WANTED: Dead or Alive (Stoppe...

By YouGotThatWrite

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Five men wanted all around the world. Not because people love them. Because they're wanted. Wanted for steali... More

WANTED: Dead or Alive
Chapter One.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.

Chapter Two.

588 16 4
By YouGotThatWrite

“I think the bitch broke my nose!” Tom snapped, pulling into the garage. He parked the car, and punched the steering wheel, making the horn go off. They all got out the SUV and walked into the house but Tom.

“We need to look them up.” Max grumbled, going to the kitchen, and opening the freezer. He grabbed some ice, and put it to his mouth.

“I’m already on it.” Siva mumbled, going to the door in the kitchen. He pushed it open, and went down the stairs, to the basement, which wasn’t really a basement. It had computers, monitors, a case for guns, chemicals for Jay’s bombs. There was a door next to the gun cases, that led to a little room, to practice combat skills. Tom’s tools for the cars were in the garage. Siva sat down at a computer, that was hooked up to a searching system that the government had. 

Jay made his way to the living room, and turned on the TV. He watched the news for anything about them. Tom was in the garage, changing the license plates on the car. Nathan was in the kitchen with Max, getting ice for himself. Nathan took off his shirt and saw the small bruises. “Bitch.” He muttered under his breath.

“Mate,” Jay called from the living room. “You got rid of that tracking device right?” Nathan’s eyes went wide, as he searched his pockets, and his fears were right. He held the little tiny device in his hand.

“Fuck - no!”

“Well, destroy it!” Max snapped. Tom came in and grabbed a washcloth, and soaked it in running water in the sink. He held it to his nose.

“What’s that?” He asked.

“Tracking device.” Nathan mumbled. Jay came in, and took it. He looked through the kitchen drawls, until he found a mallet. The one you use to hit meat with while you’re cooking. Jay put it on the counter, and was about to smash it, when Siva came in.

“Don’t do that!” He yelled. Jay jumped.

“Why the hell not?”

“It’ll send an immediate signal of where we are to their computer!” Siva grabbed it, and sighed. “Then they’d definitely know where we are.”

“They already do, if that made a track.” Max said.

“Wait, Seev, did you say it leads right to their computer?” Nathan asked. He nodded. “That’s great!”

“Why Nath?” Tom looked at Nathan.

“We can track where they are, can’t we?” Nathan said, looking at Siva. “We could get to them first.”

Max grinned. “And kill them first, instead of them killing us!”

“Seev, you think you could track it?” Jay asked his friend.

“Oh yeah.” Siva nodded, heading down the stairs, and plugging it into his computer. The other boys followed him. 

“You find out their names?” Jay asked, sitting down in the chair next to Siva’s.

“No. But I’m running a description through the system. Hoping it’ll narrow it down.” Siva typed a few things, and clicked some stuff here and there, until he found it. He grinned. “Here, look.” He pointed to the screen. “That’s us, right there, and that red trail, is a way to theirs. And their place is here. Twenty minutes away from Club Rose. About forty five minutes from here. They haven’t gotten home yet because they haven’t checked the trace. But if Tom drops it off somewhere far away from here in ten minutes, they wouldn’t know our exact location.” Everybody looked at Tom. He nodded, taking his car keys out of his pocket. Siva printed out the map and directions, then gave the device to Tom. He went up the stairs, taking three at a time. A minute later, you heard the screeching of his tires.

“We should go in the morning.” Max said.

“Up by five, then be there by six.” Nathan nodded.

“Let’s get some sleep. Tom should be back in two minutes. He can lock up the house.” Jay patted Siva on the shoulder who nodded. They went up the stairs and locked the door and going their separate ways.


Chandler and Chase stumbled into their house. Chase stormed off into the kitchen. “Next time I see them, I’m killing them. Screw Keith.”

“You just met them. Calm down.” Chandler snapped.

“You didn’t get beat up, so you have no right to tell me to calm down.”

“I could still die, just like you.” Chandler rolled her eyes. “You need a nap.”

“I don’t need a nap!” He whined, getting ice, and rolling it up in a washcloth. He kicked the counter, and stood in front of the sink.

“Chase,” Chandler sighed, walking up to him. She kissed the back of her brother’s head and hugged him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. “You need some sleep. You’re frustrated. And you being frustrated doesn’t help me in any way. Please go to bed.” His head hung low.

“It embarrasses me that you’re the youngest and you’re more mature than me.” He mumbled. Chandler laughed. 

“If it makes you feel any better, it embarrasses me that you’re the oldest and you’re less mature than me.” She smirked into his back.

“That was just plain mean.” He chuckled.

“I know.” She smiled. “But, please, go to bed.” He let out a sigh.

“You too.”

“I will.” She let go of him, and he turned, and kissed the top of her head. 

