The Soul of a Ninja

By TheSageOfSixBowls

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I adopted this from @Crimal After the thousand year blood war arc where Ichigo finally kills ywach. The human... More

Prologue 1:Please!
Prologue 2: Weak
Prologue 4: Confidence
Chapter 1:Test
Chapter 2:The man with the mask
Chapter 3:Another test
Chapter 4:Passed

Prologue 3: A friend

404 10 4
By TheSageOfSixBowls

Naruto groaned as he started to wake up. What time was it and what happened?

Oh yea

The incident with Kiba. It brought chills to his back. To think an 8 year old could be so cruel and egotistical. His started to open his eyes. His vision was blurry But could still tell where the sun was. It looked like it was the afternoon judging from the position of the sun. While he was doing that, he couldn't help but feel something soft and squishy below him. Like, thighs. When his vision finally started to clear he saw he was below an orange haired woman wearing a black shihakusho and an arm band along with a with a crystal blue hair pin the shape of a six pointed star or flower. She also had a katana strapped to the side of her waist. That made naruto really uneasy. He felt like throwing up.

He quickly moved away from the woman. Though once he was across from her he ended up falling to the ground in pain from the soreness from yesterday's attack. Wait. how is the chunk of flesh the dog bit off still there? Medical ninjutsu can't cover that. Nor can't his rapid healing. Who did that?

"Hey, you ok?" The woman asked softly. Naruto being tricked by the same act people would put on just the hurt him, immediately didn't trust her. He just cradled him self slowly covering his face in fear.

"Please. Don't hurt me" he said quietly. Though enough for the woman to hear it.

Orihime was was not expecting that. He was...scared of her? Why was he scared? But of what? Was it because she was a stranger or because of somthing else?

"Hey I'm back" another person naruto didn't know came in. He had the same shihakusho that the lady had but he had a long sleeved Snow White haori along with it. Like the woman he got more scared when he saw two matte black katanas strapped on both his sides. Though this man almost looked like...himself. Just without the whiskers and blue eyes. His hair was also a darker shade of orange.

"Looks like sleeping beauty woke up" he said getting closer to naruto

Naruto was getting more afraid by the minute. He was more afraid of the man because of the intimidating scowl on his face. Like he hated looking at naruto. Naruto was almost about cry now. He was scared that the man would bring out his katanas and stab him non stop with the point.

"Ichigo" the woman called out the man name. At least naruto knew the name of his killer

"The boy is scared of us. Did you see when you got closer. He was scared of you. Let me handle this" the woman said softly

Ichigo just looked back at naruto and widened his eyes a bit until nodding at Orihime an backed off.
Orihime began unstrapping her katanas, putting them on the ground and then walk slowly towards naruto.

"Hey there little one." She said gentily. Naruto still didn't trust her and began to back away. "No don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you I promise". Naruto still didn't trust her and started to speak.
"p-please ju-just get a-away from m-m-me!". He yelled. The air suddenly felt a lot heavier. This shocked the two. The kid was letting out an immense amount of pressure that felt That beyond of a captain class soul reaper. "Ichigo! He's releasing so much spirit energy!" Orihime said struggling a little to stand. Of course this mostly affected orihime more than ichigo since he had enough spiritual pressure to crush the whole seireitei. Ichigo then started to release his spiritual energy to protect orihime from being crushed from the pressure. it kept on rising showing no sign of stopping and because of this he had to release more spiritual energy so the people in area wouldn't be crushed.
Ichigo then started walking towards the boy. "Kid calm down! You're going to crush this whole area along with the people in it!" He yelled. Naruto heard this and was panicking. He was going to kill people because he couldn't control himself. Naruto then opened his teary eyes and started trying to calm down. Thankfully enough, the spiritual pressure started to die out.

Ichigo let out a sigh of relief and retracted his reiryoku as well
(Also known as spiritual energy. Reiatsu is spiritual pressure)

"Hey orih-oh...I think I used a little to much reiatsu" ichigo sweat dropped as he looked at a unconscious orihime laying on the floor.

