Marrying the professor

By may00m

487K 13.6K 896

Elena Parker is in her second year in college, she stays with her roommate Laura at the girl's dorm. Most of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note 3
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank you
New Story
Loving The Anti-fan

Chapter 6

14.1K 422 16
By may00m

Elena Parker POV:

Tears were streaming down my face and a headache has been killing me for hours now. I'm on the highway, it's 6 in the morning and I need to catch my 8 o'clock lecture. 

I spent the night at our house, crawling at my bed, thinking about what to do next. Am I just gonna simply marry someone that I barely know? Damn, he is my professor and we have a fourteen years age gap. What if he turns out to be some kind of a freak?

My wet eyes widened at the thought, but what I got to say I need to save my dad. My headache increased of a lack of sleep. I barely slept for two hours last night, let alone have a lecture after four hours of driving. What could be worst? 

I truly have zero power to face him or even talking to him. My stomach turned when the thought of seeing him came. I feel disgusted with myself that I'm selling myself for money. Nausea took over me, and I pulled over feeling sick.

I hurriedly open my door and heavily vomited the cereals I had earlier. I coughed feeling sick and searched for my water bottle. Few drops spilled on my white dress, ignoring it I went back to the road feeling better. 

The radio is on but this time it's not country music, it's sad songs. Even the radio isn't helping.

My eyes are closing but every time it did I would increase the music sound. The sun didn't rise yet, and the place was still dim. Opening the window, the cool breeze swung my hair. 

Checking my phone I found a few texts from Laura and James. They are both mad that I didn't ask them to accompany me, and I am glad I didn't. I just don't like to involve my friends in my personal family matters. 

If Laura happens to know about this she will probably romanticize the whole thing, while James will talk for hours about how weird and inappropriate the situation is. I truly have zero power to talk or see anyone I just want to get away from this mess. 

But I'm not selfish to leave my father, when I can save him. I gotta stay strong and do it, even though I don't know Mr. Rutherford's genuine intentions. For my father, I would do anything. 

When mom passed away he had the chance to remarry, but he chose to not. He devoted himself fully to raise me without missing anything. His favors are unforgettable, and now it's time to pay him back.

The university campus is visible by now. Getting through the main gate, I groaned in annoyance parking my car. Great, now I have to go through Laura and James's interrogation, plus attending my soon to be husband class. What a day!

Struggling to stay awake, I made my way towards the cafeteria to get some caffeine. I prayed quickly that I don't come across Laura or James or else I am done. The cafeteria is crowded as usual. Standing in the line to order, I sense someone approaching me. 

My gaze is now settled at the last person I want to see today. Her light blonde hair is curled neatly, and her short skirt is showing her long perfect legs. She is standing like a queen and I can't deny that Caitlyn is indeed gorgeous. 

It's just her attitude that made most of the people here hate her. Girls envied her prettiness while boys wish if they can date her. 

"Hey, Elena it has been so long," she sweetly said while batting her eyelashes. Oh, am lucky that she is sweet today, which is rare. Maybe her engagement with that rich boy made her abandon her rude attitude. 

"Yeah," I awkwardly said. There is something missing though, where is her other friend. The one that always followed her. Trying to remember her name, it was Kate! 

"Where is Kate by the way?" I asked. It's not curiosity or anything but she used to follow her like her shadow. Weird, they never parted. 

Caitlyn looked annoyed for a second, "She tried to hook up with my fiance, so I dumped her," she harshly said. 

I nodded my head and awkwardly stayed quiet. Caitlyn gently fixed her hair using her left hand. A huge diamond ring rested on her ring finger. She was trying to make me notice it, and I did. I bet she shoved it into everyone's eyes. 

A small smile crept on my face and I politely congratulated her, "congrats on your engagement," I stated while smiling politely. The line is still long and my patience is close to finish, and Caitlyn is doing me no better.