“I love you Chan.”

“I love you too.” Chase put his fist up, and she bumped it with his. He headed up the stairs, and passed out on his bed. Chandler made her way up to her room, stripped, changed, and cuddled up in her sheets, practically passing out like her brother did in his room.


The sun shone through Chandler’s window. She blinked, and rolled over in her bed. She opened an eye, and looked at her clock. Almost six. She groaned. She knew she couldn’t go to sleep. Once she woke up, she was up. She hated that about herself sometimes. She threw the sheets off her and shivered as the coldness hit the skin of her legs and arms, as she was only wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

She walked out of her room, and to the bathroom. Passing her brother’s room, she could hear him snoring. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

Washing her hands, she looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned. Her blonde hair was messy, the curls from last night gone. While Chase had green eyes, she had blue eyes, which looked tired. She yawned, and made her way out of the bathroom, and down the stairs, to make a nice breakfast, knowing that they had a long day a head of him. Plus Chase would need something to keep his mind off his soreness of where he got the crap beaten out of him.

Chandler rummaged through the fridge, and pulled out some bacon, eggs and she found some bread, that she’d use to make toast. Her stomach gave a hungry growl. She gave out a big sigh, and started to make some food.


“Up here someplace.” Max was in the passenger seat, with the map Siva printed out last night. Tom was cruising the car down the street, looking back at Max for directions every now and then.

“You think they have a security system?” Nathan asked from the back, with Jay and Siva.

“Maybe.” Siva asked. “If they had bugs to give to track us, they might have something to block out anything trying to hack in, but I didn’t find anything last night. But I was just hacking into the bug, not the actual system. If you want me too see if they do, Tom has to park at least twenty feet radius of the house.”

“Twenty feet?!” Tom looked up at Siva through the rearview mirror. “That’s close Seev. We might as well just walk in, hack in while they watch us, then kill ’em if you need to be that close.” Siva nodded.

“I know. But it’s not my fault, it’s technology’s.” Siva sighed. “You could maybe do twenty one, but that’s pushing it.” Everybody looked at Siva disapprovingly. “What?”


“Chase, get up!” Chandler shook her brother. He snored some more. “Come on you monkey!” She gave a big huff, her hair blowing out of her face for a second. “I have food ready!” Chase rolled over away from Chandler.

“Go away.” He mumbled into the pillow.

“No. I have food ready. And we have a job to do. A 2 million dollar job.”

“Go away.”

“Fine, I’ll bring ‘em in myself. And you get no money.” Chandler scowled.

“Go away.”

“Whatever. I hope Max comes and beats you up some more.”

“Ditto.” Chase muttered, as Chandler left his room, slamming the door. She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. She made herself a plate of food and grabbed a cup from the cabinet. She got the orange juice and poured herself a glass. She stood by the sink, looking outside at the sun, taking a sip, when she saw them. She spit her orange juice out, and wiped her mouth.

They pulled up in a black SUV. She could make out Tom in the driver’s seat, and she knew he wasn’t alone. Five against two would be too easy for them. Chandler ran up the stairs, and barged into Chase’s room. “Wake up, they’re here.” Chase sat up and mumbled some choice words under his breath. Chandler went to her room, and grabbed two guns from her drawer, some bullets, knife, and since Jay likes these, a smoke bomb or two. She slipped on some sneakers, incase she had to run.

“Chan, I got a good view here.” Chase said from his room. Chandler went to his room, and Chase was loading a sniper gun. “Bird’s eye view.” He said, looking through the scope. He had on his basketball shorts, no shirt, and he slipped on some sneakers. “How’d they find us?”

“I don’t know.”

“I call the Max one.” Chase muttered.



“This one? You sure?” Tom asked, looking at the little house. It was white, and simple. 

“That’s what Seev’s map says.” Max said.

“If it’s not, I’m blaming Seev.” Tom mumbled.

“Yeah, blame me.” Siva rolled his eyes. He opened his laptop, and connected to a wifi, and started to see if there was a security system. Nathan jumped into the back and handed everyone their bags. Nathan handed Jay’s to him. In Jay’s bag was smoke bombs, some explosives, a hand gun and some chloroform and cloths. In Max’s was two hand guns, a sniper gun and a knife. In Nathan’s was his two guns, and extra bullets for everyone. Siva and Tom would be staying in the car. They would come in if they really needed them. 

“You get one yet?” Jay asked Siva. 

“There’s no security system. You’re good.” Jay, Max and Nathan nodded. Tom looked at his watch, ten seconds till six o’clock exactly. 

“Ten seconds.” Tom muttered. Max, Nathan and Jay were positioned at their doors. They had it planned out. How long to be in there, how long to get out, how long till they got home. “Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,” Tom counted down. “Now.” And with that, Max, Nathan and Jay were out of the car and swiftly at the front door within seconds, guns in hand.

