Eternal life

By magusia333

279 70 2

One day, Young Saeng wakes up in hospital. He doesn't understand why he is so achy and bruised, yet what frig... More

Disclaimer no.1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Disclaimer no. 2
Disclaimer no. 3 - cast pt. 1
Disclaimer no. 3 - cast pt. 2
Disclaimer no. 4 - table of names

Chapter 6

4 1 0
By magusia333

The war lasted for 6 years and ended right before Woong Tae's 9th birthday. All of this time he had not seen his father nor anyone, beside his dear friend. He was alienated as this was general's order. He only had teachers, which were torturing him with anything that humankind had developed until now. They were no fun and learning was boring. Any spare time he had, he was spending it with Ji Woon. He shared similar fate as general's son, spending whole of his days alone, but it was to a different reason. As they both found out, after overhearing a conversation between two maids, Ji Woon was indeed a son of his master, Choi Jeong Ho. They didn't know if that was a truth.

Yoo Ji Woon was told to be an orphan, with neither a father nor a mother. He was told that he was left at this court and he should be thankful that they decided to keep him. He walked always sad, since he had heard those words starting from the time he could understand words. He was also ignored: because of his half noble heritage all servants were cautious of him, but his father and his family were ignoring him because of his half poor blood. He learned really quickly where his place was. There were only two people, that ever paid attention to him, his best friend Woong Tae and Choi Hwa Ryeong, daughter of Choi Jeong Ho and, as it turned out, his sister. He spent all of his days keeping accompany to Woong Tae, whenever he had lessons about literature or foreign languages. He also practiced with him a swordplay. As he was coming back to his home, the only person, that ever asked him, if he has eaten, was Hwa Ryeong.

The days went by and general finally came back. His arrival changed many things: Woong Tae, always trapped within his court walls, was trapped now inside the building, only leaving to get lessons from archery or swordsmanship from his rough father.

Ji Woon was allowed to stay with them, but he couldn't do anything. When his friend was laying down, with his father pointing his sword at not even teenager son, all covered in sweat and bruises, he had to stay still, not moving or talking.

Woong Tae and Ji Woon grew. They reached the teenage years, only within their own accompany. The outside world didn't like them, because of their status. But boys also didn't like them. As they were getting old, they were always taught to believe only in themselves, so they did. They treated everyone as a threat and always approached it with anger.

They fought with every one of their age, asserting their primacy over them. Ji Woon, even if not taught personally, was better at fighting, so Woong Tae took advantage of it and always accosted people around them and let his friend fight with them.

They went through a lot, during their times. Whole town was sick of their violence, but they couldn't do anything, since one of them was a landlord's son. They were brave, strong and abusive. But that was only a cover. Inside they were just a two teenagers with no one to advise them.

Inside the Shim court they were changing. Both of them feared Woong Tae's father, as he was in control of everything. Anytime he came back from the capital, Woong Tae was shaking in fright. His father did not like his behaviour, blaming it on poor military knowledge. He trained him even more in martial arts and swordsmanship, which poor son couldn't do well. He tormented him with exercises until Woong Tae couldn't see well or even stand anymore.

'I'll never be like you! Understand it!' Woong Tae said once, after training, kneeling on the ground, supporting himself on the sword he was given when he was a child.

'I know that. But you have to be good enough to wield a sword of mine once.' The general's tone was indifferent, cold and commanding.

'I don't want it!' Boy shouted. His father, once further from him, got quickly to him and grabbed his hair.

'I don't accept failures. Ji Woon, practice with him for 2 hours more. His grip is still too weak.' He abruptly let go of his head, throwing it to the side, causing Woong Tae to fall. Then he walked away.

'Yes, sir.' Ji Woon answered and approached his friend with gloomy face. He reached out his hand. 'Come on, get up. I'll show you the trick, that may help you.'

General's son just showed the hand from the front of his face and stood up by himself. He laughed. 'You are pretty a stickler, aren't you? You won't even let up on your only friend.'

'I just want to help you, it will pay off.' Ji Woon wanted to persuade his friend, but he instead started to walk away. 'Where are you going?'

'I'll be back in two hours. I really envy your talent. You should've been my father's son, not me.' His voice started to fade away as he was leaving the court.

'Wait! But the training...! General's going to kill me!' Ji Woon started to run after Woong Tae.

'Hahaha! I bet he wouldn't even dare to touch you.'


'He recently gave me a lesson. He said that when time comes I have to choose between honour and friends. Mind over a heart. He is keeping you around me, so that one day I can kill you, my friend, just to show how grown and serious I am! Hahaha!' Woong Tae walked, all bruised, with his hands behind his head.

Ji Woon stopped. 'Will you do that?' The second boy also halted and turned around. He smirked.

'Do I behave like my father?' Ji Woon shook his head. 'That's the answer. Beside how I would do that. I can't harm a straw dummy with this sword, I'm this bad.'

Ji Woon exhaled his breath shortly, laughing through his nose. 'So you better not learn my trick'. He started to walk beside Woong Tae.

'What's the trick?' The older boy asked, but the second zipped his lips.

'Won't tell. Where are we going?'

'The fisherman should be arriving right now, we could grab some of his catch and grill it. But first tell me what trick.'

'No, because you're going to use it on me.'

'I know one trick that I already can use, so better tell me second.' But Ji Woon just shrugged his shoulders. 'Alright then.'

Woong Tae grabbed Ji Woon's head and put it under his arm. Then he started to tickle the younger boy, as they walked down, to the stream nearby. Ji Woon was wiggling, trying to run away from Woong Tae. Finally he hit his friend on the back of the head and procced to run down. Woong Tae had to go after him. It was their happy time.

[Box for feedback, for better neatness. Please, leave your comments here.]

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