Daddy Issues {Draco Malfoy}

By DementorMalfoy

102K 1.6K 273

WARNING: SEXUAL SCENES, STRONG LANGUAGE ! If you're too young please don't read this -=- Disclaimer: I don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36

Chapter 35

899 11 7
By DementorMalfoy

-= Venus' POV =-

I walk back to the register and I start picking up the broken glass. Draco bends down and helps me, I don't stop him. I'll clean this up, and I'll have a conversation with him. I need, I want, to know why he came back . . . what has changed?
I know he wouldn't come here without a reason, and no matter how mad at him I want to be, I can't, because I forgave him a long time ago, and I'm past the point where I'm angry at him for leaving. I clean the water from the floor too and take everything back to where I found it.
I don't put it away though, I'll do that later, or even tomorrow, right now all I want is to talk to him. I walk back to him and let out a soft sigh. ''Thanks for helping.'' I say and meet his eyes with a weak smile. ''No problem.'' He responds and for a moment we're both quiet, not knowing what to say to each other.
I glance at the floor, take a deep breath, and meet his eyes again. ''Why did you come back?'' I ask and shift uncomfortably on my feet. I take my necklace in between my fingers again, and look away from his eyes. I always do this when I'm nervous and anxious, and he knows it.
''You still wear it? After all this time?'' He says softly and I nod my head.
I couldn't take it off even if I wanted to. It became a part of me, and I need it in situations like this, so I can touch it and fumble with it uncomfortably.

I walk over to one of the seating areas and sit down on the couch. It's silent again for a moment. ''Why did you give up on us?'' He asks and I meet his eyes. Is he serious? Is he actually fucking serious? I scoff a little too loud, but I don't care. How dare he ask me why I gave up on us?! I didn't give up on us, he left me. He gave up on us . . . on me.
Anger rises inside of me, and I can't help but snap back at him.

''Me? You left me! You chose someone else! I'm all glued back together now with people who make me happy, I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke! You have no right to accuse me of giving up on us! You left!''

Tears threaten my eyes, and I can't get myself to look away from his eyes. Does he think he can just barge back into my life and accuse me of giving up?! I don't accept that, fuck no.
''I had no choice!'' He raises his voice too. I've seen him what, five minutes? And we're already arguing again, it's like I can't have a normal conversation with this boy.
I'm exhausted, too tired to argue, and I don't want to argue with him anymore. ''Stop Draco, stop arguing and tell me why you're here.'' I lower my voice. I know it's no use to argue with him, or make him angry, because he came here for a reason and I don't want one of us to storm off out of anger. I look at my hands and start fumbling my skirt with them. Whenever I'm nervous, anxious, or awkward, I need something to fumble with, and most of the time that's my necklace, but not right now. He takes a seat in front of me, but I don't meet his eyes.
''Draco why did you come back? After all this time, why now?'' I say with my voice soft and it's almost a whisper. I want to meet his eyes, I want to hug him and tell him that everything's okay, but I can't because that wouldn't be fair to me. That wouldn't be fair to all the time it took to get where I am right now. All the million tears, all the grief, all the questioning, all the moving on . . . everything . . . it wouldn't be fair.
''Because I can't live without you.'' He responds, his voice just as low as mine. Then why did he leave? I know he had no choice, but why didn't he fight, why didn't he come sooner, why wait two whole fucking years? I look at him, only to see him already looking at me.
''Why now? After two years, why come back now?'' I ask with my voice a little steadier.

''I couldn't come earlier. My father made sure Astoria and I were still married, it was only after my mother divorced my father that she made sure I divorced Astoria too, and when I finally was free, and I wanted to come to you immediately, I still had to figure out where you were, and how I was going to handle this.'' His voice is still low.

