No where to hide (SEQUEL TO P...

By BrookeBates607

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I was currently held at gun point by a guy who claimed to love me. He smirked before speaking. "I told you th... More

No where to hide
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Betrayal Cover
Betrayal Cover pt.2
Chapter 58

Chapter 36

1.4K 39 15
By BrookeBates607

~ Eliana's P.O.V ~

I was currently laying in bed in the room that Luke and I shared. I don't understand why he was put in jail, he did nothing wrong. I can't believe the police wouldn't listen to me when I told them that he didn't hurt me. It hurts me to think that I have to live without him and raise my children without him. I love him so much.

A tear ran down my face as memories of me and Luke flowed though my head. I let out a sad sigh as I thought of the fact that Ryder's plan to get them out may not work. My thoughts were interrupted by Niall walking into the room. One hand in his pocket and the other awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Niall and I haven't really spoken since he claimed that we were a thing. I miss our friendship and the fact that he was always there for me. I can't believe I stopped talking to him because Luke told me not to.

"Hey Eli?" Niall said walking up to the bed and taking a seat on the edge.

"Hey Ni, what's up?" I asked slowly sitting up.

"Can we talk?" He bit his lip as he nervously ran his hand through his hair.

"We already are." I said with a smile trying to calm the awkward tension. A smile crossed Niall's lips but quickly disappeared as he let out a frustrated sigh and stood to his feet before pacing around the room. "Ni? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked a little worried about him.

"You don't know what's wrong? You really don't know?" He asked when he looked back at me I noticed that his blue eyes were now bloodshot and filled with tears causing mine to widen.

"No I don't, please tell me. I don't like seeing you cry." I said playing with my fingers.

"Why should I tell you? So that you can tell me I'm crazy or that I'm lying?" Niall yelled causing me to jump at his sudden outburst "You know what's fucked up? The fact that the girl I love and claimed to love me back is with another guy. The fact that you think I'm lying when I'm the only one in this house who is telling you the fucking truth." Niall added. I rolled my eyes before pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Please don't start this Shit again, Niall. I get that you may like me but you need to realize that we aren't a thing and never were." Niall's jaw clenched as he walked up to me and took a seat so close to me that our legs are touching.

"What did Luke tell you about your concussion and how you got it?" He calmly asked.

"He told me that I slipped and hit my head on the end of a table." I shrugged

"Are you fucking serious? Do you really believe that stupid fucking story?" Niall asked

"Niall I think you need to calm yourself down and leave my room" i said causing him to firmly grab onto my hand and lead it into my hair and towards my scar from the accident

"He did that to you, you didn't fall" he said causing my jaw to clench in anger.

"Stop fucking lying you fucking asshole." I yelled.

"Do you want to know what really happened?" He asked pulling his hand away from mine. I nodded even though I didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth. "One night I came home extremely drunk and you were in the kitchen doing the dishes, I went up to you and started to touch you. You turned me down at first but I eventually convinced you to fuck me....." I cut Niall off by speaking

"That's not true." I said

"Don't fucking interrupt me. Now where was i? Well Luke found out and he beat me up for it. You found out that him and Ryder did some stuff in the past and you and Ryder fought. Calum ended up fighting Luke and pushing Ryder causing her to fall on her stomach and have a carriage." I let out a gasp as tears ran down my face. That's why Ryder always changed the subject every time I asked her about the baby. "A little after that you found out you were pregnant. Luke started to get possessive and hit you because he wasn't sure if the baby was mine or his. When he did you would come to me and I would comfort you. We ended up falling for each other and you were planning on leaving Luke because he was so abusive. When you gave birth we all find out that he was the father. We were going to break up so that you could continue your family with Luke but we both didn't want to. One day Luke walked in on us fucking and got pissed off and pulled you out of the room. You guys got into an arguement and one thing led to another he ended up pushing you causing you to slam your head on the edge of your dresser." By the time he finished I was in tears trying to calm my breathing

"If this is true than why didn't anyone tell me? Why did Ryder tell me I fell?" I asked trying to find anyway to prove that Niall was lying

"Because Luke begged her not to and promised her that he would never hit you again." Anger ran through me when I realized that my best friend lied to my face. I immediately got to my feet and walked towards Ryder's room. I pushed open the door to see her laying I'm bed with Dylan and London on each side of her. They all had tears in their eyes as they hugged and kiss.

