REMEDY 1 (Yoongi fanfic)

By minleekookie95

256 49 0

18+ when Min Yoongi the young CEO of AGUST D Entertainment approaches his new rising star, Lee Soojin, they b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (finale)

Chapter 9

5 2 0
By minleekookie95


Hoseok runs up to Yoongi's studio as fast as he can. he types in the code that by now he knows by heart and walks in.

"HYUNG!! HYUNG!! Where are you?"

Yoongi looks up from behind his lap top, surrounded by notes and scribbled papers everywhere.
"whoa! what is it?" he asks as he gestures for the younger one to slow down.

"Do You Check The Media At All? What Is This?" Hoseok shoves the phone at his face.
Yoongi squints and moves his hand further to see the screen.

"ahead of his album release, Min Yoongi was seen bringing a mystery brunette back to his apartment" the headline read with a blurry picture of him all bundled up in a mask and his cap, and the back of Soojin.

"are there more photos? like visible ones?" Yoongi asks before going back to his doings.
"WHAT?!" Hoseok replies a bit confused as he puts his hands on both hips.

"is the girl in the photos recognizable??" He asks again looking expectantly at his friend.

"um no? that's why i'm asking what is this? you rarely let me stay the night at your place then you take some random girl to your house? in the middle of the night? and you're worried if she's recognizable?" he shoves the phone in his face again.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and gently pushes his hand away sighing.
"that's Soojin"

Hoseok's mouth falls open and his eyes go wide in realization. "WHAT?"
"oh my god could you stop shouting that? you're giving me a headache!" Yoongi says as he spins his seat towards the mini bar behind him.
Hoseok sits on the couch and looks around, the studio's clean and organized. he squints at Yoongi who's pouring himself a drink, he's freshly shaved, dressed up and surprisingly calm.

"wait did you...?" he raises an eyebrow at the older.

"what?? no! but it's a long story." Yoongi downs his drink. "You should ask her, it's kind of her story."

Hoseok nods and gets up to leave the room.
"By the way, did you tell her?" he asks as he holds the doorknob.
"did she tell you?"
Yoongi looks up before looking back down.


Down in the practice room, due to her tight schedule Soojin is practicing alongside the trainees. for some reason she feels more at ease and confident. in the back of her mind she thinks it has to do with Yoongi, but she doesn't dare give him full credit!

"Guys, we don't have much time, let's wrap it up." Hoseok claps his hands as he comes to a stop next to an out of breath Soojin before giving her a sideways look.

"so?" he bumps her shoulder with a smile.
"so?" she bumps him back but confused.
"ugh one of you better tell me what's going on! i'm running out of patience here!!" he thumps his foot on the floor a couple of times, like a baby!

"what are you talking about?" Soojin laughs looking at her frustrated friend.
"there are photos from you two everywhere, from last night, outside Yoongi's apartment, but don't worry it's not obvious that it's you" Hoseok moves his hands in the air making a blah blah gesture!

Soojin feels her heart beat a couple times faster.
"are you sure i'm not recognizable?" she asks in a worried tone.
"what is with you two and being recognized?" he frowns confusedly.
But when he sees her pale face he pats her shoulder "no you're not, it's just the back of your head and it's very blurry. don't worry." he gives her a reassuring smile.

"okay, let's talk over lunch, there's some things i gotta tell you" Soojin says before walking out the studio hurriedly leaving a very curious Hoseok behind.


"why should the duration of the song be important?" Namjoon asks as he leans over Yoongi's lap top in his office.

"cause each number has a meaning in reference to the song. for example-" Yoongi's voice is cut short when the speaker phone on the desk crackles to life.
"Mr Min, sorry to disturb you, but Ms Lee would like to-"
Yoongi immediately answers "it's alright Lea Ann, let her in."
Namjoon eyes his friend carefully as he visibly gets a bit flushed and red.

the door swings open and Soojin steps in to see both men looking at her.
"Hi Mr Min, Mr Kim." she politely bows to both and they both bow back.

"Please come in" Yoongi gestures and the girl walks further into the room.
"I hope i didn't disturb you." she slowly says.
"not at all, how can i help you?" Yoongi shoves his hands in his pockets trying to act as calm as possible.
when Soojin doesn't speak a word, Namjoon takes that as his cue to give them some privacy.
"uhh i have to make a call" and with that he leaves the room.

but still Soojin is awfully quiet. Yoongi walks over the desk and leans back against it.
"is it about the photos?"
he lowers his head to see her expression as she sits on the couch.
"cause if it is i'll take care of it you don't have to worry. these things happen all the time."

