Sans AUs x Reader: Boyfriend...

By GameGeek03

105K 1.8K 4.8K

Sanses included will be...Classic, Swap, Fell, Swapfell, Ink, Error, Dream, Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Lust, Ho... More

How You Met (pt. 1)
How You Met (pt. 2)
Becoming Friends
He Meets Your Pet(s)
Living Arrangments
His Feelings For You
His Brother's Opinion of You
First Date
When You're On Your Period
He Takes Care Of Your Pet(s)
Meeting The Other Versions
Small PSA
He Grows Protective


7K 122 979
By GameGeek03

| January 25th, 2021 |

[ So here's a quick rundown of notes for this chapter:

- Majority will only be discussions of the ex-lover

- Ex-lover will be as gender-neutral as possible with the most generic gender-neutral names

- If your name is used, I apologize. You can replace the name with anything else

- Pronouns used will be she/her, I will make sure to edit that in the description after publishing this chapter

- Introduction of nicknames

I hope you enjoy the chapter. ]

~ Classic Sans ~

Ever since your date with Sans, things have been going great between you two. You both became very comfortable with each other, although it hasn't gotten to the point where you'd say "I love you" to each other. Nope, hasn't gotten that serious yet. But it's fine, especially since you've only had your first date not that long ago. But, of course, there was always something that had to ruin your happiness for a bit.

You didn't even know how they had found you. You had blocked them on everything; phone number, social media, anything you could think of. You didn't even talk to them for a few years. But here they were, your ex-lover from a few years ago standing in front of you as you were wiping a glass cup clean.


"(Y/n)." The tension in the air was rather heavy.

"It's been a while," Bailey commented.

"It certainly has." You made sure to keep your answer short and simple. You definitely didn't want to see them again.

"I've missed-"

"No, don't." You quickly interrupted, glaring at them with all your might. "Don't give me that. You had your chance those years ago, but ruined it with that person you told me not to worry about."

"Listen, I'm sorry. I really am. But I've changed now, really. I'm different than before."

"I highly doubt that since you still dress like you're still in high school." The establishment had been silent for a while. A few monsters glanced over while the humans tried to mind their business, but were obviously listening.

"Listen, I am trying to be nice to you and you won't even give me a chance."

"Why should I when I've moved on and found someone better?"

"You already found another? Didn't think you'd move on that quick." And there it was, the true feelings of the person you dated for a long while. You had known them long enough to know when they're trying to use their tactics, and your hunch was correct for not believing when they said that they changed.

"I am not going to fall victim to you again, Bailey. Now leave."

"Come on, you know you missed me. You know you want me."

"Like hell I do-"

"Heeey, sorry I'm late. Some ass doesn't know how to park apparently." You were interrupted when Sans walked in, not noticing the heavy atmosphere and the deathly silent establishment at first. "Uh...what's going on here?" He questioned, looking over at you and Bailey. Biting your lip, you gave a small sigh.

"Nothing, Sans. They were just leav-" You were then interrupted when Bailey gripped your wrists tightly, pulling you close to them.

"Nothing, short stacks. I was just visiting my bae on her break."

"Excus-" You winced in pain as Bailey squeezed your wrist to get you to shut up.

"Excuse me, but you're hurting my girl. So unless you want to be buried 6 feet under, I suggest that you get your grimy hands off of her." Sans threatened, his sockets getting dark to show that he was serious. Although reluctant, they finally released you and Sans instantly pulled you away from them. "Good choice, now get out of here. You caused enough damage as it is."

"Really? This is who you moved on to? A literal bag of bones?!" Bailey yelled, frustrated that you, in their mindset, replaced them with a skeleton. A skeleton, for crying out loud. "Oh well. You'll realize your mistake one of these days, and you'll come crawling back when this pile of dust doesn't please you as well as I did-"

"Would you please leave now, already?!" Your distressed yelling alerted Grillby and he was quick to appear out of the kitchen. "Leave, you did enough. I left you because you cheated on me. I have nothing to crawl back to." With an agitated sigh, Grillby shooed Bailey out with a broom while Sans talked to you in a quiet voice.

"Hey, are you alright..?" You gave a shaky nod, not trusting your voice as Sans carefully inspected your wrists. "Bastard left red, sit down, take a few deep breaths." Listening to Sans' instructions, you took a seat in the nearest stool, focused on your breathing while Grillby sent an employee to get you some water and ice, all while Sans held your hands close.

Once the water was brought, you carefully used a hand to bring the cup up to sip on while Sans applied ice on your other wrist. Finally, you've calmed down, starting to feel better as Sans holds your hands once again. "Better..?"

"Yeah, better..thank you, Sans.."

"Anytime, kid.." After a minute passed, Sans adjusted the ice on your wrists. "If you don't mind..who exactly was that..?" You had been expecting this question. Thinking for a bit, you reluctantly answer.

