Thefamousfilms Ship/Oneshot B...

By Itzcrystall0816

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This is basically just a request book for you guys to request, I'll be doing any kind of ship you want about... More

Request And Important
A Secret That Got Exposed
Into The Unknown!
Home (part 2 of Into the unknown)
Lost and Found
Were to late
A forbidden love
He's gone
Memories (part 3 of He's gone)
I'll forever be there for you love(My R)
After all she is the true writer and reader of the story
Satan's son
How we met
(A/N) should I do a....... (repost)
Failed potion gone wrong (repost because it somehow become a draft again)
(A/N) I have a question (repost)
(A/N) I won't be doing smut anymore (repost)
Were Sorry
A/N please read....
A/N thank you so much
Security breach (1/???)
Merry Christmas!!
Happy new year!!
A/N Turn this into a book?
oops! I did it again
(A/N) Please don't mind the reposts
What's the use of feeling blue?
Is this Saitama? No this is Bryan
The babies in black, white, and purple
(Important A/N) Can I really stop myself from doing it?....
(Important A/N) I decided......
(important A/N) about the smutshot book
it's been a while

It's they're lost (part 2 of He's gone)

683 7 3
By Itzcrystall0816

Requested: no one

Ship: none

Plot: guilt, sadness, and regrets

I'll be writing another one shot again then I'm going to continue working on "what's returning to camp oasis was my choice or it's the portal?" then once I'm finish with two more chapters to that book I'll be going back to "I'm the new mother of the creepypasta" and do three chapters they're since I still have writers block on the book "the rainbow siblings" anyway start the chapter

3 years

36 months

156.429 weeks

1095.003 days

That's how long Bryan and the gang left to go to another dimension without having any memories anymore about they're home dimension and while the other campers where trying to find a way to find them

The other campers have search and search not giving up on trying to find a way to go to the dimension where Bryan and the gang are, they wanted to make things right, they wanted them back, but most importantly they wanted to apologize to Bryan

Inpu have been staying in the minor not leaving it unless he needs to or when the rest of the campers need help on finding a portal to find the dimension Bryan and the gang went

Inpu have been crying in Bryan's bed ever since they found out he and the rest of the gang are gone, Inpu was heartbroken and when he realized this is what Bryan felt when he broke up with him it made it worse for Inpu

He never really realized until it was to late that Bryan was the one he truly love and he was stupid to let Bryan go or broke up with him, it really hit Inpu like a lightning, the only thing he had left to remember Bryan is his scent that is in his bed and the memories they had together

"Inpy are you they're?" Magnus asked going to the bedroom Inpu is

Magnus have been coming to the minor as well to check on Inpu to see if his eating at all, and hope Bryan and the gang returned, she miss Bryan as both of them where best friend until what they done

When Magnus entered the bedroom where Bryan and Inpu once stayed with each other she saw Inpu's back turned against her making her frown seeing Inpu never left the room

"Inpy......" Magnus trailed off still frowning

"what do you want Magnus" Inpu said trying to not sound rude to his younger sister while still not facing her

"Inpy we need you just like the rest of the campers Kay, Mario, and Xylo had something to say to all of us" Magnus said still looking at Inpu with a frown

"what do they want?" Inpu asked clearly not wanting to leave Bryan's bed

"they say it's something important and great news for us all, so please come on and let's go meet them" Magnus said pleading Inpu to come with her

"fine I'll go" Inpu said rising up and passing Magnus while saying "let's go"

Magnus nodded and they started to go back to camp where the rest are waiting for them


"what is it you want to talk about?" Inpu asked looking at Kay, Mario, and Xylo in the stage

"this is important Inpu and I'm sure all of you will be happy to hear it" Kay said looking at Inpu then looking at others

All of them stayed quiet waiting for Kay, Mario, and Xylo to say this important thing

"alright everyone all of you remember the broken portal we found after knowing Bryan's location and coordinates, right?" Mario said they then nodded

"the portal...... It's fixed" Kay said shocking them all

"how?! When we went they're it was broken" Inpu shouted confused and happy at the same time

"it's because of Mario, that's why it's fixed" Xylo said looking at Mario then looking back at the others

