And Then She Was Gone

By CerrahQuack

112K 5.8K 647

A perfectly planned and coordinated cross country trip sends a young woman's world spiraling out of control w... More

The Departure
Goodbye Alex
Heading West
Small Town Vibes
Coffee For Two
So Awkward
So What's The Game Plan?
Forward Down The Path!
Adapt and Overcome
Into The Wolves Den
Old Friends
Your Color Lacks Conviction
Tell Me More...
One Condition
On Our Terms
Happily Ever After
Sharing Spaces
The Guest Of Honor
Did He...?
Check Mate
A Challenge
Alpha Mathias
A Tense Exchange
Let Me Explain
Ground Rules
Candelit Dinner
Night Night
An Exercise
Cleanse Yourself
Time For A Lesson
The Mess Hall
A Change of Pace
A Fresh Start
Barbie Girl
Missing Pieces
Ying and Yang
A Compromise
The Beast
A Storms Coming
An Irregularity
Gentle Hands
Can We Go Already?
Home Sweet Home
More Chocolate Please
You're Beautiful
What Happened?
So Now You Need Me?
Baby Steps
Carried Off To Sea
Testing The Formula
What's the problem?
You Wont
Wounded Pride
A New Assignment
You Called Her?
A Fresh Start
Building The Foundation
Some Time Apart
Ill Be Waiting
A Long Day
Don't Make Me Change My Mind
It Takes Two To Tango
Gal Pals
Mathias: The Beginning
Pay Attention To Me
A Hard Lesson
It's all bullshit, right?
Little Wolf
The Alphas Kryptonite
Pick One
Disappointed Expectations
Routine Followup
She Took The Stairs
Thoroughly Spent
Time To Change
House Warming
A New Routine
A Surprise
A Blonde, A Brunette and a Red Head Walked Into a Bar...
We Meet Again
Eat Your Words
Mr. Sensitive
You're So Annoying
Girl Time
The Domino Effect
The Betas Dilemma
New Developments
Measured Steps
I Got You
Whats Happening?
Alpha Mathias: July 1763- Trouble
You Need To Wake Up
The Past Meets The Present
Running Theories
The Rumor Mill
The Mad Queen
Set In Motion
Phone Date
Package Received
Elena: July 1763
An Error Of Dissociation
A Slight Delay On Pay Day
Internal Struggle
A Heavy Burden
A Perfect Night
First Watch
You're Not Forgiven
A Firsthand Account
Baby Sitting Detail
The Perfect Storm
It's Over
Battle Ready
Green With Envy
An Alternative Perspective
Growing Pains
Show Me
Boys are from Mars, Girls are from Venus
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Tangled Webs
Divided Interests
The Lazy Luna
Party Crasher
The Lunas Guard
The Missing Piece
Thank You
It Puts The Lotion On The Skin
The Love Of A Mate

The Alphas Best Friend

698 38 3
By CerrahQuack

"I finally got a chance to talk to her. It took about an hour for her to say anything, she was so angry. She said he told her she was a mistake and that he made a bad judgement call or something along those lines." Catherine said over the phone as Adolphus sat by himself at the long dining room table, having dismissed all the pack staff in the home for the remainder of the day after seeing Jacob out, who took the German Shephard with him. "She said he told her she was needy, or clingy, something like that, it was hard for her to stay on track in keeping one consistent thought. She told me she slapped him, she hurting her hand in the process... Nothing too serious, the warm cup of tea I gave her soothed it."

"Where is she now?" Adolphus questioned quietly keeping his volume extremely low, not wanting Jason to overhear him referring to Elizabeth.

"I made her lie down about an hour ago. I just checked in on her and she's sleeping, I think she's thoroughly exhausted." Catherine said as she tapped her fingers idly on the kitchen countertop. "How is Jason?" Her concern for her son still weighing very heavy on her chest, as she was unable to see his condition herself.

"Well, he did some redecorating in his room earlier. He's drinking pretty heavily, but all's quiet at the moment." Adolphus said, his knuckles rapping on the wood of the table so as to not jinx himself. "Marks on his way over to see if he can get him out of his room. He was having none of Jacob and me."

