WANTED: Dead or Alive (Stoppe...

By YouGotThatWrite

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Five men wanted all around the world. Not because people love them. Because they're wanted. Wanted for steali... More

WANTED: Dead or Alive
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.

Chapter One.

748 22 10
By YouGotThatWrite

“Hello?” Chandler spoke into her phone as she walked down the street with her brother. He glanced over at her every now and then, as she held her free hand to her other ear to hear more clearly. Her green eyes looked over at her brother, Chase. She nodded, and he understood. The siblings hadn’t been busy for a while, and this made Chase a little excited. Chandler nodded and said a few yeses and mhm’s, then hung up. 

“We got one?”

“Yup.” She smiled. “Someone stole something and this person wants it back. Simple.” Chase nodded, as they crossed the street.

“Happy to have a job to do. I was getting bored.”

“Tell me about it.” Chandler snorted. “We need to meet him at the Starbucks.”


“He has all the information on them.” Chandler stopped on the sidewalk, looking for a cab. “He said that we have to leave by tonight.”



“British girls, hot.” Chase smirked, as his younger sister elbowed him in the gut.

“We’re not going there for you to bang a bunch of girls. This is business.”

“You’re no fun Chan.” Chase frowned, as a cab came over to them, and they piled in.


“Chandler, Chase,” A male voice called over. The two walked over to the man. He had on sunglasses, a dress shirt, tie, slacks, and nice, clean Italian shoes. He had a balding head, and he held a file in his hand.

“Keith,” Chandler smiled, walking over and kissing him on the cheek. “Nice to see you again.” Chandler moved and sat down at the small table, clutching her coffee with two sugars, no cream. Chase went over and gave Keith a hand shake. He sat down, as did Keith.

“So, what’s the job?” Chase asked, as he took a sip of his coffee with no sugar and no cream, black.

Keith cleared his throat, sliding the folder he was holding across the table. “A bunch of kids stole my diamonds.” Chase grabbed the folder, and flicked through it. “Not just my diamonds, but rubies, some gold bricks, and cash. About five million in cash. But all together, just about a couple billion.”

“Kids stole from you? Stole all that stuff that’s worth a couple billion dollars? Kids?” Chandler asked in disbelief.

“Not actually kids.”

Chase opened up to a picture, which seemed to be taken by a security camera. “Oh, damn. No way.” 

“What?” Chandler looked at Keith, then her brother. Chase ran a hand through his blonde hair.

“These guys are good.”

“You know ‘em?” Keith asked.

“They’re pretty well known.” He showed Chandler the picture. “Five guys. Well trained. But they don’t work for anyone. No agency. Nothing. Kind of like, rogues. But rogues that were never apart of anything.”

“They got names?” Chandler asked.

“That one, in front,” Chase said, pointing to a man with a shaven head. “Max George. Great with hand to hand combat. He can beat you up real good. He’s good with a gun too. Real good. Never misses.” He pointed to the second one, behind Max. “That’s Tom. Tom Parker. Great with cars. He’s usually the getaway driver. He knows everything about any car. How to hotwire, everything.” He pointed to the curly haired one, with a back pack on him. “Jay McGuiness. Fast, smart and knows how to work with explosives. He can make a bomb out of anything. That tall one, Siva Kaneswaran. He’s smart. The smartest of them all. Can hack into anything. And I mean anything. And the little one, Nathan Sykes, small, but can put up a fight. He’s the one who usually acts. He’s the one who gets all the information they need. Especially from women. They’re all British except Siva. They’re stationed somewhere in the UK.”

Chandler looked at Keith, who was baffled, then to her brother. “How do you know all this?” Chase took a sip of his coffee.

“They had a special on CNN the other day.”

“A special on CNN?”

“Yeah, they’re like the most wanted guys in the world. They’ve stolen from just about everyone and everywhere.” Chase leaned back in his chair, taking another sip of coffee.

“There a reward?” Chandler asked, flipping through the file more. There were pictures of them. Close ups and everything.

“I heard a good 500 K for each guy.”

“Not too shabby.”

“500 K for each one?” Keith asked.

“Not like you need it.” Chase laughed. Chandler closed the file and looked at Keith.