"That's Bailey..they were my ex a few years back..they cheated on me with someone they told me not to worry about...I guess things didn't work between them since they tried to get me back.."

"Jeez...I'm sorry you had to go through that, Buttercup..good thing you left." You both gave each other a small smile. However, yours grew when you noticed something.

"'Buttercup', huh?" After processing for a bit, Sans instantly blushed blue.

"I-I'm sorry if you don't like it, I can-" You giggled at his reaction, smiling at the skeleton.

"No, it's cute. I like it." Breathing a sigh of relief, he gave you a small smile as he moved a strand of hair away from your face.

"They won't hurt you again, (Y/n), not while I'm here with you. I can promise you that, Buttercup." You smiled at his words.

"Thank you, Sans. I think I can get back to work now."

"Are you sure? Your wrists might be bruised.." You nodded, confident in your choice.

"I'm sure. You can stay here until closing time if you'd like."

"Heh. You read my mind. I did just promise that I won't let that creep hurt you again, now did I?" A small giggle escaped from you.

"That you did." Taking back the ice pack, you stood up and quickly got back to work with Sans watching over you and the door to make sure Bailey wouldn't come in.

~ Underswap Sans ~

You and Swap had been cuddling in bed for a while now. Neither of you had any plans, the house was cleaned, puzzles worked just fine, you thought you could use this time to help Swap relax for a bit. Although Swap has been very quiet for a while, his mind filled with a single question that lined up with a series of questions. Did you date someone before him? And if you did, what were they like? They must have been human, obviously. Did he give you enough love since he's a skeleton and you're a human? He felt bothered by these questions.

"Sans?" You called out to him, noticing how his usual starry pinpricks were nothing but white circles in his sockets. "Blueberry, hey, what's wrong...?" You gently shook his shoulder, using his nickname to get his attention. His train of thought broke as he glanced over at you.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Princess. I was thinking about something."

"It must be important if you're so focused on it. What's wrong?" After a moment of silence, Swap took a deep breath as he sat up.

"Princess, have you ever dated anyone else before me...?"

'So that's what he's worried about.' You thought. Figuring it was best to be honest, you answered. "I did, once. Their name was August. We dated a few years back for a while, but they grew bored of me. Said that I was boring and no longer worth their time. They also said that they found someone better, especially in bed, so..." Your voice trailed off as you had looked off to the side. It's not that you weren't completely uncomfortable, you just felt awkward explaining why your ex left you. Swap wasted no time in pulling you in for a hug.

"I don't understand why they would think that! You're like...the greatest human of all, even if you're the second one I've met. You're so nice and tough when you need to be. They were not worth your time!" Giving a small giggle, you hugged the happy skeleton back with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Blue. I'm really happy to have met you."

"Me too, Princess. Also, may I ask another question?"


"What did you mean by, 'especially in bed'?"

~ Underfell Sans ~

You were completely bored out of your mind. There wasn't much you wanted or could do, especially when your options are limited in the underground. You suppose you could go and visit Alphys, but the anime she has is something that doesn't really appeal to you. Then again, maybe you could just go over for a hangout? A small sigh escaped from you as you heard snow crunching. You had been hiding in the igloo for a while now, so you assumed that it was Fell coming over to check on you.

"Heya, kid." And you had assumed correct.

"Hey, Sans."

"Is, uh, something bugging you, Sweetheart? You seem out of it." You gave him a shrug as you sat up from the floor.

"Nothing much, just a bit bored."

"Then mind if we chatted for a bit? I kinda want to ask you something."

"Okay, shoot." You waited as Fell took a seat in front of you, getting comfortable before he shot his question.

"So, I'm just going to get straight to the point and ask if you've dated anyone else before me. Because I mean, come on, there's no way I could be your first. Especially when you had your life above with the gang and all."

You took a moment to think about it. "I had been with the Bloody Spades for at least 10 years. I'm 28 now, you can do the math." A heavy sigh left your lips as Artemis made his way to your lap. "Dating was never a concept to me, especially when my job was weaponry. Cleaning and testing, making sure they worked for any plans the boss had for us, team La Squadra. Guess you could say that we were the assassination team. I think it was into year 5 with the Bloody Spades when I did find someone. Their name was Casey. I thought that they were the one, but they thought differently when they decided to cheat on me with a minor."

Fell was oddly silent as if trying to comprehend the words that came out of your mouth. While you waited, you scratched behind Artemis's ear as he nuzzled his head against your fingers.

"You mean to tell me that the first person you dated cheated on you with a minor?" Fell questioned, making sure he was understanding right.

"Yuuup. Imagine my surprise when I found out. Good thing I did too, poor thing didn't want it." There was a heavy atmosphere, thick enough to cut as Fell swallowed.

"So, what happened to them afterward?"

