REMEDY 1 (Yoongi fanfic)

By minleekookie95

259 49 0

18+ when Min Yoongi the young CEO of AGUST D Entertainment approaches his new rising star, Lee Soojin, they b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (finale)

Chapter 15

8 2 0
By minleekookie95


people tend to keep two kinds of secrets;

the kind they want to keep in.
and the kind they don't dare to let out.

either way, they both eat at you. one little by little. and the other all at once.


sitting at the head of the table, he looks at the talking crowd surrounding him. men and women buzzing about the preparations of the release in just a few hours as the clock closes to midnight.
"good! everyone's doing their job" he thinks to himself. yes. "job". he barely believes any of them are there because of anything else but their job.

"as usual, you're trending number one"
"the album isn't even out yet!!"
"both teasers are trending in europe and asia"

despite the faint conversations happening around him, Yoongi finds himself drowned in this heartache he does not know where it comes from. but only two things matter to him the most these days.

his job, and Soojin.

everything in his work is going great tho. he's reaching all his goals one by one. without any setbacks. so it's gotta be the other one. it is the other one.

"everyone we're about to go live in 3..."

he knows there are people waiting for him.


depending on him.


people who he owes half his success too.


so he collects himself, sits in front of the camera. squares his shoulders and fixes a smile.

"hello everyone"


After her unfortunate encounter, she goes straight back to Yoongi's house. the only piece of comfort she thinks she has in life. but still the apartment is empty and she feels even worse than before.

Once again thinking about how he was so distant today, pokes at her anxiety and the need of his attention rises to the surface all over her again.
she curls up on the couch and grabs the throw blanket to her side, wrapping it around herself. it smells like him. it's his house, it's his furniture. everything in this room is his.

"but what am i doing here?" she asks herself.

Scrolling through social media on her phone, she gets a notification from Hoseok.

"Yoongi's live" with a link attached to it.

She immediately clicks on the link and enters the live. His familiar gummy smile on the screen makes her heart flutter. the sound of his deep voice so passionately talking about his work makes him more trusting. she feels her throat closing up at the thought of earlier that night again. she was so choked up she didn't even tell the gaurd about it. and she's not sure she'll tell Yoongi either. not after how that monster had talked about him. and the thought of having to carry this all around again gives her a headache.

"Honestly, i- i was not feeling my best today." Yoongi's words scatter her thoughts and take her attention.
"i had a lot of anxiety today, and i can't or sometimes don't want to express them" he nods and looks down before continuing.

"i don't share many personal stuff, and i don't necessarily know personal stuff about you either." somehow it feels his words are directed at her, or she thinks.

"but i know we all go through shit everyday. on different scales and on different matters. but i need you to promise" he smiles a bit "i need you to promise to never go through something alone. always ask for help"
holding the phone close to her face, she closes her eyes, listening to and thinking about his words, she gradually falls asleep.


it's almost dawn when Yoongi silently walks in. as usual he drops his keys on the table, taking off his coat he heads towards the bedroom, just to see a sleeping Soojin curled up on the couch with her phone in her hand, and the screen is still bright.
He quietly walks over and pulls the phone out of her grasp just to see his own finished live broadcast on the screen. he smiles to himself before turning the phone off and putting it aside.

"wake up" Yoongi whispers as he gently brushes his knuckles against her cheeks. she moves her face around before slowly opening her eyes.
"what time is it?" she groggily asks.
"almost morning, but you should sleep in your bed, come on" he takes her arm and pulls her to her feet. her long hair falls over his hand as he grabs her waist and guides her to the room.

She gets under the covers, wrapping it all around herself shivering as she's a bit cold, before shutting her eyes, ready to fall asleep again. but the bed suddenly jolts up and she looks over her shoulder to see Yoongi climbing into bed before wrapping his arms around her.

she's shocked for a second, but after all that's happened she can't help herself from melting into his embrace.

"i'm sorry" Yoongi says, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"why?" she moves her face a bit towards him.
"i don't know. i feel like i shut you out." he says, his tone clearly unsure as he knows why he feels this way, but can't bring himself to say it.

Soojin turns in his arms facing him now. locking eyes, she puts a hand on his cheek and can see that all the energy she had seen in him a few hours ago was gone, instead there was nothing but a sad young man looking for refuge.

"i need you to promise me something" she talks in a hushed voice and running her thumb along his cheek turns him into a puddle right in her hands.

"what?" he asks genuinely intrigued.

"to never go through something alone" she implies his own words and Yoongi can't help but let out a lazy laugh at her witty nature. after a few seconds of silence he gives her a knowing look.

"okay, kiss me and i'll promise"

Soojin feels her heart thumping against her chest, but doesn't show it on her face.
"i'm serious. half my life i've only protected myself and i may not know how to protect someone else, but i wanna try."

"okay, but i was serious too. kiss me" ignoring her attempt at dodging the request he demands it again.
as the first rays of sunshine rise over the horizon, through the window, bringing light and truth to her features and shadowing over his face, Soojin leans in, still holding his face, and brings her lips to his in a soft but comforting touch. Yoongi responds as he wraps his arms tighter around her. they stay like that for a few moments before he pulls back just an inch.

"i promise."


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