Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️

By SpencerReidsOwnWh0re

214K 5.2K 2.2K

She's worked with two notorious killers for years, but now she's in an interrogation room while the team at t... More

{6} Train Wreck
{7} S&M
{8} Anchor
{9} Atlantis
{10} Dancing with your ghost
{12} Do I wanna know?
{13} Us
{14 & TW} Leave a light on
{16} Sex
{17} Heart like yours
{19} Because of you
{20} I found
{21} Wildest dreams
{22}. Positions
{23} Wrecking Ball
{25} Turning Page
{26} Already Gone
{27} When the Party's Over
{29} Six Feet Under
{30} Everything I Wanted
{31} Light
{32} Set Fire To The Rain
{33} Hands
{34} Million Reasons
{36} Say Something
{37} Someone To Stay


5.3K 135 83
By SpencerReidsOwnWh0re

f i f t e e n   .   o n e
S p e n c e r
E m i l y

Actions speak louder than words. I guess that's why Avery decided to wake me up with the smell of burnt toast and uncooked eggs on a plate with an attempt to make it all look advertising and edible. I smile through it as I take my first bite, although I can practically taste the salmonella. She pretends to clean the sides as I hesitate every mouthful, but I know she's watching my reaction. There's hopefully no way she's uncooked and overcooked my breakfast on purpose. "Well?" She says, brushing off her hands, "I haven't cooked in a while but, I think I did pretty well." She grins, leaning against the countertop. I smile warmly at her but push the plate away, barely touched.

"I'm just not that hungry." I state, watching carefully as she takes a seat opposite me and grabs the plate.

"Well if you're not, I certainly am." Oh God. Sorry in advance, sorry in advance, sorry in advance. She takes a bite of the eggs on toast and her whole face and demeanour changes. She turns away and grabs a tissue, spitting out her mouthful with her back to me. I hold off my laugh for a better time where Avery won't be upset she's ruined breakfast. When she turns back around to face me, she looks distraught. "I am so sorry...I thought I cooked it well..." Avery takes another look at the plate and realised how bad it looks, "enough to be eaten..."

"It's fine, Avery. I don't mind I'm honestly not that hungry." And that's the truth, I'm not hungry, but I'm extremely thirsty for some coffee. "But I could do with a hot drink." Might as well take extreme advantage of Avery being so nice today. She nods and boils coffee, rushing to do things while she waits.

I watch as she does so, patiently waiting for coffee. She re-cleans the sides, and puts all the cutlery away from the draining board. Usually I would have done it the night it was dirtied, but I had other things on my mind. She finds two mugs and fills them with coffee and milk. "How much sugar do you want?" She asks, blatantly unaware of my answer.

"A lot." I mutter, resting my head on the table in front of me. "Just, a lot. I need to wake up." She nods and turns back around to sweeten my coffee. I notice easily how Avery only puts half a sugar in hers. "You don't like sweet coffee?" I ask, causing Avery to give a big smile. She sits opposite me at the table with two mugs of coffee in hand.

"When all this is over, I want to start running without being afraid someone is coming for me. You'll run with me, won't you?" I hesitate - no I can't run to save my life. "Or do you not run? You look like you're in good shape." Avery compliments, kicking me gently under the table.

"Thank you, and no I don't run. Does it look like I run?" I joke in amusement. She laughs with me, sipping her coffee. I watch as she drums her fingers on the side of her mug, thinking of something to say. Neither of us say anything though, instead we sit in comfortable silence.

I don't mind it, and neither does she. Every few minutes we make eye contact and smile to each other. Other than that, we sit and drink our coffee until my phone chimes with a text. Think we got something - new victim but also something else, let's get to work. Avery notices that it isn't a private message sent separately, it's from a group chat Penelope made a few months ago for better communication. "Better get going. Do you want me to drive you to your hotel for a change of clothes?" I ask, gathering our mugs and dumping them on the side.

"Yes please, thank you." Of course she can put please and thank you in one sentence in less than a second. She gathers her jacket and shoes and follows me out of the door once I grab my own things for work. "What do you think they've found?" She asks as I unlock my car.

