Lolo!" "Lauren!" Both Camila and Keana yelled, rushing to the raven.

"You..hard headed...child." Lauren muttered in between breaths, holding her tummy.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Camila asked worriedly, panicking.

"Mils, she's holding her stomach." Keana laughed.

"I'm so sorry, I was holding it but it slipped and-" Camila rambled on, as she gently rubbed Lauren's tummy.

"You have such strong force." Lauren chuckled before wincing in pain.

"But a weak grip." Lauren added, laying on the grass.

"Come on, let's get you up." Keana laughed, holding her hand out for the raven.

"I was really expecting the ball to hit you, you know?" Lauren said, looking at Keana.

"Karma's my bitch." Keana joked, pulling Lauren up.

"Careful." Camila pouted, looking at Lauren who was smirking at her, as she held her up.

"You should probably say that to yourself babe." Lauren teased.

"I would slap you on the stomach but you've been hit already." Camila playfully bantered.

"Do you want to try it again Mils?" Keana teased.

"I will stay behind you this time." Lauren chuckled, walking behind her and hugging her.

"Same instructions Camz." Lauren whispered, Camila in the other hand had a tight grip on her bat.

"Inhale.." Camila followed.


"Now, ready?" The brunette nodded.

"3, 2, 1..hit!" Lauren yelled.

"Yay! You di-ow!" Keana yelled, while the ball on the string hit her leg.

"Keana!" Camila exclaimed when the woman jumped in pain.

"Don't mind her. She's fine." Lauren laughed, while Keana flipped her off.

"I'll buy you your favorite treat later." Lauren chuckled.

"Fuck." The raven muttered when her tummy muscle hurts upon laughing.

"And I'll buy you yours." Camila giggled, placing a kiss on the raven's cheek.

"Don't you dare!" Camila yelled, when the door handle started to move.

"Oh my fucking God." Camila muttered when she realized she didn't lock the door.

"I can swing a bat!" The brunette yelled, apparently the person behind the door had more plans.

"Ah!" Camila yelled, charging the door.

"Wait!" A familiar yelled back.

"Chancho?!" "Cheechee?!"

"What the hell?" Normani laughed.

"Why didn't you two speak!" Camila exclaimed.

"I was behind her, like a few meters away." Normani said.

"I was uh..vibing." Dinah whispered shyly, showing her airpods.

"Come in then." Camila said, while the duo nodded and entered.

"What brings you here?" Camila asked.

"Well, I was informed that this idiot.."

"I'm sorry alright!" Dinah huffed, glaring at Normani.

"I'm fine, really." Camila chuckled.

"Oh Mila, your tearstained face gave it away." Keana said, entering the room.

"How the hell?"

"Doors unlocked." Vero chuckled, entering as well. This time the woman locked it for Camila.

"So, we're here to sleepover." Dinah grinned.

"Also, to practice for that performance thingy we've been preparing." The Polynesian added, while Camila nodded.

"Are you two ready for tomorrow's event though?" Normani asked the duo.

"You'll be crying when you watch us." Dinah said proudly.

The Arts club had a small event scheduled for the day after, Camila had no group mate or whatsoever. Ally, being the nice woman she is-along with Normani who practically ordered her into agreeing-had an idea to let the members pick their group mate, and if they want they could get a non-club member.

Since Dinah was open to anything that results in helping her best friend, she was definitely a hundred percent in the idea. Even telling Normani that she will make her fall harder, to which the woman responded with a challenge.

Thankfully to her friends, she immediately forgot about the fact that someone was indeed, following her. Thankfully for the quadraple, their plan worked.


"Nervous?" Normani chuckled, looking at Camila.

"Kind of."

"Don't be, you'll do great."

"I'll be there recording you two." Normani added, pointing at the space she'll be standing in. In a few minutes, Dinah and Camila will be called to perform. Dinah was already in her position.

They spent the whole day designing the stage and making sure that everything was perfect. The event was to start at the evening, approximately at 6 pm.

