Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X RE...

By Littlelight2077

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Y/N is from a small almost unknown planet. Your family taken from you when you were young you had nothing lef... More

Authors note
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note
Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter Thirteen.

207 8 6
By Littlelight2077


When Kylo woke up he reached his arm over to embrace you, but his heart sunk feeling nothing but a cold bed. He'd hope to smell coffee brewing and see you walk in like you had before.

He felt it though. That you were gone and not just from his from, from the whole ship. He stood shaking the sleep off of him and studied the room. You had left your nice dress folded on the nightstand on your side of the bed, and resting on top of it was something that made him more upset than he had anticipated.

He grabbed the lamp from the nightstand next to him and threw it against the wall. Strutting forward and stepping on the broken glass like it was nothing, grabbing the next breakable thing he could find, a vase by the window. Launching it across the room and straight through the wide open bathroom door the vase met the mirror. His long legs carried him to the entrance as he stood heavily breathing, eyeing the destruction. One of your heels sat on the floor below him and swiftly he grabbed it and smashed it into the glass door making it shatter into a thousand little pieces. He glanced over his shoulder at his hand frozen with your heel in it sitting in the place the glass door used to be, knuckles dripping blood onto the black leather.

As he turned his head forward again he noticed underneath the shattered pieces of broken mirror was a note sitting on the counter. He slowly pulled it from the rubble and his eyes met the words on the paper:

It has to look believable

He growled under his breath as he slowly came back down to earth. He tossed the note to the floor and turned back to the room and stood looking down at your nightstand.

"Why did she fucking leave this" he hissed lifting up the ring and turning it side to side inspecting it. He crumpled his hand over it and turned to get dressed, later putting the ring in his pocket. He'd make sure you never took it off again.

At least I know where she is... he chanted to himself a few times trying to keep a level head.


Aurelia had taken you to the top floor of the casino and into her penthouse. Though you hated her, her home was spectacular. It was practically sparkling as the light hit every inch of it. You found yourself sitting on an all white leather couch and your feet now bare and resting in a white fur rug beneath you.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she dabbed at your wounds.

"Fine" you shrugged. "Tired. That man is exhausting and fairly impossible to escape."

"But you managed" she glowed at you. "You know the last time I saw you I was beginning to think that you were about to so easily fall to him. He had his fingers dug into you so deep I could practically see the leash around your neck".

"No way would any many, especially HIM ever have a leash on me" you scoffed. "I had to make him think I was on his side. I had to get him weak enough so I could escape, and it worked. But I do seem to remember you telling me to give him a chance?" You raised an eyebrow at her, only now questioning her prior motives.

"Ah yes. I remember. I had to stoke the fire. I wanted to see what happened" she winked and sat back on the sofa next to you resting a hand on your knee. "We need to get you something to wear. Marshal please send for something more... appropriate.. for our guest here" she had spoken to one of the guards standing by the door. You hadn't honestly noticed them until now. They stood tall and large in their red outfits like they had worn at the battle. You felt something inside telling you that you knew them from somewhere else but you couldn't figure it out.

"You know if I'm going to be honest" she started as she leaned in towards you. Her presence was a lot more intimidating now than you had remembered her being. "I question your little story still. Something is telling me I shouldn't believe it". A hint of a smile rested on her lips and you felt chills running down your body. You definitely don't remember her being like this before.

"I'm sorr- I- I don't know how to make you trust me or believe me. All I have is what I've told you" you struggled to speak as you suddenly felt you were in danger.

She laughed and leaned back away from your face. "Oh sweet child. I'll never trust you. No one ever trusts anyone, that's a sign of weakness. However, believing your story is still a possibility. Do you know who's data pad you used to track me?" She asked reaching for it as it sat on the coffee table in front of you. Marshall had stepped back in holding a dress on a hanger that was obviously meant for you. He stood patiently waiting behind her for instructions.

"This one belonged to one of my men, his name was Thomas" you saw Mitchell stiffen behind her and clench his fist. "Thomas was young but he had a big future ahead of him I could tell. He was going to be just.. like.. his.. dad. Isn't that right mitchel" she held her hand out for him to hand her the garment without looking back at him. He moved it to her hand and gave a slow nod yes. "Oh this is perfect. Here child. Wear the dress that the father of a boy you so easily killed fetched for you. The bathroom is over there" she pointed behind you.

Your eyes fell on Mitchell and your jaw dropped. You couldn't see his face but you could feel his pain as he stood there looking at his sons killer. Your mind began racing and images of you slashing through red leathered men came flooding in. You thought you had felt so powerful, so strong, so in charge. You thought you'd be a leader, and everyone would fear you. Instead now, you felt disgusting. You had killed people. Real living people with families. They didn't feel like real people when your saber ran red hot through their bodies. That last thought knew what that made you.

