PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

77.1K 7.6K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
23. Her scoldings
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
32. Lie or love.
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
83. Absence of U
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
89. finding solace
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
112. Only I know
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

35. Fresher's party 2

355 41 60
By hiddenpearl21

Long chappy ahead
happy reading

Out of nowhere sid sat beside me and vivek bhai sat beside anu silently and we gasp because of sudden gesture.

"What are you doing here" we both asked at a time seeing either side.

"Just came to relax" they both said and leaned to the chair as if they did so much work.

We rolled our eyes but didn't say anything. We both looked again at them as if "are you going now or not"

They nodded their head as no and we hissed in annoyance

"Stop behaving like you don't know us and concentrate on program"sid said

I didn't said anything and looked front as if I'm searching for some one meanwhile anu called me silently and showed me some empty seats.

We thought to move there as both boys closed their eyes maybe sleeping so we guess it's time so we tired to wake up but stop listening

"Stop running from here. You can't escape."sid said and I looked at Anu she also in same reaction may be vivek bhai said something.

We both sit comfortably not looking at them because we are angry on them.

Anu called even I messaged to him but didn't reply not came to see us. Even we searched them when we went near them they just ignore us that irritate us more so we decided to give silent treatment.

"The beautiful girls and the handsome guys can I have your attention please"someone said on Mike grabbing everyone attention.

'But I heard this voice somewhere..'i thought

"So guys you all know we are here to welcome you to the college with open arms and we know we are bit late in that and we apologise for that but I guess here people enjoyed alot of our college premises and bunking classes with Seniors, taking help in studies ohhh god you people are just first year and you are updated and did so many things alone and with seniors too..

So instead welcoming you as a fresher why won't we make it as a bit of get together to know more about eachother.

So don't feel shy or anything just we will be like friends and start.

I know if I say brothers and sisters all you people will kill me and I don't want to die now so let's get started" Vishaka said coming on to stage from back.

I gasped when sid pecked my cheeks and get up as if he did nothing. When I'm seeing Vishaka di in shock

I turned to see anu to check myself did she caught me or not but her face is covered with red and sly smile is playing on her lips.

I blinked my eyes and turn around to look at sid but with no time he pecked my cheek and left leaving me in shock and vivek bhai followed him.

I just forgot everything where I'm that's when the voice made me come out of trance "let's start with dance performance by seniors" Vishaka said

I'm shocked to see her anchor I didn't think once that she will be anchor but her voice is so good. She even changed her white dress into wine red looking too beautiful.

The seniors of both girls and boys doing super. All of us involved in and enjoying the dance and song.

(I'm very poor in songs and movies so I'm not mentioning any song here but if you have any suggest me one I will add when I edit this .)

"So how was the performance guys" Vishaka said and we all shouted woah as it's too good

"I'm glad that you didn't start with some songs but this performance is rocking and it's just a high push for everyone to mingle" one man came said

"Yeah I know. Yes even song looks good but I think something should change"Vishaka said while laughing

"So now what next" the man asked

"How about calling juniors on stage one by one Ryan"Vishaka said

'So his name is Ryan' I thought

"Woah that's great idea. Then let's invite them by one by one on stage" Ryan said

"But what they will do. It's of no fun just coming and going"Ryan said by twisting his lips in disappoint way

"Who said they will just come and go"Vishaka said with raised eyebrows with mischievous smile.

"Now I'm so eager then let's start this.."Ryan said

"Then why late call the one" Vishaka said

They called one guy of starting roll number and he went on stage.

Vishaka di bought one bowl which had rolled papers as chits in it.

"So here we are with bowl of tasks yo everyone. As per roll number you come here and do the task and will have fun together"Vishaka di said

Some people are excited some people are nervous some people like giving 'I know this look'

He took one chit and gave to Ryan.

"You need to jump like a frog."Ryan said

He did and all clapped and they handed him some gift wrap box as a gift.

Like this they called some girls and boys.

