Konosuba - Another Verse ( Ma...

By anonwriterman

62.7K 1.4K 627

Y/N is a 17 year old high school student, who unfortunately met his hilarious yet awful death, but is given... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Author's Note #1
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Update from the author
Episode 10
Season 2 Teaser
Update from the Author #2
Season 2, Episode 1
Season 2, Episode 2
Season 2, Episode 3
Season 2, Episode 4
Season 2, Episode 5
Season 2, Episode 6
Season 2, Episode 7
Season 2, Episode 8
Season 2, Episode 9
Season 2, Episode 10
Update from the Author #3
Series Finale Part 1
Series Finale Part 2
Series Finale Part 3
Series Finale Part 4
Series Finale Part 5
Series Finale Part 6 & Ending
Final Update From The Author.
Side Story #1 - A Not So Mysterious Figure
Side Story #2: Heartless Hunting

Series Finale Prologue

835 27 2
By anonwriterman

Aqua: "Hey Y/N, when are you going to tell us about what you did during the time that you were gone?"

Y/N: "Well... I suppose I can, but you guys have to promise me that you're not going to repeat this to anyone else, alright?"

Darkness: "How come?"

Y/N: "No one is supposed to know that there's worlds other than this one out here, but I can tell you all about what I was doing since everyone here knows that Kazuma and myself are really not from here."

Aqua: "A secret mission? Now I really have to know!"

Y/N: "Alright, so remember when I had to not come back to the mansion for a while? Well, what I was doing was this..."



Freyja: "Y/N, I would like to thank you for the short notice arrival, this is an important matter not only for us, but also for this world as well."

Y/N: "It's that important then?"

Freyja: "Unfortunately, it is. There have been increasingly concerning reports of new monsters appearing out of a dungeon not very far from Axel."

Y/N: "Again? But what makes these monsters so different from everything else I've seen so far?"

Master Freyja: "Take a look for yourself, I received a witness's sketch not too long ago."

Y/N: "Wait, but this is..."

Freyja: "Judging from your expression, you know what the problem is. The heartless are here. Thankfully it seems like they aren't actively inside said dungeon, so can you tell me what you think is going on?"

Y/N: "Give me a sec..."

Y/N paused to give himself a moment to think.

Y/N: "It could be some sort of portal then... But it would have to be pretty far in or else the adventurers would've been swarmed by them probably."

Freyja: "Excellent thinking, so you have been paying attention to my courses then?"

Y/N: "O-of course!"

Freyja: " Now, for the reason why I've summoned you, I believe this sort of task is exactly what you're ready for."

Y/N: "Ready? Look, I know that I've done a lot since I started adventuring here, but I've never actually fought heartless myself before."

Freyja: "No worries, I'm fully aware that you'll be facing a new enemy. But you won't be alone, I would like you to meet me in the courtyard when you're ready. I'll be introducing you to your temporary party members for this request."



Y/N: "I'm not too late, am I?

Oscar: "No, we're actually all waiting for one more to join up with us. Name's Oscar by the way. We hear yours from the Master quite often so you don't have to tell us again.."

Y/N: "Oh good, who are we waiting on then??"

Serge: "The master's assistant will be joining us then? Makes me wonder what exactly we're all going to be in for. You can call me Serge."

Freyja: "Are we all here then? Follow along, I'll be taking you all to the location we'll be going to."



Y/N: "This is the place? I'm surprised it wasn't that far away from town."

Freyja: "Which is why we need this situation dealt with before they begin making their way closer to Axel. These Heartless may not be originating from this world, but they absolutely are able to take the hearts of others and begin to spread."

Y/N: Man, I better get rid of these things fast then. Seeing them in a game is one thing, but now they're an actual threat. 

Freyja: "Judging from reports, there may be a few that you will encounter before you find the source of them. Think of it as your warm-up before running into anything that'll be an actual challenge for you, Y/N."

Y/N: "So it'll be the small fry first?"

Oscar: "Let's hope so."

Y/N: "Let me go in first," Y/N said as he summoned his Shooting Star out. I can see pretty good in here, so I'll be able to call out anything that's off in the distance."

Oscar: "Look at you surprising us Y/N. Well, lead the way."

Freyja: "I'll be standing by the entrance."

Y/N: "Wait, you won't be helping then?"

Freyja: "Not unless it's necessary. It's a test for my students just as much as it is for yourself."

Serge: "You got nothing to worry about, the three of us alone will be more than enough for some heartless, Y/N,"


Y/N: "This one is a little bit different from the other dungeon I've been in."

Oscar: "No one knows who actually built this dungeon. The only thing that anyone can confirm is that it was built by someone in ancient times. This place was apparently around even when the Destroyer was built."

