By PandoraButler

592 63 28

Adrian has been asleep for centuries trying to mourn the death of his previous lover. However, his beloved fr... More



44 5 4
By PandoraButler

Vincent walked the sidewalks looking at the various stores. He was interested in a few and some of the items really reminded him of Adrian. He smiled, taking pictures of the displays in the windows. Would it be weird to send him pictures? Did Adrian even know how to text? It seemed to be a big part of his personality as a vampire to not know how to use technology. Well, it was better to have the pictures than to not have them. That's what Vincent decided.

A stranger staggered into him. "I'm sorry," he mutterered, barely walking away. He nearly fell a few times.

"Are you alright?" Vincent grabbed his arm. The stranger turned to look at him and two bright red eyes stared into his own somewhat grey ones. Adrian's warning sounded in his ears. Could this be...?

"I'm quite alrigh-" he coughed and Vincent noticed the blood seeping through his shirt and onto his hand.

"You need medical attention. Let me escort you to the hosptia-"

"No!" the stranger insisted. "No hospitals. It's not that ba-" his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell forward. Vincent caught him.

"I'm sorry, Adrian, but I can't very well leave him alone," he muttered, carrying this male back to his apartment.


Vincent placed him on the couch and lifted his shirt. The wound was already closing. All it took was for Vincent to close the blinds. Apparently that rumor of vampires being weak to the sun was true. Could this really be...?

The male opened his eyes, surprised to see Vincent standing there and even more surprised to see himself on this couch. "Did you take me to your place?" he asked.

"You said no hospitals so I was going to try and patch you up myself. I have some medical experience because of a good friend of mine being a doctor. She taught me the bare minimum," Vincent explained.

He looked down at his stomach and then up to Vincent again. His eyes glimmered in the darkness, with a purple hue, and he raised his hand only to lower it again. Something of an expression of guilt. The hue dwindled. Yep. That confirmed it. This guy was a pureblood vampire. What did Vincent get himself into?

"My name is Vincent," he smiled. The vampire's eyes widened, unsure, confused, and ultimately just surprised.

"S-Sebastian," he began and then cleared his throat. "My name is Sebastian of House of Michaelis." His face downcast as he muttered, "Although there is no longer a House of Michaelis..."

"Would you like to tell me the particulars? I could make you some tea in the meantime," Vincent offered. That was his only good quality. Tea making.

Looking incredibly sad and on the verge of tears, Sebastian asked, "Do you have Earl Grey?"

"Of course," Vincent smiled and clapped his hands together. He was wary because of Adrian's warning but Sebastian could've harmed him many times already and hadn't. Was he an okay pureblood then? Was that even possible?

Vincent put the kettle on the stove and examined his tea stash. He was pretty much just a basic bitch when it came to tea. Only the essentials. Earl Grey. Some English Breakfest. Lady Grey. And then there was whatever shit Othello decided to throw at him when seeing a tea sale in a supermarket. Weird berry flavors. Peppermint. Basic Bitch Pumkin Spice. You know, the usual.

"Does anyone actually enjoy this?" Vincent muttered, picking up the box of pumpkin spice to grab the earl grey behind it.

"Your stove is...not electric?" Sebastian stared at the flame with wide eyes. He slowly backed away without turning around to face the kitchen's door.

"Are you alright? You didn't have to follow me. Feel free to rest on the couch," Vincent smiled.

"Fire," Sebastian held his face and sunk to the ground. "So much fire!" his breathing hastened and he clutched his chest. Cold sweat forming on his brow. Vincent noticed the symbol on his hand.

Vincent immediately shut off the stove. He poured water into mugs and microwaved them. He hated doing this, the water didn't feel the same somehow, but did it anyway. "Are you okay?" Vincent knelt down beside Sebastian. Sebastian, realizing his hand's mark was visible, immediately covered it with his other hand. Fear in his eyes spreading to his face.

Vincent grabbed his hands and held them without looking at them. "Are you okay?" he repeated.

"My manor burned down. I was almost killed in the pet-" Sebastian closed his mouth and shook his head. "My trusted servants were caught in the flames." How does a vampire die? It must be possible. Vincent didn't need to know the details. All he gathered from this was that Sebastian used to be very well off until his home burned down. That gave him some sort of trauma. It seemed odd for a pureblood vampire to have trauma. Especially after Adrian's warning.

"Feel free to stay here as long as you like," Vincent spoke without thinking. He should've consulted Othello first.

Surprised once again, Sebastian looked at the ground. Vincent could feel guilt radiating off of him. He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. His eyes glowed with that purple hue once more. He pushed Vincent to the ground and stared at him conflicted. He opened his mouth and his teeth grew. Fangs.

"I'm a vampire," Sebastian muttered. "Are you sure you want to house me?"

"Are you going to drink my blood?" Vincent blinked, quite honestly curious.

"N-no, I..." Sebastian retracted his fangs slightly. He shook his head and narrowed his eyes, fangs back to their full potential. "Yes, I very well might." Vincent saw through this facade. He wanted Vincent to be afraid of him.

"I don't know what you're punishing yourself for," Vincent lifted his hand to cup Sebastian's face. "I won't know unless you tell me. Do you really mean to hurt me?"

I won't know what you're feeling unless you tell me, Master Michaelis. Sebastian, as if he'd seen a ghost, jumped off of Vincent and huddled in the nearest corner. His fangs retracted and his purple hue gone. He was now cowering in what looked to be fear.

"I'm not a good vampire," Sebastian's eyes started shedding black tears. "I'm not even a good individual. Why are you being so kind?"

"No matter who you are," Vincent grinned, sitting up, "I firmly believe anyone can change." 

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