patience, miguel diaz

By p4ulsboutique

84.1K 3.7K 2K

‎ع˖⁺ ⊹ ⋆ ୭ ❪ patience ❫ hunter was never one for sports let alone karate, but what happens when karate is he... More

act one.
o. prologue
i. the halloween dance.
ii. out with the old, in with the new.
iii. cobra kai means no mercy.
iv. cobra kai's new beginning.
v. lab partners.
vi. strike first.
vii. golf 'n stuff.
viii. junkyards and dinner.
ix. love and car fires.
x. what comes around goes around.
xi. the all valley tournament.
act two.
xii. be honest with me.
xiv. miyagi-do ?
xv. the robby keene story
xvi. valley fest
xvii. hopelessly devoted to you
xviii. the beach club
xix. the calm before the storm

xiii. the old dude.

2.8K 138 71
By p4ulsboutique

・☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 【 PATIENCE 】
»»————-act two.————-««

ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

" whoever he is, he's throwing
off sensei's groove. "


THE NEXT DAY Miguel and Hunter rode with Johnny to the dojo because he had his car pimped out with Cobra Kai gear. Johnny and Miguel were both ecstatic with the new ride and they wanted to sport it out in the valley before class.

"I don't understand the hype about cars." Hunter mumbled in the backseat, slipping on her heart framed sunglasses.

Johnny scoffed in the front seat. "Cars are what get you the babes, Villanueva." He spoke up as he turned up "AC/DC's" Back in Black.

Suddenly a convertible with a mother and a daughter pulled up and they were checking out the car. Hunter and Miguel both looked out the window. The women were eyeing the two boys in the back, ignoring Hunter completely. "Don't look. Play it cool." Johnny whispered making Hunter roll her eyes. She didn't care that the girl in the other car was sporting a flirtatious smile at Miguel. Hunter thought Miguel was attractive which meant that other girls were gonna find him attractive too, but do you know what? She was the one that had him wrapped around her finger, so she played it cool as well.

Johnny sped off in his car, swerving through the valley. "So are we just gonna ride around for another hour before class?" Hunter questioned from the backseat. Johnny looked at her in the rearview. "Yes, problem?" He fired back. Hunter just giggled and shrugged. "I find it amusing."

Johnny rolled his eyes and continued on his drive. "So what're you two like a thing now?" He grumbled.

Miguel looked back at Hunter and the girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes," Miguel said.

"No." Said Hunter.

The two shared a confused glance.

"Yes." Said Hunter.

"No," Miguel said.

The two groaned as Johnny snickered in the front.

"We're taking it slow," Miguel said explained. Hunter nodded as well. "What he said." She chuckled.

"Well, that's cool. Just don't let your guys' thing distract you from training, we got a lot of shit to cover." He muttered before turning the radio back up to the highest volume, tuning out the two teens in his car.

"What do you think?" Hawk said softly, his index finger tapping his chin. Hunter rolled her eyes.

"I don't think we should give them names." Hunter muttered and crossed her arms.

"Shithead one and shithead two?" Hawk said, ignoring the girl.

Aisha shook her head. "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat." Hawk let out his famous obnoxious laugh. Hunter gave Mitch and Chris a sympathetic look.

"Well I'm Chris-"

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk spat.

Hunter looked over at Miguel and gave him a pleading look. The boy sighed and walked over towards his classmates. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you." He said softly and patted their back. Hunter smiled at the boy. "Besides, everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag." Hunter's smile fell into a scowl as her classmates erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Real mature, Miguel." She grumbled, shaking her head.

"Oh c'mon, Hunter, we're just messing around—" Miguel was cut off by the bell of the dojo jingling signaling that someone was coming in.

"Who the hell is that?" Hunter whispered as the whole class stopped to gawk at the older man. He was frightening to look at. His wrinkled face held a scowl and a look of disgust. "Jesus Christ." He muttered.

"I don't know," Miguel whispered back to his girl. The group of teens eyes followed the man as he walked towards the back of the dojo.

"Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?" Miguel spoke politely to the older man.

The man looked him up and down. "No, but maybe I can help you." The man smiled smugly.

"Hey," Johnny spoke up as he walked out of his office.

"Uh, sensei..." Miguel muttered as Johnny approached the two. Hunter stepped forward, taking in the older man's appearance.

