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"I'm very sorry!" Vincent apologized immediately.

"You haven't talked to me in a few nights but is that really something to apologize for?" was Adrian's reply. Although, he had been nervously waiting for Vincent to call back...he insisted on telling himself it would be fine if he didn't.

"You went and warned me but I brought home a vampire," Vincent glanced away.

"You what?!" Adrian nearly dropped the tablet in his hands.

"A pureblood too it seems," Vincent glanced away a second time.

"Are you out of your mind?! What if he mind controlled you? What if he turned you into a vampire?! What were you going to do then?!" What if Adrian couldn't speak to you again? That was also one of the questions he wished to ask but refrained from doing so.

"Shhh," Vincent placed his finger over his lips. "Don't raise your voice he is sleeping on my bed-"

"He is sleeping on your bed?!" Adrian covered his mouth with his hand. "He is sleeping on your bed?" he repeated, whisper yelling.

Vincent glanced over his shoulder at his bed. Sebastian was still sleeping. "Apparently he had a bit of a rough day, so he is sleeping the night away even though that's when you guys are supposed to be most active?"

"What is his name?"

"Sebastian of House Michaelis," Vincent replied. "The last one, or so he said."

Adrian's face grew pale. "Please listen to me very carefully..." Adrian's voice was barely audible. "Get rid of that vampire," his eyes glimmered slightly as his eyebrow twitched with rage.

"Clearly there is some history here that I don't know about but," Vincent sighed. "I don't think he is the same vampire you knew. He seems quite riddled with guilt if you ask me."

Adrian clicked his tongue in annoyance, eyes only growing colder. "Purebloods don't know the meaning of the word."

"Now that's just biased," Vincent crossed his arms.

"You can't trust them."

"You said so yourself you only ever met one pureblood. How do you know Sebastian is like the one you knew?"

"Lord Sebastian Michaelis is a name I am quite familiar with Vincent!" Adrian slammed his hand down on the desk and stood up. "It was repeated time after time while I was nothing but a pet! He was friends with my so-called 'master' and the one that turned my best friend into a vampire!" he snapped, eyes raging. "He was there..." Adrian's voice cracked. He sat back in his chair and covered his face with his hand. "He was there the night I turned too. He could've stopped it and he didn't..."

Sebastian woke up with a scream and his hand outstretched in the air. He sat up immediately and tried to control his breathing. " much fire," his voice barely audible. He turned his head to Vincent and noticed Adrian on the screen. "Y-you..." he pointed to the screen and moved to behind Vincent. He leaned down next to his face and squinted. "I remember you. You were Claude's pe-," he closed his eyes for a moment and then corrected himself, "no, his slave."

Adrian gritted his teeth and something of a cool mist escaped his mouth as his eyes only glimmered with more rage. "If you so much as scratch Vincent I will find you and I will slaughter you."

Sebastian glanced toward Vincent and then stood up straight behind him. "Is that how it is?" he asked himself more than anyone else. He crossed his arms and glanced back and forth between the two. "This would explain why you were so ready to accept me being a vampire but not why you let me stay here. Didn't he tell you not to trust red-eyed vampires? We're nothing but a sad excuse for nobility. Abusing our power is the number one hobby of all purebloods," Sebastian blatantly insulted himself and the rest of his kind with ease.

Vincent laughed wholeheartedly. "Have you met humanity?" He wiped a tear from his eye. "We do nothing but abuse our so-called power and slaughter each other. We kill our own kind and when we can't wage war with other countries we have civil wars in our own countries. Human nobles have done nothing for the common folk throughout history. I don't see why vampires would be any different."

"You..." Sebastian stared skeptically at Vincent. "Are you sure you aren't a vampire?"

"I think I would know if I had pointy teeth."

"Hm," Sebastian moved to stand beside Vincent. He grabbed his chin and forced his mouth open then stared into it. He pressed his finger against Vincent's tooth but saw no signs of whatever he was looking for. Meanwhile, Adrian seethed and glared full force.

"You'd probably make a very healthy mate," Sebastian smiled slightly and released Vincent's mouth.

"Excuse me?" Adrian's eye twitched.

"Not for me! Not for me!" Sebastian clarified. "I won't steal your human, I promise!" He took a few steps away from Vincent just to try and calm Adrian down. "He isn't my type first of all. Secondly," Sebastian looked at his hand, "I have no interest in finding a lover."

"Is that the vampire's curse?" Adrian pointed to Sebastian's hand, voice suddenly filled with sympathy. Even if he practically hated this man, he didn't wish the curse on anyone. Sebastian covered the symbol with his other hand but nodded.

"What is the vampire's curse?" Vincent asked.

"When a vampire's lover gets stolen by another vampire a painful mark draws itself on the left hand," Adrian raised his own hand. "In time, the pain will become so great it will lead to insanity. There are other methods to be cursed but this is the most common one."

"Is there something you can do?" Vincent turned to face Sebastian.

"There is only one of me and thousands of my enemy," Sebastian shook his head. "He wants what he wants and he gets what he wants."

"That wretched man betrayed even his closest friend?" Adrian shook his head. "Somehow I am not surprised."

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Vincent asked.

"The only way would be to find the stolen lover and take said lover back," Adrian explained. "However, mind control, especially Claude's, is far too strong for that to work. Not to mention all of his followers being so numerous."

"What if I offer myself up as bait?" Vincent suggested. 

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