"You know how my team was my family, right? Like how Prosciutto and Risotto are the parents of the team and the rest are my older/younger brothers?" Fell nodded. "Well I gave them the information as all but Melone stayed with me since, ya know, first heartbreak. Melone was understanding and took me out for an evening ride to help clear my head while the rest killed off Casey for both cheating on me and confronting a minor."

"For a gang, you seem to do the world some justice."

"Okay, we may assassinate people, but we're not cold-hearted bastards like some of you cucks down here." Fell gave a small chuckle.

"Fair enough."

"God, thinking back on it now, they were one ugly motherfucker." You both exchanged a small laugh as you continued to talk about your family and what else you all did together while Fell eagerly listens.

~ SwapFell Sans ~

SwapFell thought that he could help teach you how to cook in case if he had to stay on duty longer and you needed something to feed yourself for dinner. At first, it was a bit nerve-wracking. But with enough patience from SwapFell, you were able to fix a decent plate of (favorite food) that you would be willing to eat. Today was another lesson, as SwapFell wanted you to be comfortable with using the kitchen at your own leisure.

"Teddy bear, no, the sauce doesn't go in here, it does in after laying down the pasta."

"Oooh, that makes sense. Thank you, Sans!" Giving him a smile, a small blush made its way into his cheeks.

"Yeah,'re welcome..." Giggling at his grouchy self, you proceeded to follow his directions on the dish the two of you made. "Hey, Teddy bear...?"


"Have you had another before me?" You stopped. The question was certainly out of the blue, so you became curious as to why it was brought up.

"Yeah, I did. Their name was Dakota. They dated me for fun, I guess to deepen the mental wounds even more, as you know that I was pretty much a lonely, quiet person in college. Ya know, easy to pick on-" You stopped when the sudden sound of glass shattering in SwapFell's hand. "Sans! The glass!"

"Huh?" Confused for a moment, he looked down at the broken glass in his hand. "My apologies, Teddy bear, I let my anger get to me." Concerned, you brought the trash can over so that SwapFell would throw the broken glass away.

"Why would you be so angry? Nothing bad happened-"

"Last I recall, those bastards picked on you just because you were small, and this bastard of a human used you for their own game!"

"Hey, Sans..." You whispered, gently taking his face in your hands as you made him look at you. "I'm okay now, I have you. Someone who genuinely loves me and wants to protect me as much as possible." You reached up and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I'm okay now, I'm here and in love with you. Now let's get your hand cleaned up, alright? Your hand looks hurt..." Although reluctant, SwapFell allowed you to doctor his hand as a single thought ran through his mind.

He was definitely going to kick some ass once he found them.

~ Ink Sans ~

You had been showing Ink how to properly feed the fish in their fish tanks, as well as introducing each one with their own little fact about them. Ink was immensely enjoying himself until his mind wandered off to a topic that's been bothering him for a short while.

"Hey, Precious?"


"Do you recall dating before finding yourself here? Er, well, in the void before we met?"

"A lover before we met? Um..." You took a moment to think. "Well...barely remember. I know their name and the reason we broke up."

"Is it okay for me to ask?"

"Oh yeah, it's fine. Don't worry." Giving him a smile, you both sat on your bed. "I think their name was Bay, but I'm pretty sure that the reason we broke up was that they got annoyed at me always scrubbing the walls, repainting, having a boatload of fish, just petty things, honestly. But between you and me, I'm pretty sure that they were seeing someone behind my back and just used those lame excuses to call it off."

"You're talking about this surprisingly well."

"I was losing feelings for them anyway, so it's not like it matters. Plus, I have you now." As you said that, you proceeded to boop the tip of his nasal bone, causing Ink to smile.

"Yeah, that's true." With that topic out of the way, Ink was relieved to know that he could be better than your old partner.

~ Error Sans ~

You and Error sat together on the beanbag with Undernovela playing its newest episode. Although there was a small gap between you two, it didn't stop Error from taking his time on holding your hand. First starting out with both of your pinkies linked when the episode began, now his fingers were loosely intertwined with yours as the episode ended.

"You seem like you're starting to get comfortable with hand holding, Glitchy." You smiled up at Error as Mouse King hid in your hood, making himself comfortable in the crook of your neck.

"S̰̓hut ͔̈́u̜͡p̲̓,̰́ ̰̀I͔̅'̥̽m͕̅ ̲̕n͍͗ò̱t̰͘ ̀ͅu͖͊s̥͐e͇͂d ̺̿t͇̄o ̺̃to͒͢u͐ͅc̲̆h͚́i͚͐n̙͂g ̝̑a̼̚ny̦͐one̳̚ ̧̄ĺ͜í͍ḱ̳e̛̼ th͉͗ȋ̙s̠͘.͕̊" You giggled.