"Should I come over and try to talk to him?" She questioned quickly, wanting to just see him  for herself and make sure he would at-least, eventually be okay. Her heart was breaking for her son who was so clearly under an immense upset, something so foreign to his usual character.

"No, Catherine." Adolphus said very firmly in response to her question almost as soon as she asked it. "He is not in a good mind state right now. He's not thinking rationally... I don't want you over here in case he lashes out."

"I'm his mother." She said back in argument, obviously in disbelief that her son would take out his emotions on her in a way that would cause concern for harm.

"Like I just said, he is not thinking rationally. His thoughts are very distorted right now, he's said some concerning things, and I don't want you here right now." He spoke very clearly and firmly, his tone carrying a concealed command as his words ended.

"What has he said?" She asked quickly, wanting to get insights on Jason's current psyche, feeling her own overwhelming upset in being told she couldn't see her own child.

"It does not matter, they're not rational thoughts. Just know that you're not to come here. That's final." His pointer finger pressed firmly down on the table indicating his seriousness on the matter, Him doing so despite her not being able to see it. She couldn't see his body language, but she could feel the warning in his tone and how it controlled her body movement, knowing she would be unable to ignore his firmly stated words.

"Fine, Adolphus. But I want you to keep me updated." She said back quietly, verbally signaling to him that she was relenting to his carefully structured sentences.

Her mate became momentarily distracted as Mark entered through the front door carrying a six pack of beer with him. "I've got to go. Mark's here." He said hanging up the phone, and looking over to Mark who was heading in the direction of the stairs. "He's in his room, and he doesn't need that, trust me." Adolphus said in warning against casually giving Jason more alcohol.

"I know where he is, and this" Mark said without looking back but lifting the pack a bit higher. "-is for me."  The  beta now climbing the stairs, skipping a few steps in-between with long strides.

Aldolphus stood up with his still very full glass of scotch, and deposited himself at the base of the stairs, wanting to be just a bit closer so he could more quickly respond if necessary, but also providing the two men their privacy.

"Jason, open up." Mark said knocking at the door of the bedroom. He waited for a few minutes receiving no response, before he knocked louder. "Come on man, don't be a dick." He continuing to knock past his words for a few more seconds. Still receiving no response after waiting for another solid minute. "Fine. I'm going to use my keys, but if you fucking punch me I'm going to be fucking pissed." His head shaking as he delved into his pockets to pull out his keys resulting in the familiar jingling sound, to which he unlocked the door.

Mark very cautiously opened the door, pushing it to swing open slowly as he stepped back from the entrance quickly, wanting to see what was on the other side before he walked in. His rapidly built anxiety quelling instantly as he saw Jason sitting back lazily in one of the arm chairs amidst the chaos of his room, Jason's eyes hardening on him as he walked in. Mark, not at present, acknowledging the holes in the walls, broken night stands or ripped material of what seemed to be mostly her clothes scattered about. 

"Soooo... what's been new?" Mark said casually placing the six pack down on the floor, it unevenly sitting on a ruffled silk blouse. Grabbing one of the bottles out before he sat down in the arm chair across from Jason, it's legs wobbling from indirect contact formed fractures, threatening it would break with too much more weight. "I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other." He said as he popped off the cap of the beer utilizing a designated opener affixed to his keychain.

"I need a new phone." Jason said in a deep tone, as he sipped at the near empty bottle of liquor, his eyes focusing on the other one that was asking for attention.

"I'm pretty sure you're due for an upgrade." Mark said as his eyes rolled up to the ceiling in thought, as he took a sip of the beer. "Even if you're not," he shrugged. "You're rich as fuck. You gotta let me know where you found the interior designer, they really fixed this place up." his eyes rolling around the room, and taking note that even several of the overhead lights were flickering amongst the devastation of the once immaculately polished bedroom.

"I'm thinking I'm going to burn it down." Jason said with a deep nod, as if he was growing more firm on that decision, his upper body leaning over now as his elbows supported its hunched demeanor, the bottle dangling in between a loose hold of his finger tips.

