Alive (Sequel to Breathing)

By AnnMarie119712

931K 32.7K 15.2K

This is the sequel to Breathing. Highest ranking in FanFiction so far #32. More

Please Read!!!!
Chapter 1
Authors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Part 1
Chapter 14 Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors Note
Chapter 24
Please Disregard
Be nice to nice...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 23

18.9K 783 193
By AnnMarie119712

Chapter 23

Charlie's pov

"Come on baby we have to go. Grab your brown shoes"

"Mommy, when can we go home?" He handed me the shoes and I started to put them on and tie them.

"You don't like staying with gramma and grandpa?" I brushed his hair back and he shook it back down into his face.

"I just want to see daddy"

It had been three days since I had seen or spoken to Harry. He hadn't called once and I had only grown more upset that he hadn't at least called to check on Aidan.

"I'll call him after we get home tonight okay? I need to get you to Aunt Lo's house though"

He grabbed his buzz doll and hoped off the chair not saying anything else. This was the part I feared. No matter what happens between Harry and I, Aidan would deal with the consequences.

The drive to Lo and Niall's place was much quicker from my parents. It was also quiet since Aidan didn't do more than nod or mumble a response when I tried to talk to him. We made our way up the stairs and knocked. Niall opened the door a second later.

"Hey Char" I gave him a small smile to be polite. I wasn't sure where our friendship stood after over hearing that he knew about Harry's affair. "Buzz! Are you excited to spend the day with aunt Lo and me?"

He leaned against me and continued staring at the floor.

"Don't call me buzz" he mumbled.

"What you're always Buzz when you come over" Niall pretended to be hurt.

"Only my daddy can call me buzz"

"Go inside sweetie and mommy will come say bye in a few minutes"

He hesitated before finally stepping into the apartment.

"He's really upset about all of this"

"It just started this morning. I know he misses Harry so I'm going to call him today. Can you give Lo a heads up that he's moody?"

"I will. Have you talked to him at all?"

"No, I haven't. He hasn't tried to call either"

"He's not doing good, Charlie"

"What do you mean?" I was prepared to appear un phased by any news about Harry. The fact that Niall said he wasn't doing good had me more than a little worried.

"I promised Lo I wouldn't tell you because she thinks he needs to deal with it on his own. However I feel terrible about not being honest with you when I found out about him and Payton. Harry was arrested a few days ago and Payton is pressing charges"

"Against Harry?" My heart was racing. What had he done? This was going to be my fault. I left him and now he's done something to Payton out of anger.

"Well it's a bit twisted. She's saying that he's the one who beat her up."

"What? That wasn't Harry though. It was me"

"Well we know that, but he doesn't and neither do the police. That's not the worst of it though"

"What could be worse?" I looked at him confused.

"She's saying that he forced himself on her"

I froze feeling the blood drain from my face.

"Excuse me?"

"She told Ed and the police that Harry attacked her"

"That's a lie! I saw them, she was more than willing" I cringed at the thought. "I need to go to the police station and tell them what happened"

"Char are you sure you want to do that? I mean that's just going to get you in trouble also"

"Trust me when I tell them why I re arranged her face I'm sure they will understand"

"Charlie, no. Harry will get out of this. There has to be another way. Until we figure out what it is, it's better to play it safe and let him take the fall. They have no proof besides her word versus his."

"I'm not going to let him take the fall for something I did! Are you being serious right now? This could get him sent back home. I can't let that happen, no matter how angry I am with him. He's the father of my son and I can't let him go to jail for something he didn't do"

"He got himself into this mess remember? You wouldn't have kicked her ass if he hadn't of cheated in the first place. So in a way it's still his fault"

"I don't care. Two wrongs don't make a right. I have to tell them it was me"

"Well talk to him first. See what he wants to do. He may be willing to take the fall. It's the least he could do"

"I'll talk to him. I'm going to say bye to Aidan"

He nodded and I slipped past him into the apartment. Aidan was sitting on the couch just holding his doll.

"Hey mommy's leaving can I have a hug?"

He looked at me and I watched his eyes grow bigger before he suddenly burst into tears.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I knelt in front of him and he brought both his hands up to his face rubbing away the tears. He never cried. Not like this. Only when he was sleepy or getting in trouble for misbehaving.

"I want to go home" he wailed and I felt my heart sink. He wanted to be with Harry. I couldn't blame him, I did too. Just not the Harry that I married. He had changed and I wasn't sure who he was anymore. With everything that was going on I knew I was making the right choice by staying at my parents for now.

"I'm going to call him today, okay? Ill make sure we see him tonight"

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you, Aidan. Mommy will get it figured out. I promise"

I kissed his forehead and his small fist continued rubbing his eyes. I was going to be late to work and it looked like I would need to call Harry before I got there.