A murderer... A monster.

Tears began to fall one by one down your cheek as you sat frozen facing the truth of what you were and looking at Mitchell.

"Oh sweetie don't cry" she laughed wiping a tear from your cheek. "It's the price we all pay isn't it? When we chose this life. We chose to be okay with killing anyone. Even those with families to go home to" she hissed and you sensed the anger building in her remembering why she was doing all of this in the first place. "Don't feel guilty now. It's far too late for that. Now go get dressed, we aren't done".

She gave your shoulder a light nudge encouraging you to stand. Her touch snapped you out of your gaze with Mitchell and you stood slowly stepping to the bathroom. You tried to compose yourself and find the strength inside of you that had made you feel powerful before so you could continue this act. Your pull to the darkness was faltering as you were questioning everything again.

"Run yourself a bath and take your time" she said as you reached the bathroom door slowly shutting it without turning back to see her. You didn't want her to see the weakness in your face. Your hand froze on the door as you debated locking it but ultimately decided not to, as a sign to Aurelia she could keep an eye on you and you wouldn't care, just incase she tried.

You ran the bath water and began to slowly slide off the dress as you inspected the injuries for a second time. You remembered the look in Kylos eyes and the rage burning within him as he so easily attacked you. He could have killed you and not even flinched.

You shakily climbed into the bath and let the water swallow you as you found your position. The tub was large and could easily fit four grown men, so when you sank into it you felt so small. You pulled your knees to your chest and rested your chin on them.

How could you be so dumb? How could you give into the dark so easy? How could you take Kylos hand?

Then your mind began racing to Poe and the look on his face every time he watched you leave. You couldn't figure out why he even still cared about you after everything you'd done. He had to see by now that you weren't any good, right?

You grabbed the wash towel and dunked it in the water before rubbing it across your arms, shoulders, and face. As you closed your eyes and scrubbed the grime off of you cheeks another image played out in your mind.

The one where you blacked out and killed Snoke and his men.

A realization hit you like a ton of bricks slamming into your chest. You began to feel physically ill as your mind raced a million miles an hour.

Snokes men. Aurelias men. Both wearing the all red leathered uniforms.

You were in much more danger than you had originally thought and you couldn't decide if it was worth trying to escape or if you should just let her kill you.

Hastily you finished your bath and released the plug letting the water drain out as you stood to dry yourself. Knowing what you know now you didn't want to put the dress on Mitchell had brought you, but you knew you had no choice. It was an all red floor length dress with a deep v neck opening stopping just above your belly button. The sleeves were long, form fitting and made just of lace. A stark contrast to rest of the dress being silk. It was unfortunate where the dress came from because it looked amazing on you.

You took some time to pep talk yourself as you finished making yourself presentable. You didn't have a plan yet but you had to at least go on with the charade for now until you did.

You walked out toward Aurelia. She was still sitting in the same spot you had left her but now she was reading her data pad. She glanced up slowly eyeing you and smirking.

"You look stunning in red" she motioned for you to take your seat and you followed her instructions. Her eyes deeply looking into yours searching for something. You worked hard to hold your composure so you wouldn't let on what you had figured out.

I need to escape you thought to yourself.

She began laughing and took your hand setting down her data pad.

"Oh child. You aren't a prisoner here with me. You can leave whenever you want to" she motioned her other hand toward the door.

She heard my thoughts?! How much does she know... you began to internally panic as your eyes widened. Your mouth parted to say something but nothing would come out.

"I've heard everything since you landed. Your thoughts are loud" the familiar words ran through your mind.

"Did you think killing Snoke would be so easy? That there wouldn't be consequences for your actions? You're foolish. Snoke may be dead, put part of him lives in me" her hand let go of yours and grabbed a section of your hair twirling it in her fingers. "You're just a pawn to us. A part of a game we are playing with the first order and the resistance. Everything so carefully crafted together and you're all falling into places perfectly. The only thing we didn't predict was your feelings toward the pilot" she let go of your hair and sat back smiling. "Not that he matters. It doesn't affect our plans anyways. He's just extra entertainment."

You were still silent, eyes flicking back and forth between her and the door.

"Have you seen it yet? The dream? Calling you to come home?" She raised a brow at you and your eyes darted to the floor. "Good. You have. Don't you want to know what it means?"

You shook your head yes.

"I can answer your questions child. But you'll have to do something for me" she watched you.

"What?" Your voice shaky.

"Bring me Kylo Ren. I'd like to have a little chat with him. Her lips grew into a sinister smirk as she studied your reaction.

You didn't know how you felt about this request or what it would lead to, but you were angry at Kylo. He had hurt you physically and mentally. He was breaking you, and tricking you to chose darkness. Tricking you to be somebody you didn't want to be.