Narcissa divorced Lucius? That was about time. Was he really trapped in that marriage for two years? Did his father really force him for two more years? The anger that rose in me earlier has all disappeared now. I feel a lot of emotions at once right now, but anger isn't one of them. It wouldn't be fair to him if I was angry at him, especially not after he just told me that he was forced for two years, and probably threatened to get killed, knowing Lucius.
I fumble with my bracelet, if only Flora was here right now, she would know exactly what to do and what to say. She'd give me the perfect advice, something I never would've thought about if she didn't mention it, she did that a lot, she always knew exactly what advice to give me, and it always ended up being perfect.
''I'm sorry.'' I say, my voice low again and his eyes widen a little, and there's the boy I know through and through again. I know exactly what he's thinking. He looks at me, and his thoughts are probably like why is she sorry? She shouldn't be sorry!
I chuckle softly at my own thoughts and leave his eyes. ''What's funny?'' He asks and I bite my lip trying to contain the smile on my face. ''Nothing, just thinking.'' I respond and push away the smile when I meet his eyes again. ''You're something different Bright.'' He responds and I roll my eyes with a smile, one I couldn't hold back.
I can't ignore this, I don't want to. The smile on my face is one of the things that I've missed so much. No matter how many times I've burst out in laughter with my friends, this smile, it's one only Draco can grow. To be honest, I can't deal with talking with him for another hour, I'm exhausted and I just want a good nights sleep.
''Draco I'm exhausted, can we please continue this conversation tomorrow?'' I ask and take a deep breath. ''Yes, of course, you need your sleep.'' He responds and I give him a thankful smile.
''I have to lock up, but do you have a place to sleep?'' I ask and get up from the couch.
''I don't, but I can just get a room at a motel, don't worry about me.''
Yeah like that will ever happen. Of course, I'm going to worry about him when I know he's at a filthy motel somewhere across the street. Don't get me wrong London is amazing, and beautiful, but the motels here are not something you want to experience.
''Very funny, you can crash on my couch.'' I respond and walk to the back to put away the broken glass, bucket, and wet towel. I throw the glass in the trash can, put the bucket away and I wring the water out of the towel, and fold the towel so I can wash it upstairs.

I make sure the backdoor is locked and walk back to Draco. ''Why do you lock up? Isn't the owner supposed to do that?'' He asks and I smile. ''I am the owner.'' I chuckle and he meets my eyes. ''Why am I still surprised? Of course you are.'' That's the first time that I've seen him genuinely smile at me today. ''Let's go, but when you get upstairs you have to be quiet because I'm sure Hermione's already asleep.'' I say as I walk to the front door and open it.
''How is living with Granger?'' He asks as he walks out of the door and I close and lock it behind us. ''Perfect.'' I respond and chuckle.

We get to my front door and I quietly unlock it. ''I'll grab some blankets and a pillow.'' I whisper to him as I take off my shoes and put them away.
I silently open Hermione's bedroom door and look at her, she's already asleep so I gently close it again. I get into my bedroom, take one of my pillows and grab a blanket out of the closet.
''Here.'' I whisper, but loud enough for him to hear me. ''Oh sorry.'' I say as I walk in on him changing. Where did he get the clothes? Did he bring a backpack or something? No, I didn't see anything. ''It's okay.'' He responds and takes the stuff out of my hands.
Fuck even after two years, he looks amazing in nothing but sweatpants. No, stop it, don't think like this. ''Good night, Draco.'' I say and give him a weak smile. ''Good night.'' He responds and I turn around and walk back into my bedroom.
I change into comfortable clothes and get in bed, I fall asleep quickly.

I wake up screaming and immediately jump up, sitting against the headboard. It takes a moment to realize that it was a nightmare and I'm safe in my own bed. What time is it?
''What happened?!'' Draco bursts into the bedroom door, and I'm trying to catch my breath. ''Nightmare, I'm sorry for waking you up.'' I say and I take a deep breath. Did I wake the whole house up, or is Hermione still asleep? She better be because if she's not and she walks into Draco, I have a lot of explaining to do, and I will, because she'll see him tomorrow, but I'm not in the mood to tell her now. ''Are you okay?'' Draco snaps me out of my thoughts. I meet his eyes and nod my head. ''Okay, good night Venus.'' He says and turns around, back to the door.
Without thinking twice I ask, ''Draco? Will you stay with me?'' I gulp and meet his eyes. I should not have asked him to stay, but to my surprise, he says, ''Of course.''
I scoot over and make room for him. He lays down next to me and I lay my head on his chest. ''Thank you for staying.'' I whisper and I quickly fall asleep again. I'm out of my mind for asking him to stay, but honestly, I don't care. I need him to comfort me, and he did, so I'm not apologizing for something without a deep meaning. He stayed and makes sure I'm okay after a nightmare, everyone would say yes if I asked them. But I asked him, and he said yes . . .