"What? No! At least, let me have it. We can do a tradesies." Mark said looking around. "You know how much she wolf tail I could get with this place?" His eyes rolling over to Jason's hanging head, before  returning them to his beer as he took another sip.

"Tomorrow, I want to make preparations for us to mobilize the army. I still have to reach out to our allies in New York and Virginia. Ask Jacob to setup a phone conference with Alpha Lucio and Alpha Rowan." He said dryly, as he lifted his head to accept the rest of the liquor into his throat and then immediately tossing the empty crystal decanter to the side without a second thought, it rattling as it slid on the wood floor before stopping as it met with a pile of shredded clothes.

"We going after pinecrest?" Mark asked in interest, idly rotating the cold sweating brown bottle in his hands as he leaned back in a more lazy manner, the chair creaking with his shifting body.

"Yes." he said with a deep nod. His eyes showing at-most a very minor effect of alcohol in how they appeared glazed over, Jason being exceptionally good at handling and hiding his inebriation up until a certain threshold was passed. His eyes also revealing to his Beta that he was entirely serious.

"We don't need the other packs to fuck them up." Mark said with a shrug.

"We're not going to to just fuck them up, we're going to demolish it. It'll be quicker with the use of neighboring packs. I've already looked at the territory, the map is somewhere in here," he said with a careless hand wave gesturing to the chaotic room, "-we'll be able to surround it and lay it to waste in half a day." He snapped his fingers and pointed to the full bottle close to marks side on the floor, Mark looked over and grabbed it, immediately passing it over to his expectant hand. "I'm going to kill Alpha Ryan and his cuckold Beta son myself. After I make them watch me fuck their Luna."

"That's pretty dark dude." Mark said with his eyebrows rising, and taking a sip of his beer. "Besides, Alpha Ryan is an older Alpha, meaning his Luna would be older." Mark grimaced in exaggeration. "Doesn't he have a daughter or something you can bang one out in?"

"I want the Luna." Jason said, "I might even bring her back here as a trophy." he said as he opened the liquor bottle and tipped it back against his lips, his mouth being incredibly dry as he continued to take in obscene amounts of alcohol. "A consolation prize Luna." he laughed darkly as he shook his head with a clear bitterness in his eyes.

"So... Why are you sending her back if you're just going to destroy her home?" Mark asked carefully.

"Why are you still here?" Jason looked down at his watch at the mentions wavered on Elizabeth, slightly squinting to steady the clocks hands in his vision and seeing that it was 3:00pm. "You're supposed to be taking her back."

"Well, I would say its a good thing I'm not. Seeing as you're hellbent on starting a rampage." he shrugged as he began to pick at the label on the bottle. Noticing that Jason started tensing his jaw and his shoulders straightened. "I am taking her tomorrow." he said honestly. "But you may want to reconsider her ending destination if your going to obliterate her pack."

"It's not her pack." Jason said behind clenched teeth as his eyes began to penetrate Mark head.

"She's not in our pack, and it's the only one she's affiliated with." Mark shrugged back with a roll of his eyes in an exaggerated it should have been obvious manner. "Maybe, you can send us somewhere tropical first... You know, I'll take her around the beach, we'll have some of those fruity drinks with the umbrellas, catch a tan... And that way, when I take her back to the ashes of her home, and tell her that her Uncle is dead, she will at least remember you gave her a really nice vacation while you completely destroyed everything she has ever known." he said as if it was a perfectly acceptable suggestion, and in no way sounded out of the ordinary. "Besides, I really could use a vacation, so... how about it?" he finished off with a chuckle, as Jason looked away from him swigging heavily at the liquor, before he began to take deep breaths in and out of his chest in a slow manner. "Ah! I see you need more time... Have no worries, you have twenty-four hours to decide. I highly suggest Bora Bora."

"She can't stay here." was all that Jason could say, as he took another heavy drink of the liquor. He had just spent the last four hours intoxicating himself while brooding about what he was going to do to Pinecrest, and it was in no way off the table, he just had to figure out what he was going to do with her now.

