lucid dreams [r. lupin]

By -generalkirigan

470K 16K 4.9K

All he ever wanted was for her to notice him. graphic cred; @CarKann spanish translation:@-mxltiverse portugu... More

lucid dreams


15.7K 577 273
By -generalkirigan

september 21st, 1975 - great hall

"Don't look now, but Lily just arrived." Sirius whispers across the table to James. Of course, since he was missing a few brain cells in Remus' opinion, the boy snapped his head around so fast it surprised them that it hadn't fallen off. Sirius lets out a breath of annoyance. "What do you not understand from don't look now?"

"I don't think he knows basic English." Remus hums softly as he shakes his head at James. Peter frowns, confused by his words.

"But how does he-" Remus quickly cuts him off, realising that the poor boy didn't realise it was sarcasm.

"It's not... I'm not serious." Remus assures him and Peter nods in understanding.

"No, I'm Sirius." Remus groans, at the joke that he'd heard a million times since he'd known Sirius.

"She's beautiful." James sighs dreamily, still staring at Lily openly. Remus grabs his head and turns to face forward again. "Hey! What's that for?"

"So that you stop being a creep and scare her away even more." Remus points out and James huffs, knowing that he had a point. Sirius notices something behind the two and raises an eyebrow.

"Why is Marlene and Lily walking to Lorelei, Lesley and Emily?" Sirius asks in confusion, but this time Remus is the one to snap his head around. His eyes widen as he watches Lily sit down with them. He knew she had said she'd help, but he wasn't expecting that.

"I have a slight inkling." Remus says honestly, all four of them staring at the girls.

"And what maybe that be?" James asks, quickly glancing at the werewolf, before looking back at the girls.

"I might have told Lily about my crush and now she's determined in helping me get Lorelei." Remus explains and Sirius smirks approvingly.

"Perfect. Another player on my team. I assure you, Remus. Martin doesn't stand a chance." Sirius says excitedly and Remus frowns slightly.

"Shouldn't we not interfere with their relationship?" Remus wonders and James shakes his head.

"We won't interfere. We'll just make her realise you're a better option." James shrugs, trying to not get too distracted by Lily.

It doesn't take long before they're caught staring. Lorelei smiles at the sight of Remus and waves happily at him, making him do the same. Lily shakes her head as she notices that James was once again ogling her. Remus turns back around, not wanting to seem creepy either. He also has to shove James to turn around.

"Am I really a better option?" Remus wonders, making his three friends glare at him.

"Don't make me throw this orange at you." Peter says pointedly and Remus huffs.

"You don't get it, she's perfect in every possible way. And I'm... I'm what I am." He points out and Peter doesn't hesitate to throw the orange at him. Remus is able to dodge it, making it fall on the floor and roll across the room. "Really?"

"I warned you." Peter says honestly with a shrug.

"Throwing food around, how mature of you." Remus says as he throws a grape back at the boy, who is hit right in the face. James snorts, putting a hand over his mouth to stop himself from bursting into fits of laughter.

Peter picks up an apple and throws it at Remus, who once again dodges it. But instead of falling and rolling away, it hits one of the Slytherin students. Peter and Sirius' eyes widen, as James and Remus slowly turn around to see a glaring Severus Snape. Regulus Black looks up, having noticed the commotion and one look at his brother, he already knows they were up to no good.

"Snivellus. Sorry about that, apple's must have a certain attraction to you. But look at the bright side, at least something does." James says with a mocking smirk and Regulus snorts, while Severus' glare intensifies.

"At least I'm not desperately trying to get the attention of a girl I'll never have. Oh, wait at least she doesn't hate me." Severus snaps, making James angry. The boy jumps to his feet, ready to fight the boy, Remus grabs his robe and holds him back.

James' sudden movement doesn't get unnoticed, the five girls across the room look up. Remus waves at them again as he stands up and pushes James away from Severus, his other friends right behind.

"You'll never get the girl, Potter." Severus calls after them and James tries to run at him, but Remus holds him back.

"Lily is watching. Are you really going to go after her friend? When you've already done lots of damage when it comes to that?" Remus asks, making James huff and straighten up. James readjusts his glasses, before all four leave the Great Hall.

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