-= Hermione's POV =-

I wake up at 10am. It's a Saturday, which means we go to the Burrow again today, and the weekend staff is taking over the bookstore today and tomorrow, so we have two days to rest and recharge our bodies. The store takes up a lot of energy and time, but I'd be lying if I said I don't love it. I slowly open my eyes and get adjusted to the sunlight that's shining inside.
I make my bed and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
After a couple of minutes, I quietly open Venus her bedroom door to see if she's still asleep or not. I'm shocked, my mouth falls open and my eyes widen. Is that Draco Malfoy? Is she serious, is he serious? ''Venus Bright are you out of your mind?!'' I raise my voice loud enough to wake them both up, she has some explaining to do.

-= Venus' POV =-

I get woken up by a loud voice and I groan when I slowly open my eyes. ''Hermione what?!'' I call back, but I'm wide awake and shoot up when I realize what she'd just walked into.
''Shit.'' I say softly and look at Draco, who surprisingly is still asleep. ''Wake up Malfoy!'' I shake his body and try to wake him up. ''Let me fucking sleep.'' He groans, but I continue waking him up. ''Not a chance.'' Hermione says and he shoots up too. He meets my eyes and I say, ''See that's what I'm talking about.'' I try to hold down the chuckle that's at my throat, and I succeed when I meet Hermione's eyes. ''Stay here.'' I say as I get out of bed and take Hermione to the living room. ''It's not what you think Mione.'' I say and turn around to meet her again. ''You have a boyfriend, plus it's Draco Malfoy! You moved on! Do I have to remind you of-'' She starts by raising her voice a little but I cut her off. ''I know!'' I raise my voice a little. ''Don't remind me, he came to me okay? Let me just figure this out with him.'' I've lowered my voice.
I know she means only the good, and she's trying to look out for me, but this is something only Draco and I can fix, nobody else. ''Okay.'' She says and takes me into a hug. ''Are we still on for the Burrow?'' She asks and I nod my head. ''Definitely, I need my friends.'' I say and we chuckle. ''I'll make breakfast, for him too?'' She asks and I'm lowkey surprised. ''Yeah I think so.'' If I'm being honest I have no idea where we're going from this point, but I'm going to figure it out.

''How freaked out is she?'' Draco asks with a grin on his face when I walk back into my bedroom. ''Quit it Malfoy, she's fine.'' I respond and roll my eyes at him.
I walk up to the bed and sit back down next to him. ''We really do need to talk you know.'' I say and meet his eyes. ''I know, what do you want to talk about?'' He responds and my eyes widen. I didn't think that he'd be this cooperative, but then again he's the one that came to me, plus, it's been two years and people change.
So we talk . . . and we talk . . . and we talk up to the moment that I have to get ready to leave for the Burrow. I don't think we've ever been this open with each other, or at least definitely not Draco. He talks about his parents, he talks about the first few weeks since he left, I talk about my first few weeks since he left. He talks about how he's been coping, and all the stuff he's been doing, in good detail too. I tell him about how I've been coping, and how my friends were the most helpful through it all. I tell him about my past two years, I tell him about the bookstore, all the friends I've kept and the new friends I've made, and suddenly it's like we never left each other. The same vibe, the same laughs, the same serious conversations, everything is all here again, and I'm actually really glad that he came back.
I never thought he would come back, and I've moved on from it and I accepted it and I was in a really good place in my life, but now that he did come back, even if it was just last night, it feels like he was the piece I was missing in my life, and it's now complete. We've completed the puzzle and I'm really glad that we're on these terms again.

''We're going to the Weasley's soon, so you can stay here if you have nowhere to go.'' I say and get off the bed and walk to the closet to grab my clothes. ''Great so what do I wear?'' I turn around and look at him to figure out if he's serious. ''Draco Malfoy, spending the day with the Weasley's? Not gonna happen.'' I respond and roll my eyes with a chuckle. ''I'm serious.'' He says and I take my clothes out of my closet. ''I know, that's why you're not coming and there's not an argument in that.'' I give him a smile and he groans as he lets himself fall on the bed again. ''You're no fun.'' He responds and Hermione knocks on the door. ''You don't need to knock Mione!'' I call and she opens the door. ''Well you have a boy in here now, and-'' she starts but I cut her off. ''Don't finish that sentence, Granger.'' I meet her eyes and we chuckle.
Her face grows serious again and a frown grows on mine. ''What's wrong?'' I ask and she sighs. ''Cody is downstairs, I wasn't sure if I could let him in.'' She says and my eyes widen. What the fuck is Cody doing here, he knows we always visit our friends on Saturday and he has no business being here, but then again, Malfoy has even less business being here, and I have to talk to him. I don't know what this is, but I don't want to lead him on and lie to him.
I sigh, then take a deep breath and respond, ''Just tell him I'm already at our friends their place and he can come back tomorrow.'' That's the best thing to do, right? We don't want him coming up here, and having the possibility that he sees Malfoy, especially in my bedroom, because that'll hurt him and I don't want that. ''You sure?'' Hermione asks and I look at the floor for a second. ''No, but him being in the apartment is an even worse option.'' I respond and meet Hermione's eyes again. She nods and leaves. I let out a sigh and turn to meet Draco's eyes. ''I'm going to take a shower, sorry for that.'' I give him a weak smile and leave the bedroom.