"Well anyways kid, I need to check somthing out, so please don't move" ichigo said while walking towards him pulling out his zanpakuto. Naruto saw this as a threat and immediately covered his head with his hands and closed his eyes shut. 'their going to kill me!' He thought frightened

"NO PLEASE! DONT GET CLOSER!" Naruto yelled alarmed. But ichigo just kept getting closer until he was finally in front of him.

"Hey calm down, I'm not going to slice you Dow-!!!" Ichigo then suddenly saw a FUCKING lightning bolt almost strike him! Although he couldn't see because of the flash from the lightning he could sense a katana laced with reiryoku about to impale him. Ichigo quickly parried the weapon to the side while also getting into a stance.

???: he said to not get any closer

When Ichigo's vision cleared he was Shocked at what he saw. there stood a 6 foot figure with black shirt,black pants and red armour he had a kama and a gunbai and a sword strapped to hsi side with long spiky hair.

"so I was right. You're his-"

"Zanpakuto" the figure responded nodding

Naruto was lost. Who was this person. And Why did they save him? Most importantly, what's a zanpakuto?

"Listen, I didn't want any problems. I just wanted to enter his spirit and check if he a zanpakuto sleeping within him. after all there's know way a kid like him could have so much reiryoku"

The figure just grunted and stabbed its kama into the ground.

"Stand up" it told Naruto nonchalantly holding out his hand .

Naruto took his hand and got up.
"Hey, um, mister what's your name?" He asked curiously

The armored figure just stared at Naruto. He was examining him. Naruto couldn't help but fidget nervously under his gaze.

"My name is ——————" Naruto didn't hear the last part. He was confused. did he not want to tell him his name?

"It seems you aren't ready yet" he replied sounding disappointed. Ready? What did he mean by "aren't ready yet"?

"uuuuhh what happened here?" Orihime said tiredly as she looked around confused in what was happening. Well her nap was short lived

"Well you're not gonna believe this. This child right here" he said pointing at Naruto. "Just manifested a zanpakuto, so I was right. You owe me 100 yen now"

"Wait wut" Orihime didn't believe it. She of course knew that he had an immense reiryoku because of him being able to see them but having a zanpakuto was something she did not expect.

"Well I should be going back inside Naruto's soul as I can't stay manifested for too long. But threaten him again and you'll die soul reaper" he said menacingly before being gone with a flash of lightning.

"Well that was something. Alright, well since we haven't introduced our selves yet let's do that. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki captain of the 7th division of the thirteen court guard squads" Ichigo said with a small smile

"my name is Orihime Inoue! And I'm his lieutenant as well as his wife!" She said while latching onto Ichigo's arm.

There was an awkward long silence afterwards. Before they motion for Naruto to introduce himself

"O-oh, we-well my n-name is nar-naruto uzumaki a-and I'm a-a ninja in tra-training" he said pretty akwardly. "Hehehe" the orange haired girl giggled. "Hey! W-what so funny!" Naruto yelled offended. "I'm sorry it's just that you and Ichigo look so much alike".

"W-well now th-that I think a-about it, we do l-look pretty si-similar. O-only that I l-look more a-adorable!" Naruto said giggling. "more adorable!? When I was your age I looked so adorable every girl that saw me wanted to squeeze the life out of me!" Ichigo shouted clearly offended. Naruto and orihime laughed out loud while ichigo just scowled and growled at them. After the good laugh a brief moment of silence fell upon them

"H-hey I have a question" Naruto asked pretty confidently having more trust with these two. They hummed curios as to what the question was. "You said you were a captain of some sorts. What are you a captain of?" He asked

Ichigo just closed his eyes and smiled. "Have you ever thought about the life we live after this one?" Naruto nodded. "Well me and her over there" he said pointing to a chibi Orihime petting a cat "are actually dead".
"What?" Naruto asked dumbfounded. Ichigo chuckled at this reaction. "You heard me we're dead. You see, me and her are what is known as soul reapers or shinigami. "oh. WAIT ARE YOU HERE TO TAKE MY SOUL!?, I'M SORRY FOR EVERY MISTAKE IVE DONE I PROMISE I WAS A GOOD BOY! JUST DON'T TAKE ME TO HELL!" Naruto yelled at Ichigo.