"Mommy?" London asked looking up at Ryder

"Yeah baby?" Ryder sniffled

"Where is Adam?" Ryder looked as if she was about to curl up in a ball and have a mental break down. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"H-He's in heaven." She said wiping away her own tears.

"When is he coming back?" Dylan asked.

"Why don't you give your mother and I sometime to talk, yeah?" I asked causing them to jump and realize my presence. They nodded before getting off the bed and giving me a hug before walking towards their rooms.

I want to be mad at Ryder for lying to me, I want to scream at her and take out all my anger on her but I couldn't. She was already hurt enough and she didn't need anything else to make her life even worse. I walked up to the dresser and grabbed the box of tissues and handed it to her before taking a seat next to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked lightly stroking her hair.

"I feel like Shit. I lost my son and Calum and Michael are in jail. I don't see how anything could get any worse. I feel like every time I start to feel better someone brings up the things that hurt me the most. Dylan and London came in here and asked me where their fathers were, do you know how hard it is to explain to your children that they are in jail?" She cried. I grabbed a tissue out the box and wiped away her tears.

"Ssh ssh, it's going to be okay. Just think of all the good things in your life. Try not to dwell on the things that you know will break you down. We're going to get the guys out once you want to just tell us the plan and we'll go through with it." I said pushing her hair behind her ear.

"But what if the plan fails? What if we all end up in jail for trying to get them out?" Ryder's glassy brown eyes looked up at me

"It won't fail and we won't end up in jail." I said trying to reassure her.

"I just feel that everything I do is wrong. Every time I tried to save someone it just ended up hurting them more." She bit down on her lip trying to contain her tears.

"It's not your fault if you can't save someone. Some people aren't ment to be saved, Ry." I said as she reached for a tissue and blew her nose.

"I just wish I could have had more time with Adam. I can't believe I lost him. Every time I think of him I can feel my heart break even more." I wiped away all her tears before pulling her into a hug

"You're a stronger person, Ry. I know it hurts now but soon you'll be able to think of Adam and smile because you'll remember all the good times you had with him and will be thankful for the fact that you were lucky enough to have had that time." Her cries calmed down as I rubbed her back. After a little while she pulled away

"Thank you." She said running her hand through her hair, trying to tame her wild curls.

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow not sure on what she was thanking me for.

"For being here when I needed someone." She gave me a small smile that I returned.

"Anytime." I said. I let out a sigh as I thought of what Niall had told me causing Ryder to raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"I know this isn't the best time but can I ask you a question?" I looked down at my fingers

"Sure, what is it?" I crossed my legs before pushing my hair behind my ear

"Why did you lie to me about how I really got my concussion?" Her eyes widened when those words left my mouth.

"What are you talking about?" She tried to act as if she was clueless but I could tell she was lying.

"Please don't lie to my Ry, Niall told me everything." She let out a sigh before speaking.

"A little after we found out about your concussion and the fact that you were in a coma I found Luke alone in the bathroom he uh......" She stopped herself

"He what?" I pushed for her to continue

"He was cutting himself." I felt all the air get sucked out of my lungs. How could he cut himself

"Why?" My voice cracked

"Because the guilt from the fact that he was the one who put you in the coma." She signed

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked a little hurt at the fact that she kept this from me

"Because he begged me not to. He wanted to start over and make up for all the things he did. We made a deal that if he ever hit you again he would have to leave and that we would get a restraining order against him or just move. I was going to tell you but I didn't think it was the right time, you had just got out of your coma." She explained "I get if you hate me for not telling you, but please understand that I only kept it from you because I didn't think that you could handle the truth just yet." She added

"I don't hate you, Ry. I just wish you would have told me. I've been avoiding Niall this whole time because Luke told me that he was lying to me. Was Niall and I really a thing?" I asked.

"Yes. You loved each other but you didn't know what to do. You still had feelings for Luke but they weren't as strong as your feelings for Niall." She said causing me to sigh. I can't believe I kept on calling Niall a liar and not listening to anything he said.

