The Daughter Of Rachel Mason

By _X_Sammii_X_

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Chloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What... More

Chapter 1 - Chloe's First Day
Chapter 2 - Bolton Found out
Chapter 3 - Phillip's Party.
Chapter 4 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 5 - Max Tyler Arrives
Chapter 6 - An Affair Begins.
Chapter 7 - Bolton Is Innocent
Chapter 8 - Ethanol And A Baby.
Chapter 9 - My Baby.
Chapter 10 - Max Found Out
Chapter 11 - Its Hard.
Chapter 12 - An Early Arrival
Chapter 13 - Going Back To School
Chapter 14 - Daddy's Here
Chapter 15 - Trip To Hospital
Chapter 16 - Jealous Kim Campbell
Chapter 17 - A New Pupil
Chapter 18 - Max Is Back At Waterloo Road
Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do
Chapter 20 - A Night Out With The Girls.
Chapter 21 - What?
Chapter 22 - Me Or Him.
Chapter 23 - Why Would You Do That?
Chapter 24 - An Accident
Chapter 25 - Max Finds Out
Chapter 26 - Jealous Are We ?
Chapter 27 - Chloe's Anger
Chapter 28 - The Talent Show
Chapter 29 - What's Wrong With Her ?
Chapter 30 - Its A New Term.
Chapter 31 - Chlo Is Pregnant
Chapter 32 - Caught
Chapter 33 - Max Can't Find Out
Chapter 34 - Police Visit To Waterloo Road.
Chapter 35 - Roses
Chapter 36 - You're Evil
Chapter 37 - For The Love Of A Daughter.
Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.
Chapter 39 - Charlotte's Breakdown.
Chapter 40 - Getting To Charlotte.
Chapter 41 - Mean Stinks.
Chapter 43 - Heart To Heart
Chapter 44 - Drugs In School
Chapter 45 - Your Baby Didn't Make It.
Chapter 46 - Distancing Herself.
Chapter 47 - Return Of An Old Face.
Chapter 48 - You're Sick
Chapter 49 - I Don't Want Too Live Anymore.
Chapter 50 - School Disco
Chapter 51 - Romance Is Blossoming.
Chapter 52 - Kyle Stack.
Chapter 53 - The End Of A Friendship?
Chapter 54 - Supply Teacher.
Chapter 55 - Aubree's Birthday.
Chapter 56 - I Know You Took Her.
Chapter 57 - Getting Aubree Back.
Chapter 58 - Another Attack.
Chapter 59 - DeJa Vu
Chapter 60 - School Trip.
Chapter 61 - A Deal.
Chapter 62 - Andrew Treneman
Chapter 63 - Half Term Holidays.
Chapter 64 - I'm In Love With You.
Chapter 65 - Attacker Caught.
Chapter 66 - A Complaint Has Been Made.
Chapter 67 - Finding Out Who It Was.
Chapter 68 - Don't Be Jealous
Chapter 69 - Locked In.
Chapter 70 - Stay Away From Me.
Chapter 71 - Arranging A Date.
Chapter 72 - Caught In The Act.
Chapter 73 - Telling Eddie
Chapter 74 - Inspection.
Chapter 75 - Talks.
Chapter 76 - Chloe's Been Attacked.
Chapter 77 - She's Not The Same.
Chapter 78 - I Believe We'll Be Okay.
Chapter 79 - He's Been Caught
Chapter 80 - This Won't Work.
Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.
Chapter 82 - Michael Byrne.
Chapter 83 - Talking With Tom.
Chapter 84 - I Need Proof You Care.
Chapter 85 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 86 - The Beginning Of The End.
Chapter 87 - P.E Arguments.
Chapter 88 - Sam Kelly.
Chapter 89 - Rumors
Chapter 90 - Goodbye Rochdale.

Chapter 42 - Chlo's Baby.

347 7 3
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - Hope You Like :) xoxo


Chloe had just woken up and received a text from Chlo -

*Chlo - Donte wants too speak 2 me @ school :| I'm worried x

*Chloe - don't be, he won't do anything, I'll be there :) x

*Chlo - thanks, gtg, Tom is making eggs! :D x

*Chloe - enjoy! X

Chloe had just gotten dressed for school when she heard Aubree cry so she went to get her "why you crying?" Aubree held her arms up for Chloe and she got her baby out "you're being miserable today I take it?" Aubree smiled "yay there's my smiley princess". Chloe walked downstairs and heard her mum on the phone "I've gotta go, Chloe's awake" Chloe frowned "who was that?" Rachel smiled "noone important" Chloe rolled her eyes "right".

Arriving at school Chloe noticed Chlo being dropped off by Ben "well here comes the happy mum too be" Chlo grinned "be happier when I've popped this baby out" Chloe laughed and heard Ben's car radio playing footloose "wow masculine much?" Chlo laughed and Chloe started singing the song "I hate your husband" "why?" Chloe grinned "because I now have that song stuck in my head" Chlo laughed "yes!" Chloe rolled her eyes "let's go".

