Horimiya: Plus One (Male Read...

By StardustMaster

115K 3.3K 2.3K

It sucks being the middle child. Even though, Y/n is a little younger than Kyouko, he is still seen as the mi... More

Prologue: The Cook
You Don't Have A Chance...
Kyoto and...Cats?
Just Say It...
??? Chapter
Lovely Days
Uh... Friendship...?
Feelings, Cake, and Stew
Idiots and Cats...
Reunions and Tongue Games
Haircut Level...Up?
The Fear & Acceptance... Of Change
Wrapping Up The Year
Although We May Say Goodbye Now...[Finale]
...The World Will Keep Spinning, And Bring Us Back Together Some Day [Epilogue]

First Names?

8.8K 279 264
By StardustMaster

"Thank you for helping today. Souta's started to eat a lot recently, thanks to his Onii-chan..." Kyoko directed that comment towards you. You weren't really affected.

"I make everyone extras. Because they're supposed to be leftovers..." You said and soon after you sign. "It's not my fault he keeps eating his leftovers in one sitting."

"Then stop putting the leftovers where he can reach!" Kyoko argued with you as you looked at her confused.

"But they're his leftovers. How is he supposed to eat it if he can't reach it?" You say in disbelief as Izumi just laughed.

Right, Izumi. You felt you should give him a nickname as soon as you thought of one. It's not that you disliked the name, you just thought having one would be cooler.

"Well, he is a growing boy. You both make good points." Izumi said as you looked at the poster behind him. Kyoko looked after you did and you all stopped carrying the groceries.

"I've seen this idol a lot recently." Your sister said as you let out a confused sound.

"Ehhhh? Is she famous or something?" You asked. You wouldn't know much about Tv. It's not like you didn't have access to it, it was more like you liked to keep your life minimal. It's...a work in progress.

"Ah, she's a star. I always see her on Tv." Izumi said as he looked at you. "But I'm not really a fan of short-haired girls. Maybe it's because my own hair is long."

"Oi. Why'd you look at me when you said that?" You say as he gets worried.

"Ah. I didn't mean anything by it!" He said as you enjoy seeing him panic. You get a sharp pain in your foot. You look at your sister with a too friendly smile as she turns it.

"You son of a bitch..." You both say in your heads. You kick her in the shin as she digs her heel further into your foot.

"You'd feel self-conscious when you were with her, since you'd be the lone with long hair?" Kyoko asked as she removed her foot as you walk on the other side of Izumi just to be safe.

"Not really self-conscious, it'd just be kind of unnatural. Though I'm not worried about that all at the moment. Since it's Hori I'm walking next to." He says as your sister looked at him in surprise.

"Miyamura...I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now.." Kyoko's voice is heard as Izumi looks at her. She turned around to look at you. "The truth is, I've waited, wanting to hear you say those three-Gah!"

You were being choked out by your sister after you pulled a stunt like that. Unfortunately, you were great at talking as other people. And that got you to where you are currently.

"Hori! Stop!" Izumi says as he tried to release her grip. She currently had the 'Oni' look.

"Just need to suffer a little more..." She said to you as you smile.

"Unlike...most of...my family, I'm...not into...this...I'm more into...dishing it....out..." You said as she just tried to kill you faster. You turned to Izumi but thought of a great nickname. "I...need your help...Ikku-!"

Your mouth was covered by a freaked out, blushing Izumi, cutting off your breathing, Although you had no idea why.

You were losing air...Oh no.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n trying to say the nickname but Chibi Miyamura denies it)

You eventually get home with your sister after you had a near death experience. You have learned something that they don't teach you in school. When causing trouble, don't do it next to the target.

"You could have killed me." You say to your sister holding the groceries.

"I wish I did. You're lucky I'm so nice." She said as she looked at you. You had a disgusted look at her and it pissed her off. "What's that face for!"

"Ah. Welcome back!" A voice rang out as you and your sister look in confusion. You slowly turn your head towards the voice.

"Mom?!" You both shout as she waved to you. You speed over with worry.

"Y-You should have told me you were coming! I would have made you some food beforehand." You say as she put a hand on your face.

"Hahahaha! I knew you'd react like this." She said as she ruffled your hair as you dealt with it. You then run to the living room and see Souta.

"Souta! Why didn't you call me immediately when mom got home!" You shout at him as he looked in worry.

