By sweetfixs

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***completed*** NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON Harry Styles. The strange one. The freak. The one who was too kind fo... More

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By sweetfixs


Niall's words of warning hung heavy in my ears. So much so, I found myself walking the empty streets towards Sophia's work. I had changed from my trousers and shirt, into a simple black shirt and jeans. I may or may not of stood in the mirror and fixed my hair for twenty minutes before I gave up and stalked out of my apartment. I told myself that I was just going there to plant a few cameras, to be ahead of the game and to watch if anything suspicious happened, though a part of me just wanted to check on Sophia to make sure she was okay. Last night was a lot to handle, and I couldn't imagine how she would be feeling. I also wanted a distraction to the chaos from work. I had meetings after meetings with Louis, Niall and a few other men about the breach in the system and what was to happen with those guards. Niall had offered to take on the challenge of organizing their form of torture. I hadn't wanted to be apart of it, but Louis insisted. Nobody ever said no to Louis. So before I had to witness the blood and gore of a night of torture, I thought I would ease my mind with Sophia.

As usual, the atmosphere of the strip club sent a wave of uneasiness through my body. Every lady who worked eyed me with lust, giggling as they asked me if I wanted a dance. I shook my head politely and declined them, my eyes searching for a  certain brunette with soft curves and sad eyes. It was the only girl I would let touch me.

I found her pressed up against a man in the middle of the venue, her hips swaying to the beat of the music that pounded through the speakers. The flickering lights made it look as if she was moving in slow motion. I had no right to feel the rage run through my body, but I did. It ran through my body like a hot flame, and I had to shove my hands deep inside my pockets to stop them squeezing my own skin until it bled. I was thankful I had arrived at what seemed to be the end of the dance though. I watched as Sophia offered the a man a smile as the song finished, before she walked away, tucking the money she earned into her bra.

Her body was covered in black tonight, it made her pale skin stand out a lot more. She was mesmerizing, even if she did walk with a annoyed scowl on her face.

She was about to round the corner and head behind some curtains before she spotted me, lurking around the entrance of the club. She did a double take, her features softening for a movement before hardening again. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stalked over to me. I wondered how on earth she could move with grace in heels that big. They honestly looked painful.

"What are you doing here?" She asked slowly, her eyebrows furrowing together. "You can't be here, Harry. This is my workplace."

I wanted to remind her that I was suppose to be protecting her, and that meant I needed to be around her often, but the words got stuck in my throat. She looked nervous to see me, and I didn't like it. I didn't want her to be afraid of me. It made me break eye contact quickly and look around the room. .

"I just came to have a look at everything," I told her with a small shrug. I kept my eyes on the floor before meeting her eyes. "I just wanted to make sure you were safe tonight."

Sophia's shoulders relaxed, but only just. "Believe it or not, I'm safe when I'm inside the club. I don't think anyone would try anything with this many people inside."

My eyes scanned over the groups of men dotted around the establishment. She was right in a way, but that didn't mean that she was safe from the vile men who wanted to use her for the night. It was a Monday, and dirty men in their suits thought the best way to spend their evening was in a strip club. I didn't like how they walked past and openly stared down at Sophia. A mixture of hunger and pure lust was on their faces. It made my blood boil.

Sophia looked so tired to be here, I could tell the late hours of moving her body for money, was clearly exhausting her. Just as I opened my mouth to disagree with her comment, a balding man approached from behind, slinging his arm around her shoulders.

"Hey sexy," he slurred, his fingers, that reminded me a lot of sausages, squeezing down on her shoulder. Sophia's whole body tensed at the action, and she glanced up at the man in shock. I waited for some sort of recognition on her face, an indicator that she knew him and he wasn't just a stranger who invaded her personal bubble. When nothing but hesitation coated her features, I stepped forward, unable to stop myself.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. Despite my calm voice, the rage inside me was swirling dangerously. It was moments like these I liked to have Niall around to calm me down from doing something stupid. Unfortunately for everyone in this situation, he was not here. My fingers itched to grip the man by the throat and sling him across the room.

"I just got booked with this pretty young girl," he said with a grin, oblivious to my anger. "Gon' be a real treat, I reckon."

Sophia gave the man a weak smile, brushing his hands off her shoulders and taking a step away, though his feet mimicked her actions and he was right back in her personal space. I didn't like how nervous she looked, or how small she seemed compared to him. He wasn't tall, but he was wide. His shirt stretched against his body, and the sweat clung to his face as he stared down at Sophia like he had just won a prize. I wanted to rip his smile off his face and shove it down his throat. I didn't know that was psyhically possible, but this man was making me want to try and figure it out.