"Alright! Thank you Three C's! Next up, we have Camila and her partner!" Troy smiled proudly as he announced the next performers.

Camila entered the stage, smiling as she gave her friends a wave. The plan was for Dinah to appear on her part, because that's how the Polynesian wanted it.

"So, the song we're going to perform is kind of like a little reminder of our relationship. This is entitled, True Love." Camila smiled proudly, nodding at Dinah who was backstage. A familiar beat played, and she started singing.

"Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say,
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face ." Camila sang, chuckling as she remembered Lauren.

"There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down." A voice that was apparently not Dinah's sang. The brunette looked at the place where Dinah was and apparently, the Polynesian wasn't there.

"Hey Mila!" Ally yelled from the crowd, as soon as Camila faced her, she pointed at a spot where a photographer was. Camila's eyes widened in realization.

"I know life would suck without you." The familiar green-eyes sang, smirking at the brunette before nodding her head and urging her to continue singing.

"At the same time, I wanna hug you,
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck,
You're a jerk but I love you." Camila sang, still in shock while Lauren laughed, shaking her head as she made her way towards the stage.

"And you make me so mad, I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known." Lauren sang, poking the brunette's nose. While those who like her continued to get jealous of the brunette.

"But I hate you, I really hate you." Camila said, while Dinah, and Hailee nodded. It was true though, she hated Lauren very much when they first met.

"So much I think it must be" Lauren sang, nodding her head.

"True love, true love
It must be true love." This time, both of them sang together. Camila singing higher, and Lauren supporting the brunette with her low register.

"Nothin' else can break my heart like." Lauren sang, looking at the brunette who was smiling at her.

"True love, true love,
It must be true love."

"No one else can break my heart like you." Camila smiled, kissing Lauren's nose. The raven giggled in surprise, while her fans started to cooe in jealousy, but in a positive way.

No one had an effect on Camila, the same way Lauren had. Apparently, when they had that rollercoaster ride of a feelings towards each other. The brunette was heart broken that Lauren did not pull the aggressive, protective behavior she liked.

"Just once tried to wrap your little brain around my feelings." Lauren sang, poking Camila's forehead. The brunnette furrowed her eyebrows and huffed.

"Just once please try no to be so mean." Camila sang, poking Lauren on the sides.

As the two continued to sing freely, their friends continued to talk about how much of an idiot both Camila and Lauren are, for avoiding each other instead of confessing.

"No one else can break my heart like you." Both girls sang.

"Thank you Camila and Lauren!" Ally smiled, as she entered the stage.

"What a surprise huh?" Troy grinned proudly.

"No one else can break my heart like you." Lauren sang again as they walked down the backstage stairs.

"Ouch!" Lauren groaned when Camila slapped her arm.

"Did you think it was funny to suddenly appear in the crowd like that?!" The brunette exclaimed, before hugging Lauren.

"I missed you." She whispered, her tears threatening to fall. Lauren smiled as her muscles softened from Camila's touch.

"I missed you too." The raven smiled, kissing the top of Camila's head.

"I love you." Camila said, taking Lauren by surprise.

"You what?"

"I love you." The brunette repeated, pulling away from hug.

"You do?"

"I just said it Lauren, of course I do." Camila rolled her eyes.

"Say it again."

"I love you Lauren." Camila smiled proudly, she felt free. She finally expressed the words she's been wanting Lauren to know.

Before she knew it, the raven's lips were on hers. The kiss was different from all the other little kisses they shared. This one was full of love, longing, and affection. Camila carefully snaked her hands on the crook of Lauren's neck, while the raven pulled her closer by the waist.

"Let's go home." Camila whispered against Lauren's lips, while the older one smiled before pulling away.

"Let's go."

"Oh! A second please. I forgot something on the club room." Camila said.

"Okay. Let's go." Lauren smiled, wrapping her arms around Camila's waist.

"No, stay here. I'll be quick." Camila said, stopping the raven on her tracks.

"I've been away for weeks Camz, I wanna join you." Lauren pouted.

