Plus Two (Code Lyoko)

By Hilla899

505 11 4

This book is an alternate version of my other two books. In this book, my OCs Amy and Mel are twins. Not much... More

Chapter 1: Teddygozilla
Chapter 2: Seeing is Believing
Chapter 4: Log Book
Chapter 5: Cruel Dilemma
Chapter 6: Image Problem
Chapter 7: Satellite

Chapter 3: Holiday in the Fog

49 1 0
By Hilla899

Odd and Amy were waiting around a corner for Odd's dog, Kiwi, to wake up Coach Jim so he could catch Jeremy spray painting the school wall and earn himself a detention for the whole vacation. Ulrich and Mel were helping him out, but they planned on hiding before Jim caught them as well. 

The reason they were doing this was so Jeremy could keep an eye on things in Lyoko over the holidays and make sure Xana didn't get up to no good again.

Kiwi's little yips were heard as he ran down the hallway past where the two best friends were hiding with Coach Jim chasing after him.

"Yeah, way to go, Kiwi." Odd whispered out as he and Amy shared a high five.

"Now we wait?" Amy said.

"Now we wait." Odd repeated.


Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Mel and Amy were waiting outside the Principal's office for Jeremy to come out.

The door opened and Principal Delmas gave the bespectacled boy one last scolding before leaving him be.

"What did he say?"

"Well? Tell us."

"How'd it go?"



Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Mel and Amy all asked at once.

"He gave me detention for the whole week of vacation." Jeremy replied, pretending to be dissappointed.

It wasn't until they were all out of the office area that they let the act drop.

"Cool. He really let you have it." Odd said.

"As punishments go, you're a champion." Ulrich complimented.

"Couldn't have done better ourlseves." Amy said and Yumi and Mel nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, Xana won't get any vacation this time." Jeremy said.


It was after school and the group was walking through the school grounds.

"You get to go and see your parents at the other end of the planet. Yumi's off on a vacation in the mountains, and what do I get? A whole week of math tutoring." Ulrich complained.

"If they think they can make a good student out of you in one week, well, I say good luck to them." Odd said. "It sounds like mission impossible, if you ask me."

"That reminds me, do you two have any fun plans for vacation?" Yumi asked the twins curiously.

"We'll be stuck here studying." Amy and Mel both said with a sigh.

"I thought your grades were decent?" Odd asked curiously.

"They are, but our Dad's going on vacation with his girlfriend and we don't want be thirdwheeling or anything," Mel began.

"So he's letting us stay here on the condition that we study." Amy finished.

"Yeah, I guess it would be pretty awkward if you did go with them." Ulrich said and the twins nodded with a slight shudder at the thought.

Odd stared at them as he knew that wasn't the full truth, but let it be none the less. Amy, Mel and their stepmother-to-be had a very rough relationship and both Odd and Ulrich were well aware of that as the sisters had told them about it a few years back. 

The woman would act all sweet and innocent when their father was around, but the moment he left she would turn cold towards them. She wasn't abusive at all, thankfully, but she often expressed her hatred for the sisters during the rare few 'conversations' they had.

Amy and Mel never really knew why the woman hated them so much, but they figured it had a lot to do with her wanting their father to forget about anything to do with his past relationship with their mother, including the children he had with her. She even subtly suggested to her father to put Amy and Mel up for adoption, but he declined the idea almost immediately which the twins were extremely thankful for.

They loved their father, as any child should, and they were more than willing to allow him to move on with another woman if it made him happy.

Just not the wench he was currently with.

"Are you sure you can managed on your own without us?" Yumi asked.

"No sweat. And if Xana decides to leave me alone, I'll be able to work on Aelita's materialisation." Jeremy replied.

"Oh, don't worry. He's not going to be alone."

They all turned to see Sissi Delmas standing before them.

"I'm staying at school too and I'll look after him. I'll be his guardian angel." Sissi said.

"Wow, Jeremy, are you lucky." Odd said, sarcasm lacing his tone.

"Alright, Young Man." Coach Jim said as he approached the group. "You think this wall's going to clean itself? Get to work, NOW!"

Sissi started laughing.

"Go on, go on, laugh while you still can, Young Lady." Jim said. "Your father told me to monitor your studying and that's what I intend to do."

Jim told Jeremy to get to work cleaning up the wall and the trio walked away.

"I don't know why, but all of the sudden my math tutoring doesn't seem all that bad." Ulrich said.


"Okay. That's enough of that for one day." Amy said with a sigh as she shut her math book.