Orihime couldn't contain her laughter and bursted out laughing. "Aren't you going to kill me?" Said a teary eyed Naruto.
"Of course not!" Ichigo said chuckling a bit "man, that was priceless, but no, we don't take living souls, our job is to cleanse the corrupted souls that are known as hollows. A Hollow is a large beast that has no emotions and are beasts that love to snack on pure souls. As for the pure souls we purify them by touching them with the bottom of the hilt of our zanpakuto, sending them of to where souls live, the soul society.
(Someone tell me what's this called I completely forgot)
"Oh, so did you come here to do that?" Naruto asked

"No we came here for a different reason plus captains don't usually come with their lieutenants to the living world unless it's actually serious"

"I see. So if you're a captain you must be really strong! right?" Naruto thought excitedly. Ichigo chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Yea, why else to you think we're in charge of a group of 40 soul reapers" Ichigo chuckled again at Naruto practically jumping from excitement. So this was the boy behind the afraid, alone child.

"Wow! Who's the strongest captain out of the 13!"

"Well, usually it's the captain of the first division who leads all 13 divisions or who we refer to as the captain commander. In terms of strategy, it's go's to the current captain commander, shinsui kyoroku. But in power that would be-" he was interrupted by a loud outburst of Orihime "my Ichigo of course!" She said tackling Ichigo into a hug. "Did you know he single-handedly one 2 wars that could've destroyed the world!" She said while Ichigo pried her off him.

"Wow you did! You gotta tell me!" Naruto shouted at him. "Okay, okay, calm down first and sit down. This is going to be a be long. Story

Ichigo began to to tell the story of how Ichigo first got his powers from the current captain of squad 13 Rukia Kuchiki to how he defeated the king of quincys yhwach.

By the end of the story Naruto was was clapping and jumping around from Ichigo's story. It was incredible!

"Man, that was awesome! I wish I was as brave as you!" Naruto praised Ichigo. "Aw come on, its not that great, either way you must be pretty brave your self for becoming a ninja. I've seen how gruesome some of them get killed"
Naruto looked down and started to saddened

"I'm not brave, I'm so weak and such a cowered. Every time I fight I'm afraid of dying". 'Afraid of dying?' Ichigo thought 'I thought people didn't become ninja until 13 years of age. "But your so much braver! You broke in to the soul society knowing you might die, and when Orihime was taken to hueco mundo you didn't hesitate to go save her! Heck you even went up against someone who could control the future and still won by trusting two people who almost ruined your life. And I'm here crying because I meet new people". Ichigo wasn't liking Naruto saying these things about himself. Everyone had courage they just had to force it out. Everything that he just mentioned, he would be lying if he said he wasn't scared, in fact he was scared shitless.

Ichigo just walked up to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder. "Listen Naruto you shouldn't be saying things like that. Every battle you mentioned, in truth I was scared too, I was afraid that if I failed I would lose all my friends and family forever. When I was just getting use to my powers and getting stronger to go save Rukia from the execution, A friend once pointed out that the reason I wasn't doing the best I could was because I kept letting fear cloud my thinking, so he told me these words, When you're dodging, think "I won't let you hit me!" When you're protecting someone, think "I won't let you die!" When you're attacking, think "I will cut you!"."

Naruto was happy. He was happy someone other then the people he already knew, believed in him. Someone actually believed in him. He started to cry tears of joy. Quickly wiping them away.

"Come on, don't cry on me now. Anyways it's getting pretty dark we should going now, tomorrow we have to leave. So, where do ya live! Cant just leave you here" Ichigo said returning to his usual scowl he had. Orihime just came up from behind Ichigo and tried to scare him. Key word being tried. Ichigo just turned around and raised an eyebrow at her. Orihime pouted at this

"Aw come on, your no fun!"