“Nath, find a back door, go use that, me and Max got the front.” Jay said to him. Nathan nodded, heading around back.

Gun shots went off. “What the fuck?!” Tom yelled.

“They shot your car.” Siva said.

“The bastards! My car!” Tom rolled down his window. “They shot my car!”

“Tom, shut it!” Max snapped. Tom rolled his window back up, and looked up at the house. He saw the barrel of a gun. A gun that snipers use. 

“Seev, they got a sniper gun.”


“Yup. I wouldn’t go outside anytime soon.”

“If they die, we’re screwed.”

“Tell me about it.” Tom gave a short sour laugh.


“Suck on that.” Chase smirked. “Max, Nathan and Jay are coming in. Tom and Siva are in the car still.”

“I’ll go down there.” Chandler nodded, loading up her second gun. “Be safe.” She kissed her brother’s temple.

“You too.” Chandler made her way to the hallway, and stood at the top of the stairs. The front door handle jiggled a few times. A gun shot went off, and the door was pushed open. Jay walked in, gun held out, with Max behind him.

“Check the kitchen. I got the living room.” Jay whispered. Max nodded, heading off to the kitchen. Chandler watched closely.

“Mate, they made food. They’re definitely up.” Max said, shoving bacon in his mouth. “Maybe we should keep the girl, she can make us food.”

“Make her our bitch?” Jay smirked.

“Yeah. She already is one.” Max shrugged. Jay let out a laugh. Chandler scoffed.

“Bitch? I’ll show you bitch.” She aimed her gun at Max, his shoulder, not at the joint, so it would break, but so she wouldn’t hit any major arteries. It would just hurt like hell. She pulled her trigger, and Max let out a yell, some curse words, and hit the ground clutching his shoulder. Jay looked up at the stairs, and saw Chandler. He stared at her as she blew him a kiss.

“Bitch!” Max yelled.

“Woof.” She smirked. “You’ll live --- for now.”

“I changed my mind, I don’t want her. We’ll just get a fucking dog.” Max said through gritted teeth, holding his shoulder harder.

“Please don’t bleed on my carpet, Max.” Chandler smiled.

“Fucking bitch.” Max mumbled. Jay walked over to the bottom of the stairs, and kept eye contact. He took one step at a time. His gun not aimed at her. Nothing. He just took one step at a time. He stood in front of her, and looked in her eyes.

“I know you’re name isn’t Katie.” Jay mumbled.

“What a smart one you are, ya wanker.”

Jay smirked. “That sounds oddly familiar.”

“You said it.”

“Who are you?”

“The death of you.”

“You’re brother said that one. If he really is your brother.”

“Guess that’s a mystery, just like my name.” Chandler snickered.

Jay studied her face. “But you look similar to each other. Almost like twins. Are you?”

“He’s two years older.”

“So he is your brother.” Chandler shrugged. “So what’s gonna happen here?”

“Either me and my brother-”

“My brother and I.” Jay smirked.

“Either my brother and I, take all the stuff you stole from Keith Vilmore and turn you in alive with no fight, or we take all the stuff you stole and turn you in as dead cold lifeless bodies.” Chandler smiled. “You pick.”

“Is there a third option?”

“Not really.”

“Really?” Jay mused. “Say, what if something bad happened?”


“Like,” Jay paused, his smirk growing. “Kidnapping you.” Chandler’s brow furrowed, as Jay’s arms went around her, and his hand that had a cloth in it, went to her mouth and nose. Chandler struggled for thirty seconds, then lost consciousness. Jay threw her over his shoulder, and walked down the stairs. Nathan came through the front door.

“What happened?”

“Oh, Max got shot. Let’s go.” 

“The bitch shot me.” Max groaned, as Nathan pulled him up, and put pressure on his wound.


“What the hell?” Chase muttered. He looked through the scope and saw Chandler over Jay’s shoulder, running to the car. Then Nathan and Max run to the car. He pushed the window open. “HEY! LET HER GO!” Tom rolled his window down, and shot at the window Chase was at. Chase went for cover. 

“DON’T SHOOT MY CAR AGAIN TWAT!” Tom snapped, driving away with the cars doing their usual screeching. Chase ran down stairs, and called out Chandler’s name a few times. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Chase punched a wall. “Fuck!” He ran a hand through his hair, and slid down the wall. He couldn’t help but let a few tears escape his eyes. 


“Mate, what are we gonna do with her?” Tom asked, looking at Jay in the rearview mirror.

“I say we just shoot her.” Max snapped.

“Shut your trap.” Tom flicked Max’s wound and he let out a strangled groan.


