Core Memory (Lolix)

By CareNoOneGives

608 89 1

(Characters belong to RvB, owned by Roosterteeth. This is also a first attempt at writing and sticking to wri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Fourteen

24 4 0
By CareNoOneGives

"Y'know, I was thinking." Felix started, looking over to Locus who slowly nibbled on the food in his hands.


"Well..." His eyes glanced over to the bag his armor was in, "Do you think we can get my armor fixed?"

"Why do you want it fixed?" Locus questioned him, taking another bite of food. There was no real need for the armor to be fixed, especially if they were going to stay away from any conflict that would require it in the first place.

"I just...I-I don't know. I mean, what If I ever need it? It wouldn't really be good to wear broken armor." He frowned, pulling his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on top of them.

He could feel Locus's eyes wander over to him, studying him before he took his gaze away, "I'll try to fix it to my best ability. I'm not exactly a professional in repair."

"Thanks, Sam." Felix smiled, finishing up the food he had in his hands. "Hey, can you tell me more about our days as coworkers?"

"What do you want to know?"

"I'm not too sure. Anything you can remember really, like, were there any funny things that happened on missions? Or was it serious stuff?"

Locus hummed quietly as he finally finished up his food as well, "With you there, it was never completely serious, no matter how much Siris and I had tried to keep it. If we were in clubs, you were always found drinking and flirting with others."

Felix couldn't help the laugh that escaped past his lips. Was he really like that? If only Rue was there to hear this with him.

"Even when we put you on comms, there was plenty of complaining on your end. Sometimes, it got bad enough that Siris would end up scolding you mid-mission."

"Man, I feel so bad for him having to deal with me." Felix grinned a bit, "I'm probably the reason if he doesn't have any kids, dealing with me was enough for him."

"I'm not too sure if he ever ended up having kids. He had a wife, Megan, but when we were all working together still, no kids."

"Since we're not doing anything, why don't we try finding him? See what he's up to?" Felix asked, tilting his head a bit.

He could see the gears in Locus's head start to shift. "Well, I don't see why we couldn't..."

"Maybe he thinks we'd be dead by now, or, maybe me." Felix chuckled as he leaned up against the wall, "I mean, technically I was, for a little bit. Old Felix still is."

"Old Felix?"

"Yeah, old Felix. Who I was before the fall. He's kind of fucking dead at this point."

"An old Felix implies that there's a new Felix. I thought you went by Isaac?" Locus pointed out, resting his head against the edge of the bed as he sat down in front of it.

"I know, but if we ever run into someone we know, or, well, knew, they're just going to know me as Felix, so what's the point of going by Isaac?" He huffed, running a hand through his hair to move the falling strands back into place.

"To think I was finally getting used to calling you Isaac." Locus shook his head a bit, messing with the hem of his shirt. 

"You can still call me Isaac, in fact, that just means you're special since you can call me by it." He replied, crumbling up the bag he was eating out of to playfully toss it at Locus. 

The other didn't even flinch as the crumbled ball hit him, looking down to it with a raised brow. "Is this an invitation for a fight?"

"Only if you want it to be." Felix stuck his tongue out at him, a smirk adorning his face.

"Mh..." Locus thought for a moment, "You wouldn't even last long against me, yet you still try to pick a fight?"

"Guess I'm just strong-willed, hm?"

"Maybe so."


Felix had ended up on top of Locus, his arms on either side of his head as he stared down at him with a celebratory grin. "There, I win."

"Only because I let you." Locus huffed from beneath him, his eyes focused on something towards their left.

Felix couldn't help but be curious, leaning down closer to Locus as he hummed. "So you admit it? You couldn't help but let me win~?"

The reaction he had gotten was honestly hilarious. Watching the way Locus's eyes had widened, how the color in his cheeks slightly deepened, and how he gulped at the lack of distance between them.

"You act so big and serious but really, you're just so cute." He moved a hand to poke Locus's nose, watching as it crinkled under his touch.

"Are you just going to stay there or are you going to let me get up?" He asked in a gruff voice, only causing Felix's grin to grow more, only in mischief rather than celebration.

"Actualllyy..." Felix hummed, lowering himself to be lying on top of him and getting comfortable, "I think I'm going to stay here since you offered and all." His head wasn't even against the other's chest, yet he could feel how hard his heart was pounding. It was cute.

"N-Not an option," Locus said quickly, gently shoving Felix off of him as he sat up. All Felix could do was laugh from his new position on the floor.

"How unfair, you offered for me to stay there!"

"I didn't mean for you to actually stay there!"

"Hey," Felix jabbed a finger into Locus's side, causing him to grunt, "Don't offer shit if you aren't going to follow through with it. I was getting comfy too but now I gotta find a new spot." He feigned the hurt in his voice, but he knew that Locus knew all too well of his shit, after all, he technically dealt with him longer than he had with him.

"Or don't take everything I say seriously." He muttered, standing as he reached a hand out for Felix to take.

When he had, he pulled Felix up to his feet as the smaller male simply rolled his eyes at him.

"If I do that, I just might never take anything you say seriously, especially since you say it in the same old tone as anything else you say."

"You do you, I do me."

"But we don't do each other? How boring."

Locus was happy Felix couldn't hear him take in a sharp breath at what he had said. He was really...something, just like Callahan had said. That, or he had Rue to blame, and he had hell to give if they were to ever run into each other again. 

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