Ichigo just chuckled and turned around. "Well come on Naruto get on my back" Naruto immediately agreed and jumped on his back

"Once you go through the entrance of the training ground you keep going straight then go first left and keep going forward 2 blocks and my apartment should be there on the right" Naruto said excited wanting to see how fast a person a little stronger than squad 0 could go.

Ichigo quickly thought for a while before saying "hold on tight"

As soon as he said that Naruto found himself screaming at how fast Ichigo was going. His face might as well rip off. But just as fast as the ride had started it ended.

Once Naruto got off he was dizzy. Eventually after The dizziness stopped Naruto went up the stairs along with Ichigo and Orihime following him

"Man today was awesome! Will you ever come visit!" Naruto beamed up at Ichigo, his eyes pleading for him to say yes. How could Ichigo say no to a boy he found half dead. Maybe he should actually visit him to see how he's doing once and a while

"Yea sure. I'll come visit once in a while. I promise" man. He was getting soft.

"You too Orihime?!" Orihime was dying of how cute Naruto was being now. "Of course i will!" She said hugging and picking up Naruto. Once she dropped him Naruto had one final question

"Hey Ichigo, do you think I could try your haori on?" He asked shyly. Ichigo put his hand on his chin thinking. He then smiled and nodded while taking his captains haori off and handing it to Naruto. Naruto happily accepted it and put it on. Of course it was to big but that was ok.

"It's a little to big but it's looks great on you" Ichigo replied. He wasn't lying either, it did look great on Naruto. Naruto face then started break into tears. What happened? Was he ok?

"Thank you" wait he was happy? "You're the first person to actually have the time to spend with someone like me" he muttered loud enough for them to hear him. He then started to take off the haori but before he could take it off Ichigo stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Keep it" he said. Naruto was shocked. He was letting him keep it. But he would surely ruin it! "But-" "it's okay. Either way I can always buy a new one". Naruto face started to scrunch up In happiness and started to cry. "THANK YOU!" He bowed and started sobbing. "And Naruto remember this, when a soul reaper is given this haori it symbolizes that the soul reaper the necessary attributes of a captain, strength, leadership, courtesy, patience, integrity, and compassion" Naruto nodded quickly a few times while wiping his tears. "Well, it's getting kind of late, so until next time Naruto!" Orihime said happily before vanishing away". "I'll see ya next time! Bye!" Ichigo said before too disappearing. Naruto quickly controlled himself and stopped crying. He closed the door and folded the haori into a square showing the symbol saying 7. 'I swear I'll take good care of this. I won't fail you Ichigo!' He thought before placing the haori on a pillow that was on a cabinet turning off the light and going to bed slowly falling sleep.


"That was kind of you. Not like your usual grumpy side" Orihime said giggling. "Yea well he looked like he needed it" Ichigo replied still smiling from Naruto's happy face.

"Ya know I find that side attractive. Since it's so rare that you ever show it, maybe I should start to give you a reward~" she said squeezing her breast while winking at him.

"OOOOOOOKAY, LETS GO FIND SOMEWHERE TO SLEEP!" Ichigo immediately replied covering his face which was a blushing mess. Orihime just giggles at his reaction. "Ya know, we haven't seen our grandson around here yet" she quietly said.
Ichigo just looked at her questionably until he understood.
"You mean Minato? Yea, maybe he's on a mission or vacation, who knows."

"Maybe we should try looking for him before we leave tomorrow. I'd love to see hows he's doing!" Orihime said happily. "I wonder how Kushina is doing too. She has to have a kid by now"

"Maybe we should check in. Anyways you felt it too right?" Ichigo said more seriously. Orihime just looked at him and nodded her head. "I think Naruto has the 9 tails sealed inside him. So I guess the assignment Kyoruko gave us is done."

Orihime just then remembered something. "I've noticed something" Ichigo hummed curios as to what she was going to tell him. "Naruto looks a lot like Minato doesn't he?"

Ichigo thought about it. "Yea he a lot" he said before the disappeared off into the distance.


Word count: 3179

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