"what did Mario do?" Magnus asked

"Mario he........." Kay trailed off then looked at Mario who nodded

"I beg Aphrodite to fix the portal" Mario said shocking them all

It is true Mario did beg to Aphrodite to fix the portal, he even went on his knees to just asked Aphrodite to fix the portal, because when he arrive at Aphrodite's palace she was glaring at him with hatred and anger, Aphrodite even ignored everything Mario was saying and demanded him to leave

I mean you couldn't blame her, Aphrodite did lost her two precious kids become of the camp and they're campers, let a long with the other gods, they also lost they're kids after they joined Bryan in leaving and going to another dimension, so over all Aphrodite hate the camp and the campers

So when Aphrodite heard Mario saying they will bring Bryan and his gang back and made things right if she fix the portal, Aphrodite finally given up and fixed the portal for them, the only reason she did that is because Aphrodite miss her kids and she could tell the other gods miss they're kids as well

"you beg Aphrodite to fix the portal....." Jakey said couldn't believe Mario beg to Aphrodite

"yes I did beg Aphrodite to fix the portal, but she said on one condition that we bring them back" Mario said

"then what are we waiting for let's go now" Inpu said about to go to the portal

"Inpu wait where going to the dimension Bryan and his gang went tommorow" Kay said stoping Inpu

"why tommorow, I mean the portal is already fix we can go now" Inpu said looking back at Kay

"because we need to prepare first before going, who knows what dimension they ended up to" Kay said they nodded as they where also about to follow Inpu to the portal

"alright everyone prepare everything your going to need tommorow and get a nice good rest" Xylo said they nodded again and went off back to they're dorms

'don't worry love I promise I will make this right, I'll even beg for your forgiveness if I had to' Inpu thought going back to the minor


"is everyone ready?" Kay asked looking back at the other campers

They where at the once broken portal but now fixed with everything they needed before going to the dimension where Bryan and his gang are

"yeah!" they shouted making Kay nodded

"alright everyone be aware and always on high guard where going somewhere something new and the dimension either be safe or dangerous" Mario said they nodded

"alright one at a time enter the portal and wait for the rest of us to enter" Xylo said they nodded again

"okay who's going to enter first" Kay said Inpu then raise his hand and went forward

"I'll go first, I'll check around the area where were going to end up" Inpu said as he was about to enter the portal

"okay then" Kay said nodding then looked back at the campers who are forming a one line

"okay everyone since all of you form a single row then the first one enter next the one behind them" Kay said they nodded then started going to the portal one by one


"mom can I come along with you to the theme park?" Riccaro asked looking at his mom with dog eyes

Bryan chuckled and shook his head "of course my sunshine you can come along with me" Bryan said smiling softly

"yay!" Riccaro shouted and headed up to his room to change clothes

Bryan chuckled and heard someone walking down the stairs and it was River who's still in his pjs (pajamas) and still looking sleepy, making Bryan chuckle

"good morning River" Bryan said looking at River then went back to making breakfast

"good *yawn* morning to you too *yawn* Bryan" River said yawning again and went behind Bryan to hug him and put his head in his neck

Now Bryan and River aren't dating this just become a common thing to them, everytime they saw Bryan they either hug him, lay there head on his neck or his head, cling on him until he needs to go to work or until they decided to stop clinging on to him

This started with Momiji coming home very late from her work then waking up in the morning still tired, then when she saw Bryan making breakfast Momiji hug him behind until he was finished

Next was Dranne who came home very tired after having a very busy day at work, and saw Bryan cooking dinner Dranne was very tired so he went behind Bryan and put his head on his hair and stayed they're

Next one was River he was stressed from his job and tired because he and a few people who attended where the only one available, when he got home he immediately went to hug Bryan and put his head on his neck as he noticed the others did it as well so he thought it was okay

Next is Jyles who got home tired after running home because he decided to take the bus instead of his car and miss the bus after performing and had no other choice but to run back home, when he got home he saw Bryan cooking so decided to also just hug Bryan behind until his finished with cooking

Riccaro was the next one when he and Bryan got home he was very tired from running and having fun at the theme park, he decided to hug Bryan for comfort and when Bryan was about to pull him he won't let go, the others tried getting Riccaro to stop clinging to Bryan but none succeeded that's why they let him just cling on to Bryan until he decided to let go

