Calm, Collected, and In Love?

By AmandiStories

69 5 3

A shy girl who isn't used to large crowds and having a group of friends ends up befriending the members of th... More

2. Another Ball To The Face
3. Bokuto and Akaashi

1. A New Best Friend?

41 2 2
By AmandiStories

A new first year at Fukurodani Academy, that's what I was. My brand new uniform was fairly nice although the shortness of the skirt was something I would have to get used to. I liked the light grey and white of the shirt and blazer but I especially liked the light blue colour of my tie seeing as blue is actually one of my favourite colours. Well, blue and f/c.

"Hi Y/N!" 

Turning around at the sound of my name, I noticed my best friend running through the hallway toward me at an alarming speed. 

"Hi B/F/N. Why were you running in the hall?" I greeted her quietly once she had caught up to me.

You see, I'm pretty shy for the most part. I dislike large crowds and I get super nervous when meeting new people. It's not like I don't want to meet new people and make more friends but I get so worried about saying the wrong thing that I usually end up not saying anything.

"Oh come now, don't look so scared N/N! This is a fresh start for us, a chance to be exactly who we want to be!" My best friend of three years exclaimed excitedly, stretching her arms and ignoring my question. 

She played soccer in middle school which is also how we met. No, I don't have any brothers or sisters that played and no, I didn't play either. I had been minding my own business walking past the soccer field on my way home when I got hit in the head by a flying ball. Yes, B/F/N had been the one to kick that ball. To everyone's surprise, we had been inseparable ever since. 

"Yes I know but please, keep it down. People are staring," I said as I felt multiple eyes on me. I shivered.

She just waved me off and kept talking. Shaking my head at the brunette, I placed my sneakers inside of my small locker and then closed the door. 

"Alright we have to go to class so hush and help me find the classroom," I motioned to the schedule I held in my hand and gave her a pointed look.

"Fine fine Ms. Bossy-Pants," She sighed.

I gave her a 'really man?' look and she giggled.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Let me see, class 1-B should be this way," She pointed to our left and grabbed my elbow, beginning to pull me along. 

Sighing to myself I let it happen. It wouldn't help if I resisted and besides, we were going to the same place anyway so what was the harm? I realized a bit too late what exactly the harm was and that I would be the one to get the brunt of it.


I fell to the floor, my binders and textbooks scattering everywhere. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I felt a burst of sharp pain in my left ankle. I must have landed on it wrong when I fell.

"Oh my god! I am so so so sorry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" A boy with spiked up white and black hair spoke quickly. He seemed to be completely panicking.

I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. Having to hold back a sob as I tried to stand up, I immediately sat back down. A tear escaped and I quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed it fall.

"AHH! No! Let me help you," He jumped into action, gathering all of my belongings and putting them back into my bag as B/F/N helped me up.

Once I was standing, I tried putting some of my weight on my ankle but thought against it when I hissed in pain. What a way to start my first day of high school.

The tall boy held my bag and looked down at me with wide, pleading eyes. 

"Please forgive me and allow me to make it up to you! I will take you to the nurse and then walk you to class as an upperclassman should!" 

I can't say no. Not when he's looking at me like that, not when his eyes are so hopeful. So I nodded my head and told B/F/N that I'd see her later. She whispered a 'good luck' and a 'see you later' to me before passing me off to the strange boy and heading down the hallway.

He held me close to his side with one muscular arm and with the other, he carried both my bag and his.

A minute had passed when he spoke again, "What's your name?"

"L/N Y/N. Mind telling me yours?" I replied, my voice a bit shaky. 

"My name is Bokuto Kotaro. Nice to meet you L/N!" He said giddily as he introduced himself. I swear he's like a child, pleading one minute and giddy the next.

"Likewise Bokuto. Are we almost to the nurse yet?" I asked.

"Why? Is your ankle feeling worse?" He looked at me, worry written clear as day across his face. 

Reluctantly I nodded, the little amount of pressure I was putting on it was clearly a bad idea.

"Well I have the perfect solution!" He yelled and without giving me so much as a warning, he swept my legs off the floor. I was being carried bridal style by a boy I had just met. Okay then, I guess this is happening now.

"Wait wait wait! What are you doing?" I shouted, my regular shyness having disappeared when he lifted me with ease. 