"Oh, that's so sweet, thanks," she said while playing with her well-manicured nails. I looked down at my simple white short dress, to find out that I look like a maid in front of her. Her facial feature is ideal with blue ocean eyes, a perfect pointy nose, and full rose lips.

She is definitely every man's dream. Her physique is like models and her family is one of the wealthiest families in the country. But there is something that whenever I meet her, I see in her eyes. Loneliness and sorrow. As if her attitude is a cover for other things. 

Personally, I never judged Caitlyn. I didn't like her, Yes, but most of the time I pity her. Her parents are always busy, and she is an only child. No parents or siblings to break her loneliness. I heartily feel sorry for her.

We remained silent and made a step forward in the line. I glanced at my watch to see that I have exactly 20 minutes to order and drink my coffee before class. I hummed the lyrics of my favorite song while waiting. 

"Can I tell you something?" Caitlyn asked softly. I looked at her and nodded. 

"I always wanted to have you as my friend," she shyly stated with her cheeks flushed. I was caught off guard, and stunned me stared at her. The famous Caitlyn Cooper wanted me as her friend! My mind stopped for a while. 

"Really?" I asked curiously, and my amusement is still written on my face. My eyebrows are shot upwards and my eyes are widened in shock. She nervously gazed at me, "Yeah, I do."

My astonishment deepened to see her act so sweetly. "Um... thanks I guess," I said politely. 

"And you are welcome to be my friend," I added shily since this is the first time in my whole entire life that someone says such a thing. I had Laura as my roommate and then we became friends, while James is my childhood friend. No one asked to be my friend directly, and now that she said that, it surprised me a lot. 

Caitlyn smiled softly before nodding her head shyly. Her old attitude is nowhere to be found, this is a completely different person. 

After a few minutes, our turn came to order. "Black coffee," I said before I yawned. I questionably looked towards where Caitlyn was standing, to not find her. I wandered my gaze looking for her but she is nowhere to be seen. 

I paid for my coffee and took the coffee cup. The smell of it gave me life, especially when I have zero energy. I siped a little bit of it and I already feel better. 

"Elena," a familiar voice called. I sighed in exhaustion and turned my back to see Laura. "How is your dad?" she worriedly asked. 

"He isn't fine at all, it's a long story," I said tiredly. Wait, is this real? Laura that I know doesn't wake up this early. She has been missing morning lectures since the day I knew her. This is gotta be a miracle. 

"Miss Sanderson, what woke you today?" I playfully asked, trying to light my own mood. 

"I promised you that I will change," she stated pridefully. I smiled at her, glad that she is changing. 

"I gotta go, I have a class," I hurriedly said and added, "we will talk later."

The coffee was still hot and I quickly had a gulp that burned my tongue, "shit," I cursed while making my way to the class. The passage was crowded with students which made my movement slow. 

I decided to shorten the way by taking the teacher's path. It wasn't allowed for students to do so, but I did it anyway. The path was clear with no teachers to be found, so I rushed my way running towards the class. I passed few offices and looked behind my back to see if anyone is there. 

I slammed against what felt like a wall. The coffee splashed and I closed my eyes. There is no wall here, how come? I slowly opened my eyes to see Mr. Rutherford soaked with coffee. 

My eyes widened at the view. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sor..." I stuttered apologizing. He madly sighed and looked at his white shirt that turned brown, and thanks to me. 

I nervously chewed my lips waiting for his outburst. 

"You are aware Miss Parker that I have a class in two minutes," he hissed while intensely looking at me. I gulped and slowly nodded, "I do."

He turned his back and went to his office. I stayed still for a second before I followed him to apologize again. On my way to his office, I remembered that I have to marry this man sooner or later, and the thought made me sick. 

Twisting the knob I entered his office. He was standing and I only can see his back, his shirtless back. My face flamed with heat when he turned at me, and my eyes widened in a startle. 

He questionably raised his eyebrows. I lowered my gaze avoiding looking at him. 

"Hey, Mr. Rutherford," someone said behind the door. We both looked at the door, to see James eyes widened looking at the both of us.   


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