"what if he sees them? what if there are more photos where you can see my face? what if he figures out your address? he's already seen you" her breathing starts to get quicker but she attempts to keep herself calm by gripping her knees again.

Yoongi's eye catches the white fingertips again and he realizes that this might be a coping mechanism for her. one that clearly she's mastered over the years.

"hey hey slow down." He sits next to her on the couch and slowly reaches out and puts his hand on hers. when she doesn't pull back he gently grabs her hand and takes it off her knee.

"what if he finds your address?" she looks up and there's nothing in her eyes but fear.

"he won't be able to get anywhere near my house, i promise you that" Yoongi reassuringly gives her hand a squeeze and a small smile.
as her breathing slows down a bit, she becomes aware that she's holding hands with Yoongi. his touch is warm, and his smile is like a soft hug shielding her from everything.

They lock eyes for a moment and Yoongi could swear his heart skips a beat at the sight of her vulnerability.
"i have to meet Hoseok" Soojin says as she reluctantly gets up and Yoongi lets go of her hand just before the door swings open and Namjoon walks back in. but the aura around them is too obvious and he can't help but crack a smile.

"Thank you Mr Min" she bows to both men before turning to leave.
Yoongi looks at her go, unfazed, until Namjoon lightly punches him in the shoulder.
"That seemed intese."
Yoongi walks back and slumps down on his chair.
"You have no idea"


A week passes with Soojin and Yoongi living under the same roof. although they don't see much of each other during the day, but each night Yoongi makes her a different dish and they end up having more and more conversations over food.
and it's resulted in Soojin opening up more and talking about her experiences easier.

This is a first for both of them. For him to show affection and be protective, and for her to receive affection and be protected.

"if you want my advice, don't ever force anything, just because it sounds good. if a lyric doesn't fill the void then it's just useless."
Yoongi says as he swirls the red wine in his glass, looking over the city.

"hm" Soojin writes something down on her notes, her face completely serious, sitting across from him almost close to the edge of the balcony.
Yoongi eyes her carefully and seeing her passion and focus excite him.
"Do you have a melody?" he asks snapping her out of her thoughts.

"um well kind of" She says shyly.

"can you sing it for me?"

She sits upright a bit at the question and awkwardly looks around.

"well you asked for my advice and i wanna give you advice" He says leaning back in his seat a little too low before bringing his glass up to his lips, never breaking eye contact.

A sharp wind blows and she swallows a bit as she looks away. Soojin clears her throat, closes her eyes, and pushes her hair behind her ear revealing her neck, by the way he feels something drop in his stomach, Yoongi realizes he just found his new weakness.

Soojin slowly starts humming a soft and sweet melody. it sounds like something you read about in books or see in movies. like when the elves and angels clear the paths of all evil creatures. leaving Yoongi behind in complete awe never taking his eyes off of her.

Before she gets to finish her melody another gust of wind blows this time way stronger causing her notes to fly away. Yoongi immediately jumps up and catches one mid air. but the rest fall down helplessly.

"ugh, now i have to write everything all over again." she sighs and sadly looks down from the edge of the balcony at the papers flying around.

Yoongi softens the crumpled edges of the note in his hands and reads it to himself. he laughs a little under his breath and Soojin looks up at him questioning from where she's crouched over her stuff scattered on the floor.

"what is it? do i have grammar mistakes? i- i didn't get to finish school. please don't judge me" She gives him an awkward smile as she's still on the floor, making Yoongi laugh even harder. he walks up to her and crouches down to her level before handing her the paper.

"it's Yoongi." he intensely looks at her and she looks at the notes where she's written down the words "Mr Min suggests (...)" and her cheeks flush red immediately.

Yoongi puts a finger under her chin and lifts her face up so suddenly, giving her a slight smirk making her heart hammer against her chest.

"You are in my home after all...Soojin."


Soojin tosses and turns in bed unable to sleep. she sits in bed and looks around at her lonesome in the dark.
She gently puts a hand on her jaw and runs her fingers down to her chin silently smiling to herself.

But then thinking about how awkward she acted after that she throws punches at the mattress to her sides.
"aaahhh soojinnn what is the matter with you?? why did you run away like that you idiot??"
She silently screams and throws herself back on the pillow.
"but what if he made a move?? i'm not ready for that!!!"
Her heart a beating mess, she situates the pillow under her head and squeezes her eyes shut. but can't push the image of Yoongi's face inches away from hers out of her mind.


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