ššš«ššØš®š« | š’š’š’ˆš’š’Šš’š’ˆ

By aashu-qureshi98

5.5K 253 1.2K

Ė—ĖĖ‹ āœŽ š’Žš’š š’†š’šš’†š’” š’‚š’…š’š’“š’† š’šš’š’–, š’ƒš’–š’• š’Šš’• š’˜š’‚š’” š’Žš’š š’”š’š’–š’ š’•š’‰š’‚š’• š’‡š’†š’š’ š’Šš’ š’š’š’—š’† š’˜š’Šļæ½... More

ā„ introduction āœ“
ā„ epigraph + characters āœ“
ā„ chapter one | a love letter from a deewana to his mehbooba āœ“
ā„ chapter two | they meet? āœ“
ā„ the forbidden love story of raghuvendra and haseena, 1947 | an overview. āœ“
ā„ chapter four | recalled to life āœ“
ā„ chapter five | when his eyes met hers? āœ“
ā„ chapter six | raghu's hoor under the veil āœ“
ā„ chapter seven | the dance of the beautiful angel in distress āœ“
ā„ chapter eight | tacit love āœ“
ā„ chapter nine | disclosure āœ“
ā„ chapter ten | rendezvous āœ“
ā„ haseena ibrahim | a pov āœ“
ā„ chapter eleven | one step closer āœ“

ā„ chapter three | the lovers reunite āœ“

331 19 178
By aashu-qureshi98

Difficult words used in this chapter :

Deewana : Crazy Lover (referring to a male, a male crazy lover)
Mehbooba : Ladylove.
Pyaari : Lovely/Loveable/Beautiful (referring to a female)
Jaan : It is a term of endearment or affection, used to address a loved one. An another word for it in English can be darling.

Roop was stunned seeing Zafar standing in front of her. He was alive, hale and hearty!

Is it really him?

Instinctively, she started taking backward steps separating herself from him in an attempt to run away from him. She wasn't able to come the fact that Zafar was actually in front of her.

Was he some spirit?

What was he?

Who was he?

Was he for real?

Was she hallucinating him like she always did ever since his presumed death?

Zafar's facial expressions which were initially softened started changing a little as she slowly left his hand and turned back to run away. She held her gown in her hands so that it doesn't trouble her, running as fast as she could.

''Rose, listen! Roop, stop!'' Zafar called out her name and followed her, running after her but it seemed as if Roop was in no mood to listen. She kept on running away from him, as fast as she possibly could.

He kept on running after her, following her to her room in an attempt to stop her and ask her why she ran away. After six long years, they had met. He wanted to make her his forever and take her away but she ran away. Last time, their destiny separated them despite bringing them together in the strangest of circumstances. But this time, he couldn't let the history repeat itself again.

No, not at all!

Zafar reached in time, before Roop could lock the door preventing him to enter, he saw her looking at her petrified as if it wasn't Zafar but his ghost.

He locked the door and took baby steps towards her, taking off his black coat, looking at her intensely. She was in a complete mess. Sweat beads ran down her forehead settling on her beautiful face. Her heart was beating wildly as her chest heaved up and down with her breaths going erratic. Her tears were not stopping for a moment.

''Rose? Listen to me. Don't be afraid it is me, your Zafar. I am back to you my butterfly, don't you trust me? Hmm?'' He said holding her arms pulling her close.

''N-No, I don't trust you. You will disappear. You will leave me, just like you did six years ago. I will be left all alone and broken. You do this to me every single night, you come in my dreams and then disappeared. No!'' She whisper-yelled in a shattered tone.

''I will not go away this time, trust me. I can explain, butterfly. I didn't go away on purpose. Give me a chance, I will tell you everything.'' He explained cupping her face in his palms as tears ran down from his eyes too.

''Y-You don't know what was my condition w-without you. E-Every single day, I thought about you. The way Abdul stabbed you in front of me, I wanted to pull you up in the train. But you? You were lifeless lying on the ground with blood all over, I-I...'' She went on with a horrifying expression on her face as if she was actually witnessing that scene.

All those scenes were fresh in front of her eyes, as if she had just seen them. The biggest and the worst nightmare of her life which she wished to delete out of the book of her life, her memories if she could go back in time.

''T-That time has passed Rose, see I am in front of you. You are in my arms jaan, you can touch me. You can feel me, you can see me. Calm down, meri jaan. Calm down. I am here...'' He said pressing his lips on her forehead as he pulled her closer comforting her, protecting her.