"Lo, it's all the way there. Sit still okay? I love you." Camila smiled, kissing the raven's lips before rushing off to the building.

"I love you too!" Lauren yelled, smiling happily before walking to her best friend. Austin, one of her childhood friends was there as well, talking to Normani.

"Lauren." Austin greeted, hugging the woman.

"Austin." The raven grinned.

"You did great." He chuckled before looking behind the raven.

"Where's Camila?" Austin asked.

"Yeah? Where's Mila?" Normani asked surprised.

"Oh, she went back to the Club room. She said she forgot something." Lauren smiled, pointing at the building. When she looked back at her friends, terror was evident in both their eyes.

"Shit!" Austin muttered before pulling Lauren towards the same building.

"Yo! What's up?" Lauren asked as she pulled her hand away from Austin's grip. While the Hazel-eyed boy panted.

"Lauren, you shouldn't leave Camila alone!" Austin said as he urged Lauren to jog with him.

"I don't get you." Lauren chuckled, walking after him.

"Remember Shawn? My dorm-mate? Lauren he's a fucking psychopath! Since you left weeks ago, he's been shadowing Camila." Austin informed her. Just like the flash, they both bolted towards the building.

"He's been tracking down every detail she does during the day! He knows her schedule, and even has a stupid plan board about her. I found out about this two days ago, I've informed Normani." Austin said.

"Well why didn't you all say so?!" Lauren exclaimed, still running towards the building. She had just gotten home from a three hour bus ride, with no sleep. She was so excited of going home she couldn't sleep the last night of the seminar.

"We were! But you never let Camila out your sight! Until now!" Austin responded as they rushed up the stairs.

"Move." Lauren growled when a buff guy stoof in front of the doorway of the club room.

"Fuck off." One guy chuckled.

"Fucking move!" Lauren growled, this time Austin caught up to her.

"Dude, Move." Austin growled, standing beside Lauren. Lauren was much smaller than the guy, Austin-who was on her right-was smaller by an inch.

"Make me." He chuckled, pushing Austin.

The duo scoffed together, while Lauren bit her lip looking at Austin before looking down, Lauren moved her right feet back in a "walking away" manner, earning a reaction from the guy.

"That's right. Move along." The guy chuckled.

The raven let out a mocking chuckle, before looking at Austin. As soon as the older one nodded, Lauren abruptly kicked the guy on the gut. Once he reacted and bent down, Austin landed a full blown right hook on his face.

"You had a fucking choice Griffin." Austin smirked once Griffin struggled to get up.

"Go." Austin ordered.

"You'll fucking die Mahone." Griffin chuckled, wiping his lips.

"Please, don't!" Camila's voice echoed inside the room as Lauren went in.

There she was, held by Shawn against the wall. The brunette's plaid button up was somewhat opened up to her upper abdomen, just below her chest. Lauren felt her whole body tremble in anger. Shawn was more focused on holding Camila still, while her girlfriend tried to squirm away, not noticing her presence.

"I told you a couple of times.." Lauren started off, chuckling in a sarcastic way. Both Camila and Shawn looked at Lauren who was standing by the door way, and slowly walking towards them.

"Couple fucking times Mendes." Quickly, Shawn turned around to face her. He dusted his shirt, smirking at Lauren.

"You're such a cockblock." He said, while Camila breathed unsteady. To her, Lauren looked really terrifying. It was as if the raven had flames around her, in anger.

"Sorry for interrupting." Lauren growled.

"I'll make you fucking pay for stealing my Cami-" Shawn started, throwing a punch at the raven who ducked.

"You talk too much." Lauren growled after kicking him in the gut, the same manner he kicked Griffin.

Once he was down, Lauren kept and eye on him while slowly removing the jacket she was wearing. The raven walked towards her terrified girlfriend, she planted a kiss on Camila's forehead before wrapping her jacket around her.

"I'm here." Lauren whispered calmly.

"I only wanted one thing Lauren! One thing." Shawn exclaimed as he got up, holding his gut.

"Camila. I only want her, why can't you just let us be?" He said in annoyance.