Bokuto laughed loudly and ignored me. He began running through the hallway, still holding me close to his body as I shrieked, utterly terrified. I hid my face in his chest, not daring to look at the people that must have been staring. How embarrassing. 

"We're here L/N! You can look now," He chuckled at me as I slowly turned my head to take in my surroundings. 

We were indeed at the nurse's office and I motioned for him to put me down. He set me down carefully and called out for the nurse. 

"Now Mr. Bokuto, what have you done this time? Bloody nose? Hm? Perhaps some new floor burns?" A woman looking to be in her mid thirties walked into the room we were in and looked at me in surprise. 

"Well well, what have we here? Come with me and we'll get you checked out," She said and I went to follow her but Bokuto stopped me by lifting me up again.

"What are you doing?" I stared at him questioningly. 

"Helping," He shrugged and followed the nurse.

I kept quiet this time, having nothing to say. Although I had only just met this boy, I could tell he's sweet. Being my observant self, I could also already tell that he undoubtedly has the ability to make anyone laugh, probably even in the most depressing situations. It's strange to think about, that there are people like that.  

"Put her down in that chair over there while I go get some gloves," The nurse ordered him and he rushed over to where she had pointed.

Bokuto put me down carefully on the hard chair and stood a bit behind me. I watched as she left the room. She was quite pretty with her long silky black hair pulled back into a low ponytail and the minimal makeup she did have on made her brown eyes seem even more bright.

Not even a minute had passed when she came back, now wearing gloves and a white coat over her red blouse and black dress pants. She kneeled down and looked up at me.

"So Ms... ?" She trailed off.

"Oh, L/N Y/N," I answered shyly.

"Well where does it hurt dear?" 

I replied by pointing to my left ankle. I'm tired of talking and I just want to go home to take a nap.

"This will hurt a bit so prepare yourself," The nurse warned before beginning to poke around my ankle. 

I winced and then cried out, "Ow!"

I covered my mouth with my hands, feeling my face heat up. She pulled her hands away from me and nodded to herself, seeming to have already figured out what was wrong with my ankle.

"Hm it seems to be sprained. How did this happen?" The black haired woman questioned me.

"Oh I can answer that!" Bokuto piped in, excited to finally add something to the conversation.

"Go ahead then," She stood up and placed a hand on her hip.

"I was running to class and I wasn't watching the people around me. Her friend was dragging her somewhere I think and I kinda ran into her. She fell on the floor and must have landed on her foot wrong," He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and sent me an apologetic smile. 

"I hope he apologized for doing this to you," The nurse sighed and glared at the childish teen.

"Oh yes he did," I said quickly. I don't want him to get into any trouble because of a silly accident. 

"I'll be right back. I'm going to grab something to wrap that ankle of yours until you can go home and I'll bring you some ice as well," With a smile, she left the room once again.

"Hey L/N? I really am so sorry for knocking you down. Now you have a sprained ankle because of me. I understand if you won't forgive me as I do not deserve forgiveness," He pouted and it looked to me like he was about to start sulking.

"No no Bokuto, it was my fault too. I shouldn't have let B/F/N drag me through the hall like that and besides, I know it was an accident," I waved my hand so he would come stand in front of me.

Still pouting, he took a few steps to stand in front of me. Apparently I'm not thinking straight or something because I stood up on my good leg and held my arms open. Why couldn't I have thought of something less risky? Less weird? 

But instead of rejecting me like I thought he would, his eyes brightened and he wrapped his arms around me, giving me the best hug I had ever gotten. I don't get many hugs so this was actually really nice and I felt my entire body relax into him. Then I heard a quiet sniffle. Was he crying?!

"Bokuto?" I whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Aw L/N! You're just so sweet and cool!" He cried into my shoulder, which he was only able to do because he leaned down.

"Wha-?! No no I'm not!" He gripped me tighter and I could almost feel the smile I assume he had on his face.

I felt myself blush in embarrassment but hugged back tighter. Maybe me and him could be friends. Maybe.

We let each other go after another moment. Bokuto looked down at me and grinned. I grinned back and then I sat back down. It was perfect timing too because just then, the nurse came back carrying bandages and ice.

"Sorry I took so long. I'm going to wrap your foot up now," She said, passing the bag of ice to the friendly boy. 

My foot and ankle was wrapped and she helped me put my shoe on, careful not to cause too much pain. 

