The Gem Hero: White Sapphire

By xXAkikoXx18

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Y/N L/N is a girl who has always wanted to be a hero. Since she was a young girl always waiting for her quirk... More

Heads Up 0-0
Body and Alloy
Body and Alloy Part 2
Y/N Geology
Part 1 Your Fighting style
Part 2 Your Fighting Style
Season One: What it Takes to Be a Hero
Ya"ll are done with me
I'm sorry

Season One: Y/N L/N-Origin

400 7 6
By xXAkikoXx18

(The girl above is you for future chapters and yes your hair is white and yes it's made of gems)😤😏
(Your hair is only short for this chapter👌🏼)

(Credits to the artists who made this lovely drawing).

As a young girl you went to a small school in Japan. Most Of the students had yet to gain their quirks but some were lucky and had already gained their quirk. You were in the group that had yet to gained them but the time were approaching very soon.


You were in the playground on the swings with one of your friends from school named, R/N (Random Name), when you both suddenly see a group of 5 boys. However two seemed to be being harassed by the other three. A green haired boy seemed to protect a little boy from the blonde haired one ad the other two behind him. Both the green haired boy and the boy on the ground were in tears.

"Why are you being so mean?, Your making him cry Kacchan!" Defended the green haired boy.

"If you keep on hurting him.. uh I'll uh.. I'll stop you myself!!" said the young green haired boy.

The other three boys stopped for a moment, and then laughed. The chubby boy summoned his quirk which seemed to be some type of red wings. The others fingers seemed to extend longer. (A perfect quirk with the TV controller is too far away) The blonde haired boy seemed to emit small explosions from his hands.

"Hm you wanna pretend to be a hero. You don't stand a chance without a quirk, DEKU" After that sentence they lunged at him.

You witnessed the whole thing and felt guilty you didn't help. So you went over with R/N and helped him up, he looked at your beautiful white hair and super light blue eyes, and blushed.

You didn't say anything and left with R/N and carried on home.


"Here's the sad truth, not all man are created equal, when I was four I learned some kids have more power than others, but that won't hold me back". (This is how the tell will be for when Izuku or present Mic do their little mind dialogue)


(This is just so you know how your quirk came to be.)

3rd POV

After that incident about 1 month after Y/N received her quirk.

You were in class and was learning how to count and write our names. ( My mom would stay with me when I was younger for about 5 minutes then leave :😢)

When all of a sudden your head starts to feel a little funny and so do your eyes, basically your whole body. Y/N called out to her teachers.

"Um Ma'am I feel weird." Y/n held her head as one of the teachers calls the nurse.

Suddenly her hair begins to grow to an immense length, her eyes and nails seemed to change aswell to a white sapphire like color and a gem like texture. Her hair seemed to change from hair to gems. Her eyes a white sapphire color and so do her lashes and eyebrows.

The teachers went to touch her hair which seemed soft but was hard. Not just her hair but her skin felt like porcelain. Her hair seemed to lit up the room a bit more. You thought something was wrong with you. You were scared and panicking, but weren't showing it. Your mother always said to smile no matter whats happening. Some students even tried punching your hair only to hold their hand in pain.

However your teacher could see your behind your smile. She tells everyone to stop crowding you and you give you space. The same day you were sent home with your mother.

Over time you understood your quirk. Your quirk was called: Alloy Gem. Your whole anatomy changed. Your bones, organs, basically everything that belonged IN your body that made you was just gem, White sapphire, to be exact. You could break off a leg or arm and reattach it. You could even attach your head back on. Your body was enhanced because of this. You could jump way higher than most and were faster. The last part of your quirk is the alloy. Your hands could turn into a silver/ white/platinum alloy. (I'll explain in the next chapter because I don't want this to be too long. )

Later on Y/N's class learned Izuku Midoriya was quirkless. He was in the 20% of the population that didn't have a quirk. Y/N felt bad so she decided to maybe talk to him. He was so entranced by her beauty and her amazing quirk. He loved how basically her whole body glowed in either/or both day and night.  The two became bestfriends and would spend countless days together.

Later on Y/N even befriended THE KATSUKI BAKUGO. At first he was mean and called you a walking rock. He obviously didn't know white sapphire isn't a rock but a gem. But eventually he warmed up to you. He just couldn't be mad at such a beautiful girl, who literally shines bright like a diamond. ( ok I'll stop with the puns) But obviously he would never admit it. He calls you a Shiny rock. You were technically a living gem.

Because of you the two wouldn't argue as much, well mostly Izuku tried to actually get along. You grew up with the two. Little did you know they were head over gems for you. (I had too pls tell me if this is annoying.)


(Back to the actual storyline)


Izuku is currently dragging me through the streets and isn't slowing down.

"Izuku slow down you might crack me!" I told Izuku as he seemed to slow and look at me with concern.

"Sorry I'm just really eager to go there in time to see the pro's!!" Izuku exclaims. I can't help but let out a small laugh. I noticed Izuku going red and hiding his face with his hand's.

"OMG Izuku are you ok!?!?!" I questioned with concern.

