2. Another Ball To The Face

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The first half of the day flew by and before I knew it, lunch had come around. I never got the chance to think about where I would go because Kaida had already decided for us. 

She lead me through a few hallways and up a flight of stairs which I was not enjoying due to my sprained ankle when a boy that looked to be an extremely tall first year joined us. I glanced at the boy curiously and then looked at my new friend.

"Y/N, this is my best friend Onaga Wataru. He's a first year like us. Introduce yourself now," Kaida said as she elbowed him in the ribcage. He looked at her blankly before his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh right! It's nice to meet you, the name's Onaga but call me Wataru. A friend of Kaida is a friend of mine!" He gave me a smile and looked at me expectantly. I supposed that meant it was my turn.

"Uh ya hi, I'm L/N Y/N," I introduced myself quietly. 

I felt awkward, like I was intruding on their time. When their eyes left me, I began to back away. Slowly.

Unfortunately, Kaida noticed quickly and didn't let me leave. She grabbed my arm and glared at me.

"Where do you think you're going? You are staying right here!"

A single bead of sweat trailed down my face, she was a bit scary. Not wanting to make the girl any angrier, I just nodded my head and limped back over.

Finally taking notice of my limp, Kaida asked me what had happened and even the new boy called Wataru looked interested. I explained what happened with Bokuto and the nurse and how my ankle was sprained now.

"Oh my gosh! If I would've known you were in pain I wouldn't have made you walk all the way over here, I'm sorry!" The girl wailed, falling to her knees.

I reassured her it was fine and Wataru got her back on her feet. With that taken care of, we turned around to head back the way we came. I groaned internally.

Having slowly made our way outside to the courtyard, we sat down on a bench. I pulled out my lunch which was just a basic sandwich and took a bite. I ate silently while my new friends talked to each other about their new classmates and such. I wondered again where B/F/N was.

Just as I hit send on the message asking where she was, I heard her voice. I looked up to see her running straight at me.

"Y/N-chan!" She screamed, comical tears streaming down her face. She threw her arms around me as she cried loudly.

My face burned in embarrassment for what felt like the millionth time that day. I was too embarrassed to hug her back so she let go, her tears miraculously having disappeared in an instant.

The brunette frowned at me and demanded to know what happened after she left me with 'the strange boy' as she called him, so I told my story again. She laughed when I told her how Bokuto had carried me down the hall more than once and she laughed even more when I told her about the hug in the nurses office.

"Wow N/N getting a bit bold aren't ya? I'm so proud," She wiped a fake tear from her eye.

"Okay so you obviously know Y/N. Who the hell are you?" Kaida apparently had enough of being left out at that point.

"Whoa calm down and don't be so rude. Hey B/F/N," Wataru waved his hands at the green eyed girl and greeted my best friend.

"Hey buddy," B/F/N greeted. "Sorry about that girl! I'm B/F/N. I've been friends with Y/N for about three years now, nice to meet you."

After being super awkward with each other for a couple minutes, the two girls began talking like they had known each other for years. I could never do something like that. 

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