"I'm getting bore"Ryan said

"Even I'm feeling the same"Vishaka said

"So what we will do now"Ryan asked

"How about another dance performance"Vishaka asked

"Amazing"Ryan said in excitement

"Then let call them.."Vishaka said

"Now solo dance performance by hima"both Ryan and vishaka said

Hima is our classmate and I don't that she is a dancer and doing awesome.

Like this the party is going pretty well and even seniors served us with some food called burger but seeing its size my eyes came out.

How people can eat this. First how it will fit into our mouth atleast to take a bite.

I looked at Anu and she is having happily and I looked at her like a alien. How she is eating thinking I pout as I'm damn hungry and this burger is too big and fat to fit iny mouth.

"Baby I know it won't fit into our mouth but hungry makes a man to do anything.

Trust me and try it and you it too"saying this anu took another bite of her burger.

"Chumpkin it's too big and my jaws are paining when I tried to have a bite" I said with pout.

Anu took my burger from me and remove some stuff from burger and put it on a paper plate which they gave

"See it's so simple

Now it will fit and fill and taste yummy too" anu said while placing the bun in same way as before and gave it to me.

It's so hot and delicious too. The stuff inside, cooked so well that it melting our hunger but boosting the taste buds to yearn the taste of it again and again.

Soon vivek bhai came and said something to anu she glared at him but her cheeks are tinted in dark pink colour.

I ignored them thinking they need some privacy and concentrate on my work eating.

I turned side to take sauce packet but turned to front in second as vivek bhai took a bite of her burger.

'Ohh god these love birds are difficult to handle' I thought

Soon I heard chumpkin roll number and she went excitedly.

She got the task to say something which they gave but the condition is smoke biscuits.

Soon she put some smoke biscuits in mouth and said something. Seriously I didn't understand single word. Soon she came with gift box.

Next was mine and I went and I got a task is meow table and immediately looked at sid I know he must have wrote this and simply great I got this task I huffed in annoyance.

I did my task and got down soon with some gift box. I feel myself sacred to be there for sometime.

Half of the class over and even anchors changed so Vishaka di came and sat with us.

"Is it boring"Vishaka di asked

"No sissy infact your anchoring is super"anu and I said with bright smile.

"Thank you both of you"she said with smile.

"Hey you are relaxing here then what about your performance"Ryan bhai asked.

"Is it really needed" Vishaka di asked that her voice laced with tiredness.

"No escape."he said

"Fine but after sometime let me take some rest"Vishaka di hissed

"Ok ok. Font get angry now"Ryan aaid and left

"Who is he sissy" I asked

"Ryan bhai actually your jiju friends brother. So protective and elder to me soni call him as bhai"Vishaka di said.

"He is so cool" we both said but we heard someone clearing their throat.

We three looked behind to look at the intruder and found sid and vivek glaring at us.

I smiled internally seeing him like this.

"When you both came"anu asked

"When you people immersed in deep conservation and praising someone forgetting your surroundings" sid said while glaring at me but wait what I did now.

Ryan looked really cool and friendly nature.

Sindhu called him and both left without saying a word.

'ohh see now, that's the reason I said Ryan is good' I thought.

Leave all the stuff at bay and say me something will do its too boring and called some juniors to have some fun.

"Give some task and will enjoy for sometime before I go"Vishaka di said

They all are of five and I don't know anyone of them and most interesting thing is all are of same section. It's been almost three months and I don't know anyone properly.

What a day I thought and started thinking about the task and immediately striked something.

I looked at sissy to say but she already looking at me.

"Ready"sissy asked

"Yes"I said

"Then say"anu said impatiently

"Very simple task that is you need to salute but the beat sound of your foot should grab the attention of the people here in this hall.

All should do at a time and in rhythm if you miss to gain their attention or if you miss the order or rhythm you need to do again. Till you do it perfect.

If one go wrong all will be punished with the same task till the end.

I will 1 2 3 and then you go head"I said to them they looked at me like 'are you serious'

"It's going to be fun"Vishaka di and anu said at a time.

"Ready"I asked

"Yes"they said

"Remember you need to grab the attention and it should be at a time in rhythm"I said and they nodded their heads.

"One two three go" anu and I said but anu is so excited and jumping like a kid.