Johnny and the man began to whisper making it hard for Hunter and Miguel to decipher what they were saying. "He's scary." She muttered, looking up at Miguel. The boy just shrugged.

"Fall in!" Johnny shouted. The students followed his orders, falling into their positions. "Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here." Johnny said. Hunter was still perplexed on how Johnny knew this man. Quite frankly, she didn't think Johnny had friends let alone one that was at least thirty years older than him.

"Mr. Diaz, warm them up." Miguel stepped forward as Johnny stood back with Kreese and got into position. "Fighting positions!" Hunter let out a soft grunt as she got into position. "Front kick!" Miguel instructed. Hunter obeyed and did the front kick with a soft "yuh" Escaping her lips.

"Forward strike, yuh!" Miguel order which the students obeyed.

"Side jab, yuh!" The students let out a chorus of giggles as they dabbed. It was something they came up with as a reliever for the hard days but Johnny's visitor wasn't impressed and Hunter could see that. It made Johnny cower.

"What the hell was that?" Johnny hissed.

The laughs of the Cobra Kai students died down at their sensei's sternness. "We're just messing around," Miguel explained, his face falling. "We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley."

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk retorted and the class let out a few laughs but Hunter didn't.

"Oh, yeah, really, huh? So, you know everything?" Johnny huffed. "There's nothing left to learn, huh?"

"Sensei not to overstep any boundaries, but it was just a little joke..." Hunter trailed off, avoiding the eyes of Kreese that were burning through her skull.

"Boundaries overstepped Miss. Villanueva. Joke or not." He hissed. Hunter lowered her head, cowering.

Aisha began to giggle at Johnny's words. "What's so funny, Miss. Robinson?" He approached her.

"I'm sorry, sensei. You just wouldn't understand." She snickered.

"Try me."

Aisha looked up at the man, a bit frightened. "It's a snake-do." The class let out a few snickers.

"What's a snake-do?" Johnny questioned.

The students instructed what the move was, giggles erupting from their lips. But Johnny didn't think it was funny, or should we say, Kreese didn't find it funny.

"Quiet!" Johnny shouted and the students took their normal positions once again. "5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed." Hunter and Miguel both looked at each other with confusion on their faces. Whoever Kreese was, his presence was making Johnny act differently.

Hunter and Miguel grabbed their things and slung their bags over their backs as they exited the dojo. "So this Kreese dude..." The girl trailed off.

"Yeah," Miguel mumbled as the two walked over to the convenience store next to the dojo.

"He's a bit... intimidating." She said.

"A bit?" Miguel chuckled, opening the door for her.

The two walked back to the freezers grabbing a frozen pizza and some drinks. "Okay, maybe more than a bit." She huffed. Miguel let out a laugh and shook his head. "Whoever he is, he's throwing off Sensei's groove." Hunter and Miguel walked up to the counter of the store and paid for their things before walking out with their bags.

"Whatever, we should just get back to my place and unwind before our super long day tomorrow." She sighed.

"I can't imagine what we're gonna be doing that early." Miguel groaned as the two began their journey back home.

The next morning the kids were at Johnny's location bright and early mixing cement. "Don't add too much water. You wanna make it nice and thick." Johnny instructed as Hunter and Hawk filled a wheelbarrow with water and cement. Hunter grunted, wiping her forehead that was ridden with sweat.

"Sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Miguel groaned.

"No questions." Johnny hissed.

"This is child labor, Sensei." Hunter grunted.

"Keep stirring." He instructed before walking over to Kreese. Hunter knew that the older man had something to do with this. Suddenly a loud honk interrupted the cement mixing. Hunter looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"A cement truck?" She huffed. The breaks hissed and the truck came to a halt before a middle-aged man hopped out. He and Johnny shook hands and exchanged a few words.

"This is miserable," Hunter mumbled, throwing down the hose she had in her hand.

"Hey!" Kreese hissed. Hunter rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue before picking it back up. Kreese just gave her a grimace before diverting his attention back to the others. She wasn't too worried about the older man, what was he gonna do? Hit her? Yeah right.

"You get caught, you take the heat." The man muttered and slapped the keys of the cement truck in Johnny's hands. Hunter, Miguel, and Hawk exchanged a look of confusion. "What the heck." Hunter grunted.