"I know, just take your time. I don't want to force you out of your comfort zone."

"T͉́h̝̐anḳ̂s̩̀..͉̈" With a happy smile, you refocused your attention on getting a few pumpkin seeds in your hood for your mouse to snack on. "H̳̆é͙y̩̎, (̤̆Y̭̕/̲͆n)͛͟?"

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

"Ỳ͜o̟͘u'̮͆r͓̆e̙͐ su̻͒r̊͢e̩̔ ͔̃y̤͌o̜͑u̪̅ ̥̅d̉͜o̮͡n't̟̋ ̼̉rẻ̢mem̱̋b̜͒e̎ͅr ͙͘à̺n̑͢ŷ͓t̙͆h͂͟í̻ń͢g ̟̀b̤́ĕ͈f̗̑oŕ̪e̺̎ ͚̋y̛̞o̪͗u͔̚ ̼̏w̛̙ere͓̐ ţ̑ȓ̭ȧ͕pp͇͡ē̙d̺̽ ̝̓i͙͝n ̤̚thi͉͘s v̠͗o͚̽i̮̕d?͇͠"

"I'm sure. As I've stated, the most I remember is myself and Mouse King. Nothing more. Why?"

"W̯̓el̡̎l͎̓.͢͞..I ̤̒was ͖͑wȯ̘ṉ͊der͙͠i̝̾ng͋ͅ ̑ͅif.̼͝..̘̀no͇̚,͖̉ ̞̌n͋͟o,͖͛ it̛̠'͚̍ş̌ ̼̐s̛̪tu̥͠pi͍͌d̢̓,͖͒ f̲̒o̢͊ȑ͟ğ̪et ̨̎à̺b̤͋out͈̀ į̈́ṱ̎.̻̊"

"Error, no, it's okay. You can tell me." While being as gentle as you could, you gave Error's hand a light squeeze of reassurance. Naturally, Error flinched at the sudden motion, but he knew you meant him no harm.

"It̞͌'s͕̈́ ̫͝s͈̍tu̬͂p̜̊i͉̓d͈̂,̭̓ ̳̎bů̡t.̦̒.͎̃s̠͠ince ̜̓y͈̒o͖͂u̡͒ ̢́r̳̓ec̠͂aḽ͒l ̛͈st̯̆u̧͞f̣̂f͓͊ ̣͛ab̥̊o̖͋u͙͋t ̫͆y̪͗o̜͘ü̜,̙͐ d̳͊o͖͠ ̲̀y͉̎o͍͊u ̦̉ǩ̩now͔͛ i̲͊f̰̋ ̩̕ÿ̻o̫̒u h̢̓ad ̩̏a lov̼̊e̡̓r̝̄ ͕̌b̫̒ef̰̂ore ̦͌m̯͋ẽ͜...̼̽?̨̇" The question lingered in the air as commercials played in the background, the TV long forgotten. It took you a minute to really think about this question.

"I...think I did? I don't really remember them, or their name for that matter. The most I know is that we broke up because they couldn't handle me being blind any longer."

".̦̎.̅ͅ.̹̍à̰r̼̂e ̤̎yo̳͝u̧͊ ̘̎s̬͋ë͈r̞̓i̻͊ou̺͡s͔͒?"


"Ỷ̹ơ͓u̟͞ ͕͒m͍̈e̙̅á͙n ̾͟tǫ̈́ te͟͞l̲̍ĺ̢ ̠̀mḛ͞ ṫ̹h̟̀a͈͗ţ̌ ÿ͈́oû̲ṟ̓ e͈͂x̩̂ d͇̐um̫̅pe̍͟d ̥̍y̿͟ȍ̼ủ̳ ̰͌ḇ́ec͇̊aǔ̪s͈̾e̲̿ th͓̓eir p͙̑ę̇t͖̋t̯͗ỵ͞ a͓̍s̖̾s̩͗ ̦̕c̍͜ou̱̓ļ̏d͕̕n͇͆'ť̼ ̬̏d͎͛e̦̽a̢͗l̐͟ w͇̐it̥̀h͓̒ ͎̈yo̹͂u̳͛r ͔̓bl̳̉in͉͊d̬̚n̖͒e̱͌s̝̓s̙͡ a͉̍ny̟͂m̩̍ő̙ṛ̈é͈?̢̄" You blinked, seemingly a bit confused as to why he was angry.

"Yes. Why does it mat-"

"A̱͗s ̹̈s̘͝ooñ̘ ̼̐a͔͒s ̢̃I ̄ͅl̰̍eaŗ̃n ̻̽ṯ̿he͙͌i̭͆r̻̀ ̝̚na̱͆m̞̆e͓͊, ̡̒I̘̓'͈̇m͍͝ ̩̒k̥̀ì̙l̫̄li̫͛n͚̉ǵ͢ ̞̀t͙̾hem̬̍."

