Progress// Fireafy Story -DIS...

By Tomika_hatch

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After Leafy and Firey's years of silence, Leafy doesn't care about Firey not noticing her. she had gotten use... More

Chapter 1: The end is the beginning
Chapter 2: Challenge
The Talk
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 1
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 2
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 3
The Dream:Nightmare of the Past, part 4
The Dream: Nightmare of The Past, Part 5
Cringey Fireafy Shit, Yay
Yet Another Sleepover
Hot Chocolate?
Mental Health Hiatus
This is so long over due smh

Why are these two dummies fighting again?

166 3 4
By Tomika_hatch

and the song above is 👌

Leafy's POV

My head shot up from laying on the table, giving out a loud gasp. Everyone looks at me. My head pulses violently, giving me a migraine.

"Leafy! Are you okay? you dozed off in the middle of the conversation!" Pin places her hand on my shoulder. It was just a dream... but it felt so real? I nod my head yes and continue to listen to their conversation, occasionally chiming in. I didn't really catch on to what they were saying. I was extremely tired at the point. Firey looked over to me drifting off. 

"Uh, maybe it's time we all headed home. Some of us look a bit tired." He nudged me a bit. I smiled tiredly.

"Yeah..." I said softly. I stretched my arms out and got out of the booth. We all filed into the van and Coiny dropped us all off at home. Firey offered to walk me home since he was scared I would doze off on my way to the door for some reason. I was too tired to argue so I just let him. He took me to my door and waited till I found the key inside my bag. I pulled it out of my bag.

"You gonna be okay?" he asked in a worried tone. 

"mhm, yea..." I said tiredly, slowly nodding my head. I yawned, "I'm just tired, not a big deal if you ask me." He didn't look convinced.

"Okay, but if you need anything, call or text me, okay? I'm just across the street." He looked back at me while walking off. I tiredly smiled. I went inside my house and closed the door, making my way up the stairs to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face. bzzzt! I looked at my phone. A text from Firey. I picked it up. "You good?" it said. I laughed.

"Yea, it's been like 20 seconds," I replied making my way to bed.

"Okay, just making sure." I put my phone down and flopped onto my bed tiredly. I thought of the dream I had. It was scary. I don't think I can go to sleep after that, but I think I have to. After all, school's coming up soon and I need to rack up sleep since I haven't slept well in the past few days. I've had to take sleeping pills to go to sleep.

I changed out of my clothes and put on my kitty onesie pajama. I threw myself onto my bed hugging my pillow, hoping I could catch any sleep at all. Thankfully, I fell asleep quickly. I didn't have the same nightmare though. It was just the usual, eating bunches of cotton candy and later throwing up, regretting I ate all the cotton candy. Even scarier than my last nightmare if you ask me. 


I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. It was the same Nyan Cat theme song playing.

I stopped my alarm and groaned. It was already Monday and I wanted to go back to bed. Oh god, I can already this week is gonna be hard. I groaned as I flopped out of my bed, looking at my alarm clock. It's 7:30 am. Wow, I need to be at school at 8:00 am. I rushed down to the bathroom to get ready for school. I'm way too late to brush my hair, so I just put it up in a messy bun.

I grabbed a breakfast bar from the kitchen table and rushed out the door. I crossed my fingers, hoping that the bus didn't come early. As I thought, the bus had just pulled up. I scrambled over, trying not to trip over the sidewalk curbs or my own feet. I had just made it into the bus when it started closing its doors. I sat down at a window seat. I looked out the window, admiring the trees slowly pass by as the bus started moving. My eyes caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a brighter light than usual. I rushed to the back of the bus to see what I missed. I saw someone running after the bus. 

"PFFT-" I choked out a laugh. Firey had been late for the bus. I let out a burst of stifled laughter. I called out to the driver to stop and he started slowing down the bus. Firey eventually caught up and walked into the bus.

"Oh my oxygen thank you, I woke up late and I can't believe I almost missed the bus!!" He fell back onto the empty spot next to me. I gave out a stifled laugh. He looked over at me.

"Hey! Not funny!" he poked my arm. I suddenly gave out and started laughing harder. Eventually, he couldn't help but laugh along. After we calmed ourselves down, we talked about random things and did mini debates. The bus sputtered to a stop. More kids came in, sitting down in empty rows. I saw Pin get in with Coiny. I stood up and waved them over. Pin sat with Coiny on the row across from us.

"Hey Pin! Hey Coiny!" I waved happily, greeting them with a big smile. Coiny smiled. 

"HIIII!" Coiny seemed to be energetic today. Firey slouched in his chair. Obviously they fought again. I just can't comprehend why these two don't get along.

"Why do you two fight so much again?" I asked Firey and Coiny. Coiny looked over from talking to Pin and Firey looked like I caught him off-guard. They both looked at each other, but when their eyes met, Firey quickly looked away. Pin looked at me and gave me a face that spoke for itself. It were as if she were telling me that it was a touchy subject for the two? But I didn't want to be left in the dark. I asked again.

"Hellooo? Why do you guys fight so much??" I said aloud. Firey looked at me, mouthing 'drop it', but I was invested on figuring out, and settling their conflicts.  Coiny, on the other hand, looked a bit uncomfortable with the subject. Something definitely happened when I wasn't around. The bus stopped, opening its doors. Pin got up, letting Coiny go in front of her. We all walked out the bus, Firey keeping his distance from Coiny. 

"They always fight though and always end up letting go of it. Surely, they'll get over it again right?" I thought to myself. I decided to let it go and continue with my day. If I were right, they'd make up eventually. Hopefully soon though. 

✨Time skip✨

Okay, I was wrong. They avoided each other all day. This can't continue. They're both my best friends, along with Pin, and I was not gonna let them continue this constant bickering. Obviously, there was only one solution to this problem...

"No." Firey said with a stern look on his face. I frowned. I wasn't gonna give up this easily.

"Oh come onnn! What's wrong with a totally harmless sleepover?" I said, nagging him. I pulled him by his hands towards my couch. He turned his head away from me, attempting to ignore me. I sat him down.

"No, and I'm not letting you persuade me." He crossed his arms. His hair fwooshed a vibrant red, along with his cheeks. Hmm, maybe it's too hot in here for him? I turned up the a/c a bit. He looked at me with a confused face. I sat down again, facing him.

"Please? Pretty please?" I batted my lashes with a sarcastic pleading face. He raised an eyebrow, "OH COME ON!!! JUST ONE!! Pin, Loser, Cake, and everyone else will be here!"He groaned, slumping onto the back of the sofa. 

"You're not gonna stop are you?" he said, tiredly looking at me. 

"Nope!!" I smiled. he groaned once more.

"FINE. BUT," he started, "You have to buy nachos." He looked up at me excitedly.

"Uhhh deal." I agreed to his childish deal. He was a sucker for nachos, wasn't he? He smiled and threw his arms around me.

"Yesssss!" he chuckles. Damn, he could be such a kid sometimes.

1372 words

cutting this chapter short since I promised I would get this book out by 7:00 pm EST.

sorry about the lack of words I tried my best :')

I swear I'll do more words in the next chapter, I'll start it now

Maybe finish by next Friday? Maybe even earlier?

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