"Ehh?! I don't have a phone, Onii-chan!" He says as he starts panicking as you glare at him. You approached him and overcast him.

"But you could have used the house phone!!!!" You shout as Souta looked in worry. Your mother and Kyoko walk in to the living room. Your mother, Yuriko Hori, looks at you with a smile.

"Don't give him a hard time, Y/n. I told him not to. Now, what were you doing?" Yuriko asked you as you put your little brother down and laid across the couch.

"We just went with our friend." You says as your mother looks at you in surprise.

"You made another friend? I'm so proud of you."

"Oi. I'm not a little kid." You say as Souta perks up.

"He always plays with me when he comes over."

"Isn't that nice!" Your mother says as Kyoko relaxes your mother's shoulders by giving her a massage. "A boy then?"

"Eh? Yeah..." Your sister replies hesitatingly. Your mother gets excited.

"Really?! I'm impressed! What's he like?" She asked as you decided to see how this one played out.

"He's kind of...dark. Like he's a criminal in a detective story or something..." Kyoko says as you just started laughing. "Grrrr! Shut up, Y/n!"

"Hahahaha! I can see his face now! That's the best thing you've got!? Comparing him to a criminal?! Ahahaha!" You say as you keep laughing in a sinister way.

"Oh my. It seems my son is dark as well." She says as she makes you stop laughing by the next thing she says. "I'd like to have a one-on-one talk with him, I think."

Your sister freaks out for a brief moment. "What in the world would you talk about?!"

"Ahh, that felt so good!" Your mother says to change the topic. You realized growing up that she was very good at that.

"So are you going to make dinner tonight?" Your heart dropped after your sister's comment. You felt a drop of sweat move down your head and onto the floor.

"Of course I am! I'm making curry!" Your mom said as you knew it was the boil and bag kind. You slowly got up as they were talking and tried to walk away. "Oh? Where are you going, honey?"

"N-No where, Mom. I'm just going to-" You tried to come up with an excuse when your mom grabbed your arm and stopped you from moving. She then pulled you into a hug. "M-mom?! What are you doing?!"

"I'm giving my son a hug! Am I not allowed to do that?" She said as she kept hugging you and ruffling your hair. Since you were a kid, mom always messed with your hair. No one knew why. "How have you been?"

You escaped her grasp and sat down as did Kyoto. You look at her confused as Kyoko placed some tea down for her. "Eh? I got good grades and all that. Nothing too much."

"Not that. I meant about you." She says as you look at her in realization. You quietly grit your teeth. "You've gained a friend. But have you broken out of that shell of yours?"

"Actually, I told him-"

"YES!" You shout intruppting your sister and startling everyone. "I've been doing great! I've gotten many friends! There's no need to worry!"

You say as your mother could obviously tell you were lying. She also knew your mindset. Only being the best...so that the Hori name isn't disgraced. She honestly didn't know what caused you to think that way, but figured it had be when you met your biological father in jail.

It seems that he was still manipulating you behind bars, even though you didn't know it...

"I'm...glad. Have you and Yuki-san gotten any closer?" She asked as your sister looked at you in shock as you began to blush.

"W-W-What are you saying, Mom?! I think you hit your head too much from tripping up the stairs!"

"Oh? Last time we had a real conversation, you kept talking about how Yuki-san helped you through the dark times. How Yuki-san would talk to you every day. How Yuki-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" You shout as you blush in embarrassment and roll all around the living room. You covered your ears as Kyoto just laughed.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! You fell for her?! HAHAHAHA!" She laughed. You stopped rolling around and looked at her.

"Fall for her? What does that mean?" You asked as your sister looked at you were an idiot. To be fair, you were homeschooled and weren't around many people when you stole stuff.

You got a little sad as you get reminded about your past. How most of your life was spent inside a house. And that you still lack some common sense.

Your mother saw this and looked at your sister. "That's right. What's this guy's name?"


"The criminal." Your mother asked Kyoto as she looks at her.

"His name is Miyamura."


"Yeah, Miyamura...Miya..." Your sister then went into a panic. She looked at you for help and you gave her a smug smirk.

She knew you knew. But she knew that you weren't going to tell her.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n racing Tooru to the front gate)

You are sitting in school again. Guess what your doing? Studying, but you couldn't focus. You kept thinking back to what your mom said about Yuki.

Did you really talk about her that much?