"Another scenario is that I take her back to Pennsylvania, she stays there peacefully for a couple of days, and then she's there to watch it all go down. You fucking the Luna and what not." he said with a handwave, Jason's eyes flickering in annoyance over to Mark being a smartass. "Or lastly, the most likely scenario, the Beta who just recently found his mate.. Alex, you know the one. The one who was very much in love with her to an annoying point. I have a hunch, he'll abandon his responsibilities to his mate and pack, and just take her away from there before you even show up. It might be a win-win for you. You wont see her, and Pinecrest is destroyed." He really stretched his delivery of the last one, just to strike a nerve in Jason, highly doubting that the Beta would leave their mate and high status to go rogue.

"She bares my mark, he wont touch her." he scoffed, taking in more of the liquid.

"Well, yes. But you two aren't the best of friends, and they have dated before" Jason sending black eyes over to Mark. "-and you're kind of giving her up. She's gonna be free game." Mark said with a shrug. "And if not with him, then with someone else eventually. The mark is only a deterrent if the owner of the mark is going to do something about trespasses. So I don't really see your logic. Have you even thought this through? She's a beautiful woman, she's not going to live the rest of her life alone.. Somebody is eventually going to come along."

"Do you want to fuck her?" Jason shouted out, finally being triggered enough by Mark, gripping at his shirt and dragging him up from his seat to stand nose to nose and stare into his eyes as he began to seethe lowly between his teeth. "You do, don't you?"

"Jason...Even if I did, which I don't, why do you care? " Mark said his voice adopting a gentle tone. "How long do you think you'll be able to keep this up once she's gone?"

"I'm better without her." he said releasing Mark, and returning to gulp at the bottle, deadset on blacking out or passing out, whichever one would provide him with relief sooner. "Thoughts are more clear." he drank more. "And the pack." he drank more. "I'm not angry." he drank more.

"I don't know Jason, I think I have to disagree." he said with a headshake. Picking up his broken phrases and structuring the point the Alpha was trying to make. "You're not thinking clear at all. You're not attending to your pack.. Your drunk in the early afternoon, and you're not just angry, you're all types of fucked up emotions."

"Point?" Jason took faltering steps towards the bathroom before he steadied himself, depositing the the bottle with a heavy clink on the counter top as he walked over to the toilet and relieved his bursting bladder. Having to support himself, by stretching an arm forward with a hand planting on the wall, his head leaned back and he emitted a small groan as his strong stream seemed to be never ending.

"Point is, she's not even gone yet, and you're already a disaster." Mark said shaking his head and looking down at his phone, texting Jacob to just keep him up to date while Jason wasn't there to watch him do it.

"I could still fuck you up." Jason's words harshly spoken, his voice was beginning to become distorted.

"Yeah, I know you could. But you wont." Mark said looking at the Alpha squarely from the shoulders up. "You need to get some sleep."

"I need to get my dick sucked." Jason said bluntly flushing the toilet, walking over to the shower and turning it on.

"Sorry, can't help ya with that one." Mark said with a shake of his head and a chuckle at Jason's humorous declaration.

"Call Amber, tell her to come help me out." a clear bitterness in his voice at the thought of now downgrading to fuck the former Alphas daughter who used him to feed her immense daddy issues, and being locked back into the perpetual cycle where they both used each other selfishly, she wanting much more than he could or would ever want of her.

"Just wait till tomorrow." Mark said feeling it would be better to wait for two reasons. For one, he knew that this was just the alcohol deriving a carnal response in the Alphas dick, he was almost three sheets to the wind and would probably struggle with memory recall the next morning with only a couple more swigs of the bottle. He also knew that if Jason was sober, he absolutely would not want it. As soon as he found her, everything stopped immediately with Amber, much to the brunettes immense upset. He only brought her around to taunt Elizabeth into giving him more attention. If Jason woke up next to Amber, it would be even more gut wrenching and further debasing for him.

"Call her." he said more firmly as he stumbled out of his pants and boxers at the same time. "I want to hear her call me daddy as I fuck her against the wall." his laugh was dark, and even though he smirked there was still a trace of bitterness in his tone.

Jason grabbing the bottle of liquor as he walked into the shower, fumbling about before sitting on the tile and encasing his crossed legs in his own arms, as the hot water rained down upon him and he stared with glazed eyes down at the drain where it funneled away.

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