-= Draco's POV =-

I let out a loud sigh as she closes the bedroom door behind her. Who the fuck is Cody? Is that her boyfriend? I hate thinking about her with someone else, but I couldn't expect her to wait for me, for us, because she never knew if I would ever come back. She moved on with her life, and she made new friends, new boyfriends, and I hate it, but I can't tell her that because that's unfair. It's unfair to her if I tell her that she should break up with him so that we could be together again.
I can't ask her that and I hate it. All I want is her back, and even if she's with someone else now, I won't leave her again, fuck no. I will wait for her even if it takes another two years, because she's all I have, and all I want.

-= Venus' POV =-

I get out of the shower, do my makeup, dry my body and my hair, and I change into my clothes.
I walk out of the bathroom and walk into Draco and Hermione having a conversation while eating breakfast. "Never thought I'd see this." I chuckle, Hermione gives me a small smile and Draco rolls his eyes, typical.
"I'm going to get the mail, then we can leave!" I say and open the door. I freeze on the spot when I see Cody in front of the door. How did he get up here and what the fuck am I going to do now.
"What are you doing here?" I exclaim and shoot a worried look at Hermione. She tried to hide Draco, but the kitchen is right next to the front door.
"I thought you already left? But now I see why you lied." He pushes his way into the house and I don't know what to do. "It's not what it looks like Cody, and what the fuck? You have no right to barge in like this." I say and he meets my eyes. My eyes still a little wide from the fact that he pushed me aside to get inside. "The door opened by another person in this building downstairs, and I needed to talk to you, but I guess this makes the decision way easier." He scoffs and meets Draco's eyes. What the fuck is he talking about, what decision? And why is he challenging Draco with the look on his face, what the fuck is happening. "What fucking decision?" I say and close the door and stand closer to everyone.
"My job is transferring me to France, and I wanted to talk with you about it, but it doesn't matter anymore, this is him isn't it?" He meets my eyes as he talks, but looks at Draco when he says the last sentence. "Draco, is it? Or was it Damien?" He spits and Draco stands up, just a couple inches taller than Cody, which gives him a satisfying feeling, I can see it on his face. "You don't want to fucking mess with me, I will hurt you." Draco says firmly, and takes a step closer, towering over Cody a little.

"Cody you have to leave, I have plans, and you need to leave." I say and take a deep breath. This is it isn't it? He's going to France, he's practically breaking up with me here. I keep telling myself that it's not what it looks like, but is it really? It's Draco Malfoy, I'll always have love for him and I'll always have a weak spot for him, and Cody knows it.
I meet Cody's eyes trying to read them, but I can't and I don't know what's going on in his head.
"You're not even going to give me the chance to explain are you?" I ask him and he doesn't respond. Everyone is silent for a moment, but then Cody walks up to me and says, "we're over." I scoff and respond "Yeah run away from your problems, you're pathetic!" I spit to my own surprise as he leaves and slams the door behind him.
I let out a breath, and am surprised by my actions and by the way I'm feeling, because I'm actually okay. It wasn't really a relationship because we never saw each other. Especially these last few weeks have been nothing really. He came with lunch a couple times, but he's always at work, and I'm not surprised that he had to talk to me about his moving to France because of his work, because I know that he already agreed, he wouldn't let that chance slip. So I'm actually okay that I lost the relationship that wasn't even there anymore. "Are you okay?" Hermione asks and I meet her eyes. "I am, actually." I give her a genuine smile and then I look at Draco. I'm okay I mouth and he nods his head. "So, I'm going to get the mail for real now, and then we can for real leave." I chuckle softly and leave the apartment.

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