I grab her hand said to sit silent..and looked at them and they were nervous that they didn't do.

I looked at them"what happen" I asked they released their breath and said start.

Anu and me said okay and Vishaka di is looking at her surroundings in nervous. I laughed at them may be I'm also nervous.

"One two three go"anu and I said at a time

The sound of their boots rhythm echoed in hall that all looked at us.

Now I'm hell nervous and turned around their HOD is looking at us. I didn't get that look and immediately I hold anu and sissy hand trying garb their attention and they looked at hod and gulped.

HOD looked at us in amusement and smiled at us I released my breath whole hall echoed with woahh shouting that I came back to reality and looked at them.

They just smile, we all returned our smile and said good luck to eachother and looked here and there that is when suddenly song started and turn towards stage and we took breath in and out.

Vishaka di left saying us to relax.

"Now it's time for titles so all the girls and boys come to stage one by one" some girl said

We all went to show up for others and finally it's time for results for titles.

Four titles Miss beautiful, Mr handsome, Miss fresher and Mr fresher.

"Miss fresher is aanaya"Vishaka di announced and anu jumped like a kid in joy

"Mr fresher is manideep" vishaka di announced and to particular I don't atleast from which section he is.. heheh I laughed at myself for being cupid in my life.

Anu and that person also went to collect their respective shield tagging with their titles

"So now next title is Mr. handsome and Miss beautiful and here they go" vishaka di said

"So the title of Miss beautiful is." vishaka di gave pause and I sat as I know I wont be the one as I'm so sure about and that to chumpkin came with bright smile so I engrossed with her.

"The title miss beautiful goes to siya" vishaka di said and I'm looking here and there as I'm finding where she is

"The title Mr. handsome goes to manoj" Vishaka di said

Please come on to stage Vishaka di announced and I'm playing farm hero's saga in chumpkin phone that I engrossed deeply in it.

"Hey"some one called me I looked who is the owner of the intruder to disturb my game but it's sid

"What are doing here. When they are calling you"he snatched phone from me

"Rude" I muttered

"You can curse me later for now go even anu is waiting for you there" he said

"Siya it's seems not me"I hissed and try to take phone back

"Doll what is your name"he asked coming close

"I'm siya I know but how can I be there might be someone you got confused and snatched phone you know I'm trying hard to comp..."I'm blabbering continuously that he pulled me by waist that I hit to his hard chest. I looked at him shock.

"There is no siya other than you so stop thinking something wrong and stupid. Go"sid said.


I woke up and got ready in white shirt and blue jeans and went down.

"Sid you go to college I will drop anu" dad said out of nowhere.

What from yesterday I'm waiting to know which dress she bought so that I can know about siya but hell with these people are completely avoiding me.

"Sid"vivek came

"Good now. You both go to college"dad said that now he looks pale and lost his colour.

'Poor vivek he evn asked anu it's seems but she didn't bulge any info' I thought

Without saying anything we left as we know it's waste of time

We reached college and we both somewhat angry so ignored everything.

As we moving towards hall I can see people around in hustle and bustle.

Not only for us but also for other two branches there is fresher's party in their respective block.

"Hey what happen to you both"sindhu asked

"Nothing why"I said

"You looking gloomy"sindhu said

"Nothing like that we are fine"I said and vivek nodded

"Ok come we have some work"saying sindhu drag with her and we immersed in work.

Vivek and I thought to take break and have some tea so going to canteen and found chotteyy and doll coming.

I looked at them in utter shock they both wear completely similar like sisters and looking extremely gorgeous beautiful.

I couldn't take my eyes from doll she is looking like a candy.

I just want to hide her somewhere. How can be someone so innocent, kind and beautiful.

I looked around out of nowhere and every guy is ogling at them that make me fist my hand in angry.

They went to canteen and laughing and I couldn't take my eyes off.

Out of nowhere they missed again I thought it's a dream but no vivek also in same position like me so it's true.

We both searched for them like mad man's but didn't find them. When sindhu saw us she drag with us. That again I saw my doll there with anu.

She is looking breathtaking. I couldn't take my eyes off. That when they saw us came and talked with us.