"Error! You don't need to do that!"

"T̖͐h͚͛e̺͛ fa͚͝c̢̏t t̙̀haẗ͎ ̖̐t̲̋h̳̋ey̠̽ l̞͆ef͎̒t yó̦u̔͢,͚̕ ̣͞ǎ̯ w̯͑ond̾ͅȩ̔rfu̱͒l ̢́w̼̍ǫ͛m̳͠an ͚̔with ̚͢a ͙͑p͎̐er̹̕sò͚n͓̓a̠͑ḻ̈ity̬͋ ̜͝b̡̊r͙̓ȉ͖g͈͊h͙̅ţ̿e̫͗r ͈͒thà̺n̨͒ ͖̃t̟̎hḛ̈ ̣̓sun̪̈́,͍̈́ ̺̚o̝̓v̪̎ĕ͇r̺͗ ̰̅t͉͌h̫͛e ̙͌fa̐͟ct͔̋ ͇͞t̖̑h̖͆a͍̽t ̧͗th͕͐eȳ̱ ͖͗có͉ul̺̕d̹͋n't͇͑ d̮͌eã̝l̝̇ w̦̌it̜͡ḣ͇ ̯͐y͔̐o̫̍u͢͝r ̧́bl͚̑in̠̚d͓͛n̼̎ȇ͇s̬̚s i̮̕s̠̔ ̲͊a̫͠ ̤̈́p͖͡e͍̋r̯̓fe̥͋ct̩̒l̂͢y̮͌ g̢͒ȍ̫od̈͟ r͖̆e͇̐a̰̅s͙̀on̪̆ ̟͑to̙̓ e͔̎xt̫̄e͙͋ṙ͙m͖̉in͓̉a̗͠t̞̀e ̙͋th͙͗ê̙m-͇̂"

"ERROR!" You never thought you would raise your voice, especially at him, but you didn't know how else to gain his attention, and you certainly didn't want him to make himself crash and reboot. You then assumed you had his attention when he stayed quiet after you yelled. "I'm sorry for yelling, but I didn't know how to get your's all in the past, Error. I'm fine. I'm here with someone better. It's okay." Error gave a small glitched sigh as he rested his head on your shoulder opposite of Mouse King.

"I̬͋'̡̈́m͔̎ ş̿orr̡̓y,͕̇ ͓̍S̡̿uns̟̔h̳́i̫̓n̼̍e̮̊.̱͐.̯͘.͎́i̔ͅt̰̀ j̺̑u͇͐s͉̍t͙̄ ̙̇s̮̒e͖͝è̟ms li̭̔k͍͝e͎̽ ̣͐a p̝͝e͉̔t̘̿ty ̺̾t̥̃h͓̊in̜͌g͍̓ ͇̓t̺̓ơ͎ ͎̂l̠͛ea̩͒v͎͂ê͙ y͍͐o̱̓u for̫̚ wh̳̚e̥̾n̖̐ ͇̐ỷ͕oǔ̟'̢͐r̗͐e̹̓ ̡̃su̦̓ch̓ͅ ̼̔a̞̅ w͒͟ỏ͙ņ́dē̞rf̝́ů̗l g̙͞ḭ͘ṙ̯l͜͡...̦̌" You gave a small smile, closing your eyes as you leaned your head against his.

"It's alright, Glitchy. It's not your fault. Do you wanna watch something else now?"

"No,̲̍ ̡̐nö̘.̱̅ ̙̈J̲̚ust le͕̒t̫̍ ͛͟me ̣̋stả̠y ̡̚l͙͘i͉̍ke ̺͝t̟͛h͖̑is̩͆ ͕̕f̘͒ȯ̭r̫̓ ̡̓a͉͗ b͓̑i̦͐t͑͢.͕̍ ̩̐Ī͍t's.̻̈́.͈͋.̝̀o̙̎dd̠͞l̖͘y͙͌ ṉ̊ḯ̧ce.̱̑"

"Alright, Mr. Softie." You giggled as Error couldn't stop the smile crawling on his face.

"Ṡ̘ȟ̦u̥͗t̗̓ ̞̋up,͍̏ ͢͞S͔̏u̫̐n̩̋s̥̿hȉ̟n̛͉è̝.̞̒"

~ Dream Sans ~

You and Dream had been cuddling together underneath a tree on top of a small hill. Dream held you close to him from behind as you were seated in between his legs, leaning into his hold as his arms wrapped around you securely. You both stayed like that for a while as Dream nuzzled his face into your shoulder.

"Dream? Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, Angel. I'm simply overthinking about something."

"What about? It must be important if you've been thinking about it for a while now."

"It's dumb, but...have you loved another before...?" As he asked this, Dream peeked over your shoulder to look at you.

