By LilaDisaster

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What if Jake Pitts had a little sister? Well he does. What's the problem? Ashley Purdy. He is inlove with her... More

Meet: Aria Pitts
Jake's Sister's Ex Boyfriend
The Chase Begins
Purdy Please ;)
Well I Just Cleaned Out Andy's Bank Account
Let The Most Epicist Tour Begin
The Bomb, The Sleeping Pill, and The Passout
The Chase Ends???
Purdy Easy To Break Your Heart?
I'm Leaving For Good
Time Changes All
The Outlaw, The Kidnapped Princess, and The Jake
Family Problems
The Greatest Battle That Ever Took Place
Sammi's Wedding Plans and I Don't Think I'm Ready
I'm What?!?!?
Things Take Turn For The Worst
Meet: Metallica Jaylee Purdy
Epilogue: 5 Years Later

New Year's Resolution

277 4 1
By LilaDisaster

When I awoke in some guy's bed, in some house. I freaked out. Alex came running in, and asked if I was ok. "Y-yeah. Where am I?" I asked, looking around. "You're in the ghetto, chicka. Don't worry, no one fucked you. I think you should call you're brother though, he posted on twitter, looking for you." Alex smiled at me, with his thick mexican accent. I nodded, and dialed his number. Damnitt. I have on major hang over. "Hey Jake, can you come get me?" I whispered, my head hurts really bad. "Where are you?" Jake whispered back, his voice sounded strained. "The ghetto." I sighed, looking at the walls. "Oh, I know where that is. See you in about 30 minutes." Jake replied, hanging up. I sat outside waiting for what seems like hours, I didn't know what's going to happen next, but I know it would be bad. When I got in the car, I got a super long lecture from Jake. "I was scared, Aria." He concluded. "I'm sorry, it's just Ashley." I replied. "Don't say his name, stay away from him, don't be around him. Do you understand?'' Jake asked. "Yeah." I mumbled. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND, ARIA?" His voice rised. "Yes, Jake." I snapped, looking out the window.


"Get up, we're going shopping." Sammi said, spraying me with water. "NO!" I croaked, rolling over. "Get up, or the bucket's comming out." Sammi threatened. "I'm up." I said, sitting up fast. I dragged myself to the bathroom, and washed myself up. I haven't gotten a shower since the break up. I walked out in sweats. "Oh no. You are not going in public like that. Let me help you." Sammi frowned, pulling me back into my room. Let me help you for Sammi is, bitch you are going to let me fix you up, or you're going to die. She shoves me into a Bullet For My Valentine shit, black skinny jeans, and into converse. She then slips a black and red studded belt, then slips on eyeliner, and DEEP RED lipstick. I am then dragged into the car, and driven to Hot Topic.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, looking at Sammi. "Because you're moping. Moping is boring. We need to have fun. Now shut up, and go shopping." Sammi smirked at me, getting out of the car. I sighed, getting out of the car. When we walked in, every eye was on us. Which made me feel uncomfortable, I don't like attention. At all. We walked straight over to the store, and looked around. I settled on nothing. "You're boring." Sammi whined, running over to the tutus. I rolled my eyes, and leaned against the wall. "NEW MESSAGE BOTDF." My phone screamed at me. I flipped it open, to reveal Ashley texting me.



I snapped my phone close, he better not talk to me again. He didn't reply, so I guess he got the message. I waited for Sammi to be done, and then we left. Thank goodness. I frowned.


Ashley has moved on, and I am still single. It hurts to see him with every other girl every night. But I show no emotion, I've been good at that lately. Super good to be honest. No one can read me at all. Only Andy, only Andy. The days blurred by super fast. The next thing I knew it was Christmas Eve, and Black Veil Brides was still on tour, we were traveling to Idaho. They were doing Wreck The Halls for December. Andy and I were the only ones up so, we decieded on playing Cards. "Do you have any 5's?" I asked. "Go Fish." Yes, we were playing Go Fish, like bosses. I had won a game, and so has he. It was past midnight, and we were deep in the game. We get super competative, and I was sitting next to him. I was about to ask- "Hey Aria?" I turned to look, and we kissed. Just like that, no warning, no nothing. I jumped back, frightened. What has he done? I don't think he was going to do it on purpose, juding on the way he's freaking out. "No! I wasnt going to kiss you. I was-" Before he could even answer, I did something spontanous, and dangerous. I pulled him to me, and we kissed. More liked made out, but still. I felt him as he relaxed, and he pulled me onto his lap. As if on cue, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We kissed harder, he put his tongue to my lips, I gave him entrance. But I wanted more. I know shocking, little Aria Pitts wanting more. Shut up. The next thing I know is Jake walking in to smoke, and said "Oh good your over Ashley." Andy and I pushed each other away.I blushed really badly, not meeting his eyes. "No it's fine. I rather have you sucking faces with Andy then Ashley." Jake sighed, walking out of the room. I just nodded my head, like an idiot.

"Ummm...." Andy began. "Yeah, so are we dating?" I asked, feeling VERY awkward. "Yeah we are. I, I think I like this." Andy smiled, I nodded, and he pulled me back onto his lap. Which I leaned against his chest, after a moment..."Let's go somewhere private..." He whispered, picking me up, and carrying me into my room, where I slept. I like where this is going.. I fell back, and he got on top of me. He slipt his hands around me, "II want to, but I'm not going to do this right now," Andy whispered, showing his perfect white teeth. I nodded, as he rolled off of me. For the rest of the night we snuggled close to each other, and fell asleep. I think I'm over Ashley.

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