"N-N-NO I-I'm FINE, Lets just go" Izuku runs off still blushing.

" Wait up!" I said as I ran to catch up.



You both arrived at Tatooin station. There was a huge crowd witnessing or videotaping the huge villain. Police officers were also in the area. Izuku was panting and out of breath.

"WOW, that's one huge villain!" Izuku exclaimed



"The first incident was in ChingChing city." A hospital came into show a room was a small child radiating some kind of light.

 "An extraordinary child was born that radiated light." A small child radiated light as their father came into view clearly shocked.

"After that reports of powers started popping up all over the globe. No one knew what was the cause of this. Before long the supernatural became the complete normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a supernatural society. With about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from a comic book.  A city swarmed with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our life's.

The scene shows the villain from earlier breaking powerlines. A hero named Death Arms was seen dashing to catch the falling debris. He caught a powerline before it hit the ground.

"Oh nice, way to go Death Arms" Commented a random civilian.

"The punching hero, I wish I had a quirk that made me super strong". Someone else yelled.

Another hero that seemed to be able to control water to restrict everyone from going further into the scene.

"Everyone please stand back, this area is far too dangerous" He states." 

"Oh wow the rescue specialist: Backtrack is here, he'll make sure we are safe." (Idk if that's his name so yeah)

Izuku and Y/N were in the back of the crowd, Izuku was having a bit trouble seeing but Y/N was quite tall so she had no problem. Some of the citizens stopped to stare at her shining, long, beautiful hair. Boys, girls, men, women all stopped to stare and blushed at her perfect body. Izuku noticed and instantly pouted.

"This guy must really want attention going full beast in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?" A man wearing a suit that was infront of Y/N and Izuku asked another.

"Just some amateur that got himself cornered " The other stated. Izuku was still trying to see what was going on. So he grabbed Y/N's hand and maneuvered through the crowd to get closer. While walking through the crowd you hear different comments and conversation.


As Izuku and I moved through the crowd to get a better look I hear different conversations. 

"The trains out anther villian, I'm not sure when I'm going to make it to the office- uh" The man as I see a black figure woosh above the crowds. 

I hear a group of girls squel " AHHH ITS KAMUI WOODS WE'RE YOUR BIGGEST FANS" Kamui leaps into the air and begins his battle with the villain.

Izuku and I make it to the front. I felt bad so decided to manipulate the alloy from my legs to rise him a bit higher. He turns to me 

" Thanks Y/N now I can see!" Izuku cheers.

"No problem Izu". Izuku blushes at the nickname.

"Aw man this is gonna be good, Its Kamui Woods" I just stand there and smile. Yes I love heroes but I'm not a crazy fan like Izu. 

"He may be new but he is making a good name for himself" I say in a calm demeanor. 

A man next to us speaks up. "Well look at that dopey smile, I know what you are, a fanboy" He says as he points at Izu.

Izu blushes from embarrassment, "Um kinda" I just giggled knowing he was way more than JUST a fanboy.

I look up to see Kamui Woods running towards the villain. He was saying something to the villain but we couldn't hear him.

"There it is, his special move!!" Izu exclaimed.

"Come on Treeman show us something flashy". The man next to us exclaimed.

"The pre-emptive binding lacquered chain prison!" Izuku yelled along with Kamui.

I saw Kamui about to apprehend the but another women came into view, she seemed to be about the same size if not bigger.

"CANYON CANON!!" She yelled.

I see her land just in front of the now unconscious villain.

Izu and I spotted several men taking pictures claiming they're money shots. Disgusting.

"Piece of cake for the world next hottest heroes. Hi everyone I'm Mount Lady and you don't have to worry about this bum anymore".

She confident and I like that I find it funny.

I see Izu rummaging through his bag to what I can guess is his Hero Analysis book.


"With the rise of super powers came an explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were stuck trying to figure out how to reform quirks with laws in mind. Courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep our cities safe. Protecting us from villains who abuse their powers for evil. With overwhelming public support, heroes found an official place as peace keepers overseen by the government. Those who performed the best were paid the most and got all the fame and glory. Their careers depended on their ability to stay in the spotlight."



"Gigantification, huh" Izu says as he writes in his notebook.

"What an interesting quirk, quite useful as well" I say in a calm manner as always.

I look over at Izu and see he has started rambling.

"Well she's definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite, and her quirk is really showy, but it'll be hard for her to move around much in the city without damaging lotsa things. That means, she might not be very useful". He goes.

"What's that fan boy" I turn to see the man from earlier.

"You taking notes over there? Wanna be a hero you two? He asked both of us.

Izu turns to him "Yes! more than anything".

I also turn to him " Yes sir that's the plan". Both Izu and I smile at eachother.




I was in class, I mostly zoned out until I heard him say Hero Course. I sit next to Suki. 

"So as third-year students, its time to start thinking about seriously about your futures and what you wanna do with your lives. I could pass out some career tests aptitude tests, but why bother?" Our teacher says.

Many students activite their quirks but I don't have to my hair, nails, eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes are all made out of gems, so they sparkle almost 24/7. Suki looks at me and winks.