"I don't think you-,"

My words were cut short as an older lady approached us, coming to stand besides Sophia. Unlike the other girls, she wasn't half naked nor did she looked flirtatious. She wore trousers, simple shirt and a cold stare. Given the clipboard in her hand, I guessed this was Sophias manager. I had a few choice words to give to her about how she ran her business.

"Is there an issue here?" She asked, her eyes darting between us all. Sophia shook her head and the mans fingers slipped around her waist, making her go ridged. I knew she was biting down on her tongue because of her mangers presence, and I hated that. This man was going to be another stupid man who was too touchy. I wished Sophia would rip her body away from his and snap at him like she had done with Niall.

Just as the man went to speak, I cut him off. "How much?" I blurted out.

Sophia stared at me wide eye, and the others looked confused. "How much, what?" Her manager asked, her eyebrows raised. She looked confused, though was trying to be at least be polite. I didn't miss the way her gaze flickered down to my wrist, eyeing my watch like it was made of gold. For what it was actually worth, it might of well have been.

I cleared my throat, not really sure what I was doing, but I knew I couldn't let this man in a room with Sophia. If he did, and she came out any less happy than she was at this moment, I may need to break his neck. It wouldn't be fun for anyone.

"How much did he pay for her and for how long?"

She pursed her lips, glancing down at Sophia before meeting my eyes with a curious look.

"Our prices can be found with the receptionist at the door, sir. For Spice here, she charges five hundred for thirty minutes."

I ignored the fact Sophia had charged me more for less time when I first met her, and dug into my pocket. I pulled out all the cash I had on me. Counting it quickly, I shoved it towards the uptight lady who looked baffled.

"Two grand, for twenty minutes. I want her," I said stubbornly.

She blinked rapidly, clearly taken back. "We have plenty of girls on the floor at the moment, or if you'd like to wait, Spice will be ready-,"

I shook my head. "No. I want her, and I want her now."

Surprisingly for a Monday, there were no private rooms available. Instead, Sophia lead me away from the man who was now yelling at her manager for unfair treatment, towards the back of the venue. It was still technically out in the open, but it was less visible. I appreiated not being in direct view of everyone.

"You shouldn't of done that," Sophia grumbled as I took a seat on the leather couch. My palms began to sweat and I had to rub my hands against my trousers.

I hated how I thought she was incredibly sexy when she was mad. Her eyes were wide and glorious, lips parted, hands balled. It was in that moment I think I had some sort of fetish for crazed women. Well, I think I already knew that. It was just something more on Sophia. A strange part of me wondered what it would be like to have her work on the field for a day, have her hold a gun and threaten any man who disrespected her. I had to clear my throat to rid the vivid images that began to run through my head that was causing my jeans to tighten.

"You don't need to do anything," I told her, frowning. "We can just have a...a chat. I'll go first, how was your day?"

Sophia tipped her head back and laughed, exposing her pale throat. I watched in fascination as she cackled, the echo bouncing around my head. I wondered if we had accidentally broken her already. I wasn't sure what was funny in this moment, so I just stared.

"Chat? Are you nuts?" She asked, shaking head. She looked over her shoulder, noticing the other girls who were crowded together, whispering to each other. "It's bad enough you dropped more cash than some of these girls make in two weeks. If they see me just chatting with you, I won't ever hear the end of it."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realise that, Sophia. I just saw how uncomfortable you were with that man..."

She shook her head at me, a frown plastered on her lips. It seemed to be a common facial express on her lips when she was around me. "This isn't Pretty Woman, Harry. You don't need to pay for my company. This is my job, okay?"

Sophia bent down to adjust her strap on her shoe, and I did my best not to stare down at her breasts that were now on display. "And It's Spice, Harry. In here, it's Spice. I appreciate your words, but you need to understand that two thousand dollars is a lot of money..."

Unable to stop myself, I reached to touch her wrist. She looked up at me in surprise. "You cannot tell me that you being comfortable is worthless, Soph-...Spice."

She was silent for a moment, her big brown eyes sending an eruption of nervous flutters through my body. She almost looked...guilty for a moment, before the look was gone, and her signature frown was back on her pretty lips. Instead of saying anything, Sophia dropped her to her knees, making my eyes widen. Reaching forward her fingers brushed against my legs, dragging her fingers from my thigh all the way to my knee, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. I guess the twenty minutes was starting.

I couldn't help my how body reacted, though I did consider sitting on my fingers in order to keep my hands to myself.