But I couldn't spilt a word that she attracts every part of mine in the spill of her beauty of heart. Her smile created a havoc in my heart. Her pink cheeks make me go insane.

But after sometime they look on her face says offend. But what I did that when I came back to reality

"You both no need to talk. We are leaving"anu said and drag siya with her.

Argh I didn't avoid I'm just ..aahh now I messed it and looked vivek.

He is pressing his forehead see even my sis look so beautiful that vivek was silent and we messed up.

We searched and found in hall. I know how they think and smiled at their thought but it got advantage to us that we occupied on either side of our love.

I couldn't control and I kissed her cheeks and she is got surprised by my actions.

I didn't gave her time to react thaat quickly I peck her cheeks and left as our friends called us.

Here these people are not living us mainly sindhu took hold of my hand and dragged me outside saying food and I drag vivek with me.

When we entered she is laughing at something and enjoying herself.

We heard some sound in unique and we turn into that direction and found chotteyy and doll are looking here and there

I smiled at her innocence and even HOD smiled at them.

Soon the time and announced the title and miss fresher is chotteyy and miss beautiful is doll but doll didn't show up that I went to her and called.

Seeing what she is doing got angry where everyone is looking for her and she sat last so no one can see her. This girl na..

"Hey" I called

"What are doing here. When they are calling you"I took phone from her

"Rude" she muttered

"You can curse me later for now go even anu is waiting for you there" I said while smiling internally.

'Is this game so important now' I thought

"Siya it's seems not me" she hissed and try to take phone back

"Doll what is your name"I asked coming close

"I'm siya I know but how can I be there might be someone you got confused and snatched phone you know I'm trying hard to comp..." She started her normal blabbering that I pulled her by waist that she hit to my hard chest. She looked so shock at me.

"There is no siya other than you so stop thinking something wrong and stupid. Go" I said

"Don't make fun of me. How can I be a beautiful I don't even have white skin tone atle.."she trying to defend that make me angry

How can she talk like that about my doll. Suddenly possessiveness took tole on me.

"Dare to complete the sentence siya" I hissed while holding her hand

"You are hurting me" siya said

"You also hurting me" I said and loosen my grip seeing her tears.

'You know how to irritate at the same time how to control' I thought

"Why I'm saying true only" siya said breaking my thoughts

"What" I asked

"I'm not even fair in colour" siya said

"At night look at the sky you will get to know the beauty of dark" I said

"I'm not zero size" siya said

"People love teddy bear more than barbie doll" I said

"I'm not found of makeup" siya said

"Natural beauty attracts more" I said

"I'm not found of many" siya said

"But they found only you" I said and she is looking down

"Doll, look at me" I said after some time

"Baby colour wont defines a person. Either black or white doesn't matter. You look breath taking beautiful. You are moon baby which shines proudly under the dark sky" I said

"But people make fun of me. Because of my colour and look but you are saying completely different and when people say like that then how come I will be beautiful" siya asked

"I don't know my doll is a baby. First remember this don't think of someone who pulls you down because they are jealous seeing you at top. So now smile" I said and kissed her forehead and she glared at me

"You .....

"Miss Beautiful siya please come on to the stage" I heard again and I took her from outside and send her in through first door which is near to stage so she won't feel nervous and no one will get doubt.

Soon every one cheered them with a loud applause. I took so many pic of her.

"So I hope everyone in the hall enjoyed well" ryan asked and the hall echoed with yes.

"I thought it will take some time but it ended so soon. So how about we have some more fun" ryan asked and all agreed

"But what we will do" ryan asked

"If you want I can suggest something" vishaka said

"That will be a great treasure so please" ryan said in dramatically way

"As we have so much time how about some interaction but here is twist.

We won't say anything now but the one who got ragged in name of interaction like say bio data and some task will do the dame but here seniors will do so that they will also get to know about us.

How is it" vishaka asked

"So interesting. So we will become juniors again" ryan said

"A kind of but here the twist is not the one who gave task but the one to whom they communicated like example if you gave a task to someone to find someone name so here the someone will come and say their name but not you who gave task.