"Honestly, I have not. The most I've had was a man who was obsessed with trying to get me to marry him. Completely brainless, in my opinion. Could never get the idea that I did not want to marry him. And especially not have 6 or 7 "strapping boys," as he called them."

"Geez...sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's no worry. I'm simply glad I did, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten close to you, Dream." With a smile, you turned over to kiss his cheek, which resulted in his blushing and hiding his face in your shoulder. You couldn't help but giggle as you went back to relax and enjoy the lovely afternoon.

~ Nightmare Sans ~

You and Nightmare had been resting in your room, on top of your bed. As you laid down, Nightmare rested his head on your lap and you couldn't help but stroke his smooth skull.

"My Queen, may I ask you something that may offend you?" Nightmare asked after staying in that position for the past hour.

"You may. What's going on?"

" explained that your mother wanted you to find a husband soon. Have you ever...dated anyone before?" Nightmare asked with hesitance in his voice. However, he didn't know if he should be surprised or not by your answer.

"No, I didn't. Mostly because I didn't like anyone I met, and I couldn't be bothered to put in the effort of getting to know them."

"But you did when you met me?"

"Yes, because you were easy to talk to, and we grew close instantly. And I will say that I immensely enjoy being with you." Giving him a small smile, you proceeded to steal his crown and place it upon yourself. "Plus, you're quite fun to tease, you know?" With a small chuckle, he sat up as he kept his eyes on you.

"Really now? Just because you like teasing me?"

"I'm an honest woman, why would I lie?"

"That you are, which gives me all the more reason to tease back." With a slight smirk, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, planting a small kiss on your forehead as you couldn't help the small blush and giggle that escaped you.

~ Dust Sans ~

You all had been traveling for a few hours now, decided that finding somewhere more clean and stable to live in was better than the rundown home you stayed in for a while. With Everrose resting on your shoulders and Dust by your hand, you felt completely safe as you hummed a small tune. "Hey, Dusty?"

"What's wrong, Boo?"

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, are you alright? You seem distracted by something. Is it a big issue?"

"Huh? Oh, no, just wondering why you decided to give me a chance at dating."

"Not like you could be any worse than my ex."

"Boo, I literally murder both humans and monsters for fun. How could I not be worse than your ex?"

[ ⚠ TW: Brief mentions of abuse, nonconsensual seggs, and murder in the next paragraph. ]

"Weeeell..." You started out, walking backward as you faced the skeleton. "For one, you don't hit me for not listening or following your orders, you don't degrade me or compare me to other women, force upon me even when I say 'no', or threaten to end my life if I don't get dinner done on time." Dust was silent for a moment as he stopped walking a bit ago.

[ Safe to read now. ]

"Name. Address. Now."

"Duuust, it's fine, it's in the past-"

"Like hell I'm letting this go! You're telling me your ex did all that to you, and you didn't go to the police?!"

"Well, no."

"And why the hell not?"

"Because Everrose suffocated Kai in their sleep and I didn't want to be charged with murder."


"Yeah. Rosy boas aren't venomous, they kill their prey by constricting it to death."

"Damn. So she killed them before you even met me."

"Yup! I made sure she got extra treats for it too! Isn't that right, Everrose? You smiled, gently rubbing the top of her head as she held a happy expression on her face. Although Dust was annoyed that your pet killed them before he could, he was happy to know that both he and Everrose will keep you safe.

~ Killer Sans ~

After you had warmed up to Killer completely, you had started answering his questions about your personal life. While snacking on some (favorite snack), you choked a bit when the next question caught you by surprise.

"Have you dated anyone else before?" It took you a second to register what exactly he asked. Once processed, you glanced off to the side a bit.


"Come on, Sugar. Please? You know enough about me to know I've never even dated before." You were quiet for a bit, silently debating on your head before giving in.

"Fine. Yes. I dated someone before. Their name was Charlie. As you know, I got my name from the public. They named me after a character from a show. And apparently, that character has a partner. Secco. To them, we were Cioccolata and Secco, a team working under the dark web. Oddly enough, I came to like Charlie. Then they threatened to have Willow for lunch, so I left a little message to the public to find." After your brief explanation, you inserted a tape into the tape recorder and allowed Killer to watch what you had done.

[ ⚠ TW: Description of gore and a corpse in the next paragraph. ]

The video played, starting with the outer edges before showing a dismantled body on top of a black tarp. Arms and legs going in opposite directions while bones peeked out at an open wound. Blood oozed out of the body before showing a closeup of what Killer assumed to be Charlie's face completely frozen with fear and pain. Their eyes widened like a deer in headlights, their mouth wide open as if they tried to scream, but the tape that covered their mouth clearly prevented that as well as the proper amount of oxygen.