“I got an idea.” Chandler smiled. “You want all your stuff back right?” She said to Keith. He nodded. “We’ll get it back.” Chase spit his coffee out. 

“We will?”

“We will. And you don’t have to pay us.” Chandler said.

“Wait, what?” Chase snapped. “We need to be paid Chan.” She put her hand up at her brother.

“Be quiet.” She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to pay us Keith, because we’ll turn ‘em in and get 500K per guy” She glanced at her brother. He shrugged, drinking his coffee again. “You’ll be happy, we’ll be happy, they won’t be so happy, but at least we will.” Keith was silent for a bit.

“I don’t get any of the reward?” He asked.

“You’re a billionaire bud, you don’t need it.” Chase snickered.


“You want to pay us then?” Chandler quirked an eyebrow. Keith shook his head.

“Not really.”

“Then no reward for you.” Chandler stood up, holding her hand out to Keith. He stood up and shook it. “We’re leaving tonight. We’ll keep you updated. But briefly, especially if we’re dealing with experts. You’re gonna have to trust us.” Keith nodded, and shook hands with Chase.

“Later dude.” Chase smiled.

“I trust you.” Keith said, as they left the café, and waved for a cab.

“You think we can do this?” Chase mumbled.

Chandler shrugged. “If we need help, I got some people I can contact.” A cab pulled up to them. She pulled the door open. “You think we can do it?”

“Yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely.” Chase said quickly. “No biggie. Just five experts who probably already know that we’re after them and probably already have us in our sights, and Max is just about to pull the trigger to his gun, or Jay is gonna press the button so we explode to billions of pieces. Fine, perfectly fine.” Chase rambled as he climbed into the cab with his sister rolling her eyes at him.


“London, what a beautiful place! A beautiful happy place for an American man like me!” Chase grinned widely.

“Shut up.” Chandler rolled her eyes. “You’re so annoying.”

“Awh, c’mon sis, you might find a handsome man with an accent.” Chase put an arm around his sister’s neck, and rubbed her head with his other hand. 

“Stop it Chase!”

“Get that stick out of your arse, Chan!” He snickered as he let her go. “Look at me, using British lingo, ya twat.”

Chandler shook her head at him, grabbing her bag from the cab trunk. “I’ma kill him. I am. I seriously am.” She muttered to herself. Chase grabbed his bags and followed Chandler up the steps to their new home. Chandler pushed the door open and dropped her bags by the door. She made her way to the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, then the two bedrooms up stairs. It was modern, cute, and small. But big enough for the two of them.

“Well, this is adorable.” Chase stated as he walked through the front door, dropping his bags with Chandler’s. Chandler was in the living room, and she flicked the TV on. The news popped up, and five familiar faces showed up on the screen. Chase walked in and they both stared at the TV intently.

A newswoman started. “Good evening everyone. We have news that the five expert wanted men. They were last seen, twenty four hours ago, stealing from a bank in Central London. They made out with a couple thousand dollars. No one has seen them since. It has been the fifth break in from these five men in the past month. The men are Max George, Siva Kanewaran, Tom Parker, Nathan Sykes and Jay McGuiness. If you have any information about them, please call this hotline number. We would also like to inform you on the $500,000 reward for each man. That’s about $2,500,000 all together. And they are wanted, dead or alive. Now, back to Dave for you regular news.”

Chandler muted the TV and looked at her brother. “Hm, we can kill ‘em now.” 

“Thank god.” Chase laughed. “If we didn’t, I’m pretty sure they’d kill us.”

“Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.” Chandler mumbled, walking out, grabbing her bag and making her way up to her room.


“Hey, Trent.” Chandler smiled into her laptop camera. Trent was their good friend. He was good with tracing calls, hacking and anything else that involves technology.

“Chandler.” Trent smiled. His dark brown hair pointing in all directions. His eyes had bags under them. He was tired. He spent all night trying to get Chandler and Chase a lead. Or a place of where to start to look for them. “So, I got a trace, and a snippet of a conversation between Max and Tom. It took me forever to get a trace in the first place, so be happy.”

“Oh I am.” Chandler laughed. “So, what do ya got?”

Trent typed on his computer, and she heard a few clicks. “Here,” He said, and he played a recording of a conversation.