But it is face to face interaction like something then they will only and only one chance even though you found of so many" vishaka completed and I found interesting.

But it is not discussed in plan still it's interesting' I thought

Soon our juniors seniors and our class mates came and do their task and first year people are enjoying a lot. Even we are enjoying a lot by dragging some first year people with us.

Suddenly I looked at siya she is smiling laughing and I immersed in my own world that I don't know how long

I just want to go and sit beside her pulling her in my arms and talk with her tease her irritate her and many more want to do but suddenly vivek pulled me bringing me back

"What happen" I asked irritatingly

"Where are you living. Come back to earth.

They are calling you. See their ryan is waiting for you." Vivek said shaking his head in disbelief of my reaction

Once again I looked at my doll and went near him and he gesture me to go in and there vishaka is waiting and pacing fro and back.

"what happen" I asked to no one particular as ryan vivek and vishaka is there.

Vishaka looked at me and then at ryan.

"I want to say no no ask you something" vishaka said with nervous where I nodded my head

Before I use to get angry but when doll said I changed opinion on vishaka but still for some reasons I cant be free may be I'm still scared that she will hurt someone again

"If you are okay will you propose siya now like she did. I mean as I gave a task to her on that day" Vishaka said to me with so much nervous

I felt so happy and immediately I agreed and I looked at her face for any sign but she is really happy and I'm glad for that.

"But I will do after completing everyone I mean at end of this"I said

"It's okay. I'm you accepted it. You say I will call her on the stage."Vishaka said happily

Time move on and I'm observing every move of my doll. Finally time came. I went and stand near the place and siya is looking at Vishaka with confusion over her face while holding anu hand.

"So again there is another love proposal guys. Let's welcome them" Vishaka said

"I invite the miss beautiful siya on the stage" Vishaka called making me nervous and I looked at her

Siya looked at Vishaka with wide eyes and stood like a rock.

Finally she came out of her sense that is when she is on stage when she heard a loud applause.

Siya looked at anu who literally pushed her on stage.

I slowly went near her and took long breath by inhaling her sandalwood scent.

I never knew what is pain
How it feels
Unless until I saw your tears on that day..
The day I felt like someone stabbed me
I don't know what to do
How to calm you
Just to have a glimpse of your smile
Which I really wished that
I should be the reason for your smile
That I realised I never care about anyone in my life
But the day I realised you are more than my life
I born with so much love but I never understand the meaning until I saw you
I never knew about the shattered sun
Because I always wait to see you in the name of moon
I never seen a broken sky
Because I feel
You like to play hide and seek that
You hide behind the clouds
As new moon day
I never felt insecure but seeing you so bright all around which grabs everyone attention towards you that
I want to hide you with me because
I'm scared to live without you
You are just like a moon under the dark sky
That I always pray not to snatch you from me as a new moon
I accept every flaw of me
I will change everything of mine
Not because of you
But to be with you only with you
That I want to explore the world of love
In the name of rainbow with you
To drench in drizzle of love
That I realised you are not a moon
To elope one day but a dark sky which smiles brightly and trying to show the beauty of light under it.
Will you give me a chance
I will be a star under it which always shines making more bright of dark sky.
I want to say
To this world
That you are not alone anymore
Because I'm there for you to shine brightly to show the charm of dark sky
I promise I won't leave you till my last breath which only beats for you to be with you..
I promise you I will never leave you alone
(sid sat on his knees giving his hand to hold as acceptance)
Will you allow me into your world
Will you accept me into your life
I promise
It gone be you and me forever
With the promise of togetherness
In embrace of love
Forever and ever


Hello to my lovely readers..❤️❤️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??

Do you like sid proposal..??

What do you think sid and siya..??

Do you like their conversation..??

Will siya accept him..??

Will they start their love life..??

Or it just a proposal in part of ragging..??

What will be the siya reaction..??

How you are feeling when you are reading this chap..??

Shower your love with votes and comments

Don't forget to follow me

My insta id :- niyankas_sparklepen

Will meet you soon
Until then
Take care
Keep smiling

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