By Callsign_Kels

2.1K 48 25


Everything Can Change

I don't know if I should hit you or kiss you right now

688 15 9
By Callsign_Kels


I shifted uncomfortably in M-Bot's cockpit, trying to fall asleep.

The day had been a long one, complete with Cobb's yelling and the Admiral's pettiness. But that wasn't what was keeping me awake, nor was it the relative uncomfortableness of sleeping in a cockpit.

It was Jorgen.

Jerkface had been on my mind all scudding day, and I didn't know why. M-Bot had taken to teasing ne about my teenagerisms and human attraction. Normal M-Bot stuff.

"What's wrong with me?" I said quietly, my voice barely a whisper.

"Wrong with me!" Doomslug trilled. I ran her hand down the back of the slug and over the blue frills.

Last night, Jorgen's car had broken down–not by my fault–and I was the only one outside with him. We talked for a while about whatever popped into our heads. It felt so good to let out some of my pent-up frustration out in a non-destructive way.

Somehow the conversation ended up at the DDF's policy for romance among cadets. I noticed him staring at me intently. And I remember the warm feeling of electricity that shot through me as he grasped my hand. I remember his words like my own name.

"Spensa," he said gently. He rarely called me by my actual name. "I- well I'm just going to be blunt. I like you. A lot." I gasped. I watched as he bit his lip waiting for my reaction. I didn't say anything. "Spensa, I don't know why. You're reckless and disobedient, and yet somehow that makes me like you even more, and..."

I don't know what happened. One second he was confessing his feelings to me, and the next his lips were on mine. I didn't know what to do. I had never kissed anyone before, as people were wary of the Coward's Daughter.

So I panicked. I pulled away and I ran. You are the one thing you never wanted to be Spensa. A coward.

I could still see his hurt face in my minds eye. I winced. What have I done?

Did I like Jorgen? As more than just my flightleader?

He was egotistical and prideful, but I suppose that's because he's never had people look at him the way everyone does at me. I was strong-headed and eager to prove myself, and I had reason to do that. He just sat back and watched us and was automatically the leader.

Although, he was good. Really good. Maybe he did deserve the position. And he was kind–some of the time. He tried to offer support, but he's just not used to it. Neither am I, I suppose. He was also smart. Not like Arturo, but still smart. And strong. And tall.

And I loved our arguing, as contradictory as that might sound.

I missed him today. He basically blew me off when I tried to talk to him, and I had embarrassed him in front of the flight enough. I did like him. I enjoyed his company and his annoying rules and his constant hubris.

I liked Jerkface.


Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course she doesn't like you. All you do is cause her trouble. I kicked myself in the back of the leg.

I had messed up big time. Spensa and I were finally becoming friendly with each other. And I took a step towards us being more, and fell.

I shivered just slightly as I walked through town, and not because I was cold. "What's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself.

Spin–Spensa–was just so... special. So different than anything I had known. I was used to flying and being priss and prim, and then she comes along and changes everything. I had been thrust into another world.

She had challenged me at every turn, and been an escape from the cage I had always been trapped in. She was openly disobedient and curious, and had gotten on my nerves more than anyone else. And yet somehow, I liked it.

She was so capable. She fought me with no fear in her eyes and knocked down someone nearly twice her size. And when she flew...

It was mesmerizing.

It was like she was dancing around enemy ships. Every move carefully calculated, but done in a split second. She knew what they were doing before they did it.

And God, was she beautiful. Her purple eyes, flicked with silver. Her long brown hair that was always unkept, yet still perfect. Every scar that dotted her skin was beautiful and perfect.

I remember when Bim was still here. When he went over there and flirted with her, and she flirted back. I hadn't felt jealousy before. And again, with Rig. I hadn't know her half as long but still... I never knew I needed her until I found her.

So I wasn't going to let her go.

I found myself at my car. Fate. After getting in, I sped off towards Spensa's cave.

I had been driving for a couple minutes when I saw it. I parked my car and slipped in through the hole–just barely.

"Spin!" I said, trying for her attention. "Woah." My eyes widened at the machine in front of me. It was a W-shaped ship, and clearly not DDF design.

Spensa stepped out from what looked like the cockpit. "Jorgen? What are you doing here?"

The ship could wait. Right now, I had Spensa in front of me.

"Spensa. I–um, I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh. Okay then. Come here." She waved me over. Inside the ship was just as cool as the outside. "So," she asked sitting down in the chair. "What did you need?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking last night and I just really really like you, and I didn't know how to talk to you." Really?

"Jorgen. I...I feel the same way." Wait, what did she say? She feels the same?

"You do?"

"Yes, you idiot. I do. I ran because... because I was scared. I've never liked anyone like you before and I was scared of my feelings. I was a coward and I was stupid and I hope you can forgive me."

I smiled at her. She felt the same way. She liked my. Spensa liked me.

"Shut up, shorty. Of course I forgive you." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't know if I should hit you, or kiss you right now."

I smirked. I found myself leaning towards her. "I vote the second option."

With speed I didn't know she had, she pulled my head down to her level. And she kissed me.

I kissed her back with equal passion, and felt electricity climb through my body. I kissed her deeper and she snaked her arms around my neck. My arms were wrapped around her waist, and my head was tilted down.

She pulled away–sadly–and stared in not my eyes. "Spensa." I whispered.

"Woah." She said back, quietly.

"Yeah. I-uh-um...heh-" She pecked me on the lips again and I stopped and smiled at her. "I really hope we graduate soon, cause I want to do that again."

"Does it matter if it's against the rules?"

I shot her a look. She gave me the same look back.

And we stayed like that, in each other's arms for a while longer, just kissing and holding each other close like we were the only people in the world.



Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first oneshot:). Vote, Comment, and request others.

Kels, out.

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