“Yeah ……….. Tonight ………. Eleven …………. Club Rose …………. Bye mate.”

“That’s all I got.” Trent sighed.

“Club Rose?” Chandler asked.

“A club in Central London. I tracked it from your house, and it’s a twenty minute ride. Only exclusive people there.”

“They can get into an exclusive club?”

“Probably paying someone, most likely the owner.” Trent shrugged. Chase entered Chandler’s room eating some Chinese take out.

“Hey Trent!” He waved.

“Hey Chase!” Chandler shoved her brother away.

“You think we could get in?” Chandler asked.

Chase slurped up a noodle. “Get in where?”

“A club.” She mumbled.

“Sick.” Chase nodded with a grin.

“I could call someone.” Trent said.

“Could you?”

“Anything for you two.” Trent sighed.

“Thank you Trent! Call me when you got us in.”

“Got ya.”

“I love you Trent!” Chase yelled.

“Love you too Chase!” Chandler rolled her eyes, with a laugh, and closed her laptop.

“So what club?”

“Club Rose. Exclusive.” Chase nodded.

“We going?”

“One way or another.”


An hour later, Trent called Chandler telling her that he got them in. Chandler and Chase were getting ready. They would leave at ten thirty. Chandler dressed in a slim black dress, that went a little longer than her thigh. She grabbed a gun from her dresser drawer, and checked if it was loaded. It was, and she slid it on her leg, so it hooked onto her garter around her leg. She grabbed her phone, checking the tracking device, and dropped it down the front of her dress. She fixed her curled blonde hair, make up soft and simple, and she put on a necklace that had a hidden clasp that opened it up to be a knife. She grabbed a ring, that had a fake diamond, that was sharp, to cut through anything. She slipped on her black heels and nodded at her appearance.

Chase was dressed in a dark red dress shirt, with a black tie that wasn’t tied, but hung loosely around his neck. His black slacks ironed, and his black dress shoes shiny and looked brand new. He slid a gun into the back of his slacks. He had a small knife in his sock. Some tracking devices in the bottom of his shoe. He put his phone in his pocket and ran a hand through his hair. He rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows and smiled smugly at his appearance, meeting his sister in the hallway.

They smiled at each other. “Let’s go get these sons of bitches.” Chase grinned.

“So much for the British lingo.” Chandler shoved her brother a bit, walking down the stairs.


“Fancy.” Chase muttered, as the cab pulled up to the club. It had two big security guards at the entrance. There was a line that went down the street for what seemed like miles. “So we just give them our name?”

“Mhmm,” Chandler nodded, getting out. The air was cold, and it smelt like cigarettes and every perfume and cologne on the planet. “Trent said our names were Katie and Kyle Cooper.”

“At least he stuck with us having the same first letter of our names.” Chase laughed. Chandler shook her head at her brother, walking up to the entrance.

“C’mon! That was funny.” Chase mumbled, walking after his sister.

“Name?” One of the guards asked, looking down at Chandler with a serious, stoic face, arms crossed over his chest. The other guard was holding a clipboard and pen.

“Katie and Kyle Cooper.” Chandler smiled. The big man looked at the other. The other looked at the clipboard.

“Cooper you said?” Chandler nodded. The man looked at the first one and nodded.

“You’re in. Have a nice time.” He moved out of Chandler and Chase’s way and they made their way into the club.

“Time to get serious.” She poked her brother.

“Yeah, I know. I’ll be by the bar. Signal if you see anything.” Chase whispered, and was off into the sea of people. Chandler fixed her dress, and went on her own way. She maneuvered around the sweaty, drunk, idiotic people.

Chase was at the bar, ordered a drink and sat there, surveying the place. There was an exit at the back of the club and two bathrooms, one for men, one for women. Chase took a big chug from his beer, and sighed. “This is gonna be a crazy night. I can just sense it.”

Chandler looked around, for a place to sit. She found a table, and was about to sit down, when someone grabbed her hand. She spun around, and was pushed against someone’s chest. The person’s free hand went to the small of her back, keeping her against him. “Hello,” a British accent spoke into her ear. “Haven’t seen you here before.” She looked up at the mystery person.

It was Nathan. “Hi.” Chandler said quietly, barely audible in the loud club.