"Who the hell in the right mind would give their girlfriend to some psychopath?" Lauren chuckled.

"Last time I checked, She was m-"

"Don't fucking objectify her. She was never yours from the start." Lauren growled.

"Then why the hell are you calling her "my girlfriend" huh?" Shawn smirked.

"Isn't she my girlfriend?" Lauren said amused at the Canadian.

"You're objectifying her as well!" Shawn yelled.

"When I say my girlfriend I am not objectifying her, rather my relationship with her. Have you forgotten the usage of adjectives in terms of modification?" Lauren asked.

"We're together, she answered me. You on the other hand has no affiliation with Camila." Lauren stated, by this time Shawn was silently glaring at him.

"Just fuck off!" He yelled lounging to punch Lauren once again, only to be dodged. The door opened, startling Camila who covered herself.

"Get up." Austin said, looking at the Canadian who was on the floor.

"Stay out of this Mahone."

"Or what? You'll call Griffin?" Austin said.

"Get up and leave my friends alone." He added, helping Shawn up and getting him out of the door.

Lauren and Camila remained silent inside the room, none of them saying a single word. Lauren watched Austin close the door, while Camila watched Lauren who was breathing heavily. Without another word, Camila pulled Lauren to her and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" Lauren whispered, looking at the brunette.

"I'm sorry." Camila whispered.

"Baby, you didn't do anything wrong. If anything I should be sorry for not accompanying you."

"No... I-" Camila started, tears were evident in her eyes.

"Don't cry, were you crying?" Lauren asked, while the brunette buried her face on Lauren's neck. She was feeling a mixture of fright, yet overwhelmed with gratitude.

"I won't ever let you out my sight again." Lauren smiled.

"Come on, let's go home for real."



"Camila?" As the raven walked into their shared unit, she let out a soft chuckle when she saw a familiar figure on the living room table. It was the little octopus she gave Camila, the toy can be flipped inside out depending on the user's mood.

"Thank God you're home. The octopus on your condo unit will finally be happy." Dinah's words rang on her head.

The octopus was indeed happy in the past few days, except for the current day where it seems to be in a foul mood. Lauren knew exactly why it was like that.

Entering the room, she found a fort. The raven couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Camila was indeed the childish one. But she loved her nevertheless.

"Camzi, I'm home." Lauren smiled. Unexpectedly, the brunette peaked her head out of her fort and smiled happily. When she was about to speak, she realized she was sulking and immediately went back inside her fort.

"Still giving me the could shoulder?" Lauren pouted, kneeling down beside the fort entrance. Another chuckle escaped her lips when she found another octopus inside the fort, still in a foul mood. Camila had two, incase she misplaced the first one.

"Can I enter though?" Lauren asked politely. The brunette who was giving her the cold shoulder, gently nodded.

"Baby, she's just a friend." Lauren smiled, gently reaching out for the brunette's hand. Camila on the other hand swatted her hand away.

Apparently earlier at school, upon lunch time. A graduate student visited the school and saw Lauren. Face to face, Camila saw how the woman kissed her girlfriend.

"Is that all you want?"

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry." Lauren smiled.

"But I'm paying, you can eat anything you want!" Camila pouted.

"Anything?" Lauren smirked, eyeing Camila up and down. The brunette's eyes widened as she tried to cover her body.

"Except me!" Camila exclaimed, earning a laugh from the raven.

"God, I love you so much." Lauren said in between laughs before gently standing up in attempt to reach the other side of the table and kiss Camila.

"Lauren! Oh my gosh!" A female voice said when the raven stood up.

"Hey." Lauren politely smiled. Camila looked behind her and saw a petite woman, smiling at Lauren.

"I fucking missed you boo! Come here." The woman smiled, walking towards Lauren and engulfing her in a hug.

"You're still so beautiful Laur." She smiled, kissing the raven's cheek a couple of times. Even landing one near her lips. The raven quickly pulled away when the hug was too much, along with the kisses.

"Oh uh.." Lauren muttered.