[ Safe to read now. ]

"Beautiful...absolutely beautiful..." Your voice spoke out, breaking the deafening silence. "You should have listened when I said that I put Willow above you and me. But good thing you did, you were starting to piss me off with this whole "dating" thing. Too controlling. Now..." With the camera, it aimed down towards a small pool as a paintbrush came into view, dipping its bristles into the blood.

Moving over to the wall that stood beside the body, a gloved hand reached out and started painting out a message, clearly intended for those who will find the body. After backing away, the message read out "Disappointment is immeasurable. I was a fool to think I needed a companion. I will clean this world myself. - Cioccolata"

"Now this was messy to deal with. I think I'll treat myself to some hot chocolate." Your chuckle echoed throughout the empty room as the video came to a stop.

"So you mean to tell me that you slaughtered them just because they threatened to have Willow for lunch?"


"Wow, Sugar. I love that. I'm proud of you." Killer gave you a half-smile, almost smirking as you felt your cheeks warm up a bit.

"Yeah yeah, thanks, Killer."

"Awe, no nickname for me?"

"I'm new to this! What kind of nickname do you expect me to give you?!"

~ Lust Sans ~

Lust was making sure that everything in the relationship was comfortable, constantly asking if you were okay with everything and making sure that he wasn't stepping over the line. After explaining to you the reason why monsters act the way they are now, you felt bad for judging, although Lust couldn't blame you, especially with how everyone behaves. Until they could repopulate and free everyone from the Underground, he made it his goal to protect you at all costs, with the help of Mettaton, Alphys, and sort of Undyne. The only exception was a week every month where you had to stay away from him, stay close to Mettaton and not go out until Sans was better.

You and Lust had been playing in the snow, making snowmen, snowmonsters, snow angels, anything that came to mind. After having a snowball fight, you both decided to lay in the snow to relax.

"Hey, Love?" You called out, breaking the comforting silence.

"Yeah, Bunny?"

"You said that every monster has to deal with this constant heat, yes?"


" all never really loved anyone before...? Like, romantically...?"

"Well...kinda. I know the king and queen did, I think a few others did. But as if right now, there hasn't been much. Maybe a selected few, but we're more worried about repopulating to save the species that we haven't had time to think about it. My brother, however, has found someone. And I'm happy for him. Just like how I found someone for me." With that said, Lust carefully intertwined your fingers together so that you both could hold hands. "What about you? I know humans above don't have anything like us, but you dated before, didn't you?"

"Mm...yeah, I did. It didn't work out, though. It started off good until it just became me being a slave for them. Doing this and that, like a stay-at-home housewife that wasn't allowed to do much of anything." A small sigh escaped you as Sans gently rubbed your hand with his thumb. "Terry wasn't worth it, so I left them. And I'm glad I did. They were just awful."

"Am I awful to you, Bunny?"

"Of course not, Love." You looked over at Lust, giving his hand a slight squeeze. "You're absolutely perfect to me, I can assure you that." As you smiled, Lust returned the action as he pulled your hand closed and planted a small kiss on your hand.

"I'm really happy then. So very happy."

~ Horror Sans ~

You and Horror had been hanging out in one of his sentry stations. Simply having small talk or enjoying each other's presence with Horror occasionally glaring at anyone who looked at you. Valkyrie stayed inside the warm and secured (by your standards) garage that was made into a stable. You rested your eyes as your mind tuned out the harsh drumming of Horror's boney fingers against the counter. You almost fell asleep until Horror broke the silence.

"Hey, Doll?" You hummed, indicating that you were still listening despite feeling yourself becoming half asleep. "Have, nothing, it's not important..." You peeked an eye out, growing concern for the skeleton as you sat up.

"Hey, what's wrong, crackskull? You can talk to me, you know." Horror stayed quiet for a bit.

"Have you...dated someone before...? Like, before me...?" You couldn't help the small smile that grew on your face.

"So that's what you're worried about?"

"W-Well, it's just that-"

"Sans." Before he could start his little ramble, you rested a hand on his shoulder. "Relax, okay? Yes, I surprisingly did. But it didn't last long. Their name was Alex. They were introduced to me by my father. He thought that having a human lover would bring me back to humanity. All Alex did was annoy me, to the point where I had to get rid of them."

"What do you mean by "get rid of them"?"

"Easy. Knocked them out with a rock after luring them to the back. They thought that we were going to do it. So it was easy to kill them."

" I annoy you, Doll?"

"No, no no, Sans, you don't." You gave Horror a tight hug. "You don't, crackhead, I promise you."

"I'm glad...I don't want to harm or do anything to make you hate me..." Wrapping his arms around you, you both stayed together in a tight, warm hug.

~ Fresh Sans ~

You and Fresh had decided to take Loco and Mara out for a walk as you were both on your break from work. It was nice to get out of the house for some fresh air with the one you loved. Although neither of you had a destination in mind, you both simply walked down the streets hand in hand while talking about whatever came to mind. After at least 45 minutes of walking, you all stopped outside a gas station, thinking that this would be a great time for a water break for the dogs.