Chloe sat in science and she was listening to footloose "Chloe what you listening to?" Chloe grinned "footloose" Jess burst out laughing and started singing along with her


Now I gotta cut loose

Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes

Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees

Jack, get back, come on before we crack

Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose


"Girls as much as I love the singing now is not the time" Chloe grinned "come on sir, you know you wanna join in" Chris rolled his eyes "get on with you work" Chloe smirked and finished her work. After science Chloe left the classroom and she was singing again "alright C?" Chloe grinned "Bolton, fancy a sing along?" Bolton smirked "you drunk?" Chloe shook her head "nope, I'm just happy" Bolton grinned and Chloe smiled "give me a piggy back?" Bolton nodded and Chloe jumped on which Max saw and got jealous "baby we were born to run" Jess,Chloe and Charlotte were in hysterics "she's lost it" Chloe turned back to her friends "never had it to lose".

Max was getting jealous of seeing Chloe be close with Bolton "Smilie, put her down" Chloe frowned but looked at Bolton "don't" Bolton looked at Chloe and back at Max who looked angry "he looks mad" Chloe rolled her eyes "whoope, I want a piggy back" Bolton smirked "hold on" Chloe frowned "why?" Bolton grinned and took off running past Max with Chloe still on his back "Smilie!" Charlotte,Chlo and Jess stood there shocked "he has guts" Chlo nodded.

Bolton eventually put Chloe down "when Tyler catches me I'm dead" Chloe grinned "why?" Bolton looked at her "didn't you hear Tyler yelling us?" Chloe smirked "oh wow, I'm sure I'll live" Bolton smirked "I won't" Chloe or Bolton didn't realise that Max was standing behind Bolton "detention" Chloe jumped a mile as did Bolton "what the hell?" Max glared "cooler, now" Chloe went to walk off with Bolton "not you Chloe" Chloe frowned as Bolton walked to the cooler "what? You're playing favorites now" Max glared "what was that there?" Chloe grinned "having fun with my friends" Max rolled his eyes "you trying to make me jealous?" Chloe smirked "is it working?" Max didn't speak instead he pushed Chloe against the wall and kissed her.

Chlo had been feeling pain in her stomach all day "Chlo? What's up?" Chlo shook her head "nothing" Charlotte smiled "where's Chloe?" Chlo grinned "hiding from Tyler with Bolton.

Chloe left Max standing in the corridor and went looking for her friends "where you been?" Chloe grinned "hiding" Jess laughed "told you so". The four girls were standing around having a laugh when Donte walked up to them "alright Chlo?" Chlo frowned "I'm alright" Donte looked at her "so you and this Ben geezer got married?" Chlo nodded and Donte smirked "not even in your twenties and been married twice and knocked up" Chlo glared "first marriage was a disaster" Donte frowned this conversation wasn't going the way he wanted it to "well I pity the kid, you as a mother" Chloe glared "do one, go back to that thing you call 'babes' Chlo is over you" Donte turned to her but before he could say anything Chlo slapped him "my worst mistake was you" Chlo walked off in tears.

Chloe knew Chlo would be in the girls toilets so she and Charlotte went to see if she was okay "Chlo are you alright?" "He's right" Chloe frowned "who Donte?" Chlo nodded "yeah, I'm gonna be a rubbish mum" Chloe sighed "I thought the exact same, still do" Charlotte looked at Chloe "serious?" Chloe nodded "all the time" Charlotte smiled "you're amazing with Aubree" Chloe smiled "come on Chlo, come out" Chlo got off the toilet "ow".

Chloe frowned when she heard Chlo say ow "Chlo are you alright?" "Chloe I don't know" Chloe paled when she heard water "Chlo open the door" Chlo opened the door "oh my god" Chloe turned to Charlotte "go get help" Charlotte nodded and left the bathroom "Chlo I think you're in labour" Chlo paled "its too soon" Chloe smiled "I know how you feel, Aubree was premature and look at her, she's a little madam" Chlo laughed "I can't do this" "yes you can, I'm gonna be right here" Chlo looked at Chloe "how come? I wasn't there when you had Aubree" Chloe smiled "I didn't want anyone there with me, so either you let me help you or I'll get Mr.Tyler to help you" Chlo grinned.

Charlotte ran to the office "Chlo's gone into labour" Rachel looked at Charlotte where is she?" "In the girls toilets with Chloe" Rachel nodded "Joyce call an ambulance" Rachel made her way to the toilets "Chlo, there's an ambulance on the way, Chloe can you stay with her?" Chloe nodded and Rachel left "where's Ben Chlo?" Chlo paled "he's gone to London for something" Chloe frowned "ah".

Rachel and Eddie had managed to clear the corridor apart from Charlotte "there's a midwife here" Tom had just entered the corridor "where is she?" Rachel looked at Tom "she's in the bathroom, Chloe is with her an ambulance is on the way" Tom walked into the bathroom and saw Chloe standing with Chlo "look darling there's an ambulance on its way" Chloe rolled her eyes "well on its way isn't good enough" Tom left the bathroom and a midwife walked in "Chlo Graninger? I'm Helen" Chloe looked at the midwife "where's the ambulance?" "Stuck in traffic, I can help you friend" Chloe rolled her eyes but nodded.