You didn't think so. You thought your mom was just exaggerating like always. But, Yuki was on your mind. You couldn't get her off of it. You ended up not studying anything for the day, trying to get Yuki off your mind.

But, as if on cue. "Good morning, N/n!"

The tormenter of your mind, appeared in front of you. Crouching down to your level to make eye contact with your resting head in your eyes. You see her smile and feel something...you don't know how to explain it. You just knew that this knew feeling unusual.

"How are you today, Yu-chan?" You called her by her your childhood nickname for her by accident. You cover your mouth, blushed, and look away. She stayed silent and had an unreadable face."Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"One more time..." She says softly as you see her face. She was blushing and used her sweater to his her face. You blushed even more but got closer to her.


"Can you say it...one more time?" She asked you as she got closer so no one could hear it. Both of you were blushing but you gained up the courage to say it as you two were inches away from bumping head.

"H-How are you today, Yu-chan?" You said with a massive blush as Yuki just smiled through her blush.

"You just made my day, C/n."

[C/n=Childhood Nickname]

She then stood up and walked away with a little skip and a happy smile. Meanwhile you were on your desk blushing greatly, Miyamura looked at you. He saw steam coming out of your head.

That feeling came back to you. It was overwhelming! You didn't want to ask Kyoto what this feeling was. You could see her disgusted face already...

...you need it gone. This feeling was distracting. You obviously didn't like this feeling so you decided to ignore it and move on.

Tooru walked over to you and slapped your head. You looked at him in anger. "I've been calling your name. We need to head to the locker room."

You let your anger settle and nodded. "That's fine." You walk out of the room with Miyamura and Tooru. You see your sister struggling to figure out Miyamura's first name. You smirk and walk away.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yuki blushing in happiness from the day's events)

You ate your mother's food...against your will. Well, not exactly. It took all your will power to eat the curry your mom made. Your instincts were telling you not to, but you couldn't after seeing your mom make it. Your sister was messing around with her food.

"Kyoko, aren't you going to eat any curry. You've just been fidgeting with your spoon the whole time."

"This is the third day of curry in a row." You and your sister tell her.

"Do you not like it?" Your mother asked. Kyoto shook her head.

"I-it's not that..."

"We're tired of having watered down curry." You said bluntly as your sister stomped on your foot. "But I'm happy your trying to cook."

"Oh that reminds me. Tomorrow's Saturday, so is he going to come over? This Miyamura-kun."

"Yeah, he should if he wants to see my flat-!" You said in Kyoko's voice but stopped when you felt your sisters bloodlust. One day...one day you'll both get the Oni and then, everyone is in trouble.

"Finish it. I dare you!" Your sister threatened you as you smirked.

"Hey! If you kill me, you won't get to ever eat my food again." You had an amazing scapegoat. She calmed down and probably thought something stupid. Why? Becasue she perked up out of nowhere.


"Shut up! Can't you eat normally?!"

"What did you just say?!"

(Timeskip brought to you by Past Chibi Y/n stealing stuff from adults)

While you did want to see how your sister went about her plan, your mom gave you, the look. The holy look. The one that sees through disguises and told you that mom knew that Kyoko left on purpose. It seems your mom was serious about that one on one talk and kicked you out of the house.

So, you turn to the one place you got to when you're absolutely bored.

Yuki is writing in her room until she hears a tiny thud at her window. She ignored it, probably just a branch. It happened two more times before she got up and opened the window. She looked but didn't see anything. You reveal your to be hanging upside down and face to face with her.

"Y-Y/n?!" Yuki shouted in shock and worry.

"Hey, Yuki. I was bored so I came over." You say as you hang upside down. "So...can I come in?"

"Oh, Yeah! Come on in." She says as you swing in and land on the bed. You didn't think the bed was so bouncy and bounce off of it and bang your head on the door.

"HEY! ARE YOU OKAY?!" You recognized that voice. It was Yuki's sister. After reviewing your life choices, you decided that going there was a bad idea.

"YES! I'M FINE!" You say in Yuki's voice as the door slams open. Allowing her sister to see you and Yuki.

"Ah. It's you..." She says as she picks you up with one hand.

"Yuki! Save me?!" You shout in worry as Yuki gets up.

"Go easy on him, sis. He just got here, nothing happened." She says as her sister looks at her.

"Save it. If you want him to be here that's fine, but next time he should go through the front door." She says as you smile...wrong move. "But, we're going to have a talk."