"I hear you, Sister." Mel agreed as she shut her book and flopped onto her back on her bed.

The twins had been studying for about an hour or so now and they both were stuck on the current problem so they decided to take a break and see if it made more sense later.

Deciding a bit of fresh air could do her some good, Amy got up from her bed and put her shoes on. As she was stretching they both heard what sounded like panicked voices and rushed footsteps in the hallway.

They shared a glance as Mel got up and put her shoes on before they opened the door to their room, only to almost be bowled over by Coach Jim and Sissi as they ran past them, Jim grabbing Amy's arm, and Amy grabbing Mel's, and dragging them with him as he yelled "Don't just stand there! Run!"

The twins were confused at first until they looked behind them to see a huge cloud of smoke chasing after them and picked up their pace.

The four of them ran around a corner and hid themselves there.

Sissi was shaking like a leaf and was absolutely terrified while Jim was keeping an eye out for the smoke.

Amy and Mel's phone beeped with a message and she checked it to see it was Jeremy telling her Xana had activated a tower and was on the move.

The sisters shared a glance and nodded.

"You guys stay here. We're going to go get help." Amy and Mel both said before running off down the hallway, ignoring the calls from their gym teacher to come back.


The twins were coughing and wheezing as they ran through the smoke infested hallways until they suddenly ran into someone, sending them all falling to the ground.

"Mel? Amy?" Ulrich asked as he realised he'd bumped into his friends.

"Ulrich?" Amy said.

"What are you doing here?" Mel asked before coughing once more.

"No time to explain. Do you know where Sissi and Jim are?" Ulrich asked.

The two girls nodded and the three of them quickly got up before heading back the way Mel and Amy had just come from.

Ulrich's phone soon started ringing and he picked it up as Jeremy's voice was heard on the other end.

"Ulrich, do you copy? How's it going?" Jeremy asked.

Ulrich coughed a little before responding.

"I found the twins, but not Sissi or Jim." He replied. "I've been through most of the building."

"Ulrich, you, Amy and Mel need to get out of there. You can't stay in that smoke any longer it's too dangerous." Jeremy said. "And they may be outside already."

"I'll try one last room, then we'll go." Ulrich said.

He looked over at Mel to see her struggling to stand from where she had collapsed to her knees and Amy trying to help her up whilst leaning against the wall for support.

"Hang in there, guys." He said as he wrapped an arm around Mel's shoulders and he and Amy helped her over to the last room he wanted to check.

"Jim! Jim! Sissi! Are you in there?" Ulrich called out as he tried the handle.

He heard thuds beside him and looked to see Mel and Amy were both now laying on the floor struggling to breath.

"Mel! Amy!" He managed to wheeze out in concern as he knelt beside Mel and put a hand on her and Amy, trying to shake them awake.

"Ulrich, get out right now!" Jeremy said.

His voice continued to ring through the phone, but fell on deaf ears as Ulrich also collapsed.

Jim managed to drag the three into the room with them and the smoke soon started leaking into the room. There was already a lack of ventilation and the smoke was only making it harder to breath.

Mel was forcing herself to stay concious, but she was finding it increasingly difficult to do so. She could only hope Aelita and the others would be able to deactivate the tower in time.

Soon enough, there was a bright flash of light that washed over them all and Mel smiled lightly to herself as she closed her eyes.

They did it.


Odd and Amy were waiting around a corner for Odd's dog, Kiwi, to wake up Coach Jim so he could catch Jeremy spray painting the school wall and earn himself a detention for the whole vacation. Ulrich and Mel were helping him out, but they planned on hiding before Jim caught them as well. 

The reason they were doing this was so Jeremy could keep an eye on things in Lyoko over the holidays and make sure Xana didn't get up to no good again.

"You know, I was worried when I heard Mel, Sissi and Jim were still in the building with that smoke, but I was kind of terrified when I heard you were also in there." Odd said as he looked over at Amy. "Try not to make a habit of scaring me like that, okay?"

Amy smiled at him.

"Don't worry. I wasn't planning on it." She replied. "It's sweet to know you care so much though."

Odd blushed lightly as he looked away from her.

"Of course I do. You're my best friend." He replied.

Amy smiled once more and she giggled lightly at him as she took notice of his red cheeks.

Kiwi's little yips were heard as he ran down the hallway past where the two best friends were hiding with Coach Jim chasing after him.

"De Ja Vu much?" He joked as he threw a glance back to Amy.

She laughed lightly at that as she nodded in agreement.

A/N: Another chapter for my lovely readers! I hope you all Enjoy!

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