"You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off? Well, I got news for you, winning one championship doesn't mean squat! A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward... or else you could get stuck exactly where you are." Hunter stood squished between Hawk and Miguel, her eyes were on Johnny but they kept drifting off to Kreese who was lounging up against the truck with a smug smile. He looked evil and Hunter had no doubt in her mind that he was.

"It's like the cement in this truck. That drum doesn't start turning, the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?"

"No, Sensei," Hunter mumbled, her eyes still lingering on Kreese. The man looked over at her and gave her his infamous smug smile, which she smugly returned. For some reason, she couldn't read him. He was far from being an open book. He was more or less a book that was open but in a shoebox that was locked in a vault and there was no way she was getting in.

"Then climb up, get inside and make it spin." Mutters were heard from the students. Hunter chuckled in disbelief. "This is ridiculous, Sensei." She huffed, crossing her arms.

"If it's so ridiculous then leave, Villanueva." Johnny shot back making her roll her eyes. She wasn't afraid of Johnny, after all, she knew his moves as well. She was irritated and tired.

"Sensei, we're sorry for messing around."

"We learned our lesson," Hawk spoke up.

Johnny pulled down the latter and looked back at his students. "Get in!" He hissed.

"Sensei, this seems dangerous. I mean, the fumes alone—"

"Quiet!" Kreese shouted, cutting Miguel off. Hunter looked up at the man, a look of disgust on her face. The student's eyes all trailed over to Kreese, fright written all over their faces. "This man led you to the mountaintop, and you question him?" Kreese said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he approached Hunter in particular. "Look at you." He spat at the children. Hunter crossed her arms, she wasn't afraid of him.

"Look at all of you." He said. "I can't believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the All Valley, and let alone won. It's an absolute miracle." He said in disbelief. "And who's responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence." He smiled smugly, holding out his arm. "The best student in the history of Cobra Kai. My student." Right then and there is where it all clicked. Another piece of the puzzle fell into place. Kreese was Johnny's Sensei in the 80s, that's why he was so adamant about impressing him.

"You were Sensei's Sensei?" Hawk asked.

"You better believe it, kid." He said and turned around, facing Johnny. "And I'll tell you I've never trained a tougher student in my whole life." Hunter's eyes flickered from Johnny to Kreese. What a sight to see.

"So, if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every goddamn word he says." Miguel and Hunter shared an aggravated glance before Miguel stepped forward. "I'll do it Sensei."

"Me too," Hunter spoke up proudly and stepped forward. The two looked at each other before climbing into the drum on the back of the truck, Hawk trailing behind.

"Holy shit," Miguel whispered, looking into the big tunnel.

"Get in, Diaz," Hunter grumbled. The boy climbed in, Hunter and Hawk trailing behind. As soon as they fell in their feet were submerged in the thick gray liquid, if you could call it that.

Miguel, Hawk, Mitch, and Chris slushed their legs and feet in the liquid as Hunter stood off to the side. "Don't just stand there, you're gonna get stuck, move!" Johnny ordered. Hunter sighed and placed her hands against the wall, letting out a loud grunt as the teens began to move the spiraling tunnel. Hunter could feel her muscles begin to ache and feel almost like mush. Chris and a few others fell over into the cement making it slow down.

"Come on, guys you can do it!" Johnny shouted from the outside as Hawk helped the boy up.

The teens went on, pushing the cement so that it wouldn't harden. It seemed like the hardest task ever but with a bit of teamwork, the teens had the thing moving fast. The other Cobra Kai kids and both Sensei's stood outside of the vehicle cheering them on. As much as Hunter hated this, the ache in her muscles made her feel good. Maybe Kreese wasn't as bad as she thought.

Not too long after, the kids emerged from the tunnel and were sprayed down with the hose. Cement was stuck all over them, their faces their hands, and their hair. "You should all be proud of yourselves, I know I'm proud, your parents would be proud too if you told them what we did here today, which you won't!" Johnny made sure the kids knew not to tell their parents.

Hunter let out a grunt as the cold water hit her face. "You pushed forward like champions, never stopping. Never being satisfied. Never giving up. And if you keep pushing and moving forward, you're gonna go to places you never even dreamed of." Johnny stared back at his students with a small grin. Hunter had to admit, although the exercise was miserable, she learned that training hard does matter. Maybe training with Johnny along with Kreese won't be so bad.

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