"I'm sorry."She said kind of ashamed of herself "I just wanted to do what I thought was best for you."

"Don't be sorry, I would have done the same." I pulled her into a tight hug. Our moment was interrupted by Louis coming in the room

"We have to get going." Louis said scratching his head. I pulled away from Ryder before speaking

"Where are we going?" I raised an eyebrow

"We're getting they guys out and we have to meet some of my friends, I think they can help us." He reminded me. I let out a sigh before getting off the bed and extending my hand out for Ryder to grab, and when she did I pulled her off the bed and out the door.

~ Calum's P.O.V ~ [1 Hour Later]

I was currently sitting in the cafeteria of the jail with Michael, Luke, and some other inmates. I fucking hate this place. I would understand if I was sent here for something that I actually did but no, I was sent here for raping and kidnapping Ryder. I didn't kidnap her or rape her, she stayed willingly.

"This is some fucking Bullshit, why in the hell are we still in this Shit hole?" Michael growled slamming his fist down on the table.

"What do you expect us to do? Do you expect us to escape? What sense would that make? Let's just serve our time so we won't have to keep running. I don't know about you but I don't want to have to always be on the run." Luke said throwing a grape in his mouth

"Luke, Shut your Bitch Ass up. I'm not going to spend 10 fucking years away from my family. I'm getting out of here with or without you." I said clenching my jaw at the thought of Luke trying to convince us to stay in this hell hole.

"You do realize that you will be putting your family in danger, right? You will always be running." Luke rolled his eyes.

"You do realize that we don't really give a Fuck about if you stay or go, right? I just want you to realize that when we get out of here and get Ryder, the children and the guys, Eliana will be coming with us. You aren't stupid enough to think that she will stay here and wait for you. She's not going to just let Ryder and her children just leave, she's going to want to come with us. If you stay here that's on you, you just need to realize that when you serve your ten years no one will be here waiting for you. We would have moved on with our lives by then and Niall will probably get Eliana back and be raising your children as if they were his. No one will even care that you are free because we'd all be living our own lives." Michael bluntly stated causing Luke's eyes to turn a dark shade of blue and his jaw to clench as his fist balled.

"That's not true." He growled trying to convince himself.

"You and I both know that it is. Once we escape and tell Eli that you decided to stay she's going to be heart broken for maybe a week at most two then she is going to move on with Niall, it's just a simple fact." I said shrugging.

"Stop saying that. She fucking loves me, she would never do that." He said shaking his head and looking down at his food.

"She did it once, she'll do it again. But this time you won't be there to lie to her about who she truly loves." I said. Luke slowly looked up from his plate with teary bloodshot eyes.

"Do you think Ryder will wait for you? She's already cheated on you multiple times, who's to say she's not cheating on you right now?" Luke said obviously trying to get a reaction out of me.

"Honestly I don't know. But I love her and I know for a fact that she loves me back. Unlike you I don't plan on staying in this Shitty place and always have to wonder wether or not my wife is cheating on me or if she still loves me because I am getting out of here and keeping my wife and children happy and safe. I hope you come with us, but if you don't I don't really give a Fuck. I'm not gonna rot in this place because you don't want to leave and 'always be on the run'" I sharply stated

"Are you coming with us or not?" Michael asked raising an eyebrow. Luke slowly nodded before speaking


{ A Few Hours Later }

"Lights out." A guard yelled before the lights flickered off. I looked over at Michael and Luke as they tried to pick the lock of our cell.

"Hurry the fuck up before we get caught" I hissed. Luke turned around and rolled his eyes at me before speaking

"These things are so fucking hard to pick so if you don't mind can you shut the fuck up so I can focus." I nodded before impatiently tapping my foot on the floor of my cell

I can't wait to get back to my family. I haven't seen them since we got put in this godforsaken place and I miss them so Damn much. I can't stand the fact that I'm locked in this prison while my wife is left defenceless if Ashton comes for her again. Once I get out of here I'm going to rip his head of his fucking shoulders and shove it up his........ my train of thought was interrupted by gun shots causing my eyes to go wide.