"Tell Lo I'll be back around four"

"Cool. See ya later Char"

I made my way to the entrance level of their apartment building, quickly pulling out my phone and calling Harry. It went straight to voicemail and I tried again. This time he picked up.

"Hel- hello?"

"Harry, it's me Charlie"

"Baby I know it's you. You think I deleted your number or something?"

"It's hard to tell since you haven't called once to check on our son"

"I was giving you space. I didn't want to upset you more by calling all the time"

"You can call to talk to Aidan, Harry. That doesn't mean we have to carry on a conversation"

"Is he with you now?"

"No I just dropped him at, Lo's. Which is why I'm calling you. Niall told me you were arrested?"

"Oh. That.."

"What's going on, Harry? Why didn't you call me? As mad as I am you still should of told me. That affects more than just you"

"Can you meet with me today? For lunch?"

"I don't know"

"Please? I just think it would be better to talk in person"

I opened my car door and climbed in.


"Anywhere you want"

"Just come to my office around noon. We can go from there. I don't have to be on set until 2"

"Okay, I'll see you then. I love you Charlie"

"See you then" I hung up the phone not letting myself say I love you. I was already questioning his love for me and saying it back just felt foreign. Like I was doing it because he expected me too.

The twenty minute drive to work was full of silence and my thoughts. Debating mostly if I should take Aidan back to the apartment. Could I live with Harry until everything was figured out? Could I stand to look at him everyday knowing what he did? Now he was beginning another battle for something he had no part in. I was the one who assaulted Payton and he was taking the blame. A part of me was thinking serves him right. He brought this on himself. The other part. The one that I always let win, was urging me to protect him. Tell the truth and take the consequences. Aidan needed Harry. As much as I didn't want to admit it. I needed him too.

My distress and internal struggle continued even once I reached my desk. I clicked through emails about upcoming projects until an email about our second location opening caught my eye. I had passed the opportunity when my boss made the offer. Now the new office was open and apparently already bringing in more business than expected. In New York we were a known company, but only for small pilots of shows or personal documentaries. Nothing too big had come since I was hired and I was getting bored with just playing a glorified assistant to the more seasoned directors.

"Charlie, can I have a word with you?"

"Sure thing" I followed my boss into his office and he held the door, closing it behind me.

"Am I in trouble for something?" I joked.

"No way. You're the only one I don't have to scold once a week." He laughed. "I actually have a project I need you to be in charge of?"

"Me?" I stood in shock that he was finally giving me a personal project.

"Charlie, you say that like you don't have a degree and haven't proven yourself time and time again, every time I give you even a little responsibility you come through. You're on time. You're smart and creative. I've honestly been saving you for something like this. Not to mention the pay that this contract offers is life changing"

"What do you mean?" My nerves were already setting in and I didn't even know what exactly I would be doing.

"Bosh film studio has its first feature film and I want you to head the production. If you say yes you will be directing our first film"

I stared at him waiting for the rest of the joke. I hadn't done anything big enough to be given this opportunity and before I made a fool of myself by getting over excited I continued waiting for him to finish.

"Now I'll over see most of the work, but when the credits roll at the end it will be your name everyone sees. This is big Charlie. What do you say?"

He leaned back in his chair resting his hands behind his head.

"Jonah, are you serious? You want me to head this project? Is the writer okay with this? Have you told them how inexperienced I am with professional filming? I mean we do documentaries. Not feature films"

"Charlie don't underestimate yourself. I see how you crave more. You're always asking questions and constantly taking notes when you think I'm not paying attention. You can do this. You have the heart and dedication. I know you won't disappoint me or the writers"

I shifted on my feet in the middle of his office. All the time I had invested into the job and I was finally being rewarded. It couldn't have come at a worse time though.

"Look, think it over and give me an answer by this evening. I have a meeting with Dave and a couple people at six and I'll need to have an answer"

He started messing with his laptop and I turned stepping out of his office. I pulled the door closed and pressed my back to it.

"Breath Charlie. Just think it over and breath"

I returned to my desk and went back to my emails. A new one popped up from Jonah and attached was a break down of the filming schedule. It started in two weeks and I would be expected to be on set no later than 6am everyday and the end of the days were to be determined. I read through the entire schedule and several days were on location in nearby states.

This was going to keep me away from Harry and Aidan. I wasn't as disappointed about the distance from Harry as I normally would of been. Maybe this would work in my favor. I could go back home so Aidan was happy again and then still avoid constant interaction with Harry. We could slowly work on our relationship and everybody would be happy.