Y/N: "It's holding up pretty well if it's that old then when you think about it."

Serge: "Wait. I can already hear something."

Y/N held his hands out to stop the other two students, and scanned the surroundings that they were in.

Y/N: "Weird... It's just a hallway- oh crap, there's something on the floor approaching us!"

Oscar: "Where on the floor? How do you even see that well?"

Y/N: "Just up ahead!"

The shadow on the floor popped up and Y/N could see it's full form.

 but to the other two with him who still had to deal with the darkness, and could only see a glowing pair of yellow eyes.

Two familiar flashes of light followed shortly after.

Oscar: "Thunder!"

Serge: "Fire!"

The two types of magic made quick work of the creature, with the fire illuminating it for the students to reveal itself as it dissipated into smoke.

Y/N: They got keyblades too? Wait, Chirithy already told me I'm not the only one here with one, I shouldn't be surprised by that.

Serge: "What the hell... I didn't expect to see a Heartless so soon!"

Oscar: "And it was a Neoshadow! Y/N really saved us by spotting it before it took us by surprise!"

Y/N: "Great, that should already tell us what to expect once we start getting further into the dungeon."

The trio made their way further into the dungeon, but stopped as a wall impeded their progress.

Oscar: "This is as far as we can go? But that doesn't make very much sense."

Y/N was the first to step to the wall, and moved his hand along it.

Y/N: "There's always the chance that it might not be a wall."

Y/N stepped back as he pointed at the wall with his keyblade. A beam of light shot out, making the wall disappear and reveal a swirling portal behind it.

Y/N: "Here we are!"

Oscar: "Now what?"

Serge: "Anyone wants to volunteer on going in?"

Y/N: "There's no way of knowing where we might end up."

Oscar: "I'll stay outside and alert the Master in case anything shows up."

Serge: "What, too afraid to go in?"

Oscar: "N-no! I just think we'd be in trouble if the portal closed behind us."

Y/N: "Uh-huh. Well, that just leaves it to two of us going in."

Serge: "You got that right Y/N. Let's head in."


Y/N: "This is a pretty dreary place, don't you think?"

Serge: "You said it..."

Y/N: "Apparently, we'll know what we're trying to hunt for when we see it."

A group of the smaller yellow eyed creatures began to rise up from the ground, surrounding the pair as they quickly summoned their keyblades out.

Y/N: "No time to sight see!"

The two keyblade users made quick work of the sudden appearance of the group of monsters.

Y/N: "Right... Well, let's not waste time in here."

Serge: "Come to think of it, I remember the Master teaching us about something..."

Y/N was focused on keeping watch in case anything tried to catch them off guard.

Serge: "This place is the home of all of these heartless."

Y/N: "You know, I could've gone my entire day without having someone tell me that."

Serge: "Hey, you're better off knowing as much as you can about the enem-"

Y/N: "Watch out!"

Y/N rushed in front of Serge to protect himself against something that was rushing straight at him.

All Y/N could really see was a pair of red eyes before he took an attack, the creature jumping back to hide in the surroundings of the area.

Serge: "Did you see what it was?!"

Y/N: "No, it's way too shrouded in darkness, but you can see its eyes if you pay attention!"

Y/N watched the edges before he found exactly what he needed to so that he could land an attack.

Y/N: "Fire!"

The spell hit dead on, and the creature jumped out of its hiding spot, revealing itself to be a heartless resembling an animal.

Y/N: "There you are! Alright, let's take it ou-"

Y/N without warning took a swipe from its claws and was flung across the field.

Serge: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "I'm good!"

Y/N shouted back to him as he rolled out of the way and swiped back at the claws as they came for another attack.

Y/N: What's even going on right now? I get that I was sent to a world different from Japan but I shouldn't be coming across things like this.

Y/N: "Focus on finding an opening!"

Serge: "Roger!"

Y/N was currently preoccupied with fighting off the new monster, and waited until it backed off giving him the perfect opportunity to point his keyblade at it, and fired off a shotlock as he shouted,

Y/N: "Now!"

Serge heard Y/N's signal and launched  Triple Firaga at the beast while Y/N jumped into the air, diving at the Heartless as his keyblade transformed into double arrowguns and  fired multiple shots at it before he landed on the ground.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm pretty sure that this thing is tougher than anything even the devil king might have to throw at us."

Serge: "I don't know if I want you to be right or wrong about that!"

The Heartless jumped back and disappeared into the landscape, forcing Y/N to keep himself alert for another sign of it.

Y/N: "You're not hiding from me this time!"

Y/N waited right until the glowing eyes popped back into focus.

