Looking Through a New Window...

By kimberly_rash

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In the midst of a desperately needed vacation, coffee shop worker Kate meets a blind massage man Terrance Bun... More

Background Stories - Looking Through A New World
Characters!- Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 1 - Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 2- Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 3 -Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 4- Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 5 - Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 6 - Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 7 - Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 8- Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 9- Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 11 - Looking Through A New Window
Chapter 12 (Part 1) - Looking Through A New Window

Chapter 10 - Looking Through A New Window

209 154 14
By kimberly_rash

Terrance Point of View

After I woke up from my nap I could stop thinking about what Kate had said and how she talked to an eye doctor. I always wondered what it would be like to see again. But, I also thought it would be very painful. I know if I do the surgery I wouldn't be doing it alone. I'll be with Kat, Mom, and the doctors if anything does happen to me. Oh god, I haven't even talked to my mother about all this! I thought.

"Hey mom, Can you come here?" I yelled at her from my bedroom.

"What is it, honey?" She said while entering my room.

"You know Kate right? The one I went on a date with" I asked her.

"Yeah, she seems sweet honey, what about her?" She said.

"Mom you know how I'm blind right and cant see right? Well, Kate did some research and turns out I need a Cataract Surgery-" I said, and then she cut me off.

"Wow! That is so nice of her to do that for you!" She said.

"Mom. I'm not done. Kate said she talked to a doctor, and he said there may be a chance I'll be able to see again!" I said.

*Gasp* "That is amazing! What's the doctor's name?" She asked.

"Dr. Anthony Rogers. He wants to meet with me in one week to talk about the surgery." I told her.

"Do you want to go through with the surgery?" She asked me.

"I want to be able to see again. But at the same time, the surgery may be painful. But all the pain will be worth it if I get to see again! So yes. Yes! I want to go through with the surgery." I said with so much confidence.

"That's great dear! When you see Kate again ask her for her and the doctor's phone numbers." She said and while exiting the room.

"Of course!" I said and then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Author notes

I just finished revising and editing this chapter on 1/20/21.

This chapter is about Terrance telling his mother about his getting the surgery. 

I hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote as you read my chapters. Have a wonderful day and stay safe. :)

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