It was almost too good to be true and I was already feeling slightly relieved about the near future. I pulled up a reply email and quickly typed out an acceptance to Jonah's offer. I didn't know what the pay was, but he said life changing and that was good enough for me.

He replied a few minutes after my confirmation email:

I knew you wouldn't let me down, Charlie. This is going to be a great opportunity to get your name out there in the film industry. I look forward to working with you behind the scenes.

Jonah had only sent me emails with my assigned duties for each project. We had spoke about California on numerous occasions, but he hardly ever paid much attention to me or my work. At least that's what I thought up until today. I knew everyone started at the bottom, but with his company being so small I thought I would of moved up on the opportunity scale a little faster.

There was no need to dwell on the past months. I was finally getting the chance I had been waiting on and now it was my time to prove myself and my hard work. I finished reading my emails and Jonah forwarded my copy of the script. I wasted no time reading it and mapping out scenes. I was so engrossed in the ideas that popped into my head that I didn't even realize it was lunch time until a brown bag was dropped on my desk. I looked up and Harry stood with his hands in his pockets in front of me.

"Hey" his lips twitched into a small smile and I offered one in return.

"I thought we were going out for lunch?"

"I decided to grab something and bring it to you. I know how much you like that Chinese restaurant down the block from us. So I thought I would bring you that"

"Well thank you. Lets go somewhere more private"

I stood from my desk and led him to an empty conference room we used for bigger meetings. It was away from my coworkers and we could talk over lunch, in private.

He sat the bag down and took out my food first before his own. I left him to grab us some drinks and when I came back he was sending a text message. In the past I wouldn't have had a second thought about it. Instead I found myself not just wanting to know who he was talking to, but needing to know.

"Who is that?" I questioned and he looked up from the screen.

"Niall, he said Aidan scraped his knee but wouldn't let him put a bandaid on it because you weren't there to kiss it first"

He chuckled on the last part and I smiled before grabbing my fork. I pushed one of the sodas over to him and he thanked me before opening it.

"So you want to tell me what happened?"

He shifted in his chair, sitting back he looked straight ahead and stayed quiet.

"Harry you didn't actually force yourself on her did you?"

"You have to ask me that?" He looked at me in shock. His mouth hung open and he pushed his food away.

"Harry, I don't know what you're capable of anymore. I never thought I would have to ask you that or if you cheated on me, but you see how quickly that changed"

"Is this what I'm looking forward too? You're always going to expect the worst from me? After everything I saw you go through. You think I could actually do that too someone myself?"

He leaned on the table in front of him. His hands locked together and I looked away from him.

"Harry when I walked in on you and Payton, I literally felt my world crumble. Everything I ever believed about you and our relationship and the love we had for each other vanished. I've questioned if we were ever in love. Maybe we were so infatuated with each other we thought it was love-"

"No! Dammit Charlie!" He slammed his fist on the table and I jumped from the sound. "It's real. It's always been real I just fucked up. I let her trap me and I thought I could fix it before it got worse. That's what I was trying to do that day. I had my phone recording and I was trying to get her to admit what she was doing. She danced around it though. Somehow she knew what I was doing and she called you on purpose. She planned it"

"And you couldn't think of anyway to get her to confess to this without fucking her on the couch?"

"Char, I was only doing it to get her to trust me. How was I suppose to bring it up? In casual conversation? Oh Payton I know you're blackmailing me but let's have a friendly chat?"

"Where's the recording?"

He paused and looked away.

"I don't have it"

"Of course not. So after you lie about never cheating on me I'm supposed to believe you when you say you're being blackmailed? For what? Did she want money? What did she need to blackmail you for Harry?"

"I don't know. She never said."

"So let me get this straight. You cheat the night before our wedding. Instead of telling me you trick me into marrying you anyways and then continue the affair. Then she threatens to tell me about your escapades if you don't sleep with her again? But she won't tell you what she wants. Then to add insult to injury you try to get me pregnant thinking that will trap me and make me stay? Did I miss anything?"

"Char I didn't plan to trap you it just kind of-"

"You knew what you were up to. You knew you were being unfaithful and you let me sleep with you unprotected in an attempt to get pregnant with a baby you wanted! That is called a trap!"

I stood up, furious that he even tried to make an excuses for his lies.

"You need to leave. I have work to do"

"Charlie don't lea-" he grabbed my hand and I yanked it away from him.

"Don't touch me! By the way, I'm the one that beat the shit out of that bitch and I'd do it again if I had the chance!"

"What? Wait, Charlie come back!"

I walked out of the conference room slamming the door behind me.

"Charlie? Is everything okay?" I looked up as Jonah stepped out of the restroom.