And last was Bri who stayed up the entire night with only getting a few minutes of sleep because of finishing her work, and when she wake up she was still tired so she decided to do what the others do she put her head on Bryan's hair and hug him until he was finished

After that it become a common thing to them, they would do it randomly everytime they saw Bryan cooking or basically anytime they feel

Bryan didn't mind it at all in fact he also gotten used to it of them hugging, putting they're head on his hair or neck, clinging to him, he didn't care he would just smile and continue what he was doing while they do that


"you want coffee or tea?" Bryan asked as he got a cup for River

"you know I would pick tea, right?" River said chuckling a bit

Bryan giggled and started making tea for River "I know just asking because maybe one day you might try coffee" Bryan said putting a little bit of sugar on the tea

"yeah I don't think I would be drinking coffee anytime soon" River said picking the cup that had the tea Bryan made him

"thanks" River said before taking a sit on one of the chair and sipping some of the tea

"so what happened? I heard Riccaro shouting "yay" then running up the stairs" River asked looking at his phone to see if he had new messages on his work

"did that woke you up?" Bryan asked looking at River who just hummed

"sorry about that Riccaro was just asking if he can tag along to the theme park, which I said yes, then he started shouting and running up the stairs" Bryan explained putting the eggs in a plate then started cooking the bacon

"I see, and don't worry I'm bound to wake up anyway Riccaro just beat it" River said chuckling a bit making Bryan giggle

"anyway I can give you two a ride to the theme park before going to my work" River said then taking a sip on his tea again

"thanks River I appreciate that" Bryan said smiling then putting the bacon on the plate and bringing the breakfast on the table

And on cue the rest of the gang came down stairs still in they're pjs as well with Riccaro all change and out of his pjs

"I smell breakfast" Bri said taking a sit in the dining room

"of course you do Bri" Bryan said shaking his head a bit

"anyway morning gang" Bryan said taking a sit

A chorus of "morning too" "good morning as well" "good morning too mom!" are heard from the gang

"now why don't all of us eat before leaving to our respective job" Bryan said looking at the gang who nodded them started eating


"alright ready to go to the theme park?" River asked starting the car

"yup let's go" Bryan said buckling himself and Riccaro with the seatbelt

River then started to drive going on the road and continue the drive to the theme park and after that going to his work

'I can't believe it's already been three years since we got here and decided not to leave' Bryan thought looking outside the window

When Bryan and his gang woke up and looked at each they immediately could tell they know each other, but don't remember how they know each other that fast

The only thing they all remember is that they met in a place but they didn't know what place and that they're from another dimension, but what dimension did they come from

When Bryan and Bri looked at each other they could immediately tell they're siblings and, Dranne, Jyles, Momiji, and River are they're friends, and Riccaro is Bryan's son not biologically more like adopted, because of having that feeling they all stayed together in the forest

They all stayed in the forest for just a few weeks as they where taken by an old couple when they where spotted or more likely when the old couple spotted Riccaro close to they're camp site and followed him back where Bryan and the rest are

When Bryan and his gang saw the old couple they immediately when into protective and defense position, the couple then explained they're not going to hurt them are wondering why they are doing in the forest

Bryan answered they didn't know and that they just got they're and they are from another dimension, the couple understood and asked if they want to come with them and let them explain on what they remember

Bryan and his gang agreed and once they arrive they started explaining that they didn't remember anything, and that they only know is that they all know each other because they met in a place they couldn't remember, while Bri is Bryan's sister and Riccaro is Bryan's adopted son and Dranne, Jyles, Momiji, and River are they're friends

The couple nodded again and felt bad for them so they decided to make Bryan and his gang stay at they're mansion as long as they needed until they find away to get back to they're dimension or completely stay at this dimension instead, Bryan and his gang hesitate first but agreed anyway

The couple couldn't be more happy that they agreed and that they also want children but the wife couldn't get pregnant so it's like a way for them to have kids and Riccaro is they're grandchild, the gang completely stayed in that dimension and didn't bother to find a way back to they're home dimension

While they did stay in the mansion with the old couple they helped them with everything, as a way for them to show how thankful and how they appreciate the help the old couple did, they also learned a lot more things about the dimension they are at