After tying their leashes to the bike rack, you pulled out two clean bowls from your backpack and a couple of water bottles as you poured out water for the dogs.

"Yo, dawg, I'm thinkin' about getting a slush, you want one?" Fresh asked as you repacked the empty water bottles to recycle at home.

"Um, yeah, sure! I'd love one. Can you get me a (favorite flavor[s]) one, please?"

"You got it, Toots!" Fresh smiled as he fingered gunned you before making his way inside the station. Taking a seat on the concrete, you took this time to rest your legs before having to make a u-turn and walk back home. Today was a good day, surely nothing could ruin this, right?

Oh, you were dead wrong.

"(Y/n)?" You tensed up, instantly recognizing the voice that almost ruined you. 'How did they happen to be at this exact gas station at this exact time? Fuck the universe, man.' With a heavy sigh, you stood back up and looked at the one that caused you two years of mental abuse.

"Jaylin. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Didn't expect you here either." They seem somewhat cautious of your cold tone towards them before their eyes shift down towards Mara. "I see you've been spoiling her."

"After what you put her through, I wanted to make sure she was getting the love and attention she deserves. Now, what the hell do you want?"

"Hey, easy, will you? I just came to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about."

"If you'd shut up and let me explain, you'd know that I want to talk about us." You felt a shiver run down your spine at their words.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean us, getting together again. Let me have a second chance."

"Like hell, I would! Not after what you've done to me and my poor baby Mara." Sensing your tone, Loco was already standing in front of both you and Mara protectively, low growling could be heard. But you weren't worried. Loco wasn't the type to attack unless absolutely necessary. That doesn't mean Jaylin didn't know that as they took a step back. "Now leave us alone, we're expecting someone to return. Someone who is a heck of a lot better than you." Jaylin scoffed, seemingly unaware of the figure behind them.

"What? Moved on to someone else already? I always knew you were a player. Playing with people's hearts to get them to love you. You do realize that I am the only one that would ever date your poor arse, right? Because no one else would be willing to date a disgusting, piece of-"

"Yooo, my g, finish that sentence and we're going to have ourselves an unrad time." You released a breath you didn't know you were holding, relief spreading through you as Fresh was seen standing behind your ex, holding two slushies with a bag in hand. "I'd hate for things to get out of hand, but if you're going to insult my girl like that, then I'm going to have no choice but to commit an act of violence, and that'd be tots uncool, ya know?" With a lump in Jaylin's throat, they cautiously turned around to see a rather ticked-off Fresh, his smile looking obviously forced as he did his best to keep his composure. Then, Jaylin didn't feel as intimidated.

"Are you serious? This is what you left me for? A piece of 90s trash?!" They yelled at you as you bit your lip. You had a hard time dealing when it came to anyone yelling at you.

"80s, actually..." You mumbled under your breath.

"The heck was that?"

"N-Nothing-" You took a step back as Loco started to bare his teeth at the person.

"S'cuse me, broski," Fresh started off as he balanced the drinks in one hand while gripping Jaylin's shoulder, forcing them to face him. "You're scaring my girl, now you will either book it and leave or we find out if you need all of your bones to survive, capiche?"

"Oh and what exactly are you doing to do, you colorful parasite-" Jaylin had stopped when they saw Fresh's glasses lower, his sockets empty except for his left, where small colorful tentacles shot out and wrapped around the outside of his skull while a couple was reaching out to them, giving off a disturbing look.

"You will book it or we will have a problem. Capiche, homie?" With a hesitant nod, Jaylin was released and they were quick to back off and walk back where they had come from. With a tired sigh, Fresh pushed his glasses back up as the parasite in his skull calmed down and retreated back inside his skull. After making sure it was nowhere to be seen, he instantly made his way over to you.

"Hey, hey, Toots, are you alright?" Not trusting your voice, you simply nodded with a hand covering your mouth, obviously trying to stop the small sobs that wanted to escape your lips, your frame shaking as tears threatened to fall. "Hey...look at me..." Gathering the courage, you hesitantly met his eyes. "They're gone now, I'm's okay, take a deep breath...I'm here, Loco's here to protect you...we won't let them hurt you again..." Feeling yourself start to cry at his comforting words, you hugged Fresh as tight as you could, muttering a small "thank you" to him. "I'm guessing that's the ex, huh?" You nodded. "They're lucky the law exists to protect them. Hey, it'll be alright..let's take a break here before heading home, alright..? I'll be right here the entire time. I even brought snacks for us and the radtastic dawgs." With a weak smile, you nodded once more.

"That sounds good...thank you, Fresh..."

"Anytime, Toots, anytime."

~ Next Chapter ~

• When You're On Your Period •

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