“I don’t know. Use her to get some information. Who she’s working for, so we don’t have to deal with any more people.” Jay said casually.

“What about the brother?” Siva asked.

“Let him be.”

“What’s her name anyway?” Nathan nudged Jay.

“I don’t know. But they are brother and sister.”

“If she wasn’t a bitch, she’d be pretty fit. I would shag her.” Tom smirked.

“You shag anything.” Max laughed. Tom frowned and punched Max’s shoulder.

“Mate, that fucking hurts!”


“You’re gonna need that checked out when we get home.” Siva stated. Max groaned again. 

“Thanks Seev. Didn’t know that!”

“No need to be a prick.”

“I’m sorry, but a bullet in you kinda hurts.”

“Stop being a sissy.” Tom rolled his eyes.

Nathan sighed. “I’ll check it out when we get home. Tom go faster, if he doesn’t get it out, he might have to go to the hospital, and we can’t do that with all the warrants and shit out there for us.” And with that, Tom sped up and they were home in no time.


Chandler blinked a few times. Her vision blurry for a few seconds. Her head hung, and she straightened up. Her neck hurt, and was sore from being in that position. She tried to rub her neck, but she couldn’t move her hands. She looked at herself. She was tied. Tied to a chair. She groaned, and looked behind her. Her hands tied. Her feet tied. She sighed, blowing some blonde hair out of her face. “Hello!” Chandler called out. “I’m up! C’mon dickheads! Let’s get this over with!”

Chandler looked around the room she was in. It had a bed in the corner, a dresser across it, with a TV, and a bedside table. She looked at the window, well what she thought was a window. It was filled with bricks, so you couldn’t see the outside world. The walls were a light shade of blue, but bare. The carpet white and clean. The door opened and Tom, Max, Siva, Nathan and Jay walked in. Siva, Nathan and Tom sat on the bed. Jay leaned against the dresser, and Max stared at her. His shoulder wrapped up, and his arm in a case to keep it in a certain position. Siva had a laptop in his hands.

Chandler couldn’t suppress her smirk as she looked at Max. His eyes grew dark as he saw her smirk. “Yeah, I know, I’m a bitch.” She answered his unspoken swears with a laugh. The other boys laughed quietly to themselves as Max grew more angry. “So, where am I?”

“Our house.” Tom answered her.


“To play monopoly.” Nathan said.

“Hate that game.” 

“How about we introduce ourselves?” Jay suggested, looking at Chandler intently. “I’m Jay.”





Everyone looked at Chandler. “Lucy.”

“You’re lying.” Jay mumbled.

“Am I?”

“Are you?” Jay quirked an eyebrow. “Last name?”


“Seev,” Jay mumbled. Siva opened his laptop, and typed a few things. He shook his head no. “Next one.”

“Lily Quill.” Siva shook his head no. “Amy Turqs.” Another no. “Vicky Stonestreet.” No. “Pam Lock.” Nada. “Ingrid Floors.” Nope. “Britney Spears.”

“You’re not seriously typing that in, are you?” Nathan looked at Siva.

“There can be people with the same name in the world.”

“But Britney Spears?”

“No. Not it.”

“How long are you gonna keep this up?” Jay asked after a good twenty minutes of random names.

“Till I can’t think of any more.”

“I’m not staying here that long.” Siva stated.

“Then what do we do?” Tom asked, laying on the bed, running his hands over his face.

“Shoot her.” Max mumbled.

“You gotta let that go.” Chandler said.

“Bite me.”

“I would if I could.”

“Wait, I got it! I’m such an idiot, I didn’t think of this early..” Siva mumbled to himself as he ran out of the room. He came back with ink and some paper. “Finger prints! I can run them through.”

“Couldn’t think of that earlier Seev!” Tom moaned.

“Not like you thought of anything Parker.” Siva snapped, dipping Chandler’s fingers in ink and pressing them to the paper. He got her whole left hand, and ran out of the room again. “Give me ten minutes!” Siva yelled, going down the stairs. 

“Well, I’m screwed.” Chandler mumbled.


Chase paced the floor for hours. He couldn’t think straight. His mind was mush. His heart was crushed. And his eyes were salty from crying. “Think. Think. Think. C’mon, what would Chandler do?” He sighed, pulling at his hair. He fell to the floor, not knowing what to do.

“I’m so stupid!” He muttered to himself. “Why do I have to be so stupid --- wait,” He stood up, going up the stairs and into Chandler’s room. He opened her laptop, typing in a few things and then smiled at what he saw on the screen. “I fucking love tracking devices.” He printed off the route, and went off to prepare. He was going to get Chandler. And them. Dead or alive. He didn’t care anymore.


The little tracking bug, that Tom dumped in a field, fifty miles away from the house was beeping. Chase had a long couple of days ahead of him. A very long couple of days.

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