Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallag...

By dracomalfoysimp78893

76.6K 1.2K 422

You are 18 in all the books. This is an Aidan Gallagher, Five Hargreevss and Nicky Harper imagine book. There... More

The top Assassin
Since 1948!
Black coffee with a side of you ๐Ÿ˜‰
๐•‚๐•๐•’๐•ฆ๐•ค'๐•ค ๐”น๐•–๐•ค๐•ฅ ๐”ฝ๐•ฃ๐•š๐•–๐•Ÿ๐••
Aidan Gallagher X Reader
Two Number Fives?
What are we?
Live stream- Aidan
Who needs popularity when I have you- Nicky
The switch
The fake eye
The one girl you don't cross
Bowling with Hearts
Five or Five?
Hate is my love. Part one
A bitch or misunderstood?- Nicky
The Christmas party
I am the Board- Five
Change- Five
who doesn't want drugs, sex and attention
T.W//Pain- Aidan//T.W
Runaway- Nicky
Maybe school is okay- Five
Author Note! Please read
The b!tch aka number 8
We found our love in a hopeless place
Season three
But I'm dead...
Lyric prank -Aidan
Premier- Aidan Gallagher
Movie tickets- Nicky
sorry-aidan Gallagher
Truth or water- Aidan
y/ns story in the words of y/n
Help me- Aidan
Paparazzi- Aidan

Hate is my love. Part two

943 23 5
By dracomalfoysimp78893

After Y/n had admitted to Pogo that only Five and Reginald had ever made her cry they both wished they could turn back time and admit their feelings but now all they could do was wait for their next encounter, the closest.

*Time skip to where Five broke into the closet*

"Five you little asshole what are you doing here!"

I look at Y/n who is just a little shorter than me and smile.

"I'm here to stop Diego from killing daddy dearest"

She rolls her eyes at me but couldnt move because of how small the closest was.

"Whatever we need to get out dad's coming!"

At that moment I noticed her tattoo 'Oga for Oga' what was that tattoo for? I spacial jump us both out of the closest only for both of us to be thrown into the wall.

"Omg Swedes your back!" Y/n claps her hands sarcastically. "You know ever since your brother was ya know murdered I thought you decided not to come back." she smirks at them and one of them starts choking her.

"How's the tattoo?"

She kicks him in the guts then kisses the other giving her time to throw him out the window.

"Same as your brother, forgotten."

We got in this big fight when Lila came in. Diego was getting strangled and Y/n was on the floor crawling to help him when Lila went and saved me instead of Diego.

"Hey bitch! Why didn't you save Diego Five can handle himself!"

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Jealous much you should be thanking me I just saved his life!"

I step forward but Y/n shoves me out of the way.

"Nobody fucking cares if he dies! And the way you fight your trained! The Commison taught you so get your ass out of here because if I see you again your head is going to be on a stick!"

Ouch. Why did i think I had a chance?

Y/n then punches her and starts to walk off but Lila stops her. Oh god this is about to go down. Lila then punches Y/n who doesn't even flinch.

"What the fuck!"

Y/n smirks as Lila starts to lose air.

"Y/n enough playing we are leaving"

I turn to see Reginald waiting at the car for her.

"Your fucking lucky Lyla"

Lila goes to punch her again but Y/n grabs he hand and twists her on to the floor. Not going to lie I was proud of how grown up Y/n had become.

"It's Lila you bitch!"

Y/n does even reply she just walks to the limo and whispers something to dad who nods and gets in the car with her.

"I can't believe you guys let's a random stranger do that!"

I scuff at her but decide to snap back.

"I can't believe you thought we would care if you get hurt!"

She looks up shocked and Diego pitches in.

"I can't believe that you thought you could beat my favorite sibling and she's right you should leave."

She looks kind of hurt but I know it's fake. If Y/ns right she's a commison pest.


As Lila leaves I look at Diego.

"What do you think she said to dad?"

"It could have been anything. Y/n maybe the best sibling buts she's always been a girl of riddles since she came back."

I nod and spacial jump us back to Elliot but I don't stay in time to see what Diego sees.

*Tim skip and I know this isn't the script but im changing it up😊*

I walk into the house to see someone covered up. I move the covers to see Elliot. Why do people always die around me? Maybe Y/ns right, I am useless.