They also maybe turn a few of the rooms in the mansion into things they liked, like a room for potions and enchantment, the couple where okay with it as knowing it would probably be connected to they're home dimensionq

So when the old couple die from old age Bryan and his gang where devastated as they did treated the old couple as they're parents, but when they found a letter from the old couple that died they where shock to read what was inside the letter

The old couple know they're going to die soon that's why they written they're name down on who will own the mansion and the fortune, let along they're company which is the Films Mendivil company, and that they wanted Bryan and Bri to pretend that they're there real children

Bryan and his gang agreed to do what the old couple wanted them to do and went to the Films Mendivil company where a lot of reporters where asking who they are, Bryan and his gang did what the old couple told them to do and they manage to convince and made everyone believe

So from that day Bri was now the owner of Films Mendivil company while Bryan decided to own a pizzeria then now owned a theme park while they're friends decided to get they're dream job


"alright where here" River said parking the car and turning around to look at Bryan and Riccaro

"thanks River for the ride" Bryan said unbuckling his seatbelt and Riccaro's seatbelt

Bryan then opened the door and got out with Riccaro following him, River then bring down his window and looked at Bryan and Riccaro

"I'll pick you guys up after work, okay?" River said Bryan nodded

River then closed the window and started driving again to his work, while Bryan and Riccaro went inside the theme park while being greeted with people who decided to stay at the hotel or went they're early, Bryan of course greeted them back and went straight to his office with Riccaro splitting from Bryan and finding the animatronics

When Bryan arrive he immediately went straight to work on paperwork and on his laptop, so he could have some free time later and have fun later as well


As Bryan continued working someone entered or more likely glitch themselves to the office behind Bryan and watch him work and decided to speak

"Bryan the animatronics are looking for you, you better stop now and go they're you know them very well" Glitchtrap said flouting as Bryan turned to look at him

"yeah sure I'll go they're, anything else?" Bryan said turning off the laptop and stacking the paperwork together

"and help me with Twisted Chica please, she's a nightmare" Glitchtrap begged making Bryan chuckle

"what did Twisted Chica do this time?" Bryan asked

"she literally set they're dimension on fire which me and the other Twisteds manage to stop because she was bored, and when we got here she messed with the portal and set it in another coordinate"  Glitchtrap explained

"so your saying you want me to set the coordinates back to they're dimension" Bryan said Glitchtrap nodded immediately

"alright then, but I'll do that later for now can you bring us to the other animatronics?" Bryan asked

"sure I can" Glitchtrap said then grab Bryan and started glitching to where the others at

When they got they're the others immediately said hi to Bryan as Bryan did the same thing, then went back to playing with Riccaro or doing they're own thing and no longer worrying about Bryan if he gotten hurt or not

Bryan smiled at the scene that is in front of him, everyone being with each other as friends and family, even though it's only been three years but a lot have happened especially from just owning a pizzeria

Bryan closed his eyes and remember the first time he brought the pizzeria, to Springtrap burning the pizzeria and him saving him and Molten then giving them another chance to redeem themselves

Yes Bryan did save and gave Springtrap and Molten another chance to change and redeem themselves, as he always think that a person deserve a second chance no matter they have done, and they did change after realizing everything

The other animatronics where skeptical considering the fact Bryan literally just gave two animatronics that tried to kill him another chance, so they where always on high guard whether they where going to do it again or not, until they completely trust the two

It was going good until Glitchtrap attack and demanded both Springtrap and Molten to give the portal timer which they didn't, after getting attack by Glitchtrap and the Twisteds so many times they finally found out the truth

Turns out Glitchtrap just really want to fix the Twisteds home dimensions as it is also his home dimension, so after fixing every misunderstood things with each other Bryan helped fixed the Twisteds and they're home dimension

After that the Twisteds got home along with Glitchtrap but they do tend to visit the theme park from time to time, while that's also the time where Bryan told his animatronics that his secret and who he is and they accepted him still


"so Riccaro's birthday coming in a few days what are you and your gang going to do?" Springtrap asked going to Bryan after being with the others

Bryan snap out of his thoughts then looked at Springtrap smiling "well since Riccaro is very fond of the theme park where going to celebrate his birthday here where were going to throw him a party" Bryan said

"well no surprised they're seeing when he first got here he immediately went to ride all the rides and taste everything" Springtrap said chuckling a bit