"Move away from the door." I whisper yelled to Luke and Michael. They quickly obeyed my order and moved back. We all listened as the gun shots went on

"What in the hell is going on?" Michael whispered

"Maybe someone else tried to escape and got caught. I knew this was a bad idea, let's just serve our time." Luke tried to reason with us.

"Shut up Luke." I hissed. Once those words left my mouth I heard a loud gun shot that sounds like it came from a shotgun before a guys voice yelled

"MAN DOWN." Multiple gun shots followed his words causing Michael's, Luke's and my eyes to widen. What in the hell is going on out there?

The gun shots died down after what felt like hours before we heard foot steps coming down the hallway. I heard quiet mumbles of "is that them? " and "No" then other mumbles of "kill them, we can't have witnessed." Before a few shot were fired at what I'm assuming to be an inmate.

Who in the Fuck is just killing people? My eyes widened when I realized that the foot steps were getting closer to our cell.

"Try to hide under your bed or on the top bunk." I whispered to Luke and Michael. They gave me a quick nod before doing as they were told. I heard inmates yelling profanity and pleading for their lives as the sound of gunshots went off soon followed by screams of pain.

I quickly rolled under my bed as the foot steps got louder, signaling that they were outside of my cell. I heard our cell door open before the lights flickered on and someone cocked a gun.

"I know someone's in here, I can see you on the top bunk and under the bed. But I'll give you a chance to come out before I have to get you out by force and trust me that won't be pretty." The person said. I sighed before sliding from under the bed. I'd rather die with dignity. Luke and Michael came from on top of the bed and stood next to me, in front of the four guys pointing a gun at our heads. One of them gave us a strange look before whispering to the other to guys 'is that them?' I heard the one with a brown quiff whisper. I rolled my eyes before speaking

"I don't have time for this Shit, if you're going to kill us just get it over with." I growled causing one of them to smack me across the face with their gun. I rubbed my jaw before spitting out some blood.

"Call them in." The one with brown roots and blond hair said. A guy with brown hair nodded before pulling out his phone and speaking.

"Hey, yeah, I think we found them." Luke looked over at me and have me a confused look that I just shrugged off. The guy hung up the phone before speaking again

"They'll be here soon." Once those words left his mouth we heard more foot steps coming towards our cell. The four guys standing in front of the cell door made it impossible to see who was standing outside the door.

"Move." I heard an authoritative voice say causing the guys to slightly jump and move to the side revealing Ryder and Eliana. A huge smile spread across my face as I ran to her and picked her up before desperately smashing my lips against hers. As our lips moves in perfect harmony a salty metallic taste caused me to slightly pull away and get a good look at her. I was so caught up in how happy I was too see her that I didn't realize that Her face was covered in blood and tears causing me to frown.

"Oh my God baby, are you okay? What happened?" She gave me a confused look as she noticed me staring at her face before raising a hand and collecting some of the blood on it causing her eyes to soften in realization

"It's not my blood, don't worry?" She said still slightly crying

"Why are you crying? Did the guys get hurt? Are the babies okay?" I frantically asked

"They're fine, I missed you so Damn much and I'm just so happy to see you again." She said

"Than who's blood is it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you not hear the gun shots? It's the guards blood?" She said looking down kind of ashamed of herself. I pulled her head up before kissing her lips

"I love you so fucking much, baby." I said causing her to smile before hugging me tight. I looked over at Eliana to see her covered in blood and arguing with Luke and Michael awkwardly standing there waiting. Before long Ryder pulled away before pushing my lips and speaking

"I love you too." I smiled before kissing her nose. Our moment was interrupted by Michael speaking.

"Ry?" She looked over at him before walking over to him and pulling him into a tight hug as he wrapped his arms around her and slightly grabbed her butt causing my jaw to clench in anger and jealousy.

"I missed you." She said as he kissed her cheek

"I missed you too, kitten" he kissed her nose before she pulled away.

"We have to get out of here, now." She said causing the four guys that I still don't know the name of to node and Eliana and Luke to stop arguing before walking out of the cell. We didn't even take 10 steps before multiple police officers came out of no where.

"Drop your weapons, and put your hands above your head. We will not hesitate to shoot."

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