Her body moved so hypnotically, I felt as if I was in trance. She started off with her hands in her hair, roughing it up between her fingers until it was messy. Sex hair, I thought. Her fingers then slide down to her stomach, her hips and then back up to the neck. She gives her neck a little squeeze and she tips her head back. Every single movement, from the way she battered her eyelashes to the way she stepped around me was provocative. It made my head spin and my jeans tighter. I was unfamiliar with the song that was blasted, but it was slow and deep. I wanted it to be the soundtrack to the rest of my life.

Sophia was one with the music as she danced, her hands spreading themselves across the length of her body. She kept her eyes shut, head tilted up as she did. I wondered what she thought about when she danced...

You ask me what I'm thinking about...
I tell you that I'm thinking about...
Whatever you're thinking about...
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend...

Before I could even register what was happening, Sophia suddenly pushed herself into my lap, her hands resting on my shoulders as she dipped her head down to my ear.

"Touch me," she whispered lowly. Her lips ghosted my ear, making my skin prickle with goosebumps. Her floral perfume swarmed my senses and for a moment, it was hard to breath.

"What?" I choked out, my fingers reaching to dig at the leather seat cushions. Was this a trick?

"People will talk. Nobody is going to understand how you paid so much money for a little dance and didn't touch me. It's unheard of."

Sophia continued to move with grace, her fingers dragging across my skin as she did. Up close, I noticed how heavy her makeup was, how it covered the bags under her eyes and how it made her look like a porcelain doll. Still beautiful, I thought. So so beautiful.

When I hesitated to do anything, she sighed and reached for my hands. She spun her body until her back was to me and took a seat on my lap. I couldn't help how my breath hitched at the new contact. I felt her everywhere. My hands were still in hers, and she dragged them down the length of her body. I was right, Sophia was as soft as she looked.

Sophia's hips rotated in my lap, her head falling back until it rested on my shoulder as she moved. I let her guide my hands to where she deemed appropriate, because I didn't know what I was doing. My hands were sweaty in hers, and all I could smell was her. It was intense. So intense, I hoped to fucking god I would be able to keep myself under control while she danced. I didn't want to do anything that scared her, but even my fingers twitched with anticipation. The things I wanted to do...She was making it so hard. I was fighting an inner battle within. It was like the devil and the angel that sat on my shoulders were fighting mercifully with each other. The devil demanded that I touch her, feel how her body reacted against my touch and see if I could make her lips part and spark the same way she was making my skin dance. The angel pleaded that I kept my thoughts locked in my head, and let her keep in control of the movements.

As I fought my darkening thoughts, my trance was suddenly cut short as movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention. Forcefully tearing my eyes away from Sophia, my gaze landed on the balding man from earlier before. He was watching us. More specifically watching Sophia. He was standing at the corner of the bar, his hooded eyes following the movement of her body as if she was dancing for me. It made the lust I had boiling through my body turn into pure rage. I didn't like the way he was staring. I knew in his pathetic mind of his, he was wishing that he was in my seat and had her body draped against him.

Unable to control the possessiveness that was now raging through me, I tore my hands from Sophia's, and pressed them just below her breasts, onto the smooth skin of her stomach. Sophia was a small thing, so with my palms stretched against her skin, it basically covered her entire front. I heard her gasp, but she didn't halt in her movements. Instead, she followed my gaze to find the man still watching.

I made a mental note of what he looked like and what he was wearing, before I dipped my head down and buried it in her hair. I hadn't taken any sort of drug in years, but being this close to Sophia, was giving me the same sort of high. I breathed her in greedily.

"What are you doing?" Sophia whispered, though her voice suddenly slightly shaky. With how tight I had her against my body, the only thing she could do was rotate her hips in a circle, and press her palms down on my thighs. I waited for a moment to see it she wanted me to move away, when she stayed close, I couldn't help but breath let out a groan, one mixed with relief and desire.

"He's watching..." I breathed, my fingers twitching slightly against her skin again. If she noticed, she didn't say anything. "He can't see you now."

Sophia didn't comment, though she pushed herself away from me slightly. For a moment, I thought I may have crossed a boundary, so I dropped my hands quickly. Instead, she repositioned herself, so she was now straddling my lap. A whole new position, a whole new pressure on my cock. I bit back the groan that wanted to crawl it's way up my throat. Respectful, respectful, respectful, the words echoed in my head, and I forced my hands to stay where they were.

She straightened her back so she was hovering above me, her small hands reaching out to wrap themselves around my neck.

"Now he can't see me," she mumbled. With her small fingers wrapped around the base of my throat, Sophia's twitched, a smirk suddenly appearing on her lips before she gave my throat a small squeeze.

Good Lord, please don't make me cum, I begged in my head. If you're up there, please don't let me embarrass myself right now.

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