"he is a very curious kid and we probably didn't have rides or a theme park in our dimension" Bryan said giggling a bit

"so what are you two talking about?" Glitchtrap asked glitching beside Springtrap

"Riccaro's birthday party" Bryan simply said

"I see" Glitchtrap nodded "anyway how about that disguised is it wearing off?" Glitchtrap asked

Bryan shook his head indicating a no "nope not yet we still have a few more days before it rans out" Bryan said Glitchtrap nodding

"what you guys talking about?" Baby asked looking in the direction of Bryan, Springtrap, and Glitchtrap

"nothing really just random things" Bryan said winking at them getting the hint except for Riccaro and making them nod since he don't know his birthday is coming up

"why don't we play a few rounds in the mini games dimension and after that I'll set the coordinates back to the Twisteds home dimension" Bryan suggested they nodded

They then started walking to Foxy's area and going to the once abounded part that become like a pizzeria and going to the portal room to play

"is everyone ready?" Bryan asked looking back at his animatronic friends and his son Riccaro they nodded meaning they're ready

"well let's go!" Bryan shouted then jumping through the portal holding Riccaro's hand while the others followed


"where are we? What is this place?" Magnus asked looking around at where they are

"where in the mortal world Magnus" Inpu said looking up from his crystal ball and looking at the others

"seems like where in a forest, so what are we going to do first?" Jakey asked

"well we should look around the forest first before doing anything else, or looking at another place" Mario said they nodded

Then they started walking around the forest looking on maybe Bryan and his gang are they're, while seeing a few people that are outside the forest who they call mortals and keeping hidden to not reveal themselves

After walking around the forest they found a little base that looks like have been left and forgotten to take the remaining they had or just left it there

"Inpu can you sense who have been in this little base" Kay said looking at Inpu who nodded

As Inpu started sensing on who have been in the little base they found his eyes widen and smiled, then look back at Kay

"it's Bryan, Bri, Dranne, Jyles, Momiji, River, and Riccaro, they been in this little base but didn't stayed for to long" Inpu said

"so this is the dimension they gotten, but where are they? Where did they went?" Mario said

"we should head back for now, as we gonna need to create disguised potion to blend in with the people here, before continuing looking for Bryan and his gang or learning more things about this dimension" Kay said they nodded and went back to the portal to enter and return later or tomorrow


"do you guys need anything I'm going to the market to buy more vegetables for dinner!" Bryan shouted taking his coat and wearing it

"yeah can you get me more ingredients to make sweets for my sweet shop I wanna try experiment to get new sweets!" Dranne shouted from the living room

"can you buy me some more tea bags I'm running out of it!" River shouted from the meditation room they have

"buy every type of caffeine the market have I wanna experiment by putting every caffeine they and we have and drink it to see what happens to me!" Bri shouted from the office

(Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to do this, but now couldn't because of having anxiety and panic attacks and suffer from it)

"do they have clown makeup if so buy me some I need more as a birthday party is coming in a few days and I'm the entertainer!" Jyles shouted from his room

"a few books for me as I'm running out of paper to write every people who come to my fortune teller place!" Momiji shouted from the enchantment room

""can I come with you mom!" Riccaro asked excitedly with puppy eyes

Bryan chuckle and shook his head "sorry Riccaro but you can't come with me however why don't I buy you something instead"

"oh okay, can you buy me a new toy I could play?" Riccaro asked

"sure" Bryan said making Riccaro very happy

"yay love you mom!" Riccaro shouted hugging Bryan

"love you too my little sunshine" Bryan said hugging Riccaro back

When Bryan broke the hug Riccaro went to his room and started doing who knows what, while Bryan exited the mansion and went to ride the car to get to the market


"here's your credit card sir have a lovely night" the cashier said handing Bryan his credit card back who said a "thank you" then left the store

As Bryan was walking to the parking lot to find his car with the vegetables and everyone requested along with other things he bump into someone knocking him down and his groceries, while spilling some of the vegetables out which he immediately took and put it back

When Bryan finished he saw a hand in front of his face, he look up to see a guy with black and red mix hair wearing glasses that have dark purple eyes and wearing some dark red shirt and black pants