"What?! Noooooo!!!" You shout as you get dragged to the living room. "Wait! Let me go! I'll leave! I'll leave!"

"You're a man, aren't you? Get a hold of yourself!" Yuki's sister said as she tried pulling your legs into the living room.

Yuki was confused about her life choices that led her best friend being dragged out of her room by her sister. She walked into the living room and looked at you.

"Come on, C/n. If we get this over with, then we won't be questioned again." Yuki says with a smile as you immediately let go of the door handle, get up, and walk to the table calmly.

"THAT'S ALL IT TOOK!?" The sister shouted out as you looked away.

"No, it couldn't be anyone but Yu. Otherwise, I wouldn't listen." You say as the two look in surprise. Yuki looks away, blushing and the sister walks to the table to look at you.

"So. How have you been, Y/n?" She says as you look at her, trying to calm your fear.

"I-I've been good."

You stuttered. You messed up. Calm down.

"I've been studying a lot. I'm learning many things about school." You admit as 'Yumi' nodded at you. You didn't know her real name but you always called her Yumi.

"That's good. I'm sorry that Fuji did that to you. I still can't imagine the life you were living. When I first met you, you were a pain in the ass." She said as Yuki looked at her.

"S-Sis! That's not-!"

"A real pain in my ass! You didn't want to do anything at first! But then after that visit with Fuji, you suddenly wanted to do everything! Don't tell me that's still your mindset." She called you out.

Your dad was very clear. He told you the truth, that you so badly wanted to ignore. He taught you to live for yourself, to steal to be better, to be aware.

But most importantly:

"I'm as bad as they say. But, if that's the case then you...You, Y/n Hori, owe your very existence to them for saving you, and giving you a second chance."

"A-A...A second chance of what...?"


Since then, you've done everything you can to keep the name living. The Hori name. You knew people worried about you, you knew people were didn't like what you were doing. But you didn't care.

"It's none of your business..." You say to her with a hint of anger. She scoffs at you as Yuki approached the two of you with tea.

"Well I disagree." She said as she threw something to you. You catch it and open your hand in shock. "It's your old key, from when you didn't trust the Hori's. I was wondering when you were going to come and get it, but I didn't expect it to be years."

That's right. There was a time where you didn't trust the Hori's. When you thought they were more drug addicts. After all, Kyoko's mom was friends with your mom in high school. You knew these two way before you knew the Hori's. It was a work in process but...you wouldn't trade it for the world.

"W-Why, why are you giving me this?" You say as you choke on your tea.

"Seeing as you'll be coming around for Yuki, I figured I might as well give you a easier way in." You choke on your tea. Yumi smiles.

"W-What are you talking about, Yumi?!" You say as Yuki looked at you confused.
Yumi just smiled and put her arms behind the chair.

"Hmm? I was just saying how you basically lived in here before. Seeing as your hanging out with Yuki, I figured I'd give you the key." Yumi said as you recomposed yourself.

"Oh that's what you meant." You look over at the table to see a notebook. "Isn't that my sisters?"

Yuki perked up and walked over. "That's right!" She then grabbed your hand and led you to the front door. "We'll be back, Sis!"

"We?!" You and Yumi said in confusion as Yuki put on her shoes. You figured you were dropping off the notebook and got on your shoes.

Soon, you and Yuki were walking down to your house. Your mom should be gone so Kyoko should be the only one in there. You turn towards Yuki.

"Do you still remember the way?"

"Ehh?! I'm not that forgetful, am I?!" She says as you chuckle.

"No, but you are a bit lazy. I could easily see you pulling up a map just to take a random shortcut." You say bluntly as Yuki looked hurt. She then starts lightly hitting you on the chest.

"Your so mean to me!" She said as you just chuckled.

"Ow. Ow! Ow! OW!! Hey! Why is it hurting more?!" You asked as you grabbed the notebook as you got closer. "It's easier if I do it. Honestly, you didn't have to follow me home. I could have just dropped it off."

"Yeah, but then how would she know it was from me?" She said as she ring the doorbell.

"You didn't need to do that."

"Hori~! Y/n's trying to take credit for my work!" She yells out in a playful voice. You look at her confused.


"Better luck next time, Y/n~!" She says as she teases you. You blush a little but not enough for her to see. "Hori, are you in there? Sorry, I'm giving these back...so...."

You come face to face with Izumi at your house and you both make eye contact.

"Why the hell is he still here?!?!"

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