"A dead body and something that can help us find them. We should question Robert once we know what it is." Every time I say something about the investigation to Avery, I feel the sudden need to make sure she knows we're going to find them. This time I manage to bite my tongue, she doesn't need the constant reminder that they're still out there torturing women.


"Her boyfriend is distraught, he's in that room over there. JJ, can you go and talk to him in a sec?" Hotch asks directly to JJ, who nods with a sad smile. I've had to persuade Avery not to tell anyone about the dilaudid problem because even right now, I can't think of it. I've promised her I'll tell someone, I just can't right now. We have other things to worry about. "Name was Abbie Bicks. She has no family we can contact, only her boyfriend who found her when he went to look for her using her phones location." We all nod, eager for Hotch to continue.

"She has ligature marks on her ankles and wrists, and a single gunshot to the head, execution style. Signs of sexual assault post and anti mortem. This note was found at the crime scene, which is why we believe the work was done by Godwin and Morlace." He hands me and Avery an evidence bag with a flimsy piece of paper inside. The writing is scrawny. You looked beautiful last night. Soon will be your last night. And along with it is a photo of Avery, climbing out of the cab outside my apartment. "Avery did you go to Spencer's apartment last night alone? When you should always have an agent with you?" Hotch asks, looking right at Avery. She doesn't know what to say.

"No, I was with her. I didn't want to be alone last night, as you could all understand." That's right, bring up the topic of your dead ex as an excuse. Avery gives me a thankful look when Hotch immediately drops the topic but there's something else in her eyes I can't grab. Confusion?

When we all get to work, studying the new victim report, Avery discreetly makes her way over to me. I'm too busy reading the report to realise. Same victimology, they're all linked by their initials, but something about the boyfriend makes me think how planned actually was this murder? "Hey, what did you mean earlier? When you said I'm sure you could all understand. Did they know about what you were gonna do?" Derek glances up from his file at Avery and I quickly hush her.

"God no, and I swear Avery, I will tell them but not right now. Not while we're on a case."


"As you all know, Godwin and Morlace have ruined many people's lives and we all want to give justice for that." Hotch says. He's called another meeting with some good news to tell us, but whatever the good news is in this matter, baffles us. "And as Avery isn't an official agent yet, and Alex Blake has decided to teach full time, we need a new agent. I've made a few calls, and I think there's somebody that wants to come back and help up. Emily Prentiss, welcome back." Emily walks into the round table room, smiling from ear to ear.

Penelope is the first to lunge at Emily, tears in her eyes as she embraces her old friend. JJ and Rossi are second, giving her her welcome backs. Hotch shakes her hand and Derek pulls her in for a hug before I finally get to her. "Emily!" I exclaim, closing my eyes as I feel her arms around me.

"Spence, it's been so long!" She whines, doing a little dance before she pulls away. I grin at her, before her eyes advert to Avery standing awkwardly behind me. "And you must be Avery, I've heard a lot about you from Hotch." Emily shakes Avery's hand, a bright smile making its way onto Avery's face. "It's nice to finally meet you. I don't know how much help it will be, but these people are great and we will find the people that hurt you." Emily confronts, rubbing Avery's arm in a friendly manner.

"It's nice to meet you too. I've heard a bit about you from Penelope." Penelope beams at Emily and Avery, who both grin back at her. Emily is back, and it's off to a good start. She reads through the victim files and flicks through all the evidence we have. The notes, the objects, the Polaroids. Everyone is silent, either pacing around in thought, or reading. "I want to talk to Macklyn again. Alone, but I want to." Avery breaks the silence, earning glances from the team. Hotch nods, leading her out to the interrogation room.

"Is that a good idea? I heard what happened last time." Emily says, putting down Abbie Bicks' file. The room goes silent as we think. Is it a good idea? The words she said before we both fell asleep still ring in my head. All good things come with a price. "And she wants to go in there alone? What if she gets hurt again?" Emily is thinking what nobody else in this room is thinking. What if she spills something she shouldn't. I trust Avery more than I thought I would, but that doesn't change what I think right now.

"I don't know, she's hiding something, but how do we get that out of her, is the question." Morgan sighs, looking up from the table as Hotch walks back in.

