Time Changes All

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I am finally 21, which means I can buy achole and ciggrettes. I've changed ALOT since 3 years ago. But I guess you already know that, by looking at my picture. I still lived, with SWS, and I am single. Gabe and I both agreed that with our pasts, we should just be bro and sis. Anyways I've had other relationships, but they all ended, when I broke up with them. At this very moment, we were on Warped Tour. "Aria! Where is my fave girl?" Gabe screamed, running around the bus. I smirked to myself, as I jumped down from my bunk. Even though we agreed not to date that boy still has a huge crush on me. "Gabe I am right here, calm your tits! I'm not going anywhere!" I screamed back, Kellin bursted into laughter, from his place on the couch. "Let's go to da MALL!" Justin yelled, grabbing a pack of ciggrettes. ''WHY NOT?" I yelled. By the way we LOVED to yell.

We grabbed our stuff, and walked over to the mall. We are kinda eco friendly, so we walked over to the mall literally. While some fans fangirled about Kellin, Gabe, and Justin, they decieded to go greet them, like a good band does. So I decieded to walk over to Hot Topic. "Umm ma'am would you direct me to RadioShack? I seriously gotta go buy a CD for my best friend!" A man asked, I looked up from the lipr rings, and he gasped. Who is this guy? "Is it you?" He whispered, "Umm who are you?" I asked, "You don't reconize your best friend?" He sounded hurt, then I smiled, remembering the guy. "CC!" I screamed, as I hugged him. CC laughed and hugged me back. "Dude you have to see everyone!" CC yelled, as he picked me up bridal style, and carried me over to the bus, which was parked right behind the mall. "Guys it's Aria!" CC yelled. Everyone stood up, and stared at me. That's when Jake came running toward me, and grabbed me. Jake started crying, and I cried too. He wouldn't even let me go, tightening his arms around me. "I missed you!" Jinxx said, as Jake freed me from his chain like hug. "If you ever do that again, I will FUCKING kill you!" Jake cried. Ashley looked at me, his eyes were so diffrent. They weren't the same gorgouse almond eyes, they were dirt coloured, like he hasn't smiled in years, which might be true. I walked over to him, it looked like he wanted to talk to me. "I am so sorry!" He bawled, as we hugged awkwardly. "Where have you been?" Sammi demanded, looking at me angry. "Living with Sleeping With Sirens." I replied.

"Please live with us again!" Jake begged. "Maybe I need to clear it with Kellin, and the guys first." I said. I called Kellin, and talked to him about it. He understood completely, and when they got back, he would send me my personal items. He said I will always have a place at their house, and he would never forget me. When I got back on the bus, Andy was there, holding hands with a girl. I wasn't hurt, infact I was happy he met someone, and moved on from me. "Juilet, this is Aria, Aria, this is Juilet." I smiled, and she smiled back. Ashley called me over. "I did somethings I wasn't proud of, but I want to you know I hated myself for what I did to you, I truely hated it." "It's fine Ash, but I will never forget what happened. You hurt me. Badly." I replied. He nodded, and asked me a question "Give me one more chance." I couldn't believe it, why would he even ask that? I replied "I'll give you one week, to prove to me I can give you that chance." "What do I need to do?" He asked. "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

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