Chloe had been asked to leave as Chlo's baby was breech "I'm not leaving her, she's my friend" Helen nodded "alright, Chlo baby is breech, which means we need to get it out now" Chloe had paled "that's not right, these loos aren't exactly hygenic" Helen sighed "its either that or allow the baby to become ill" Chloe nodded "well, never thought I'd be here again" Chlo laughed even though she was in pain "Chlo I'm gonna need you to push" Chlo paled "I can't do it" Chloe smiled "yeah you can" Chlo glared "I'd like to see you do this" Chloe grinned "been there, done that, got the baby to prove it" Helen smiled "you've had a baby?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she's 8months" Helen smiled again "Chlo push".

Max entered the corridor and heard Chlo screaming "how's it going?" Rachel rolled her eyes "she's having a baby Max, its not plain sailing" Max smirked and stood talking to Chris.

"Chlo! Push" Chlo glared at Chloe "be quiet" Chloe was trying to hide her laughter "you are nt helping this situation at all" "I'm sorry" Helen smiled "Chlo one last push" Chlo pushed and her baby came out but the baby wasn't crying "Chloe I'm gonna need you to leave" Chloe looked at Chlo and nodded.

Chloe left the bathroom with tears "Chloe?" Chloe looked at Charlotte "she's had the baby but its not crying" Max frowned and Chloe went to stand by Charlotte "the baby is gonna be alright" Charlotte nodded.

All Chlo wanted was her baby to be okay "can you get her to cry?" The paramedic walked in "baby isn't breathing" Chlo was crying and the paramedic got to work on helping the baby and she started crying "baby is gonna be fine". When Chloe heard the baby cry she walked into the toilets "Chlo?" Chlo looked up "its a girl" Chloe grinned "you got a name for her?" Chlo smiled "Sophia" Chloe grinned "cute".

Chlo had been taken to hospital and Tom had gone with her, Chloe was walking with Charlotte "can't believe I'm the only pregnant one now" Chloe smiled "you'll be alright, got Chlo to deck anyone who starts on you" Charlotte laughed "isn't weird, we're all in our first A-Level year and we're all having a baby" Chloe grinned "well, Aubree wasn't exactly planned and her father isn't who I expected" Charlotte laughed "you don't regret it though right?" Chloe grinned "sleeping with Max Tyler? No, because if I didn't then I wouldn't have Aubree" Charlotte smiled "do it all again?" Chloe smirked "probably".

Chloe sat in the common room catching up on some work when Max walked in "I saw the way you looked when Chlo's baby wasn't breathing" Chloe looked up "what?" Max sat opposite Chloe "when Chlo's baby wasn't breathing or crying you looked scared" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know how Chlo felt, when her baby wasn't crying or breathing" Max frowned "what?" Chloe sighed "when Aubree was born, she wasn't breathing" Max stood "you didn't see fit to inform me?" Chloe rolled her eyes "she was fine wasn't she? She's still here" Max glared "the fact that you didn't tell me is ridiculous" Chloe scoffed "well forgive me if I didn't mention it! I was the one who went through labour alone!" Max frowned as Chloe walked out and he went after her "Chloe don't walk away" Chloe turned to him "what?" Chloe stood there glaring at him as he walked towards "you should have told me about Aubree" Chloe glared "it was the last thing on my mind" Max sighed "you still should have told me" Chloe walked off ignoring him as he shouted her.

Chloe got Aubree from the creche and decided to go see Chlo. Arriving at the hospital Chloe noticed Aubree was asleep "I'm looking for Chlo Grainger?" "Third room on the right" Chloe smiled and walked to Chlo's room "Chlo?" "Hiya" Chloe grinned "where's little one?" Chlo smiled "she's been taken for some tests" Chloe grinned "is Ben here?" Chlo shook her head "I called him and he's coming back" Chloe nodded "bet he's well chuffed" Chlo nodded "yeah". Sophia had been brought back in "awh she's so cute" Chlo smiled "yeah".

An hour later Chloe left the hospital and went home as she couldn't be doing with school. Arriving she saw Max's car outside "what are you doing here?" Max smirked "I wanted to see you" Chloe frowned "why?" Max looked at her "because Aubree is my child and I have a right to see her" Chloe smirked "that's the best excuse ever, why are you really here?" "I told you" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah, well I'm going inside to chill by the fire because I'm freezing" Chloe walked in the house leaving Max standing outside.

When Chloe put Aubree to bed that night she logged onto her facebook -

Chloe 'AubreeLeigh Mason - Congratulations Too @Chlo Grainger + @Ben Turner on the birth of their beautiful baby girl Sophia Isobel Turner :D She's a stunna. @Charlotte Smith not long until your bundle of joy is here :D xoxo

Logging off she climbed into bed and received a text from Charlotte -

*Lottie - Sophia is so cute :D x

*Chloe - I know!! :D ur baby is gonna be cutee aswell! X

*Lottie - haha! Text you tomorrow x

*Chloe - I'll see you in schoo xD x

*Lottie - oh yeah x_x ahha x

Chloe fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.


A/N - Hope You Likeed + Next Update Should Be Tonight :) xoxo

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