"Hotch, we can't stand here all day looking at files we'vre gone through and through. We need to do something." JJ speaks up, dropping Amelia Bronson's file down next to Abbie Bicks'. "Penelope have you done a thorough background check on Robert Macklyn? Anyone suspicious at all? Friends from high school, family members?" Penelope taps harshly on her keyboard, her eyes never leaving the screen. She makes a few weird noises as she scans over whatever is on her screen.

"Try his whole year. Anyone with a criminal record." Emily says. We all patiently wait for Garcia to stop digging through Macklyn's life, and for her to get something useful. And then her whole face drops.

"I've tried his whole year group in high school. Everyone with a record is either dead, in jail or far away from this place but... Avery went to the same high school as Robert. She tutored him in their senior year." Everyone takes deep breaths, and I can only imagine the wrath she's going to get from Hotch. She recognised Robert Macklyn, and she didn't even bother to tell us she knew him.

f i f t e e n   .   t w o
A v e r l y n
h e a t

"You didn't tell any of us?" Spencer seethes, only just managing to shut his apartment door quietly. I don't really know where to stand, I look awkward and I'm glad Spencer is mad so he won't comment on it. "Something as important as that?"

"I didn't think it would help!" I yell back, my arms moving everywhere.

"You mean you didn't think that you knowing the unsub would help the investigation? It helps everything! You knew him, you tutored him! He's probably been obsessed with you for years!" I've been given the silent treatment all day from the team, and have had harsh words with Hotch. And I thought that was bad, but this is much worse. Being yelled at by the shy, socially awkward but extremely hot guy from the BAU is so much worse than I thought it would be.

"Okay, maybe I should have told you, but I was a great tutor!" I say, and it doesn't help my argument one bit. It's a stupid thing to say in an argument with a profiler.

"A great tutor? You turned him into a psychopath!" He yells, flinging his arms in the air out of anger. Everything goes quiet around us and neither of us move as my eyes water. I try to blink the tears away but it only makes them more noticeable as they fall. "No, no God no I didn't mean it like that." He quickly rushes towards me, grabbing my arms to look at him. Our height is so different he has so sit down on the arm of his couch to look at me. He's like a 6'1 giant and I'm a 5'6 snail.

"No, you did." My voice cracks. I turned him into a psychopath. I did that. Spencer tries to get me to look at him, but I don't. I can't look him in the eye. I keep my eyes across from him, staring at a wall behind him.

"Avery, no I didn't mean that. You didn't do any of this, I'm sorry." He gently grabs my jaw for me to look down at him, I've stumbled in between his legs. "I didn't mean that. I was just...mad. You should have told us." He says softly, his thumb tenderly tracing my bottom lip. He looks so sincere now, and I reluctantly take his apology. Just like that.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, leaning in to feel his touch. He wraps his free arm around my waist, I lean my head against his shoulder. "I should have told you." We both go silent as I stay wrapped in his touch. I smile to myself as I lean the slightest bit forward and press my lips against his neck. Spencer sucks in a sharp breath and goes quiet, I can feel his heart start to race. I continue peppering kisses up his neck and across his jawline, turning his face to meet mine. His breathing is rapidly getting faster as my lips brush his.

"Are you teasing me?" He rasps, before I press my mouth against his. He moves his free hand in my hair, pressing his mouth harder up against mine. I move my mouth against his, our soft, innocent kiss turning feverish. Both my hands rest on his thighs as I lean in to the kiss, moaning when his tongue enters my mouth. The only sounds in the room is our panting when we pull apart, and our moaning when we come back together. When we connect again. His hands come up to cup my face and keep me close to him, to keep our mouths together. I bring my hands up to start unbuttoning his blue shirt, untucking it from his belt. I fumble with the buttons, my hands shaking. If we do anything, I now make a promise to myself not to leave afterwards. Spencer pulls away, his breathing quick as he kisses down my neck, softly sucking on my skin. He's doing this on purpose, isn't he, to create a hickey. His hands feverishly find the hem of my shirt. All soft and gentle Spencer is gone when he harshly pulls my shirt above my head. Once my shirt is tossed somewhere, he picks me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to his bedroom.