''Two-two times Zafar, he stabbed you in your stomach so hard and me? I was helpless, I couldn't do anything to save you. I couldn't do anything to save you, I couldn't do anything...!'' She said breaking down in his arms not having the power to hold him back.

Roop just hid herself in his arms, letting him cage her in his arms. She kept on crying and crying. Zafar let her cry her heart out.

''I am here now, everything is fine Rose. You are with me...!'' He said consoling her, sitting down with her on the ground as she fell on her knees.

''I shouldn't have let you go, I shouldn't have gotten on that t-train. I know you would have never listened to me. I wish I could have been strong enough to fight for our right. For our love. W-Why didn't I? Why couldn't I?'' She kept on blaming herself, crying.

''The circumstances weren't such Rose, we couldn't do anything for our love. You were committed to Dev and you still are...!'' He took a pause, sighing painfully as a tears fell down his puffy red eyes too.

There was silence, pin drop silence. It seemed as if they had nothing to say, nothing to talk about. Their silences began to sing the song of their incomplete love story which was to complete now, their lonliness began to smile

The heat of the blazing fire coming from the fireplace which was not only warming up the room but was also warming up the passionate desires in the two, young hearts.

The fire of love had struck their hearts at the same time, the love confession they had to make to each other arose from the deepest of their hearts and souls to all the way to their lips!

Would they confess their love to each other, finally?

''I am not, he divorced me. It has been five years. I never loved him, I had to fulfill Satya's promise till her death. I was supposed to live with him forever. I tried my level best, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. So, he divorced me...!'' She went on clarifying everything, looking at him, finally breaking the silence!

''That means you...?'' He looked at her with a ray of hope glistening in his eyes as his tears kept on falling.

''That means, I love you! I always loved you, and I will keep on doing so...!'' She confessed pure heartedly and smiled.

She said it, at last!

''Roop...?'' He trailed off in a husky whisper inching close to her, looking deep in her eyes tracing his thumb on her lips tenderly and she shivered under his warm touch.

Was he about to confess his feelings?

''What is it, Zafar?'' She asked.

She was growing impatient with each passing second, she wanted him to say that he loved her. She knew he loved her, but he was fighting back his feelings for his revenge against Dev's family.

''I love you too Rose, I really love you...!'' He finally confessed his feelings letting out a deep sigh closing his eyes to compose himself.

He said it, he finally said it!

''Z-Zafar? Say it again. Say it again, once more. Please...?'' She pleaded cupping his face in her palms as a fresh stream of tears starting running down her eyes.

He open his eyes and tears ran down his eyes too, they both were crying but this time those tears were of happiness, they were of victory. Their love had won against all odds, finally!

''I love you Roop, I love you very much. I love you....!'' He confessed again, smiling in his tears as he held her wrists.

''Say it again, once more. Look deep into my eyes and say it. Tell me, that you love me Zafar...!'' She pleaded once again, growing all the more restless wanting to hear those three magical words from his mouth again.

Roop couldn't get enough of those words, she had eagerly waited for his confession for six long years which for her were equivalent to an eternity.

''I, ZAFAR LOVES YOU MY ROOP, I LOVE YOU TO INFINITY. I ALWAYS DID AND I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER, NO MATTER WHAT....! DO YOU HEAR ME?'' Zafar said stressing on each and every word he uttered, looking deep into her eyes pulling her closer.

He confessed his feelings freely, without any pressure, hindrance, barrier or helplessness. He wasn't forced by any negative force to confess his feelings for her. It was all from his heart!

Everything about that particular moment was priceless the intensity and power in his words, their tears, their sighs and smiles. It was nothing but pure love, their pure, limitless love. Their ardour!

The next moment they were in each other's arms, crying their hearts out with a content smile on their faces. Roop wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer while Zafar encircled his arms around her waist hugging her all the more closer hiding his face in her hair.

Their hold around each other tightened with every passing second, not letting each other go holding on to each other as if it was their last moment together!

After what seemed like a lifetime in each other's embrace they broke the hug while holding each other close. Zafar kissed her forehead, her eyes all the way to her cheeks until their lips brushed past each other and he pecked her lips instinctively.