"Yes. Sorry I just had a family thing" I stumbled through my words thoroughly embarrassed that he might have heard any part of our conversation.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little on edge?"

"I'm fine. I'm sorry if you heard anything"

The door opened and then closed behind us and I heard Harry's boots against the wood floor as he approached.

"Charlie?" I turned looking at him and he looked at me before glancing at Jonah.

"Hey, it's Harry right? I met you at the wedding. Sorry I couldn't stay for the reception" he held out his hand and Harry looked at it before taking it.

"I'm sorry. I seemed to of forgotten your name" he raised his brow speaking in a condescending tone.

I glared at him because I saw through his bullshit.

"Jonah" my boss grinned, clueless to Harry's standoffish attitude. Or maybe he just chose to ignore it.

"Good to see you" Harry forced a smile.

"Did Charlie tell you the good news? She's starting her first lead project. She's going to be directing the first feature film Bosh has ever had"

"She is? No she hadn't told me that yet" he glanced at me and I just looked away. Not meeting his burning gaze.

"Well I'll leave you two to talk. Char the meeting was moved up to 3pm so don't go to the Rogers location. They want to meet you and hear your thoughts so far. So brainstorm as much as you can"

"I've already finished the first half. It's just rough ideas, but I think they can be used to build a solid story line"

"Great. I knew you wouldn't disappoint"

He smiled and turned down the hall.

"The fuck was that?"


"Char, I knew you wouldn't disappoint?"

"He's my boss and he just gave me the one project that could finally get me noticed by larger film companies. He's put faith in me. What's wrong with that?"

"And it's not very professional to call you Char"

"People have called me Char before you came in the picture, Harry. Don't read into something innocent. Or maybe it's just your guilt" I walked away from him and he followed me to my desk.

"When are you coming back?" He hovered over the end of my desk.

"I don't know if I am" I snapped back.

"Why do you have to play games? We could work on our relationship so much easier if you didn't try to antagonize me"

"That's your problem Harry. You think this is a game. That I'm just throwing a temper tantrum and will eventually get over it. It's not going to work like that. You've done nothing but give me excuse after excuse and now you're trying to shift blame to me"

"Charlie we're married. We can get through this if you try, but five minutes ago you asked me if I raped someone and I'm a little offended. Just because I made one mistake doesn't mean all my morals went out the window. It's a fucking insult to have you of all people ask me that"

"You didn't just make a single mistake. You made the same mistake over and over again for a month straight! You made that mistake in our home! On our couch where our son plays. You made that mistake in your office! Where else did you make the fucking mistake Harry? In our bed also?" My voice was low and most of my coworkers were gone to lunch. He tried to keep a calm demeanor, but I could tell he was getting pissed.

"Did you fuck her in our bed Harry?"

He closed his eyes clenching his jaw.

"You did, didn't you? You're disgusting"

"Yea you've made that clear. Bring Aidan by tonight" he turned towards the door.

"I don't know about that. I thought it was a good idea but now I'm second guessing"

"Charlie" he warned.

"I'll think about it" I went back to reading my script and I heard him stomp to the exit. This day had gone from one extreme to the next.


Harry's pov

"Harry?" Niall stepped back and I walked into the apartment .

"Hey, where's Aidan?"

"He's with Lo. They walked down to the store"

"When will they be back?"

"Any minute" He looked a little nervous still standing in the door way.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just worried what Lo is going to say when she sees you here"

"Doesn't matter. I'm just picking up Aidan and ill be gone"

"Wait. Charlie said she would pick him up"

"She has a meeting. I just came from lunch with her"

"How did it go?"

"Well enough that she's letting me pick him up"

He kind of eyed me, but didn't say anything.
The front door opened and I heard Lo's voice.

"Daddy!" Aidan jumped into my arms and I lifted him into a tight hug.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

"Get your stuff" I sat him down and he ran off to the living room.

"You're not taking him. Charlie left us in charge" she snapped.

"Don't worry about who's in charge. I'm his father so I'll take him when and where I want. Besides Charlie has a meeting tonight"

"I'm calling her"

Lo left the room and I picked Aidan up turning to the door.

"See ya later Niall"

"This is going to cause so much shit, Harry. I can't stop you because you're his dad but Charlie is going to flip. You know that right?"

"Don't say shit! Bad word" Aidan yelled and then covered his mouth. He looked panicked at me, wondering if I would scold him for saying the curse word. Instead I slapped the back of Niall's head and continued out of the apartment.


"I won't tell your mum what uncle Niall or you said okay?" He nodded and waved bye.

"Harry Styles I hope Charlie kicks your ass for taking him!" Lo yelled from their door.

"Well she would have to come home to do that" I mumbled and we made our way downstairs and to the car.

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