Spencer drops me on his bed and I pull him down on top of me by his belt. He catches my mouth with his again, this time I push my tongue into his mouth. I've only kissed a couple of guys in my whole life, and I've always hated the idea of people kissing with their tongues in each others mouths, but this makes me realise, I can see why they did it. He pushes his hands up my skirt, I let out a satisfied moan when his fingers trace my pink panties. I don't even like pink. Spencer pulls off my skirt and lace pants, kissing up my stomach to my identical bra. I arch my back for him to quickly unclasp my bra, throwing it somewhere in his bedroom. I unbuckle his belt and push his trousers down his legs. He fumbles to get them off as we laugh and kiss in between.

It's only a matter of seconds before we're both naked and the heat is getting to us. I move to the top of the bed, resting my head on the soft pillows as Spencer kisses across my collarbone. Spencer grabs a condom from the bedside cabinet next to us and harshly opens the wrapper. He rolls on the condom as I patiently wait, making sure my breathing is calm and respectful. I feel like I'm having an asthma attack. Spencer takes me by surprise when he slowly enters me, our heads falling back as we let out satisfied moans. 

There's that same feeling I felt last time. The small, acute amount of pain mixed with the large, tollerable amount of pleasure. Just the thought of Spencer inside me is enough to get me wet, the feeling of him inside me is enough to drive me over the edge in a couple of minutes. I'm glad I'm able to override a couple of minutes. I want this thrill to last forever. 

"Fuck." We both moan as Spencer pulls out and gently thrusts back into me, rocking his hips in a perfect rhythm. One of his hands are resting next to my head, the other digging his fingertips into the headboard. So the pleasure is getting to both of us. "Oh God, Spencer." I whine, my hands moving all over his body, I don't know where to place them. I settle for weaving one hand in his hair, tugging at the strands gently when he hits my g-spot. Spencer's free hand that was resting next to my head comes down and grips my hips, pulling me as close as possible to him. 

"Oh - fuck - Averlyn." Spencer groans, his head tipping back for a split second. How can people not cum straight away at this? We're both panting messes, just like last time, but this is slightly different. Spencer's thrusts are faster, hitting my g-spot quicker and harder than before, the pleasure growing in the pit of my stomach. "Fuck - you're so tight." He mutters within each thrust. I moan at his words, clinging at the headboard behind me as I feel the desirable feeling in my stomach grow. 

"Oh my God, Spencer I-I think I'm gonna cum." I stutter, arching my back in pleasure. I wrap my arms around Spencer, my fingertips pressing into his back. I don't want to hurt him, did I hurt him last time? Spencer wraps a free arm around my waist, my chest against his, his other hand grasping the headboard. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, sucking and forming hickies everywhere. I can't hold off this feeling in my stomach any longer, and it's clear Spencer can't either. Our short breaths are mismatched and uneven. I gasp as Spencer hits my g-spot once more, collapsing back onto the bed as my head hits the pillow. I arch my back and tip my head back as Spencer's fingertips dig into my hips, so hard I'm sure it will leave bruises. I cum, moaning Spencer's name as I do so, before I screw my eyes shut I grasp at the sight of spencer; head tipped back with his eyes rolled as he finishes after me, fists clenching the pillows supporting my head. I dig my nails into his back as my legs tremble around him, earning a satisfied groan from Spencer's mouth. So he likes it

Spencer waits a few seconds before he pulls out and collapses on the bed next to me, our chests quickly rising and falling. He climbs off the bed and slips on his boxers as he makes his way into the bathroom. I stay where I am, practically seeing stars as I stare up at the blank ceiling in wait for Spencer to come back. I feel weak and my legs feel numb. Spencer comes back with a damp cloth, he kisses me on the lips as he gently presses it between my legs. I gasp at the warmth as he cleans up, I feel too weak and tired to even move. After a couple of minutes, I regain feeling in my legs and enough energy to roll over onto my side. The mattress dips as Spencer climbs into the bed, his face tired. He rolls over onto his side and gives me a lopsided smile, brushing strands of my hair behind my ear. 

"Good night." He whispers, softly poking my nose. I don't have the energy to say anything for some reason, instead I poke his chin and give him a weak smile in return. Good night. Spencer understands.


yay, they done did it again.
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