Y/N: "Alright! I've got it, hit it with magic as soon as it tries to charge me!"

The monster revealed itself and Y/N raised his keyblade up in time to block the next attack headed his way, this time his feet sliding on the ground as he managed to keep his guard up while Serge shot a beam of light at the Heartless, causing it to fall to its side.

Y/N: "Okay! Let's finish it off for good!"

Y/N pointed his own keyblade at the monster, and combined his own ray of light to hit at the monster and force it to dissipate into nothing.

Y/N: "I don't know... What the hell that was... But I think it's time for us to get out of here..."


Oscar: "You guys really made it back! What was in there?!"

Y/N: "Probably whatever the heck was making Heartless cross over to the dungeon, but we won't know unless we scout it out for a while."

Serge: "Want to report it back to the master so we can make sure?"

Y/N: "Don't see why we shouldn't."

The three made it back out of the dungeon without too much of an issue, with Y/N waving to Freyja.

Y/N: "Hey Master, we made it back!"

Freyja: "And all in one piece. So did you find the source?"

Y/N: "I think I did, take a look for yourself." Y/N pulled out his adventurer card, and gave it to Freyja, who examined it with occasional nods of her head.

Freyja: "Was there a larger heartless that you happened to fight before you returned?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it was huge and on all fours, almost like an oversized wolf."

Freyja: "A Dark Hide."

Freyja returned Y/N's card back to him.

Serge: "That thing gave us a bit of trouble but we managed to finish it off with a bit of work!"

Freyja: "A strong heartless like the one you just faced would be responsible for drawing more to it. However, heartless act on an instinct to consume more hearts, so it must've created a portal intending to make its way over to this world, which would've been a serious situation."

Y/N: "No kidding, I wasn't alone when I was fighting it, and even then it took some real effort to get rid of it."

Freyja: "Which brings me to the reason I sent you all out on this assignment. Y/N, would you consider receiving proper training alongside my class?"

Y/N: "I mean..."

He had to stop and let himself think. He was fully self taught, so he was sure that he'd see some major improvements if he did work under a mentor. However...

Y/N: "Well... One of my party members is pretty pissed at me for a prank I pulled on him, so I've got at most a few days for the training before I'll need to head back after he's cooled off. I wish I didn't have to cut it short, but-"

Freyja: "You're still an adventurer."

She almost looked like she expected him to give that answer.

Freyja: "A couple of days of preparing you will be more than enough to give you an edge against those that serve the devil king. But be warned. I won't give you an easy time just because you happen to be my assistant."

Y/N: "Wouldn't want it any other way!"

Freyja: "Now, I believe that I owe you an explanation for how I fixed your keyblade. As you might have noticed, my students use their own as well. As for myself..."

Y/N watched as Freya held her own hand out, and watched as she summoned her own keyblade out in a flash of light.

Freyja: "In my younger days, I battled against the devil king myself, however, my party wasn't strong enough to defeat him. I set out to further expand my strength, then opened up an academy for magic users and keyblade users as well."

Y/N: "So you couldn't win against him, but you hope to train someone that can?"

She let her keyblade disappear with another nod of her head.

Freyja: "Correct."

Y/N: "So can I ask exactly how you got your keyblade?"

Freyja: "From my own Master. One day you might be able to meet him. Now, let's return, your training will begin the moment we're back at the academy."


Y/N: "And once I was done with my training, I took my break, which is when Megumin spotted me, and that's when we both got back to the mansion before the hot springs trip.

Kazuma: "How does something THAT convenient happen to you?"

Y/N: "You call THIS THING convenient?!"

Y/N asked his question as he pulled out the adventurer card and showed him the monster he described fighting.

Darkness: "Why didn't you wait until you could take me with you?! Just imagining a beast like that slobbering all over me..."

Y/N: "Only you could be turned on by something as scary as that."

Megumin: "But why keep it to yourself for so long?"

Y/N: "I got the training but never really used all of it until we all fought Hans. I didn't want to say, 'hey I got proper practice!' Then have you guys watch me get bodied by the next kill quest we took."

Aqua: "But in the end things really did work out! Just don't disappear on me like that again, you hear?"

Y/N: "I promise I won't. In fact, I can make up for it right now if you want to head out for a bit."

Aqua: "Yes sir!"

Megumin: "He's not inviting us?"

Kazuma: "You think he's going to want any of us tagging along to his date?"


Y/N: "Hey Aqua, meet me up on that rooftop over here, I'm going to pick up a couple of things and catch up with you."

Aqua: "Hey, you're not going to take long, right? It's bad enough that we had to wait for days before you came back."

