My redemption

Von Semmmiee1234

43.6K 956 137

When opening your eyes, suddenly the entire world has changed. Everything you once new is gone. Every person... Mehr

One way to survive
A new "Family"
Not her.
I think I am..
Tell me
ONE rule
Nine of Hearts
Beginning of an end
Game start
Death to all


3.2K 76 11
Von Semmmiee1234

Taking a day off from the games, I have spend most of the day inside. Not getting out for anything. Hearing a soft knock on my door, I slowly get up. Ugh the door feels so far away. Opening the door, no one is there. 

Walking out, I stomp my foot against something. What is this? Kneeling down I see a bag with some food inside. Looking around I don't see anyone around. Whoever did this is so nice. 

What a nice way to end the day, the bag had a good meal inside and some drinks. I have no idea who left it, but something in me tells me that is was from Niragi. Oh well, I want it to be from him.

Although thinking of him makes me sad, I would like to see him. Laying back down I quickly drift a sleep with him on my mind.

With a new day it feels like a fresh start. Taking a nice shower, my head still hurts a little, but yesterday did me good. I am ready to go out. Looking in the mirror, I decided to wear my red bikini. No one will be able to see it, but it is all about the little things. Putting on a shirt, I can't get his voice out of my head I like the red one better. Sending shivers down my spine, my red cheeks giving away how he makes me nervous. I need to get it together.

"Niragi" Opening the door, I see him standing outside. Leaning against the wall. Pushing himself off, he looks relieved to see me. Giving me a smile. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I used to find that nickname so annoying, but hearing how he gives everyone a cheesy nickname, I started to feel special. He doesn't call anyone else sleeping beauty. Am I being ridiculous? Shaking my head, I look back to him. Looking amused at me, he chuckles.

"Are you ready to go?" Nodding, he walks closer. Looking down, he stops inches from me. Softly feeling the back of my head. His fingers slowly trailing "It doesn't feel like a big bump, but I heard that you should rest a little longer"

"One day is enough" taking a few steps back he nods "Alright lets go"

And for the past week that is what our days looked like. Sometimes we would have to scout for traitors, get some supplies and other days he would teach me how to shoot properly. At night we would play a game together and stop at the park. Having a short moment to enjoy the night.

But that is becoming harder. I don't want to play games with him anymore. It is never wise to play games with someone you care about. No. Stopping my own thoughts. I can't allow myself to care for him, I can't fall for me. This train of thought is dangerous. Driving away to another game arena, I don't know what to do. I don't want to enter this arena with him. I really don't want to. 

"Ready?" holding open my door, Niragi holds his hand out for me. "I don't want to play this game" confused, he lets his hand down "What do you mean"

"I don't want to play in this arena" processing what I have just said, he nods in responds "Alright lets find another one" I quickly shake my head. Getting more confused he raises his eyebrow "I don't want to play games with you anymore" I am afraid to look up, not of him being angry or wanting to take it out on me. I don't want to disappoint him. 

Looking down, Niragi is taking his time to process it. Seeing how your head is lowered, rubbing your hands nervously, he isn't sure how to take it. We have done every game together since she has been here. I know that she doesn't dislike or hates me, so this is kind of a surprise. This situation is completely new for me, having played a lot of games I didn't care what happened to others. Maybe? Could he dream of it to be true. I don't want her to get hurt in the games, I don't want to end up fighting against her. Could she feel that way too? Maybe she cares about me. Could she? 

Choosing to believe that you are doing this out of care of him, Niragi softly agrees. "Why don't you play this game and I will play the one we saw earlier" 

Huh. He doesn't mind. Looking up, his gaze is soft. Nodding to his idea, he holds his hand out again. Taking his hand, he squeezes it, before starring straight into my eyes. 

"I will pick you up after my game is done." His eyes putting me into a trance, I nod "Don't die." Letting go of my hand, it is time to go. Walking into the arena, he waits until I am inside. Waiting at the entrance, I wait until I hear the engine of the car. 