"It's Oga for Oga idiots it means-"

"An eye for an eye in swedish. So why do you have it tattooed on your arm?"

After cutting her off she gives me a glare.

"I hate people cutting me off you should know that. Oh wait no you wouldn t because you only care about yourself!"

I feel bad but she has to crack.

"Your avoiding the fucking question! Just answer it!"

She smirks and walks over to me yanking my tie down so close that it took everything in my power not to kiss her.

"No you can beg me if you really want the answer."

I glare at her and grab her hand from my tie but she was already talking to Luther and Diego.

"Why are you such a bitch all of a sudden! Where's the nice Y/n? The better one!"

Y/n turns around fully pissed and grabs my neck.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have been such a dick to me all these years and now that I'm doing it to you for what three days you can't stand it! Did you ever think that your comments had an affect on me? No cause your to selfish."

A tear runs down her eye and I realise that I broke her with my comments.

"Look I get it I was a dick but im a dick to everyone so calm your tits-"

"Fuck you Five. You always were a lone wolf we were always there for you we would die for you but you still treated us like trash!"

Diego then pipes in.

"Y/ns right when you left Y/n had already missed dinner we all knew that she was crying on the steps because of your latest comment but we couldn't check on her. Even Reginald new that she was allowed to skip dinner because she kept everyone calm! You broke her and what did she do in return? She tried to help you! Be nice to you! She went to the apocalypse for you And you ignored her like she wasn't there talking to a mannequin instead!"

Y/n turns to look back at me and I realise that I had two tears running down my face.

"Fine you want to know the real reason I avoided you and was rude to you! It was because I liked you! No not liked you I was in love with you! Every time I saw you my heart would stop and I just wanted to hug you and-"

I was cut off by her slapping me.

"Don't Five just dont."

She then left and I looked at Diego and Luther before falling on to my knees crying.

*Y/ns Pov*

Five loved me? No he's lying he just wants answers! Is that Vanya?


She turns around and as soon as she sees me she hugs me.

"Y/n! Come on let's go inside"

I nod as we walk back in we hear a door slam. Probably Five being dramatic.

"Hi Vanya hi Y/n"

We smile.

"I know what's wrong with Vanya because she doesn't have memory loss."

Five walks out of his room at this comment.

"What do you mean? Vanya did you punk me?"

I turn to Luther.

"One nobody says punk and two no she didn't. Her mind is in a sleeping form trying to forget her past life because of how bad it was and she can only remember someone if she only has good memories of them."

Five scuffs.

"Then how does she remember you? Because I have a thousand memories of you and only six of them are good and those were you getting hurt!"

This time it was my turn to scuff.

"The adults need to talk Y/n Five go somewhere else please"

A/n: wassup im Josh and I'm taking over my besties book so from now on I'll be writing and continuing her stories. SMUT UP AHEAD IK THE OTHER AUTHOR HATES IT BUT SMUT! Also Fives Pov because I don't know how girls feel.

I grab Y/ns hand and throw her on the bed. I'm planning on showing her just how mad she's gotten me and this should help calm me down.

"You have always wanted to help calm me down right?"

I start taking my Blazer off alone with the rest of my clothes.

"Umm Five?"

I get on top of her and look her in the eyes.

"Now you can help calm me down or im going to show you just how hard you get me"

She nods and starts taking off her clothes but she was taking to long so I just rip them off. And put my hand at her throat she claws at my hand for a second but then gets used to it being there and moves her hand to my pants. I remove my boxers and pants and without a warning I smash into her.


I laugh at her as I pound into her fast and hard hitting her place over and over again.


"Shush baby girl or we might get caught"

That shut her up so I continue to go harder into her.

"I'm gonna-"

"Good. Scream my name when you do"

She then comes all over my cock.


I laugh at her and keep going hearing her groan in pain.

"Fivey please j-just come it hurtssss"

I smirk and go faster when I finally come I let out a small growl in her ear and climb up her sitting on her stomach letting my cock relax on her.

End smut

"God Y/n You don't know how long I have wanted to do that."

"Wait you only wanted me for that?"

"No I mean I have always loved you dumbass."

"I love you to but Fuck you."

"I don't think you can do that again. I doubt you can walk"

"Whatever I'm going to need to be able to because I got you guys a lunch with dad"

I smirk and kiss her lips.

"Nope gimme a second to get my breathe back.

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