Cato One Shots

By ClatoForevaFanatic17

7.4K 93 4

Some of these are going to be short, some longer. These are Cato (Hunger Games) one-shots I've written. Hope... More

I Will Win

One Night

1.9K 32 0
By ClatoForevaFanatic17

"Just what do you think you're doing?" You look up from your roasted mouse to see Cato standing right above you, staring down at you. You smile. "Eating. What does it look like?" He plops himself down next to you. "Where did you get that?" He asks you as he cocks slightly. "I went hunting. Simple." You tell him before eating another piece. His mouth opens, jaw dropping slightly in his best attempt to look shocked.

"And you didn't invite me?" You laugh lightly at his ridiculous pouty face. "You were off killing that pathetic girl from eight remember?" He nods slowly, then quickly reaches across and takes a bite of your meal. "Hey!" You exclaim loudly. "That's mine!" He stands up, lifting the meat out of your reach. He smiles at you as you try to reach the meat. He's a foot taller than you so you give up, sitting back down with a sigh. "You want it back?" He asks you with a smirk. You nod. "You gotta do something for me first." You cock your eyebrow. "And just what would that be?"

He grins. "Kiss me." You laugh. "Really? Just give you a kiss and you'll give me back whats mine?" He nods, his eyes sparkling. You pull him down and plant a kiss on his lips. He pulls away and gives you back the mouse. He kisses you one more time before saying, "I love you." You smile at him. "I love you too."

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