"That's easier said than done" you finally spoke. "But I think I might have an idea."

"Go on" she mused.

"He will show up here looking for me when I Don't return" you swallowed hard realizing this was going to reveal that you had been pretending.

"Oh?" Her eyebrows raised.

"He wanted me to come here. To be bait to get to you. If I don't return this will be the first place he looks."

"Perfect" she hummed clasping her hands together. "And where will you be going if not returning to him? Back to your little pilot friend?"

You nodded yes.

"This is going to be fun!" She clapped excitedly. "But if you cross me... that won't be nearly as fun. So don't." Her tone suddenly serious.

"Have you figured out what Exegol is?" She stood walking to look out her window to the beach below.

"No. I tried. Kylo seemed to know but he wouldn't tell me" you looked down and played with your thumbs.

"Of course he didn't. Anything to hold any sort of power over you. He's scared. Scared you're stronger then him" she stood still watching the waves. "Exegol is a hidden planet. I'm going to give it's location to you. The answers you need are there."

"Thank you" you looked to her.

"Don't thank me yet. You won't want to once you know the truth." She turned and walked to Mitchell whispering something into his ear. He nodded in response. "Come child" she held out her hand for you. You took it and followed her to the elevator door. Once inside she pushed the bottom for the rooftop.

The doors hissed opened and the cold breeze smacked your face and you saw the ship you flew in on now parked there.

"I had my friends fix it for you. Now go and do whatever it is you feel you have to do" she turned and left you on the rooftop standing in shock.

This was not how you had expected any of this to go but you knew you had to leave and get back to Poe and the resistance quickly. You could go back to Kylo but you hated him. The thought of seeing him again made your rage bubble up inside of you. You also knew if you went back to him, she would find out, and you didn't want to know what she would do.

You slammed the ship door shut tight on yourself and you tried to figure out how you were going to find Poe. Then you remembered the BB unit you had given him and the tracker you'd hidden inside. Hoping he hadn't found it and pulled the tracker out, you quickly pulled out your own data pad from your things and connected to the BB unit.

"He didn't find it" you sighed seeing the beeping on your screen signaling his location. "I'm coming"" you whispered to yourself as you took off.



Kylo paced the room a hundred times and checked for any messages from you more times than he'd care to admit. He pushed his mind over and over trying to reach you but he couldn't get through.

"Somethings not right!" He shouted throwing all the papers and maps off the table in front of him.

"She's doing what you asked sir" one of the knights stepped forward trying to calm him.

"It's been two days. I can't get to her. She hasn't said a word. Somethings wrong I can feel it" he huffed leaning onto the table for support. "I'm going down there".

"I don't think that's a wise idea" the knight said walking over to stop him. Kylo threw him across the room and he crashed down to the floor.

"I didn't ask what your thoughts were. Ready my ship" he stormed out and readied himself for the fight that was surely to come once he found Aurelia.

As his ship entered he saw the tracks of where you had landed on the beach, but no sign of the fighter you had taken. Standing nearby then he saw a figure and as he flew in closer he realized it was her. Aurelia.

He slammed his ship to the grown and leaped out igniting his saber as he stormed towards her. She stood tall, her composure never wavering.

"Where is she?!" He spat at her.

"Good to see you again too Mr Ren" her smile only pissed him off more.

"Where is she!" He repeated.

"You're too late" his heart sank at those words. "She's no longer here with us".

"You're going to wish you never even laid eyes on he" he felt himself combusting inside. When he couldn't reach you he figured it was because you were blocking him out, not because you were dead. He raised his saber but found it stuck in the air, a force hold grasping him I'm tightly.

"She's not dead you idiot" she laughed and threw him down to the grown. She stood over him now. "She left to find her pilot friend. I helped her see what you were doing. How you were destroying her. Filled her mind with plenty of doubts. She's easy to manipulate that one. I see why you enjoy it so much"

He growled and tried to throw his hand to knock her down.

"Snoke would be so disappointed to see how weak you've become. You're unraveling Kylo. You'll never compare to Vader" she hissed and her guards marched forward revealing themselves. Kylo began to understand now the she was connected to Snoke. "She didn't want to come back to you after everything I told her. She hates you now. Give up on the girl Kylo. Continue your mission"

He let himself fully collapse to the ground as her words sunk in. She hates you now. He didn't want it to be true, he didn't want to believe her, but there was no doubting it.

"I wanted you to come here. For you to realize who I am. For you to get back on track. So climb into your little ship, go home, and destroy the girl. Then you'll be a true Supreme leader." She let go of the hold on him and walked away.

The beach waves lightly collapsing against him as he laid there trying to recover. You'd never stop running back to the pilot. You'd never rule with him. You were too good. Aurelia was right. He had to destroy you.

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