There he goes. 

With the game starting, I am roll my neck back. Here we go, Game on.

Finishing the game rather quick, the cold wind feels nice. I hope that Niragi makes it out soon. It feels weird not doing a game with him, but it is also like a relieve. I am not worried about him and I don't do anything stupid to save him. Thinking back to the first time I shot someone point blank to safe him. The car pulling up, breaks the horrid memory. 

"Am I not glad to see you" Giving me a smirk, Niragi yells out for me. He looks so handsome. Getting caught starring I quickly get into the car, ignoring the big grin on his face.

The next day

Another boring gathering. With the hatter absolutely pleased with your contributions, he was so resolute on making you a member of the board. Having to join them every time is becoming duller and duller. The thought of doing that mans bidding is just sickening.

Not paying attention, Niragi pokes my shoulder. "You should pay attention" clicking his tongue. Seeing how some guys are waiting for him, he takes a look at Hatter "Listen to me" Grabbing my arm he seems serious "Wait at the car for me." what is he talking about. Raising my eyebrow at him, he grabs me even tighter. Owh that hurts. "Don't go near Hatter. Get it" pulling my arm once more I quickly nod. Jeez that is going to leave a bruise.

With everyone else getting out, I take that is the cue to go. Trying to leave, someone stops me. "Y/N" he is one of the hatters men. Nodding and trying to leave, he stands in front of me again. "Hatter would like a word with you" 

Shit. How do I get out of this one. Noticing that I am trying to come up with an excuse he leans in to tell me dead to all traitors. "I only have a minute" nodding, he guides me to another room. Walking in I see Hatter sitting down on a couch with a drink in his hand.

"Y/N sit down!" his hand caressing the place beside him, I thank him and sit on the opposite couch. Clearly not amused he hands me a drink. "I must say I am impressed by your actions" As he goes on to talk how I am impressing him, I feel sick. His slick words, hair back, his shirt purposely unbuttoned, it is making me so uncomfortable.

"You are also breath taking." My face making a disgusted expression I quickly look down. "Niragi also seemed to have taken in interest in you" Where is this conversation going? With the hatter sitting forward, he is eating me up alive. Thank god that I am wearing a big shirt and pants.

"I must remind you of the rule of only wearing bikini's" my eyes finally looking into his, he is amused. Tilting his head he is reminding me to take it off. "I know." thinking of how to play it, I also see Aguni walk in. "But" leaning in as well, Hatter seems intrigued "Every single time I wear my bikini and a guy comes just a little to close" taking a pause, I add some dramatics and look around, just to make it seem more secretive "Or even attempts to talk to me. Niragi. He kills them" making a worried face to the Hatter, his expression has gone blank.

I knew it. He is afraid of Niragi. Even Aguni, starts to meddle into our conversation. Calling some other girls in. Telling me that I can go, I try to look calm as I rush out of the room. 

My heart still beating, I feel so uncomfortable. I knew that Hatter was dangerous, but to be this disgusting. Remembering his gaze I just feel sick again. I should hurry and get to the car.

Niragi is already waiting for me. Leaning against the car. Feeling my gaze, he turns his face and spots me. Holding the door open he ushers me over. "Lets go" Closing the car door,  he doesn't waist time to take off. 

Explaining what the meeting was about this morning, he explains that we are looking for two girls that took some cards with them. "They stole them?" Niragi nods, but that seems weird. You have to hand them in and they are stored somewhere we don't even know. "I don't think that is true" Speaking my mind, Niragi grabs the wheel tighter. His reaction makes me worried. I know that he is a high member, but we a-. We? I shouldn't think like that. 

"I know" taking his time to agree with me, I am relieved that he opens up "They must have done something else. But Hatter wants them back. He wants them back alive"

"What? Alive?" that is confusing. Niragi bust out in laughter and almost unconsciously grabs my hand "Did you pay attention to what was being said. Looking at my hand I feel my cheeks becoming red, turning to see him. He looks amused, letting my hand go to put both hands back on the wheel.