"There you go, all done. It'll probably take between four and six weeks to heal, depending on how bad it's sprained and how careful you are with it. Come back later if you need more ice and don't hesitate to ask Mr. Bokuto here to get it for you. I'm sure he'd do it no questions asked," She said, sounding almost amused at the end.

"Now head to class you two. The bell rang ten minutes ago!" She shooed us out and I felt myself deflate at that information.

"I can't believe I'm so late on my first day. How embarrassing," I mumble to myself as Bokuto readjusts our bags on his arm.

"Hey hey hey! Don't sweat it! I'll explain everything to your teacher and you won't have any trouble. You can count on me from here on out first year, until the end of time!" He announced, making me smile.

"The end of time huh? That's a long time," I remark, shifting my body so he could wrap his free arm around my waist. 

"Well of course it is but that's what best friends do right? They stick together."

I looked up at him in surprise. Did he already consider us best friends?

"Of course I do!" He said as we started walking.

"Oh my gosh did I say that out loud?" I asked, mortified by my lack of filter.

Bokuto snickered at my expression and picked me up again. What is it with this guy and carrying me around?

"What class are you?" He asked, slightly quieter than before so he wouldn't disturb the classes we passed.

"I'm in 1-B so I think it should be down this next hall," I said as I relaxed in the arms of my new friend.

As we headed toward my homeroom, the silence we fell into was needed for me to collect my thoughts and dare I say it was comfortable too. 

He put me down and handed me my bag once we arrived at the classroom door and I gave him a small smile.

"Give me your number!" A wide grin stretched across his lips and I stared at him in shock.


He looked at me expectantly and I felt my ears burn in embarrassment. 

"Uhhhhhhh..." I twiddled my fingers, suddenly wracked with nerves.

"Come on L/N! You have a phone don't you? Pass it here and I'll put my number in," He held out a hand.

I squeaked and rummaged through my bag which he was still holding by the way, and grabbed my phone. In my nervousness I dropped it and I looked down at it in shame. Why was I like this?

The boy that I now called my friend laughed quietly as he knelt down and picked it up.

"I'm sorry Bokuto! I didn't mean to but you caught me off guard and I got all weird and panicky and it slipped and I didn't catch it. Then you had to pick it up because I'm all useless now due to my stupid ankle and you've already done so much and I - " I started rambling and waving my arms around but then he cut me off with a louder laugh. 

"What're you laughing at?" I glanced up at him innocently. I was very confused.

"Oh nothing, you're just funny," His face brightened up as he finished punching his number in my phone. 

"Here ya go, now you've got my number so just send me a message anytime! Now let's get you inside and I'll take care of your teacher!" He passed me my bag and gave me a thumbs up before opening the door.

After Bokuto talked to my teacher with me adding in a few details here and there and all my classmates staring at us, I was helped over to my seat toward the back. 

"I'll see you later L/N!" My friend shouted at me with a huge grin before being pushed out of the room by the teacher.

I looked down in embarrassment and then the questions started.

"You know Bokuto?!" 

"Are you two friends?"

"Wow are you dating?!"

"How did you meet?"

"You know the captain?"

"I wanna be friends with him too! Will you introduce us?"

I sank down in my seat overwhelmed with all the sudden attention. The teacher just sighed and sat at his desk leaving me to deal with things on my own.


The crowd that had been gathered around me was suddenly gone and I looked up in surprise. Who was my savior? And where was B/F/N? I thought we were in the same class.

A girl with the shiniest strawberry blonde hair I had ever seen walked up to me then and held up a hand, her fingers forming a peace sign. She smiled brightly.

"Hi there, sorry about all of them. I'm Sato Kaida but just call me Kaida," She introduced herself, already asking to be called by her first name which I found a bit strange but maybe this meant that she wanted to be friends?

"Oh um, t-thank you for g-getting rid of them. It's n-nice t-to meet you Kaida. I'm L/N Y/N."

My hands shook slightly but I looked her in the eyes. Eyes that were a very vibrant green.

"You can call me Y/N."


Hello friends! I've got a new story for you and it's another reader insert! 

I don't have a lot of experience writing these so I'm hoping you guys give me some feedback on things I'm doing right and things I can improve on :)

Anyways, I'm not sure how often this will be updated due to the fact that I have absolutely no schedule and I suck at keeping to one thing *que sweatdrop*  but nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed the first part and I'll see you soon (hopefully).

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