"hey are you okay? Sorry for bumping into you" the person said

Bryan took the hand and stand up dusting himself a bit then smiled back to the person "yes I'm okay, but I should be the one saying sorry for not watching where I'm going" Bryan said

"no, no I should be the one saying sorry as I shouldn't be standing around in the middle of the road" the person said

"if you say so ummm" Bryan said not knowing what to say next

"Inpu, my name is Inpu" the person who was now named Inpu said

"oh my name Bryan, it's nice to meet you Inpu but I better get going I still have things to do" Bryan said walking away to go to his car and waving at Inpu who wave back

As Inpu watch Bryan disappear in the distance he had mix emotions of happiness, confusion, and sadness

Happiness since he found and finally touch and hold Bryan even for just a few seconds, after three years of him being gone and not able to see him until today

Then confusion and sadness since Bryan didn't even recognize him or remembered him, when he told his name and just thought of him as a random person and walk away

Inpu was sure it was Bryan since he was giving the same aura Bryan have his hair and eyes color are the same when they found the picture of Bryan but his just wearing a different clothes from what he was wearing in the photo and not have his wings or any other accessories

Inpu left the area and forgotten that he was going to buy and went back to the portal to tell this to the others that he found Bryan and that the dimension is the right place since they're having doubts that this is the dimension Bryan and his gang went

When Inpu arrived back to camp they all looked gloomy and not they're usual self this is actually been going on for the past three years but it just gotten worse since now they're thinking it's the wrong dimension and Bryan and his gang isn't they're

So when Inpu walk in smiling this got they're attention and when he told something to Kay, Mario, and Xylo, and saw them widen they're eyes it gotten them more curious, so when they saw Kay walk up to the stage and started to speak to the mic they quieten and listened to what Kay's going to say

"campers we have good news and bad news coming from Inpu after going to the other dimension" Kay said giving the mic to Inpu

"as Kay said I have good news and bad news, as for the good news is I met Bryan earlier" Inpu said making all of them widen they're eyes and started to shout happily forgetting Inpu also have bad news

"and the bad news is Bryan didn't remember me by looks or when I even tell him my name" Inpu said they immediately stop celebrating and went quiet

"what do you mean he doesn't remember Inpy?" Magnus asked

"when both of us accidentally bump into each other he doesn't seem to remember me or what I look like and when I told Bryan my name he still see me as a random person he bumped into" Inpu explained they nodded

"could it be because of the portal?" Magnus questioned

"no it can't be the portal, we also went in then we would also lost our memories but we didn't" Kay said

"then what is it that made them forget" Jakey said

"whatever it is will find out about it for now we know that this is the dimension, and the only thing we need to do find Bryan and his gang bring them back, return they're memories, and apologize" Inpu explained they nodded and started the hunt to find where Bryan and his gang are


"sweety wake up"

Ricclaro slowly opened his eyes to see who was talking and shaking him lightly, and saw his mom smiling at him softly, he completely woke up and sat up smiling at Bryan his mom

"morning mom!" Riccaro happily said smiling at him widely

"morning sweety and happy birthday" Bryan said sitting at the end of the bed

"it's my birthday?" Riccaro asked smiling more making Bryan chuckle

"yes sweety it's your birthday" Bryan said

"yay!" Riccaro shouted particularly bouncing

"alright get ready will be going to the theme park" Bryan said giggling a bit

"to the theme park?" Riccaro asked making Bryan chuckle

"of course sweety will be celebrating your birthday they're" Bryan said making Riccaro have stars in his eyes

"really!" Riccaro asked again

"yes sweety, but first you need to get dress before we leave" Bryan said standing up from the bed

"we aren't going to have breakfast?" Riccaro questioned tilting his head a bit

"well since we stayed up yesterday night late watching movies with your aunties and uncles you woke up almost afternoon, so better get ready caused we need to get they're before afternoon to eat they're" Bryan going to door then look at Riccaro who nodded very fast then closed the door

Bryan waited for Riccaro to finish since his already dress and just needed to wait for Riccaro to finish, when Riccaro finish he opened the door, he was all dress up properly and ready to leave

"let's go mom!" Riccaro shouted going down the stairs very fast followed by Bryan who's chuckling a bit

When Riccaro got to the bottom floor he didn't saw his aunties and uncles which made him questioned since they're always in the first floor, Bryan saw this and started explaining