"I did. The only thing I heard was  that there is a prize or something like that."

"You only picked up the most important part" shaking his head, he clicks his tongue "You really should pay better attention" Parking the car, he tells me that we are going to wait around here. Apparently this is where they were scouted.

And we were successful in tracking them down. Both shot in the legs, we brought them back to the beach. The girls seemed so afraid, begging us to kill them. Laying down onto my bed I can't shake the scarred look on their face. Hatter was so happy to see them. Sitting back up, something doesn't feel right about this. I didn't get to ask any questions, Niragi quickly ushered me out of the room. 

I know Niragi is told me to wait here, but why is he taking his sweet time. Closing my eyes, I am just waiting to fall a sleep, but it to early for a nap. Hearing the knocking on my door I jump up, finally! Stopping in front of the door, I take a deep breath. Calm down. 

Opening the door he is standing there, looking happy. Mm what news did he get to be so excited. "Lets get into town." holding his hand out for me, I feel this feeling in my stomach. Taking his hand, we are both trying to control our smile. 

Getting in the car, pulls over at the big stores. "I am going to grab some stuff" Seeming nervous, I nod. "I will be going into the forest for a little bit" Nodding he seems relieved. What is he trying to do here. Looking at him walk away, this can be two things. He is hiding something from me or he is getting sick of me.

After walking for a bit, I am glad to see the flowers again. They have grown a lot. Owh I forgot to bring water. Kneeling down I start to talk and after I while I sit down.

While you are talking away Niragi came to look for you. A little bit worried, but you couldn't have gone far. Standing still he can hear your voice. Walking towards you, your words become more clear. Listening how you are explaining how your past games where, you stop talking. Standing still as well, Niragi spots you. 

Sitting down on the ground, the sight of you makes him smile. About to call you he hears you mention his name. Owh talking about me? Walking closer he is hoping to hear something good to come out of your mouth "Chota I do miss you." Chota? Who is Chota. Making a sound he calls out your name "Lets go" 

Hearing Niragi's stern voice, he scares me. Already walking back to the car, I quickly get up "Hiro, Chota that is him. He might seem like an asshole and mean. Because he can be, but. He is really nice" Trying to stop myself from smiling I run to him.

He is already sitting in the  car? That is surprising. Sitting down, he immediately starts to car and races off. Something must have happened. Clearly not in a mood to talk, I keep my mouth shut. Stealing a quick glance, his lips are pressed shut. His eyes look mad and he is aggressively driving fast.

We arrive back at the beach what seems two times as fast as it took us any other time. "Are you okay?" Turning to face me, he doesn't even answer me. Getting out, he is already walking to the entrance. What is going on? Still looking in disbelieve, he turns around. What is going trough his mind. Opening my door, he is waiting for me to get out. 

His behaviour is making me nervous. Getting out, he locks me in as he closes the door. "What" his arms locking me in, he still keeps a certain distance. Looking straight at me, studying my face. Feeling uncomfortable I try to leave, but he won't let me go. 

"Why were you late this morning" why is he asking this, locking eyes I don't want to give him the truth. He will get even more pissed if I tell him I went to talk with hatter. "Where" Sounding stern, his eyes look worried. I thought they would look angry but he looks uncertain. "Hatter wanted to talk to me" I nervously wait for him to say something, but instead I can feel his whole demeanor change. The air almost feels cold. "Who is Chota" Wait. Did you hear me talking? not answering he takes  a step back. 

"I told you to stay away from Hatter and anyone else" looking into his eyes, he doesn't look like himself. His eyes are cold, the cold gaze he gives to everyone else. It is making me angry as well. What did I do? I didn't do anything wrong to him.

"Why should I listen. I can talk to anyone I want" Surprised by my words, he walks closer, snickering "You are not my boyfriend. Why should I listen to you" pushing me back, he inches close. "You are right" and with those words I watch him walk inside. 

