By LilaDisaster

5.9K 99 8

What if Jake Pitts had a little sister? Well he does. What's the problem? Ashley Purdy. He is inlove with her... More

Meet: Aria Pitts
Jake's Sister's Ex Boyfriend
The Chase Begins
Purdy Please ;)
Well I Just Cleaned Out Andy's Bank Account
Let The Most Epicist Tour Begin
The Bomb, The Sleeping Pill, and The Passout
The Chase Ends???
New Year's Resolution
I'm Leaving For Good
Time Changes All
The Outlaw, The Kidnapped Princess, and The Jake
Family Problems
The Greatest Battle That Ever Took Place
Sammi's Wedding Plans and I Don't Think I'm Ready
I'm What?!?!?
Things Take Turn For The Worst
Meet: Metallica Jaylee Purdy
Epilogue: 5 Years Later

Purdy Easy To Break Your Heart?

269 3 0
By LilaDisaster

For about a week, Ashley and I have been dating. Ashley's been good, he hasn't been paying attention to any females, or drinking. He does smoke though, but I do too. "Purdy Girl, what you up too?" Ashley asked, sneaking up behind me. "Chilling out, like a boss!" I laughed, finishing my ciggerette. "Do you love me?" Ashley asks, suddenly. "Yeah. I say I love you all the time, and you do too. So?'' I smirked, putting my ciggerette out. "I was just wondering, what do you want to do today?" He questioned. "Beat your ass at Call Of Duty." I laugh. "Psh, that's a big fat lie." Ashley retorted. I walked over to the sofa, and threw him a controller. I will always win, no matter what. Ashley sit next to me, and soon we were at it.

Jake's P.O.V

I hated the fact that Ashley and Aria are dating. I hate it with a passion. Sammi says she think they're cute togather, I rather say other words. I love Ashley, but he needs to find another girl to fall in love with. I mean a week, and they're already in love? My sister's fallen hard. Too hard. Let's just hope, he doesn't crush her heart, or I'll crush him. Just because I rock out with him doesn't mean I can't hate him, if he hurts my sister. I jump off the bunk, and found her and Ashley playing xbox 360. I rolled my eyes, avoiding their faces. I really don't care what Ashley does or thinks. Just as long as he doesn't hurt her. That's all I care about.


"Love you babe." Ashley smiled, walking out of the tour bus, as he kissed me. "Love you too, Ashy." I replied, as I leaned against the wall, smoking a ciggrette. Sammi pulled me inside of the bus, and we started talking about her job. "So you really love him?" Sammi asks suddenly. "Yeah, I really do. I know we've been going out for a week, but I seriously love him." I sighed, smiling to myself about him. "That's good enough for me." Sammi replied. I nodded, then leaned against the sofa. "I'm about to take a nap, sorry Sammers.'' I yawned, falling asleep.


"You need to tell her Jinxx." "I know, but I don't know I should. It's going to be pretty hard to tell her." Jinxx replied distrested. I yawned, and sat up. "Tell me what, Jinxx?" I asked, slightly confused. "Yeah, Jinxx. Tell her what?" Sammi threatened. "Ummm, I saw umm Ashley....." Jinxx trailed off, not meeting my eyes. "Ok, we all see Ashley. What's going on Jinxx?" I asked, suddenly worried. "ISAWASHLEYMAKINGOUTWITHANOTHERGIRL." Jinxx said in one breath. "You saw what?" I asked, not wanting to believe my ears. "I. Saw. Ashley. Making. Out. With. Another. Girl." Jinxx mumbled, looking away. I stopped breathing. Literally. I began shaking uncontrolably. "No." I whispered. "NO!" I screamed. That's when I took off running off the bus.

Sammi's P.O.V

I frowned. "Hang the fuck on." I yelled, pulling out my cell phone. Jinxx decieded to call Jake. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed into the phone, that's my best friend. Even if she's younger, she's freaking awesome. "What are you talking about?" Ashley asked, pretending to be confused. But in the background I could hear a woman moan and say "Ashley..." I held my breath, trying to calm down. This isn't going to work. "Cheating on Aria, MAN WHORE. She's gone now. Hope you're fucking happy, bitch." I screamed, slamming my phone down. We waited. For minutes, for hours. Andy, Jake, and CC came on the bus. CC was worried sick, that's his little sister right there, even if they're aren't related. Jake looked like he's been crying, he sits down. Andy leans against the wall, smoking his 5th? Maybe 6th ciggrette. That's when Ashley makes his apprence. "Where's Aria?" He asked, trying to hide the hickies sticking out, in obvious places.. "Gone." Jake said, his voice was in pain. "Smooth, Ashley. Hurt a girl who has no home. Kicked out at the age of 13. Lived with a pycotic Aunt for 5 years. Found her brother, finally felt at home, falls in love with YOU, and now is gone." Andy screamed, pulling his fist back. I don't like where this is going..."HEY! Let's just find Aria." I frowned, as I got between Andy and Ashley.

Aria's P.O.V

I stumbled out of the bar. How long had I been there? I don't even know. I bought three shots of Jack Daniels, they didn't even check for ID. Dumbasses. I felt good and warm. Then I bought a wine bottel, and this is where I walk around with a bottel in my hand, like a boss. I chug half of it, and start to who the fuck knows where. "Hey better relax on the wine, chicka." A mexican smirks at me. "Don't tell me to relax. You have no the fucking clue what's going on." I hiccup, waving my bottel in his face. "Yeah, sure, chicka. You look a bit drunk to be honest. I'm Alejandro, call me Alex." Alex smiles at me, taking my bottel, and throwing it on the ground. "JAYLEE!" I scream, dropping to my knees. "Jaylee?" "Yes, I named my bottle. I'm Aria." I look up at him. "Where do you live?" Alex asks. "Umm, on a tour bus, with Black Veil Brides." I mumbled, showing him my idea. "Well, I'll have you stay the night. Don't worry, I've got a girl friend. C'mon into the car, chicka." Alex smiles at me, directing me into his car. I nod, as soon as I got into the car. I passed out.

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