"Lucy, this is my girlfriend, Ca-" Lauren started, but unfortunately her girlfriend was halfway out the cafeteria.

"Was she your girlfriend?!" Lucy exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Yeah.. I have to go, it was nice seeing you." Lauren muttered, before running to catch up with Camila.

"Mhm, and Normani told me that friend of yours had a huge crush on you." Camila finally spoke up.

"Had Camz, had." Lauren smiled.

"Then why did it seemed that she wanted to kiss you so bad?" Camila said annoyed. Truth is, Lauren knew the woman's feelings were still there. She knew that Lucy was going to arrive at the school at any time because one of their old friends said so.

"I don't know to be honest. But Camz, I only like you." Lauren smiled, gently making her way to snake an arm around Camila's waist. Camila had her back turned against her, so it was easy to snake her hands.

"Be honest with me, aside from me did you have any other relationships?" Smiling, Lauren shook her head before answering.

"None." She then pulled Camila towards her, placing her in between her thighs, her hands still wrapped around the brunette's waist.


"Two, the other one was you." Lauren smiled.

"Who was that crush?" Camila asked, side eyeing Lauren, she still had her back against Lauren's front so she couldn't see her emotions properly.

"Chace Crawford." Lauren chuckled.

"Isn't he in Gossip Girl?"

"Yes." Lauren laughed.

"As you can see, I'm very loyal to you Camz." The raven smiled, placing soft kisses on Camila's shoulder blades up to her neck.

"Lo.." Camila mumbled, Lauren immediately stopped what she was doing.

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

"No, continue.." Camila whispered, her hands making its way towards Lauren's neck while she arched her her to the side, letting her girlfriend know that she was satisfied.

A few kisses later, both girls were currently outside the fort. While Lauren struggled to lock their bedroom door, Camila went to unbutton her shirt.

"Wait.." Camila said before stopping Lauren on kissing her.

With red lips, Lauren nodded. She watched as her girlfriend pulled her towards the fort, which was at the end of the bed. Lauren bit her lip when Camila seductively bent in front of her to pick up the octopus and turn it inside out, revealing a smiley mood.

"Fuck." Camila muttered, examining Lauren's body. She was two button's away from taking the raven's button up off. Lauren's abs were clearly visible, it wasn't like how majority of muscular people had..but it drove Camila crazy.

"Softball fucking paid off." The brunette smirked, while Lauren bit her lip. She liked how dominant Camila was acting, it was something she never thought she'd see.

Without any warning, the brunette abruptly pushed her to the bed and strangled her before reconnecting their lips. Camila moaned lowly when she felt Lauren's tongue ask for entrance.

"Damn." The raven muttered when Camila pulled away, impatiently ripping her buttton up off and throwing it somewhere. Once Lauren's shirtless body was into view properly, she smirked at Camila who looked at her in awe. The brunette was indeed blushing.

As Lauren attached her lips towards Camila's neck, Camila tried to suppress a moan...yet failed. Lauren smirked against her skin before sucking on the spot that Camila reacted to. Within a swift move, she pulled Camila's shirt above her head and pulled it.

"You naughty girl." Lauren smirked in amusement when she saw that Camila wasn't wearing her brassiere underneath the shirt. The brunette rolled her eyes in a teasing manner before pulling Lauren closer to her chest, she made sure her lips were right above Lauren's ears, before whispering sultry words.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Camila whispered, Lauren growled in amusement. Both of them were new to the feeling, they never really went further than kissing. But tonight, both of them knew something was going to happen, and they want it to happen.

"I'll show you how I punish naughty angels." Lauren growled, within a split second. The raven was hovering above Camila.

"I'd like to see you try." Camila smirked, Lauren let out a smirk as well, before grabbing Camila's hands and pinning it above her head with one hand. Camila bit her lip, while Lauren hovered her lips above the younger ones, leaving Camila with words that she made sure happened.

"I'll make you scream."

A/N: Thank you for reading Pretentious! What a cliffhanger huh?

I do not hate the artists that I used as the story antagonists. :))

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