“American too.” He smiled. “I’m Nick.” He said. 


“Nice to meet you Katie. Would you like a drink?” Chandler nodded, with a smile. Nathan took her hand, and lead her in the direction of the bar. She looked over her shoulder, and saw in the corner, the rest of them. They were smirking at her and Nathan drinking their beers at a table.

“What would you like?” Nathan asked.

“Surprise me.” Chandler smiled again, and looked down the bar to find her brother. She spotted him and he caught her staring at him. She brushed her hair behind her ear, and he nodded, getting up from his seat and disappearing.

“Here you go love.” Nathan smirked, handing her the drink. 

“Thank you.” Chandler looked at it. “Excuse me, have to go to the ladies room.” Nathan nodded, watching her leave.

Chase stood by the bathroom and slipped into it, following his sister. “So?”

“They’re here. All of them. The west part of the club, table in the corner. I’m with Nathan right now. Said his name was Nick.”

“Okay, I’ll go check it out. Try and slip a tracking device on ‘em.” Chase slipped off his shoe, and opened the heel. He grabbed two small black dots, the size of a pea, and flat. He handed one to Chandler.

“I got Nathan.” Chandler nodded, as she left the bathroom, then after sixty seconds, her brother.

“You’re back.” Nathan smiled. “Wanna go dance?” 

“I’d love too.”


Chase made his way to the western part of the club. He looked in the back, until he saw them. He looked around for Chandler, and saw her dancing with Nathan. They were close, and she had her back to his front. Her hand around the nape of his neck. Chase knew she was putting the tracking device on him. His gaze shifted to the table of men. The curly one, Jay, got up and headed to the bar. Chase found his opening and was gonna take it.

Chase made his way over to the bar. Jay was waiting for his drinks. Chase stood next to him, and ordered a beer. Chase looked over at Jay. “Get any girls yet?” He asked. Jay looked at him.

“Not yet.” He laughed. “You?”


“My friend got a fitty though. Lucky bastard.” Jay smirked.

“Oh yeah, who?”

Jay turned from the bar, and searched around. He pointed his finger. “There. The one practically having sex on the dance floor.”

Chase laughed. “That’s my sister.” Jay’s eyes went wide. 

“I’m sorry you had to see that mate.” Jay said, giving Chase’s shoulder a squeeze. Chase shrugged, grabbing his beer, and downing a bit of it. Jay watched him. “I’m Jake.”


“Wanna come sit with us? Or you here with other people?”

“Just the sister. And she’s left me.” Chase laughed.

“C’mon then.” Jay chuckled, grabbing the tray of various drinks and leading Chase to the table with Max, Tom and Siva.


Chandler had been dancing for a good hour. She was sweaty and a bit tired. Nathan seemed to be a bit tired too. Chandler was just plain bored, since she already got the tracking device on him. While her hand was in his hair, she slipped it in there. Nathan grabbed her hand and lead her from the dance floor to the table with Max, Jay, Siva, Tom and now Chase. Nathan eyed Chase.

“Who’s this?”

“Kyle. You’re bird’s brother.” Max smirked.

“Katie.” Chase smirked.

“Kyle.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m Nick.” Nathan introduced himself, holding out his hand. Chase took it.


“Katie,” Nathan turned to her. “My mates, Matt, Jake, Sam and Toby.” The boys nodded at her.

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Tom smiled.


They all sat down and talking about meaningless crap. Chase and Chandler kept giving each other exchanged glances. Chase put his tracking device on Jay’s jacket that was hanging on the back of his chair. Finally, Chandler was just all together bored again. “I’m ready to go home.” She said, looking at her brother.

“You sure?” Chase asked. She nodded. Nathan let out a whine, wrapping his arms around her waist, his face going to her neck.

“If you want,” Nathan’s hot breath pierced her skin. “You can come to mine for a bit.”

“No thanks. I’m not a, what do you call it? Slag.” Chandler smiled. Nathan frowned as the others laughed.

“Turned down!” Jay laughed.

“I -- we, gotta go. Work in the morning.” Chandler gave Nathan a sympathetic smile. She kissed his cheek, and got up. Chase was about to get up when Siva spoke up.