Y/N: "It'll be quick, I promise,"

Y/N gave Aqua a hug, which she returned before he let go of her.

Aqua: "Oh alright, but you better be quick! Honestly, you have some nerve keeping a goddess like me waiting the way you did."

Y/N: "Would it make you feel better if I said that I still feel bad about not telling you?"

Aqua: "Seriously, how do you do it?"

Y/N: "Do what?"

Aqua: "I'm never able to stay mad at you."

Y/N: "That's exactly how I feel about you at times, so we're even. Anyway, I'll catch up in a bit."

Y/N: "Excuse me, two ice cream bars please!"

Vendor: "Alright, one for you, and the other one is for?"

Y/N: "Someone special."

Vendor: "Oh, got yourself a nice date eh?"

Y/N: "Well, I wasn't really planning it that way..."

Vendor: "Reminds me of when I was young like you! Oh, I know just the thing!"

Y/N: "What's that, Vendor-San?"

Vendor: "It's these right here!"

The man in front of the ice cream stand gave Y/N two blue cones.

Vendor: "This new flavor has been selling like crazy!I gave it to my wife to taste, and she ended up loving it! She told all her friends and now it's the talk of the town! Why don't you try some too?"

Y/N: "Thanks, what's the flavor?"

Vendor: "It's sea-salt! I'm sure you both will love it!"

Y/N: "Sea-salt ice cream then?"

Vendor: "That's correct!"

Y/N: "Got it, thanks!"


Aqua: "I've been up here for more than a few minutes now, I hope Y/N didn't end up getting sidetracked again."

Right on cue, a hand that was holding an ice cream bar extended out from beside her, leading her to be a bit confused until she was greeted by a familiar voice.

Y/N: "Told you I wouldn't take long."

Aqua: "You got ice cream?"

Y/N: "What, did you think I had some kind of huge surprise?"

She laughed as he sat down beside him.

Aqua: "No but it's so you, you can be such a kid at times."

Y/N: "You know there's nothing stopping me from taking it back."

Aqua: "Wait, I'm sorry!"

Y/N laughed before giving her the other bar.

Y/N: "Really, we've been together for so long and you don't expect me to mess with you back by now?"

Aqua: "Well you have a point."

Y/N: "Come to think of it, we haven't really had very many times where it's been just us."

Aqua: "And when we have it's always been interrupted somehow."

Y/N: "No kidding."

Aqua: "Did you wait right up until now so that we can see the sunset?"

Y/N: "Maybe."

Aqua: "The waiting was worth it then. You got us a good view!"

Y/N: "That was the idea."

Aqua: "Don't stop coming up with them! You always think about what I might like to do!"

Y/N: "So, did I get it right?"

Aqua: "Y/N, here's the thing, You can take me anywhere and I'll have fun because I'm with you!"

Aqua smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Aqua: "I know I mess up a lot. But I promise that I can really show everyone that I'm the goddess that everyone wishes they had by their side!" 

Y/N: "You'll get there. Now, let's eat this ice cream before it all melts."


Y/N: "We're back!" 

Kazuma: "Hey, our two lovebirds made it back right on time." 

Y/N: You were waiting to use that line, weren't you?"

Kazuma: "I'll let you wonder that."

Megumin: "Look at what Darkness got for our dinner!"

Aqua: "I can't believe it, it's steak!" 

Y/N: "You're kidding!" 

Darkness: "Enjoy it Y/N. My family insisted on a gift to celebrate the relationship you have with Aqua. "

Y/N: "Can you tell them that I appreciate it when you have the chance?"

Darkness: "Of course."

Y/N: "Great! Now let's dig in!"

Later that night...

Aqua: "Hey, Y/N?"

Y/N: "What's up Aqua?"

Aqua: "After we defeat the Devil King, do you think that I can take you up to my realm with me?"

Y/N: "That's still a pretty long ways away..."

Y/N was taken by surprise with how sudden Aqua took him in her arms.

Aqua: "You know you're still the best thing about me being stuck here, right?"

Y/N: "Yeah, and you're my favorite thing about this world. I'll be wherever you want me to go."

Aqua: "I'm really relieved to hear that... Now I can get to sleep easier."

Y/N: "Come on, don't you know enough about me by now? "

Aqua: "You're right, I do!"

Y/N put his own arms around Aqua and hugged her.

Y/N: "Goodnight Aqua. Hope you're ready for another busy day tomorrow."

Aqua: "If it means more time with you, I'm fine with it!"

Y/N: It's times like this that makes me remember that there are good things in this world that outweighs all the hell I've had to deal with. This world is my home, but it really doesn't need to be, not when I can have moments like this. 

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