After that fight my blood is still boiling. About to order a drink at the bar, I stop myself. There is no point in drinking my feelings away. 

"Why the long face" Chishiya scares me and puts his arms beside me "Nothing" Kuina spots us and gives me a big hug "You look sad" letting out a sigh, she doesn't need to ask why. 

"Lets go and dance" pulling them along we head inside into the disco. Everyone is already dancing and we three head into the crowd. 

Letting the music take over control, I can't help but feel anxious. I am still so upset at Niragi. Trying to forget, I start to dance closer and closer to Chishiya, his hand softly landing on my back to pull me in. With the music becoming more and more sensual, we are so close, I can feel his breath on my skin. 

Feeling his hand move up, he lifts my face up, his eyes have a dangerous look. Starring at my lips, I feel uncomfortable. I don't want to lead him on. I can feel that he is leaning in, but it doesn't feel right. Taking a step back, I walk away from him. 

Running out the disco, I can hear him calling out my name, but I keep pushing through the crowed. 

Looking at me struggling, Niragi has seen everything. His hand forming fists. He walks to me, pushing everyone aside. Feeling someone grab me, he pulls me out of the crowed. 

"What are you doing" pushing me agains the wall, the people around us quickly leave. "What do you mean" I am too embarrassed to look at him. I can't tell him about what just happened. How is he going to react to that.  

Feeling his stare, Niragi is walking closer to me. I really have no room to escape, my back against the wall, his arms locking me in and now is so close to me. 

"Why were you dancing with Chishiya" Wait... Finally locking eyes, he is raising his eyebrow. He saw us. Looking down again, he sighs "Why were you dancing with Chishiya" repeating the question, I don't know what to say. Why was I dancing with him? 

"I was" pausing he encourages me to continue "I was mad at you." I can feel how he is tensing up, the whole air around him turns cold "So in return you dance with someone I loath. Because you like him." 

Locking eyes I shake my head "Because I was mad at you. At you. I wanted you out of my mind for just a second" pushing him away, he stumbles back. He didn't expect me to say this to him, clearly confused, he is staring at me 

"I am on your mind" looking down, I know I am blushing. Shit I didn't mean to say that. Grabbing my hand he pulls me away. 

"Where are you going" After an elevator ride, he finally stopped in front of a room. Not answering me he opens the door for me. Holding his arm out for me to enter first. 

"Wow" entering the room, I walk into a whole as suite. Jeez this is huge compared with my room. "Why did you take me here" 

Niragi is sitting on the arm of the couch, looking at me. Looking nervously he stands up again. "The prize of getting those girls" nodding I guess he got this room from the hatter. "It is nice" falling back silent, I don't know what to say.

"You have a nice room Niragi. I should go" letting out a chuckle he is shaking his head. This is his room right? I don't get the confusion.

"This isn't my room" walking towards me, his eyes are locking me in. Grabbing my hand, he softly caresses my cheek. His gaze is so soft, so loving. It is making me so nervous.

"It is for us" 

what.. Giving me a loving smile, he looks so nervous. For us? Getting anxious, Niragi bits his lip and squeezes my hand. 

"I.. You have mesmerized me. I have" taking a second, I have never seen him so nervous. "I have fallen for you" feeling my heart beating out of my chest, my cheeks are red and so are his.

"I asked for this room, for us. I would like there to be an us." 

As he confesses his feelings for me, I let my worries go. Finally admitting to myself that the rumble in my stomach are butterflies. I have fallen for him. And these words. No one has ever looked at me like he does, done the things he has done for me. Letting go of my hand, I quickly grab his arm. 

"I would like that too" 

Lifting me up, he spins me around. Hugging me tight. 

In this moment, the worlds seems to be normal again. Being in his arms, I am able to forget the messed up world we are in. Seeing how he looks at me, I feel safe. 

It is us against the games.


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