Roop, whose eyes were closed all this while as she felt Zafar's lips on her skin enjoying his love opened her eyes to find him looking at her intensely as if asking for approval to kiss her. She blushed to the deepest shade of red like a rose and closed her eyes indicating that she permitted him to kiss her.

My beautiful blushing Rose!

Within no time, he claimed her lips in a soft, tender kiss making sure that he didn't scare her with his burning desires. Her comfort mattered to her the most even more than his love and passion to make her his. He wanted to take it slow, he wanted her to be comfortable with him.

Roop too started responding to his kiss, cupping his face in her palms. The kiss was soft, slow and full of affection. It was devoid of any lust.

After a few seconds, they broke away gasping for air with their foreheads still joined together.

Zafar ran his fingers through her loose hair strands, putting them behind her ear as he kissed her forehead lovingly.

''Are you okay, Rose?'' He asked her ever so softly and she nodded her head.

He is so loving and caring!

''I am fine, Zafu...!'' She replied cutely.

She called me Zafu, I love my new name!

''I love it when you call me Zafu. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have liked it. But you can call me that...'' He said smiling.

''Why...?'' She asked him hesitantly playing with his shirt buttons as he pulled her in his arms.

''Because you the right to call me anything you want to. You have all rights over me. I am yours, only yours...!'' He said whispering lovingly, admiring her cute gestures.

''I am yours too, Zafu...!'' She replied in the same tone and he smiled.

''Zafu...?'' Roop whispered leaving her sentence midway, tensing up the atmosphere.

''Yes, butterfly. What is it?'' He asked her getting impatient for an unknown reason.

Did she want to say something?

''I have a request. Will you fulfill it?''

''What is it my Rose?''

''Can you make me yours?''

''You are already mine...!'' He answered calmly.

''No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean...?'' Roop bit her lower lip nervously.

''What do you mean, Rose? Tell me, don't be afraid...!'' He comforted her.

Zafar to some extent knew what she wanted to say, but still he was waiting for her to say it. He wanted her to express herself, fully.

''I want you to claim me as yours, physically. I want you to love me...!'' She replied, confessing her real desire at that point.

''Are you sure about what you are asking me for?'' He asked her hesitant.

''Yes, I am sure. Claim me. Love me like you do Zafar. I have waited to say this to you. I can't wait anymore. Please...?'' She urged, requesting him to love her.

''Don't say anything further, Rose. Just you and me tonight. I will make you mine. I will claim you as mine...!'' He said in a soft whisper as he scooped her up in his strong arms carrying her towards the bed, sealing their lips with a kiss. She too wrapped her arms around him in response.

He gently put her on the bed and hovered over her, switching off the lights. The only light in the room was that of the fire coming from the fireplace.

There were no words exchanged till the rest of the night except for their heavy breaths as he undressed both of them, her soft moans and his deep groans, neither she said anything nor he did.

Zafar took things really slow with her and treated her very gently. He turned out to be even more softer, loving, caring and tender then she had expected him to be ever since she had met him.

She really felt loved, wanted at the same comfortable with him. At that point of time, she felt like the most beautiful and the luckiest girl in the world!

How could a man be so patient and loving?

Zafar and Roop knew that they loved each other and had submitted to each other rightfully as they moved back and forth on the rhythm of their ardour, making love to each other senselessly wrapped in each other's arms as they touched and kissed each other like there was no tomorrow.

The time had stopped for them, there was no one except them in that love-filled moment. It was just him, it was just her. There were there, yet they weren't. It seemed as it saying something or listening to anything was forbidden.

This is how the first night of their love was taken, giving the two loveless souls the chance to fill themselves with each other's love becoming one physically, mentally as well as spiritually!

Author's note | Hello & Asalaam - o - alaikum everyone!

This was the third part of Ardour - An Alternate Ending To Kalank.

How was it?

I hope you all like it!

Raghu & Haseena's entry will be in the upcoming chapters as they play a very important role in the story, so stay tuned for further updates!

Also, I wanted to ask you all an important question. Do you all want a little background of Raghu & Haseena's love story or should I just start off with their introduction in the story? Do let me know in your comments!

The next chapter will be out really soon.

Don't forget to vote as well as drop in your precious comments, that would be great!

Goodbye and Khuda-Hafiz for now until we meet next time.

Till then stay happy, blessed and keep on spreading love and positivity.

Lots of love!
Yours, Aashu.

©Allrightsreserved ©aashu-qureshi98™ ©2021.✅

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