He leans over, "They really think they can get it pack of losers"

"Its not ok to judge Suki". I say in a calm matter. I noticed Suki blushed and TCHED looking away from me. We both look back to the front to listen to the teachers.

"Yes, yes you all got some very impressive quirks, but no power usage allowed in school!, get a hold of yourself". He exclaims. Like I suspected Suki speaks up.

"Hey teach, don't lump me in with this buncha losers, I'm the real deal, these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister." Suki states. He turns to me and winks basically saying not me. I blush lightly and smile.

"YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN US KATSUKI?!?!" Some of the guys speak up. I start giggling a bit. Some of the students heard and blushed, I look around confused at their stares.

"Lets go I'll take you all on". He declares.

"Hm you do have impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA. Y/N has outstanding grades, test results, and quirk so she has a chance too." He states as he look at both Suki and I.

"He's gonna try for the National school?!"

"That school has a 0.2% acceptance rate!"

"It's impossible to get in!" Some students question Suki and I.

"That's exactly why its the only place worthy of me. I aced all of my mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself, and be the richest hero of all time People all across the world will know my name and it all starts with UA high!!" Suki declares.

I believe he can. Suki has an amazing quirk and never gives up. Around other classmates he's ,mean, self-centered, and cruel. But he shows only me his other side. He's caring around me, kind, and selfless.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya, don't you wanna go to UA too?" Asked our teacher.

Everyone turns to look at Izu and so do I. Everyone begins to laugh even Suki stating he can't get in without a quirk. I feel bad and before he can be burned by Suki's explosion I use my hardened alloy to block Izu. He fell back but isn't hurt. I got up and helped him stand while shaking my head towards Suki's. Suki just looked away.

"Thanks..." Izu whispered. I just smiled.


It was the end of the day and both Izu and I were packing up to leave.

"Wow, that fight from this morning is all over the news". Izu states I look over to him.

"So what do you wanna do?" You ask.

"I don't know maybe go eat somewhere or come to my house". Izu suggested.

"I don't mind that" You reply. I could see Izu was still a bit upset from earlier.

"You know you don't have to listen to them, I believe you can become a hero, and aslong as one person believes thats enough". (True fact) I could see Izu beginning to tear up a bit.

"Godess........" He whispers.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"N-N-NOTHING!" He exclaims. I just let out a small laugh.

"Y/N" I hear one of Suki's friends call out my name.

"I need to talk to you" He asks.

"Sure, I'll be back Izu" I tell him to which he just nods.


I was outside the fountain just spacing out, this guys was just talking about how pretty I am and how he would want to take me out. I'm pretty sure he's trying to get in my pants. All of a sudden I see a object that was thrown out the window. I used my stretched my alloy and caught it. It was Izu's book! And it was all burned up.... I already knew who did this, I didn't think he could stoop so low. 

Suki's friend went to go hang with Suki. I saw Izu walking this way. He looked looked surprised to see me.

"I believe this belongs to you" I said with a smile, trying to cheer him up.

"Hm Thanks Y/N" he smiles and grabs the book.


Izu and I were walking through a tunnel he still seemed upset.

"You know I'll always believe in you" You reassure him

"I know, you always have" He says as he begins to laugh like All Might, I smile knowing he's in a better mode.

I was walking a bit ahead of Izu just humming to myself. I hear slime like noises behind me, and I stopped hearing Izu's footsteps. I turn and see Izu being held while a green slime like creature forces himself into Izu. 

"Don't worry I'm just taking over your body, It'll be easier for all of us if you don't fight back"

I know I'm not suppose to use my quirk but right now that doesn't matter. I quickly grab Izu with my alloy away from the villains grasp. 

"You little brat" He lunges at me but I make a wall with my alloy and harden it. My alloy when hardened, has hardness 10 similar to my gem-like body.

Soon I see the number one hero All Might himself blow the villain out.

"Texas Smash!!" He says as I hold onto a unconscious Izu.

All Might walks towards the both of us.

"Are you both alright?" He asked us with his typical smile. I put Izu on the floor.

"Yes, and thank you for helping us" I answer

"That's a fine quirk you have there, perfect for a future hero!" He compliments.

"Thank you but we should probably check if he is still breathing".

All Might preceds to lightly slap Izuku's face.

Izuku wakes up and is so surprised to see All Might in the flesh. He starts rambling and asking for an autograph but soon realizes he already did. All Might soon takes off. I turn to look at Izu

"So Izu-" I soon realize he isn't here, and hear yelling so I look up. OMG HE'S ON ALL MIGHT'S LEG. I use my alloy to follow them knowing Izu will fall which he did cause somehow the #1 Hero forgot being dropped feets in the air can kill you. My alloy makes sure he has a soft landing. I put Izu down and he looks like he's dead which he could have been. All Might lands next to us. We see a puff of smoke.



So I am thinking about starting another story and writing it along this one. Either Webtoon Lore Olympus, Greek Anime: Blood of Zues, or The new Harley quinn show pls comment.

And I will dedicate all my time to my writing.

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