“Nick,” He said looking at his head. “What’s in your hair?” Nathan took a hand and ran it through his hair a couple times. He looked at his hand, and saw it. He smirked a bit, his eyes flickering to Chandler. The others tensed. “What is it?” Siva asked.

Nathan let out a laugh. “It’s a cute little tracking device.” Nathan, Max and Tom looked at Chandler, while Siva and Jay looked at Chase. “Do you have one mates?” Nathan asked, looking at Chandler intently.

“She hasn’t been hanging around us.” Max said.

“But he has.” Jay snapped, checking his clothes. Chase was tense, watching them all. Chandler was calm. The atmosphere was intense. Jay lifted his jacket, and shook it. That’s when it fell off. Jay picked it up, and tossed it onto the table. He sat back down. “Why are these on us?”

It was silent between them all. The music blaring. People dancing, drinking, all not aware of what was about to happen. Chandler looked at Chase briefly, and he understood. In a second, he flipped the table, drinks, ash trays, phones and money going everywhere. Chandler kicked Nathan in his gut, and he grunted. Chandler went to swing, when he grabbed her hand, and twisted it, and put his arm around her neck. Her back to him. Chandler squirmed and took her elbow and slammed it into his stomach, he loosened his grip, and she grabbed his arm, flipping him over her, and onto the ground.

Max was the first to get up. He ran over to Chase, and put his fist smashing into his face. Chase staggered, and Max grabbed him by the collar, throwing him into the wall. Max gave a few punches to Chase’s stomach. Tom got up and gave Chandler daggers. She smiled at him sweetly. Tom ran up to her, and his fist went swinging. She ducked and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled backwards, and she punched him in the nose, then again in the chest, making him fall over Nathan.

Max looked at Chase, who was clutching his stomach. “Who the fuck are you?” He said through gritted teeth.

Chase took in a breath and smirked. “The death of you.” Chase’s fist went out and hit Max’s face hard. Max was caught off guard, but grounded himself. Chase kicked him in the stomach and grabbed him, throwing him into the wall. Chase was about to punch Max in the face, when gun shots went off. The music in the club stopped and everyone in the club exited quickly, except those seven.

Chase and Chandler froze as they looked and saw Siva and Jay with guns. Siva’s was pointed at Chandler, and Jay’s was pointed at Chase. “Who are you with?” Jay snapped, walking towards Chase.

“No one.” Chase snapped, wiping his mouth of blood.

“Bull shit.”

“Naughty language sir.” 

Jay scowled, and looked at Max. “You wanna kill him or me?” Max gave out a sour laugh.

“I will.” He said as he stood up. Max grabbed the gun, and wiped his mouth. “Fucking bastard.” The safety went off and Max’s hand was on the trigger. He smirked. “Didn’t even know what he got himself into … poor guy.” Chase stared at him.

“Hey, excuse me,” Chandler called out behind Max and Jay. They turned and looked at her. A gun in each hand. “Look out.” She said, and Chase kicked the gun out of Max’s hand. Max cursed, and Chandler kept one gun on Jay and the other on Tom, Nathan and Siva. He flipped her off and she gave a fake pouty frown. Chase grabbed the gun, and pushed it against Max’s head. 

“Back up bastard.” Chase mumbled. Max backed up until he was against the wall. “We could kill you right now, and we get two million dollars. You know that?”

“I guess it went up Jay.” Max smirked.

“Do you know any other stuff about us?” Nathan asked.

“You’re wanted in about every country.” Chandler snapped.

“And?” Siva added.

“You’re real names aren’t fucking Nick, Matt, Sam, Jake and Toby.” Chase scoffed.

“What a smart one you are, ya wanker.” Jay rolled his eyes.

“But do you know anything else?” Tom asked.

Chandler and Chase exchanged looks. “What?” Chase asked, his gun against Max’s skull. Max smirked.

“We’re professionals.” And with that, Jay threw a smoke bomb from his pocket, and the room was filled with smoke. Chandler and Chase coughed and heaved. Chase was knocked to the ground, the gun taken from him. “Nice meeting ya.” There was a bomb, as a wall was blown, and then the sound of a car’s screeching tires.

The smoke cleared some. “I hate them already.” Chase coughed.


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