"they're already at theme park waiting for us sweety" Bryan said Riccaro nodded smiling then run off to Bryan's car

Bryan soon followed locking the door then closing it, he then press the car key making a beep noise Riccaro was waiting so he immediately got in when the car unlock, Bryan went in starting the car then driving off to go to the theme park


'let's just hope this birthday boy like his gifts from us' Inpu thought sitting in a chair holding a gift looking at the rest of the campers who where holding a gift as well

They were all so gloom and tired from searching where Bryan and his gang are they decided to go to a theme park to cheer themselves up a bit before continuing to look for Bryan and his gang

They heard from other people that this theme park was a big hit and have a hotel they can stay in for the night, but they didn't know is that the owner son was they're birthday today

So it confused them when they saw people bringing gifts inside the theme park, until the guard told them it's the owner son's birthday and that they don't need to bring gifts just a simple "happy birthday" is okay but they don't want to be rude so they bought some stuff in the gift shop and turned them into new looking things

Right now they're waiting for the birthday boy and the owner to show up for the party to start, but little did they know the party would have a big impact on them when they saw the owner and his son

When they heard people getting louder it means that the birthday boy and the owner arrive when they looked at the entrance of the big set up it made them shock, because it was Bryan they're seeing with Riccaro

Even though Riccaro used a disguised potion they still could tell it's him, they watch Riccaro running up the stage smiling widely with Bryan smiling and waving at every people who attended

Xylo missed seeing Riccaro smile since he treated him like a real son, while Inpu miss seeing Bryan's smile as it remind him of the warmth and love Bryan gave him

"mom where's auntie Bri, auntie Momiji, uncle Dranne, uncle Jyles, and uncle River?" Riccaro asked this snap the two out of they thoughts and looked back at the scene that is happening in front of them

"they'll be here don't worry" Bryan said and on cue Dranne walk

"who's the birthday boy!" Dranne shouted he was holding a giant cake he made himself with the decorations of them where they don't have the disguised while in some kind wonderful place

"uncle Dranne!" Riccaro shouted then getting hungry seeing the giant cake his uncle Dranne's putting at the table with the rest of the food behind them then Bri was next that showed up

"hey they're our little sunshine! Do you really think where going to miss your birthday" Bri said holding a gift she created by herself

"auntie Bri!" Riccaro shouted looking as his auntie Bri place the gift with the rest of the gifts where some people decided to pile then going beside Dranne and on cue again Jyles come

"well I'll be your clown little guy" Jyles said dress and look like a clown then walking up to Riccaro to ruffle up his hair

"uncle Jyles!" Riccaro shouted giggling a bit then fixing his hair a bit and next one to come was Momiji

"why hello they're Riccaro I hope you like the gift I made you" Momiji said shaking the gift a bit then putting it in the pile of gifts as well

"auntie Momiji!" Riccaro shouted as he watch his auntie Momiji put the gift then walking to go to his side and last was River

"hey bud I hope you could wait to get your gift from me since it's at home and you, your mom, and your aunties and uncles are the only ones allowed to see it" River said smiling as he went beside Bryan

"uncle River!" Riccaro shouted seeing he couldn't wait for his uncle River's gift but he needs to wait

"well why don't we start lunch then will do games later" Bryan said they all shouted a yes

With that lunch started and the caterers started serving everyone's food, while Bryan and his gang went to a table that was reserve for them, then started eating and talking to each other since they're food was serve first

The campers where hurt from just seeing the scene that happened earlier and still going, Bryan and his gang looks so......... Perfect......... Like nothing horrible happened to them

And the fact they also wanted to join them on stage because they're also family to them, but Bryan and his gang couldn't remember them it really hurted them a lot by just looking and continuing watching them

If only they didn't say does horrible words

If only they apologize to Bryan immediately

If only they realize all the good things Bryan done

If only they thought of they're action first before siding with Inpu

If only Inpu didn't broke up with Bryan and realized how perfect Bryan was for him

If only Inpu got to Bryan that night before he left

If only Inpu didn't hold back on going to Bryan to ask for forgiveness and get back together again that night

But I guess karma's a b$tch, and they deserve that for what they did

The only thing they know is that

It's they're lost

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