Code Green , ᶜᵃʳᵐᵉⁿ ˢᵃⁿᵈᶦᵉᵍᵒ

By starglossed

31.2K 1.2K 178

When "Parrot" enrolled in VILE academy, she was learning side by side with Black Sheep, the soon to be Carmen... More



949 37 3
By starglossed

"Nice car," I said dryly, sarcasm lacing every word.

We sat in a small white truck, the wheels bouncing as Zack drove.

"Thanks!" Ivy responded, smiling. Clearly these kids didn't know what sarcasm was.

I take one cigarette out of the box from my pocket, placing the box back in my jacket as I sat the cig in between my lips while I fumbled for my match. I struck it quickly, igniting it and lighting my cigarette. I inhale deeply, taking a hit before I slowly pull it out my lips and blow out the flame on the matchstick, throwing it in the cup holder in the middle of the front. "So, where's Carmen?" I ask, putting the cig in my mouth again, staring out the window.

"She's carrying out the main part of the plan," Ivy told me. She glanced at her watch, frowning. A crease folded at the end of her mouth. "We're gonna cover her. Player's got intel that a young Asian woman fitting the description of Paper Star — I dunno if you know her, she's a real new agent, wouldn't have worked with you guys—" I shot her a look that said for her to continue with the relevant details to our mission, and she obliged, returning back to the subject, "— was spotted at a local paper factory, just outside the security cameras of a cafe."

I nod, taking the cigarette out my mouth and blowing the smoke out softly, the small cloud expanding and disappearing into the air. "Alright, what's our job?"

"We're backup," Ivy said.

"No, me and you are backup," Zack corrected. "Parrot's in charge of distracting the guards. If you're in trouble, just shout 'eagle', at least, that's what Carmen told us is the code word for this mission. We're here!" He pointed to the large building nearby, momentarily taking his hand off the wheel.

"Careful, bro!" Ivy yelled, and Zack caught the turn just in time before he could've hit the side curb. The car creaked as it rolled across the street, avoiding a potential accident. "This is why I should drive. But you never listen." Ivy rolled her eyes contemptuously.

The car came to a halt, Zack having parked as well as he could in a small empty space in a mostly free lot.

"Okay, I think I understand," I said. I climb out the car, and once I'm out, I flick the cigarette to the ground. "I'm on it. You guys just stay here, in case we need you."

"Yeah, 'course," Ivy answered.

The two redhead siblings watched me briskly break into a sprint, my shoes slapping the pavement as I ran to the factory, ready to commence the plan.


I reach up to adjust the earpiece Carmen had given me before we separated. My fingers brushed over the dark foiling of the thin cover, and I tugged my hair over my ear to hide any part of it that could be visible. It was designed to be small and hidden, but they had to give me the biggest one out of all the options.

I press my back against the stack of crates, squeezing my eyes shut and listening in to the VILE agents walking past me. I scoot across the wall, being careful to remain silent and unexposed.

Scoff from the tiger-lily bitch or whatever her name was. "Do you really think they're gonna care if it was banged up a little along the way—"

"Countess Cleo specified for there to be no scratches from us. It needs to arrive just as it was on display," a French accented voice replied with certainty.

"She's gonna be pretty pissed then," groaned Tiger Bitch. "You know what, if you hadn't felt the irrational need to check on the jug before we got here then we wouldn't have bumped into that weirdo—"

"Paper Star told us to keep guard, so stop talking the both of you," said a thick Spanish accented guy, his words sour with annoyance.

"Fine," snapped Tiger Bitch.

They all fell silent and I took that as my cue to launch the plan into action. I check my jacket and smile, buttoning it up and messing my hair up slightly, arrogantly grinning to myself.

I walk around the corner to make it seem as though I was simply passing by from the nearby cafe, and I stop in front of the three. I could practically smell the incompetence just wafting off of them.

I step up, trying to shuffle my shoulders awkwardly, as if I felt hesitant about approaching them. Time to break out my best acting. "Um, hi, by any chance do you know what street I take to get to Ferrets Bridge?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.

Tiger Bitch looked irritated, and the two guys shared confused glances.

I guess they never expected to be interrupted by a "mere civilian" such as what I was supposed to be.

"Oh yeah just take that one up there and turn right, you won't miss it," the girl said, nodding.

"Okay, thanks," I said, feinting to turn around when one of them grabbed my arm roughly, pushing me to the wall.

Tiger Bitch lifted up a strand of my hair and frowned.

I felt her cold fingers touch my ear and remove the earpiece, showing it to the others. "What's this thing doing on your ear?" She raised a blonde eyebrow at me. "You're working with Carmen Sandiego aren't you? She's the only person that would know what we're doing. You two should've known better, asking directions? Nobody comes up here, it's practically an abandoned street," Tiger Bitch snarled, narrowing her eyes at the two other agents. "Take her in!"

"Eagle!" I shriek, hoping to god that Carmen and the others are in range to hear me yell the code word. And to my relief, they are.

Carmen jumps into action, her red, capelike cloak swirling around her legs as she leaps off the roofing of the second story of the factory's small fire escape, and tackled the two guys, setting me free.

I grab a rock and my wilder innate senses come into play; I pounce on the tiger bitch and use her own animalistic attacks against her.

Grasping the rock in the center of my palm I repeatedly smash it into the side of her face. She gasps for breath, and narrowing my eyes I throw each punch faster, blood leaking out of her disfigured nose like a cursed waterfall. Her cheek was bruised and I knew she'd get a black eye in the morning, if I let her out alive. I continue pummeling the shit out of the weakened, wounded tiger beneath me with the rock, the jagged ends cutting into her skin with every violent punch I sent her way.

Finally, panting, I cease my fight, staring down at her battered unconscious body. It'd be wiser to kill her right now but I don't know if we have the time to hide her corpse; the sound of a wailing siren alerts me that the cops are coming.

"Come on, Parrot!" shouted Carmen, and I run beside her, both of us reaching the parking lot in the nick of time, sliding in through the opposite side of the car.

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